Notes: The tornado formed just west of Interstate 65 and crossed the highway, the Hardin County Fairgrounds, and lifted just east of the intersection of First Union Church Road and Sportsman Lake Road. Hardin, US Flood Map may help to provide flood alert/flood warning if flood water level at certain point is rising. 21205C0275C Lot Size. It can help to perform elevation analysis of an area for any purpose like city/town planning, new construction etc. Path width: 50 yards Injuries: Deaths: 1 ), please send an e-mail to. About the NWS Three homes in the area sustained roof and siding damage, including a 2x4 from one of the outbuildings blown through an exterior wall. Hardin County ; Harris County ; Harrison County ; Hartley County ; Haskell County ; Hays County . Kountze, TX 77625, Hardin County Courthouse January 24, 1964 It touched down again in Elk Creek but didn't do much more damage. Nationwide Weather Stories Narrative: Moved northeast along the southeast edge of Cecilia. February 6, 2008 Decision Support Page Notes: This tornado knocked a trailer off its foundation at the intersection of Miller Road and Porter Lane. Contact Us. Become an Agent. The release of preliminary flood hazard maps, or Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), is an important step in the mapping lifecycle for a community. If you need a reasonable accommodation (sign language interpreters, Braille, CART, etc. Find local businesses and nearby restaurants, see local traffic and road conditions. Digital files of the Preliminary FIRM and FIS report can be downloaded from Noted discrepancies: SPC gives a path width of 10 yards and a path length of 1/10 of a mileNCDC gives nothing for either. Deaths: 3 It increased in width to 250 yards and struck the Harry Owen trucking company buckling roof trusses and spreading significant debris over the Lincoln Parkway into the mobile home park. A coastal flood advisory is in . Political Candidate Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2017-2021. Next it destroyed a working garage and did significant damage to 3 homes off of Hodgenville Road and uprooting and twisting many trees before lifting a couple of hundred yards downwind. FEMA also intends that they be used as tools to assist planning processes and outreach efforts to quickly respond to and recover from future events. Tornado History It traveled east over forested land, doing occasional damage to trees before it passed into Hardin County, 0.7 miles WSW of the U.S. Bullion Depository. Notes: The tornado destroyed a trailer and an outbuilding along Hansborough Road. January 2, 2006 Multiple locations were found. 3 beds 3 baths 6,000 sqft. Important Legacy real-time page. Our neighbors between us and the creek lost their roof, which landed 300 yards to the east of their home mostly intact. Injuries: 0 NOAA. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. No further damage occurred to the east of this location as the tornado dissipated. Hardin CAD - Official Site. FEMA will warrant the delivery of this product in a computer-readable One person was killed as 15 homes were destroyed near Cox's Creek, Nelson County. Narrative: One "substantial" home and four barns were destroyed as a tornado moved northeast at Sonora. The debris pattern from the four outbuildings and nearby trees with snapped trunks and limbs showed clear cyclonic rotation. Hardin County District Clerk. Central U.S. By setting negative elevation, Bathymetry study is also possible. Search for Texas plat maps. The primary risk classifications used . For Sale: 0000 FM 787, Votaw, TX 77376 $97,500 MLS# 47097900 Gently rolling topography and planted in young loblolly pine. Order Rescinding the Order Restricting Outdoor Burning October 29, 2022, Governor Greg Abbott Executive Order GA-32 Relating to the Continued Response to the COVID-19 Disaster as Texas Reopens - October 7, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott Executive Order GA-31 Hospital Capacity - September 17, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott Executive Order GA-30 Expanding Openings - September 17, 2020, Judge McDaniel Executive Order WM-06 Following the State's COVID-19 Orders - April 27, 2020, COVID-19 APPROVED OPERATING PLAN TO RESUMING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS, COVID-19 OPERATING PLAN FOR THE HARDIN COUNTY JUDICIARY, COVID-19 Continuation of Declaration of Disaster - May 12, 2020, Criteria for Release from Self-Isolation COVID-19 May 3, 2020, Judge McDaniel Executive Order WM-05 - April 3, 2020, Addendum 1 to Executive Order WM-05 - April 15, 2020, Addendum 2 To Executive Order WM-05 - April 22, 2020, COVID-19 Continuation of Declaration of Disaster - April 14, 2020, Continuation of Disaster Declaration by Governor Abbott - April 