Do not discuss your inmate's case or other sensitive information as it can be used against them (or you) in court. Remember that the inmate is in jail to serve time for their crime. It helps to also have the "A-number", which is the number that ICE assigned to them upon their detention, which you can use instead of attempting to type the detainee's name. Go here to get started on a search for any jail in the state of Georgia or go to this page to begin a search for all jails in the United States. At school, Jayla took part in a club dedicated to making sure no one felt lonely, her grandmother said. Learn more about how to search for an inmate in the Pierce County Jail. Raechyl Blackshears love for her children was fierce. If you are still unable to find the inmate you are seeking, call the jail at 912-449-2012. The girl instead shot herself, according to a police statement. If you still have questions and can't find an answer on JailExchange, call 912-449-2012 for information. Weekly, Dec. 11, 1985- Began in 1876. Jalonni Blackshear was charged on Thursday with their murder. (See related story.). The downside is that every word you exchange is now on file with law enforcement and could someday be used against you or your inmate if anyhing you do or say can be harmful to their pending case. It has to end today.. Copyright All rights reserved. The DNA test he had taken several weeks earlier matched samples taken from his daughters sexual assault examination, according to the affidavit. Charges were filed in Alaska on April 13 accusing him of sexually abusing his 14-year-old daughter. Raechyl sought help, according to friends, family and court documents filed in Anchorage Superior Court. We dont serve legal papers on Sunday, the Sheriff said. Many unanswered questions linger about the deaths of Raechyl and Jayla Blackshear. A judge reviews the action and the reasons for custody within 72 hours. Log in with the username and password you registered on this website. David ONeal, Jail Administrator Pierce County Detention Center P.O. The future demands professional lawmen adapt to changing times and changing needs of the people we serve. access for current print subscribers, $5.00
Applying for Jobs at the Georgia Department Of Corrections, Overview of the County and State Prisons in Georgia, Georgia Department of Corrections Changes to Protocols Due to COVID 19, Georgia Counties Take a Stand on Trumps Deportation Initiative. The work load for serving warrants and civil papers is based on a six day work week. In a perfect world you will also have the inmate's birthdate, but if not, an estimated age will help. We appreciate your interest in Pierce County, Georgia, and hope this site proves useful in providing information about the Board of Commissioners, local government, and our community. The girl moved to California for a year. This spot does not have live weather data available at the moment. Once you are logged in, click Add Talk to Me Funds". But they believe she had been experiencing varying degrees of physical and emotional violence from her husband, Jalonni Blackshear, a contention later supported in court documents by investigators. The day before, law enforcement spotted him at the home, wearing the same heavy gold chain he wore in a Facebook photo circulated by authorities. Raechyl and her 14-year-old daughter, Jayla, were found dead in their home on April 15. As of Friday, Blackshear remained in federal custody pending extradition, police said. She required emergency surgery for a gunshot wound that entered her chest and exited her back, and she survived. In addition, many state prison inmate pages show recent mug shots. for 1 day. December 29, 2022 (76 years old) View obituary. Low 63F. Blackshear told officers hed worked the night shift and left his gun on the counter when he went upstairs to sleep, according to the document. Type in the amount of dollars you want to add to your account. Non-subscribers can purchase a 1-day online access pass. Blackshear Jail Basic Information Facility Name Blackshear Jail Facility Type City Jail Address 219 Nichols Street, Blackshear, GA, 31516 Phone 912-449-7011 You can check out this information now by going to the:Family Infopage,Visit Inmatepage,Inmate Mailpage,Inmate Phonepage,Send Moneypage,Inmate Bailpage,Mugshotspage,Text/Email an Inmatepage,Commissarypage,Remote Visitspage, or theTablet Rentalpage. Any given day, that breaks down to about seven calls per deputy per 12 hour shift, which may not seem like much, he said. Add Talk to me Funds to your account using your credit or debit card. E-Verify AuthorizationNumber: 72031 | Date: 12/06/2007. Blackshear never hinted her marriage was anything less than perfect, her parents, Jeri and Anthony White, said in a series of interviews recently. News Editor at The Blackshear Times Blackshear, Georgia, United States. Raechyl began working at Providence Transitional Care Center as a certified nursing assistant in 2014, the hospital said in a statement. Jayla was playful and goofy, her grandmother said. Vol. If you want to send an inmate money so they can self-bail, or purchase commissary or phone cards, go here to find out where and how to send it. This jail is located in Blackshear City. Starting at 2012, it had a staff of around 72. The inmates are listed according to name, status, sex, height, weight, arrest date and time, days in Detention Center, arresting officer, and bond. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. The number of tickets issued fell from 499 in 2021 to 349 in 2022. I just want to give you some idea of what all we do with the staff and the financial resources we have.. Before the grim discovery at the Blackshear home, police believed Raechyl may have fled the state with both daughters, according to the sex abuse criminal complaint. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. | News - Blackshear Times, Fifteen qualify in opening hours | News - Blackshear Times, Pierce County Georgia: a 1918 retrospective | Opinion - Blackshear Times, Margie Clifton Obituary (1936 - 2023) -, Bennett is BOE attorney | News | - Blackshear Times, Margaret Dan'L Peacock Hyers | | - Blackshear Times, CSX activates third train inspection portal near Waycross, Ga. - TRAINS Magazine, Michelle Lee named Deputy Fire Chief | News | - Blackshear Times, Simmons says quick action by rescuers, Divine intervention saved his life - Blackshear Times, Man suffers serious injuries in Offerman accident | News | - Blackshear Times, Worldwide Trailers Update What Happened After The Profit, The Secret History of UFOs in Waycross - Waycross Insider, Student Arrested for PCMS Bomb Post | News - Blackshear Times, McIntosh Co. tech school to offer new fishing program - WTOC, St. Vincent's offers free medical care, social services in Waycross - WJXT News4JAX, Year in Review: What we'll remember | News - Blackshear Times, Dramatic 911 calls released after ambush shooting in Waycross - WJXT News4JAX, 1 killed, 4 ejected in Atkinson Co. wreck - WALB, Waycross mans death ruled drug overdose after body found car trunk in Jacksonville - The Florida Times-Union, Rainge remembered for his compassion and professionalism - Blackshear Times. The Alaska Department of Corrections was not aware of any investigation until after Mr. Blackshear left state service, spokeswoman Holley wrote in an email. How do you search for an inmate that is in the Pierce County Jail in Georgia? The Detention Division's Administrative Support and Detention Operations Sections are crucial to day-to-day functions of the division: Classification, Housing Unit, Identification, Intake, Release, Kitchen, Inmate Property, Laundry, Bonding, Inmate Commissary, Data Entry, Accounting, Records Retention, Visitation, and Transport Control. Hopefully, this is the information you need to locate an inmate and begin communicating with them. Aury was a criminal wanted for murder, rape, robbery and perhaps even more charges, and he was sentenced to hang on the gallows in the back. May we always show compassion for our fellow man while upholding the law and the constitution of our nation and state. Jayla was Jalonnis daughter. Her teenagers trusted her enough to tell her about their friendships and even crushes. The Whites say the less they know, the better. The agency considers a number of factors, including a suspected perpetrators access to a victim, when considering emergency custody, said Clinton Bennett, a spokesman for the Office of Childrens Services. The children were placed in emergency custody. The upside of all of this is the ease of which you can do all of this without ever having to physicallygoto the jail. Free
Sheriffs deputies drove a distance the equivalent of a trip to and from the moon and half-way there again, while answering almost 15,000 calls, keeping the countys residents safe, battling the illegal drug trade and still finding time to do public service like assisting motorists and unlocking vehicles. The ICE Detainee Lookup allows friends, family members and interested parties to locate illegal and/or undocumented immigrants that are in the United States without permission. Go to this page for inmates in Georgia. Every single inmate that comes through the doors of the Blackshear Jail has an inmate account. Items you may Purchase from For complete information on fees, products, policies, deadlines, rules, minimum and maximum deposits and all the information you need to know regarding depositing money for your inmate or purchasing Commissary online in Pierce County, go to our InmateCommissaryPage or ourSend Moneyto an Inmate Page for details. Pierce County had a population of approximately 18,844 in the year 2010. Jalonni fled to North Carolina and New York, according to the Whites. Please read this slowly. She loves strong.. Contact the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault at 907-586-3650 or at If youd like to view the current inmates of the city jail system, go here. If you know someone or if you are someone it ends today. Soda, energy drinks, coffee, packaged meat & fish, soups, cookies, chips, pastries. (Annie Berman / ADN). a very professional establishment and when the phone called ended, I felt much better and secured about my situation. By using an identity theft protection company, consumers can spot abnormal activity with their credit cards, bank accounts, social security information and more to help repair and resolve issues regarding identity theft. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. If you are on probation or parole, or you have recently been released from the jail, it is unlikely that your visit will be allowed. Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. It wasnt clear when he was expected to arrive back in Alaska. Regardless, as Pierce County Jail adds these services, JAILEXCHANGE will add them to our pages, helping you access the services and answering your questions about how to use them and what they cost. They are held in detention centers approved by Immigration Custody and Enforcement until their hearing or date they are deported back to their home country. She was conceived while Raechyls first marriage was in trouble, family members say. 2023Office of The SheriffAll rights reserved, Powered byDesigned with the Customizr theme. Some clouds. . Have a look at weather stations nearby or find a weather station on our map. Type in the person's name and click 'search'. If you have any outstanding warrants, dont even think about coming to the Pierce County Jail, as you will be arrested. Where do you find the information for visiting an inmate, writing an inmate, receiving phone calls from an inmate, sending an inmate money or purchasing commissary for an inmate in Pierce County Jail in Georgia? Knowing what state the inmate is in is good; knowing which county is even better. Despite their outwardly happy appearance, the state Office of Childrens Services launched an investigation into the family in 2019 that involved a reference to domestic violence, according to court documents filed last month against Jalonni Blackshear. Blackshear City Jail books 703 prisoners consistently. Raechyl and Jayla, she said, had so much life ahead of them. 10+, Pierce County Jail Address: 300 Pierce Industrial Blvd, Blackshear, GA 31516, Please Share Your Experiences Visiting Or Staying In This Facility. The largest city of Pierce County is Blackshear. On April 1, investigators obtained a warrant to get DNA from Jalonni Blackshear, according to Kleinsmiths affidavit. The money can also be used to pay fees and buy items at the commissary. Make sure you are respecting all rules and regulations of the jail. You have permission to edit this article. If you wish to visit an inmate, first check the schedule to find out the visitation times and the rules for visiting your inmate. Pierce County Jail uses the services of several third party companies for most of these services, while some they handle internally with jail staff. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Our vision is to grow in professionalism and training to ensure we continue to prosecute criminals and care for those in need. Have a look at the top kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, surfing or fishing spots in Germany. Warrants almost doubled with 1,295 served in 2022 compared to 698 the year before. Her parents say Raechyl loved Alaska. 2021 Thank you for signing in! To look up the detainee, users need the full legal name the person used upon their arrest and the country the person claimed they originated from. What do you suppose would happen if it rained up? 385 followers 386 connections. Jeri White said police stopped by several times but didnt see anything suspicious. They asked if the couple was hiding the girls. Bobby Wayne Henderson. The Detention Division is responsible for the care, custody and control of inmates, protection of inmate rights, and the delivery of inmate programs and medical services. Pierce County, established in 1857 and named for President Franklin Pierce, grew out of Appling and Ware counties' lands.The county seat, Blackshear, bears the name of General David Blackshear who fought Indians in Georgia and Florida during the War of 1812. Low 63F. Jalonni Blackshear was charged on Thursday with their murder. I was hard on her because I didnt want her to have an expectation that I would be the mom for her son, White said. If the inmate is no longer incarcerated, but is on parole/probation or discharged, it will tell you that as well. If youre trying to find an inmate at the Blackshear Jail, hopefully, this guide is helpful. Jails throughout the United States are now partnering with various companies to provide and manage inmate servives for them and the inmates in their facilities. She helped her daughter learn to be independent, and Raechyl lived up to the challenge, she said. For full instructions on all the benefits of using Homewav to visit a Pierce County inmate, visiting an inmate at the jail itself, email and texting an inmate, rates, policies, rules, dress codes, bringing children, attorney and clergy visits and more, go to our official, How to Purchase Commissary for an Inmatein Pierce County. If you can't find the inmate or their ID number, call the jail at 912-449-2012 for this information. But always be very careful about what you say and do. Thank you for reading! Stationary, envelopes, stamps, playing cards, board games, Toiletries, hygiene, reading glasses, medicated creams, aspirin. He was everything you could ever ask for in a son-in-law, Jeri said. If they have been sentenced, you will also be able to view their release date. Students at Begich Middle School last month celebrated Jaylas life by releasing balloons during a memorial service at a park near the school. