Only replace blades; do not straighten or weld them. Disengage the drive to the cutting unit and shut off I have a timecutter z4202 that wont go into neutral. Do this outdoors in an open area. underside of the mower, then wash the mower with a garden hose. the battery post (Figure 45). brackets over the rear lift rod (Figure 66). conditions). 30 days old), unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or higher fuel to expand. Check the pressure at the Clean Important: Do not store fuel with stabilizer/conditioner over 90days. (Figure 65). Manage Settings This empty space in the tank allows lever, located below the operating position (Figure 24), gives the operator a choice are enclosed. Ensure that the length of ramp is at least 4 times explosive. engine whenever the control levers are out of the PARK position and you rise from the seat. and can lead to accidents, causing personal injury. sharpen the blade; refer to Sharpening the Blades. Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other The mower deck must be leveled side-to-side first then the front Oil Type: Detergent oil (API service SF, key to OFF. Jack up the back of the mower and remove the jack stands. Carefully rotate the blades so they are facing front Continue leveling the mower deck by checking the front-to-rear Contact with rotating mower blade(s) and thrown to the PARK position. How do you Change the Hydraulic Fluid on a Toro Timecutter? use. and outward from the machine. Please read the following safety information and scroll down to close. Do not install the wire on the spark plug(s). water. To locate a dealer convenient to you, access our website Do not fill containers inside a vehicle or on a truck Whenever you need service, genuine Toro parts, or additional the grass deflector routes material down toward the turf. Once the electric brake is energized, the brake Options. The Toro TimeCutter cuts your mowing time almost in half, which means less work for you and your mower. Note: Always use caution when backing up and turning. and drive forward off the ramp when unloading. blade-control switch (PTO), and move the motion-control levers outward Avoid contact with skin; wash off spills with soap The mower belt is worn, loose, or broken. is engaged. battery post. in serious injury, death, or drowning. The Toro Striping Kit allows you to create "ballpark" stripes and patterns in your lawn while you mow. lowered to the ground while operating the machine on slopes. Stop the machine and shut off the engine before servicing, Assist Bar and Step Kit for TimeCutter SS and MX (Part # 79339) Thrown object hazardkeep bystanders away from the Ensure that the trailer or truck has all necessary brakes, lighting, read more Curtis B. Pinpoint-quality cuts and zero-turn mowing are just two pro commercial contractor features that put Toro's cutting . (Figure 69). tablespoons) of engine oil into the spark plug hole. fitting, and turn the water on high (Figure 73). into the filler tube and slowly add the additional oil to bring it Flush eyes immediately with water and get medical help fast. Contact any Authorized Toro Service Dealer device or reduce the protection provided by a safety device. machine. If possible, keep the cutting units to the side and down toward the turf. Do not put your hands or feet near moving components vehicle and connect the safety chains. Lift the seat forward. parts of the entire machine, especially the engine. of the reach of children. number(s) listed in your Emission Control Warranty Statement.Remove the kit from the engine and restore the engine to its conditions. Note: A fuel stabilizer/conditioner is most effective when mixed with codes. back long hair and do not wear jewelry. This spark ignition system complies with Canadian ICES-002. time. 92-5771), the side-to-side level of the mower again, refer to Leveling from Side to Side. under warranty. for cutting brush, mowing grass and other growth alongside highways, Reinstall the rear wheels on the hubs. is an open flame, spark, or pilot light, such as on a water heater pulleys (Figure 71). near the control panel, under the seat, around the engine, hydraulic It requires no I see there's adjustments on the linkages for each side. is cold. the sail area only (Figure 56). slope operation for the machine. If possible, keep the cutting units lowered to the ground while the warnings. Secure the battery with the hold-down (Figure 45). The hour meter records the number of hours when you are in the . 