12, 2020, Judge McDaniel Executive Order Number WM-04 - March 27, 2020, Addendum 1 to Executive Order Number WM-03 - March 25, 2020, Judge McDaniel Executive Order Number WM-03 - March 22, 2020, COVID-19 Continuation of Declaration of Disaster - March 20, 2020, Judge McDaniel Executive Order - March 19, 2020, Memo to Food Establishments - March 18, 2020, COVID-19 Disaster Declaration - March 16, 2020, Judge McDaniel Emergency Order - March 16, 2020, Economic Loss as a Result of COVID-19 Coronavirus - Economic Worksheet for Businesses, Assistance for Rental Evictions and Utility Disconnects, Recordings of Commissioners Court Meetings, Schedule of Commissioners Court Meetings FY2023, Schedule of Commissioners Court Meetings FY2022, Hardin County Courthouse ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Third Place - Metro Go Texan 1/BJ's Blue Smoke BBQ. Injuries: 0 Counties: Hardin Please try another search. Injuries: See you home on the Official FEMA Flood Maps. GIS stands for Geographic Information System, the field of data management that charts spatial locations. data on any other system nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such Another trailer along Miller Road was turned on to its roof. Click here to update your Billing Address now. Straight-line winds tore down trees and power poles and damaged barns at Howe Valley, Franklin Cross Roads, Cecilia, Patterson, Tabb (four miles west of Elizabethtown on US 62), Glendale, Sonora, and on Springfield Road three miles east of Elizabethtown. Path length: 3 miles Two other barns were damaged though not destroyed. Storm Data says "F1 or F2". Path length: 15 miles $411. Located only 0.25 mile from community boat ramp and dock. . Hardin, US Flood Map may be useful to some extent for flood risk assessment or in flood management, flood control etc. Hazardous Weather Outlook LockA locked padlock The stewards of this ranch have transformed the land into an idyllic family retreat that features the highest end of the authentic Texas ranch lifestyle. Weather Safety Rules Regional Weather Map Time: 4:25am 1-Stop Winter Forecast Counties: Hardin, Nelson, Spencer A flood map specialist and/or a certified floodplain manager will manually research each property ensuring unmatched accuracy. Time: 4:00pm Phone: 641-849-7372. Counties: Hardin Reference maps; Traffic count maps; Official travel maps; Roadway inventory; One-stop demographic data analysis tool; Global Positioning System (GPS) Crash reports and records; District and county statistics (DISCOS) Right-of-way maps; Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Program; TxDOT performance results summary; Load Zoning; Performance Dashboard . Grazulis' path width is probably the most correct. Representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will host a Flood Map Information Open House on Nov. 9, 2022, for communities in Hardin County, Ohio. The newly prepared preliminary floodplain maps can also be reviewed at the meeting. Suggest Listing Counties: Hardin Flood Inundation Mapper: Shows where river flooding might occur over a range of water levels. The form may also be used by insurance agents, property owner, realtors and community officials for flood insurance related activities and flood zone documentation. Narrative: Moved east-northeast from north of Caneyville to near Summit. This mapping tool is not an . She was a cook at Hardin Memorial Hospital and worked for Hardin County Schools for 15 years. Questions? Path length: Football Weather, Local Information FEMA has produced an online Flood Mapping application for public use. Path length: Counties: Hardin, LaRue Grazulis narrative: Moved northeast from northwest of Elizabethtown, destroying businesses as it passed two miles north of that town along the miracle mile strip on US 31W. The primary risk classifications used are the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event, the .2-percent-annual-chance flood event, and areas of minimal flood risk. F-scale:F1 F-scale:F0 Hardin County GIS Maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for land and property in Hardin County, Texas. However the hardcopy flood maps and flood profiles are the authoritative documents for the NFIP. For information about the Hardin County mapping process, call the Hardin County Flood Plain Administration offices at (409) 246-5251 or call FEMA offices at 1 (877) FEMA-MAP. A convenience store was destroyed along US 31W. Debris from the barn could be seen circling the tornado and was thrown to the southeast. Flood Partners. Interactive Map Date: 2022-11-09T16:00:002022-11-09T18:00:00November 9, 2022 100 Hardin County . Storm Data lists Hardin, Nelson, and Spencer counties. The tornado pushed in garage doors at an industrial building along Ring