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. Search for, then Select your inmate from the Pierce County Jail list. I mean, it just made me feel good to see.. The county seat of Pierce is Blackshear. He was welcoming and friendly, they say. We will uphold the constitution of the United States and of Georgia and strive to protect the lives, persons, property, health, and morals of the people. Highly recommend. Read it alone. The story the couple say they heard was that Jalonni, just off work at the jail, left his gun on the counter. Andrea Dixon has been hired as assistant principal at Blackshear Elementary. 81, no. Blackshear told the agent he knew he was wanted on charges out of Anchorage, according to a sworn affidavit. Blackshear, GA 31516 If you wish to visit an inmate, first check the schedule to find out the visitation times and the rules for visiting your inmate. If you can provide the middle name or initial that is even better. Customer Support Hours - Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM EST. That made me really happy to hear, she said. 300 Pierce Industrial Blvd., Inmates in Pierce County Jail, if they don't already, will soon have their own personal tablets for watching movies, TV shows, access to educational and and legal information, and more. But most of all, she said, she wants women who are experiencing domestic violence to know they arent alone. A Homeland Security agent arrested him on federal charges of fleeing to avoid prosecution. Then you just wait for yourPierce County inmate to communicate. Blackshear, GA 31642 Phone: 912-422-3291 Fax: 912-422-7467 Pierce Detention Center Visitations Hours at Pierce County Detention Center: Mondays, A Cell, 7:30 PM Tuesday, C Cell, 7:30 PM Wednesday, D Cell, 7:30 PM Thursday, E Cell, 7:30 PM Friday, B Cell, 7:30 PM Pierce Detention Visitations Pierce Current Inmates Blackshear, GA 31516 Bennett, the OCS spokesman, said he cannot comment on individual cases or investigations due to privacy laws. If your inmate has been charged but not yet convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony, he or she will most likely be held inthe county detention center where the crime occurred. 800.04(6)(b, SEXUAL BATTERY AGAINST CHILD UNDER 16 YOA, 2C:24-4A - Endangering the Welfare of a Child, SEXUAL BATTERY (2ND OR SUBSEQUENT CONVICTION) - FE. On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. The form is as follows: The location and records request contact information is as follows: Where do I start with this review. The Pierce County Jail typically maintains an average of 88 inmates in custody on any given day, with a yearly turnover of approximately 1760 offenders, meaning that every year the jail arrests and releases that many people. The killings took place on April 4, according to the Anchorage grand jury indictment handed up Thursday. Current print subscribers: click "Get Started" below and use your subscription account number(Found on the top left of your newspaper mailing label) to activate your FREE access to the e-Edition and online stories. Bennett gave his annual report at last weeks county commission meeting, in lieu of a printed insert in The Times. Robert Newton, Jail Administrator Please report ALL Suspicious Activity CALL 911 for ALL Emergencies Contact Us Physical address: 312 Nichols Street, Blackshear, GA 31516 t: 912.449.2022 f: 912.449.2024 E-Verify Authorization Now they are adjusting to a new reality. Raechyl was a handful as a teenager, her mother said. Welcome! Reporter Annie Berman contributed to this story. Low 63F. Anchorage police traced at least one cellphone ping to a house there, according to federal court documents filed in New York. There are friends and loved ones in my church, and in my life, that brighten my day when I see them. There are resources to help leave violent living situations, White said, and she hopes others who see what happened to Raechyl take it as a sign to leave for their children, their parents and themselves. Thats when they realized Jayla was missing. Whether youre looking for the phone number of an inmate or for an inmate, you have come to the right place. Items you may Purchase from Contact Information At the end of April, Jeri White stood in front of a church full of mostly unfamiliar faces, people she knew had also loved her daughter and granddaughter. How to find an Inmate already convicted of a felony and sentenced in the state of Georgia. When you call, give the staff member the name of who you are looking for and a birthdate or age if you have it. In some cases, there will be more than one possibility. In round figures we're talking $5,000 a year," Bennett said last month. Saturday Sunday If the Pierce County Jail inmate search website is not currently online or up to date, call 912-449-2012 for assistance in locating your inmate. Dottie Harper. Pierce County Detention Center is located in Pierce County, Georgia. If you are certain your inmate is in Pierce County Jail, or at the very least in Pierce County, go to this page to search for them. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. Jeri White, the mother of Raechyl Blackshear, wipes tears from her eye as she attends a memorial for her daughter and granddaughter, Jayla Blackshear, at Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in Anchorage. Griffith, L. Ga. journalism, 1951. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Enemy Combatant High Value Detainees (HVD), Georgia State Department of Corrections Prison Inmate Search. White wants people to remember her daughter for her devotion and love as a mother. Cf. That summer, police were called to the Blackshear home in Eagle River for a report of a child with a gunshot wound. The Whites believe their daughter had been grabbing a few essential supplies before leaving for good. Police forced entry into the home on April 15 and found Jayla and Raechyl dead. Windfinder specializes in wind, waves, tides and weather reports & forecasts for wind related sports like kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing or paragliding. On April 20, Jalonni Blackshear was apprehended in Staten Island, a borough of New York City. Jeri White said she knew something was wrong as soon as her extremely dependable daughter missed a shift for work. His 4-year-old daughter visiting from the Lower 48 saw a bear outside and decided to try to shoot it, White said she was told. Inmate ID numbers, also known as Booking numbers, Book numbers or Case numbers are found next to their name in the Pierce County Jail Inmate Search feature of this page. Advanced search options. For complete information on fees, products, policies, deadlines, rules, minimum and maximum deposits and all the information you need to know regarding depositing money for your inmate in Pierce County, go to ourSend MoneyPage for details. 9:00AM to 6:00PM EST How do you find an inmate's ID Number in Pierce County Jail in Georgia? View obituary. I get to the bottom of what he is talking about and I call him back to start the process, he tells me he wont do the bond because he called earlier to do it after telling me to call him the next day. It wasnt clear what they planned to talk about. Blackshear Times Jail Report. Blackshear would eat lunch at school with her kids to stave off bullies. Largest open database of current and former Texas jail inmates. Anthony White said Jalonni had told them Jayla had recanted the sex abuse allegation. He fit easily into the family and they loved him as if he were their own son. Visits are between 9AM and 3PM Saturdays and Sundays. Moreover, you can call at 912-449-7011. At the end of March, the family Raechyl Blackshear had worked so hard to keep together fell apart. A new 93 bed addition to the jail opened in March. Jayla Blackshear (Courtesy Elizabeth Coste). Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports. Raechyls parents first met Jalonni Blackshear about eight years ago. But the grieving mother and grandmother said she also wants others to learn from her familys experience. For complete information on fees, products, policies, deadlines, rules, minimum and maximum purchases and all the information you need to know regarding purchasing commissary for your inmate in Pierce County, go to our Inmate, How to Purchase Commissary or Deposit Money Online for an Inmatein Pierce County. Then read again. "We're not talking about an earth-shaking amount of money. The sound of a gunshot woke him and he came downstairs to find the girl bleeding in the dining room, he told police. 8:00AM to 6:00PM EST. The Detention Divisions Administrative Support and Detention Operations Sections are crucial to day-to-day functions of the division: Classification, Housing Unit, Identification, Intake, Release, Kitchen, Inmate Property, Laundry, Bonding, Inmate Commissary, Data Entry, Accounting, Records Retention, Visitation, and Transport Control. But always be very careful about what you say and do a population of approximately 18,844 in state. Of which you can provide the Middle name or initial that is in year! Chest and exited her back, and raechyl dead nation and state of Georgia April! Summer, police were called to the Whites say the less they know, the hospital said in a dedicated... Our map much life ahead of them found Jayla and raechyl dead knew was. 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