Road. The View Map botton shows you the traditional black-and-white FIRM panels (Flood Insurance Rate Map). Flood Event Viewer: Data collected during short-term flood events like hurricanes and multi-state storms. *"Hardin, US Flood Map application does not show current or historic flood level but it shows all the area below set elevation.". Please select one of the following: Counties: Ohio, Grayson, Breckinridge, Hardin, Path length: 60 miles (probably a family of tornadoes). SPC, Grazulis, and NCDC list the path width at 30 yards,Storm Datasays 1 yard. A 1 percent flood is a flood that has a one percent or greater chance of occurring in any given year. Deaths: 0 Path length: 5 miles Forecast Discussion; Printable Forecast; Text Only Forecast . 2.28 acres $48,900 . Jasper County is located in Southeast Texas, bordered on the north by San Augustine and Sabine counties, on the east by Newton County, on the south by Orange County, and on the west by Hardin and Tyler counties. Trees pointed in towards the center on both sides of the track. 34. ezTaskTitanium TM, Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure - April 17, 2020, Economic Loss as a Result of COVID-19 Coronavirus, Provided by the Texas Association of Counties, Duties & Responsibilities of County Officials. The City of Lumberton, Texas Zoning Commission Committee consists of seven appointed members who meet the first Monday of each month (if necessary) to discuss current and upcoming projects. April 26, 2011 Dan Hoecker 940- 566-5655. HOURS 8:00 am to 4:00 pm ~ Monday through Friday (Call if appointment is needed after 4 p.m.) Chief Deputy Clerk: Tracie Morgan. 150 N Provident Way, Suite 223 Elizabethtown, KY 42701 (270) 765-2350 M - F 8am - 5pm Two of the deaths were in Hardin County. Notes: Storm Data puts this tornado at Fort Knox. Approximate Area: 17,919 square miles. 300 West Monroe Street. The full address for this home is Tract C County Road 2089, Hardin, Texas 77575. Enjoy an abundance of deer and bald eagle sightings while on . Help. Two of the deaths were in Hardin County. Development District of Central Texas (DDCT) Meeting. Path width: 1200 yards Path length: 60 miles (probably a family of tornadoes) May 2, 2006 Deaths: Iowa Congressional District 2 (PDF) View All Links. F-scale: F2 FEMA's Appeal Policy has Changed. Injuries: 40 Injuries: 0 I saw the tornado start to rope out at this point. Nelson County lost 52 homes and about 100 barns. Noted discrepancies: SPC lists a path width of 20 yards, NCDC and Storm Data says 50 yards. Path width: 800 yards April 3, 1974 Science and Technology View photos, research land, search and filter more than 3 listings | Land and Farm . It may also be slow. This could be helpful in coastal areas. Grazulis lifts the tornado two miles north of Fairfield, but SPC/NCDC take it to north of Wakefield. Forecast Discussion Injuries: 8 View Original Full Metadata. Estimated Base Flood Elevation (BFE) viewer for property owners, community officials and land developers to identify the flood risk (high, moderate, low), expected flood elevation and estimated flood depth near any property or structure within watersheds where Base Level Engineering has been prepared. A FIRM is a flood map created by FEMA and used by the NFIP for floodplain management, mitigation, and insurance purposes. Past Derby/Oaks/Thunder Weather ), please send an e-mail to FEMA-R5-NFIPOutreach@fema.dhs.govat least 48 hours before the event. The elevation is zero for the sea level. F-scale:F4 A few more homes received minor damage before the tornado lifted near Longview. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Silsbee, TX, 77656, Hardin County. The press box was thrown onto the playing field and destroyed. Homes were said to have "vanished" near Sulphur Springs (where two people were killed) and near Falls of Rough (where three people were killed). Path width: 200 yards People died in seven different homes north of Caneyville, Millwood, Leitchfield, Clarkson, and Summit. Path length: 7.1 miles Narrative: Moved northeast along the southeast edge of Cecilia. Become . The river is at its flood of record reached on October 20th 1994. Time: 1:25pm Time: 9:55am EST Experimental Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. My home was in between the two vortices and was spared. Injuries: 0 John was born May 7, 1937, during the Great Flood, to Susan Della and Henry Milton Hill, at . Widespread major flooding will occur. 24,597. The last damage was near Rineyville, where two people were killed in one home. Your card will be charged after your 7 days trial ends. Several large hackberry and oak trees were uprooted and snapped between the PX and Scott Middle School. The tornado first touched down near the intersection of Lee Road and Fort Avenue just west of the military base's boundary. Time: 12:35am For a detailed map of Region 3, please visit the Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) Flood Planning Regions Map Collection. Trees pointed in towards the center on both sides of the track. It did minor roof damage to two homes, tossed a trampoline into a neighboring home, causing siding damage, and pushed a large travel trailer onto a minivan, heavily damaging both. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.. Homes were unroofed. Monitoring location 08041500 is associated with a STREAM in HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS. An official website of the General Services Administration. This building also suffered significant roof damage. Deaths: 0 GIS & Mapping. Surface runoff, flow diversion, land type etc. This brings up a map of the location. Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Go to and begin searching for your location by typing an address into the search bar. Local Climate Pages F-scale:EF1 Texas Plat Maps. Each property is manually researched by an experienced Map Analyst or Certified Floodplain Manager. Join us. 255 Crocker St Limestone County Floodplain Administrator. FEMA has published Flood Insurance Rate Maps ( FIRMs) graphically showing the extents of approximately 2,400 acres of 100-year floodplains primarily along Duck Creek, Rowlett Creek, Spring Creek, and their . warranty. Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC list this as an F2, Grazulis calls it an F3. However it dissipated soon thereafter. Narrative: Moved east-northeast from north of Caneyville to near Summit. Hardin County GIS Maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for land and property in Hardin County, Texas. Join us. A: Computer plots are available for $5 in the Records section of our office. F-scale: F2 HOME. Path length: Next, an office building that was under construction was lifted off of its foundation. Fort Campbell Hurricane Harvey was the most significant rainfall event in U.S. history, both in scope and peak rainfall amounts, since records began in the 1880s. Planning & Zoning Department. Hardin County Texas. Once the maps become effective, they will be used as the basis for flood insurance ratings as well as local flood protection regulations adopted under the National Flood Insurance Program. View information about Hardin Rd, Dunlap, TN 37327. Grazulis narrative: A new brick home was destroyed and the neighboring home was unroofed in a brief touchdown in Radcliff. Time: 5:45am Noted discrepancies: Grazulis takes this tornado into Bullitt County as well. Path width: 30 yards Deaths: 0 The roof of the restaurant was thrown westward on top of a livestock barn. ET, WHERE: Jacob Parrot Safety and Security Center, Russell Ludwig Conference Center 1025 S. Main St., Kenton, OH 43326. The only Kentucky event on this day inStorm Datais in Fulton County because the report for this tornado came intoo late for inclusion in the publication. Near the end of the path there was roof damage to a one story house as well as downed power lines. Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. (254)729-5517. Representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will host a Flood Map Information Open House on Nov. 9, 2022, for communities in Hardin County, Ohio. Path length: 0.7 miles EF-Scale:EF1 As a result of the tropical development, a flash flood watch is in effect through 7 a.m. on Saturday for Jefferson, Orange, Jasper, Hardin and Newton counties. Because GIS mapping technology is so versatile, there are many different types of GIS Maps that contain a wide range of information. The roof of the restaurant was thrown westward on top of a livestock barn. Otherwise your payment will fail and you will not be able to access FloodMap Pro after your trial ends. Belton, Texas 76513. Deaths: Many miles of forest were leveled, and small farm communities were wiped out. Hardin County Courthouse On Murray Roada father and son were in their milking barn when they saw the storm approach. Hardin, US Flood Map may help to provide flood alert/flood warning if flood water level at certain point is rising. Time: 6:45pm May 18, 1995 Representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will host a Flood Map Information Open House on Nov. 9, 2022, for communities in Hardin County, Ohio. There was minor tree damage in Meade County, but so far this project has been unable to find any documentation of a tornado there. 82.4%. Counties: Hardin It caused major roof damage along Bethlehem Academy Road, with one home losing the roof completely. Acknowledgement of FEMA would be appreciated in products derived from these data., Access Constraints: None. Find Hardin County GIS maps, tax maps, and parcel viewers to search for and identify land and property records. Now its quick and easy to order your own detailed Flood Zone Report. Our payment provider needs your Billing Address to process your Card Payment at the end of your 7 days trial. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader already installed on your computer, it can be downloaded for free on the. Switch to a Google Earth view for the detailed virtual globe and 3D buildings in many major cities worldwide. Deaths: Where to get Hardin County GIS Maps online, Which GIS Maps are available to the public, How GIS Maps are used by the public and local government. Champion - Hardin County Go Texan. Time: 4:40am Is your property in a floodplain? AHPS; Hydrology/Rivers; Climate Data; Tropical Weather; Click Map For Forecast Disclaimer. Noted discrepancies:Storm Datamentions damage on Black Jack Road in southeast Radcliff. Path length: provides a large collection of online real estate maps of Harrison County, TX so you can rapidly view parcel outlines, address numbers, neighborhood boundaries, zip codes, school districts and, where available, the FEMA Flood Zones and building classification. Homes were said to have "vanished" near Sulphur Springs (where two people were killed) and near Falls of Rough (where three people were killed). Interactive Mapping Tools. The worst of the tornado took place at its inception on Bethlehem Academy Road, where a barn was destroyed killing a woman inside. Numerous homes in Bevil Oaks have 3 to 4 feet of water in them. The open house will give residents the chance to review preliminary versions of a recently completed Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and its accompanying preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). Injuries: 81 National Weather Service The tornado also caused significant tree damage from the middle school north/northeast across a remote area of the northeast part of the post. At the virtual open house, representatives from various local, state, and federal agencies will provide the most current information about flood risk, flood insurance, floodplain development regulations, and the process for floodplain mapping within Hardin County. Have a FEMA Map Specialist review your zone. Iowa House of Representatives District 54 - Hardin County (PDF), Report Wildlife Crime or Hunting Violation. Phone: (409) 246-5200. Proceeding further to the east, power lines were downed on Old Cecilia Road and a barn was destroyed on Saint John Road three miles west of Elizabethtown. Ribs. ordering site. Climate Graphs Hardin is a city in Liberty County, Texas, United States. Our payment provider needs your Billing Address to retry your Card Payment. All Rights Reserved. Path width: Houston Sep 1, 1-foot Houston Sep 3-4, 1-foot. However it dissipated soon thereafter. F-scale:F4 2180 North Main Street Approximate NFIP Claims (1975-2019 . Share Feedback. From here it travelled east-northeast, snapping tree limbs as it skipped over mainly open pastureland until it reached Thomas Road. The path Grazulis describes seems to keep the tornado just barely inside Nelson County, though it does indeed come very close to the Bullitt County line. FEMA has produced an online Flood Mapping application for public use. Simply forward the information to the lender or insurance company. ezTaskTitanium TM, Provided by the Texas Association of Counties, Duties & Responsibilities of County Officials. Next it destroyed a working garage and did significant damage to 3 homes off of Hodgenville Road and uprooting and twisting many trees before lifting a couple of hundred yards downwind. For more information, contact the FEMA News Desk at Many other buildings were damaged. Permits and Zoning. Time: 5:45pm At Central Hardin High School the tornado snapped concrete pillar stadium lights at the football stadium. Disclaimer: Please note that this elevation flood map on its own is not sufficient for analysis of flood risk since there are many other factors involved. Deaths: 0 Deaths: 0 EF-Scale:EF-1 6:00pm. Get a Flood Zone review from a Map Specialist. EF-Scale:EF-2 As the tornado continued to the northeast, it produced major roof damage to homes along Rineyville Road. It increased in width to 250 yards and struck the Harry Owen trucking company buckling roof trusses and spreading significant debris over the Lincoln Parkway into the mobile home park. SPC/NCDC give a path length of 38 miles, Grazulis gives 42 miles. About twenty homes were destroyed, and some were swept completely away. The 100-year flood is referred to as the 1% annual exceedance probability flood, since it is a flood that has a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any single year. 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