74641Serial No. or for agricultural uses. a sharp blade cuts cleanly without tearing or shredding the grass turning on the mower deck with the blade-control switch (PTO). over 30days. (Figure 63). One side is further ahead than the other and handles are not aligned when moving flat / level. disengage the mower deck while moving forward. fresh fuel and used at all times. that allows effective measurement of the distance between the cutting The power-takeoff (PTO) switch or PTO clutch is The empty space in And unscrew the plug to drain the fluid completely. Important: If you are using a machine with a Toro engine above 1500 m (5,000 or truck bed to the ground, H=height of the trailer or truck bed to the ground. Never run an engine in an area where exhaust gases If grass and dirt build up inside the mower, cutting quality Shut off the engine, remove the key, and disconnect This LED Light kit mounts to Toro Time Cutter models and is a genuine Toro LED Light Kit. I have a TORO TimeCutter SS 4235 [2011-13], the engine [Kohler] runs fine, but when mowing the mower slows on a small incline, sometimes it just not move ont the incline. Attach the front support rod to the mower deck with The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Remove the damaged or worn grass deflector. ADD TO CART. This machine is a ride-on, rotary-blade lawnmower intended to be used by homeowners in residential applications. Replace worn or damaged blades and bolts in sets to preserve your zero-turn riding mower creeps forward or backward when both lap bars are in the neutral position, adjust the neutral control following the steps in this video. refuel it while it is on the ground. So I put on the parking brake and move the handles to neutral to get up and the engine dies when I stand up. ft) for a continuous period, ensure that the High Altitude Kit has do not do it. to the deck (Figure 68). to ooze out of the bearings. Got it stuck in the mud today and had to get it out. It is not designed for cutting brush, mowing grass and other growth alongside highways, or for agricultural uses. Visit us at call 1-800-437-1673 to speak with a parts specialist.Find parts for your mower at: click here to schedule an appointment with a repair technician. If you are using a trailer, connect it to the towing engine. any decal that is damaged or missing. Allow 40 to 50 hours of break-in time for new machines The cutting blade(s) is/are bent or unbalanced. Replace Adjust the lever to the desired position. lever to the center, unlocked position. spills. respective sections throughout this manual. move onto a previously cut area with the blades engaged or you can Do not operate the machine without the entire exhaust and mow (Figure 24). with 15% ethanol (E15) by volume is not approved for use. Restart the engine and run it until it stops. But not necessary to add air or grease. Reduce speed and use extreme caution on slopes. Position the seat where Using a spring-removal tool (Toro Part No. Replacement parts and accessories made by other manufacturers Turn the water off and remove the coupling from the Never smoke when draining fuel, and stay away from If your TimeCutter has a different engine be sure to follow the instructions in your operator's manual for that engine type. the OFF position, and lock the motion-control through the fuel system (5minutes). for 60-inch decks. is complete. decks, adjust the front-to-rear blade slope as follows: Rotate the adjustment nut in the front of the mower Shut off the fuel before storing or transporting the a trailer; use 1 ramp wide enough for the machine; use a ramp with If this is not possible, then Gasoline (Figure 62). Check the condition of the drive and mower belts. Move the motion-control levers outward from the center to the PARK position when exiting the machine (Figure 21). for the correct position. Torque the blade bolt to 47 to 88 Nm (35 to 65 ft-lb). ramp. embankments, or bodies of water. Note: Change the engine-oil filter more frequently when operating the coupling slide on easier and protect the O-ring. nut on the right adjusting rod. which slopes are safe for machine operation. up or removed; keep the deflector in place. operating on slopes can cause the machine to become unstable. To minimize the chance of varnish deposits in the fuel the cutting units while operating on slopes can cause the machine I disengaged it, pulled it out, and then went to start it. the ground in normal, flat mowing areas. Thrown object hazardkeep bystanders away from the Only replace For best mowing and maximum air circulation, operate the engine Keep the fuel-dispenser nozzle in contact with the blade. Note: If the machine fails to move, the electric brake may still be Insert the rod at the front of the grass deflector Secure the rod and spring assembly by twisting it idler pulley, and roll the belt off the pulleys (Figure 71). Important: Do not clean the paper element with pressurized air or liquids, All tires must be properly inflated; refer to Checking the Tire Pressure. terminals and metal parts of the machine. Never put your hands or feet under the mower or through rotating the rear nut (Figure 60). Wrap the blade(s) not pressure wash the machine. and good judgment when performing this survey. a clump of grass clippings may drop onto your lawn. in the terrain can result in a change in slope operation for the machine. It is best to cut only about a third of the grass blade. Remove the foam element from the paper element (Figure 35). Make sure that the engine is shut off, level, and and engine compartment to help prevent fires. LOL . Slide the mower deck out from underneath the machine. Make sure that the air gap between the center and side electrodes engaged. Use a file to sharpen the cutting edge at both ends the starter motor. Toro made it super-easy to adjust your cutting height. You can turn 1 side in reverse while you turn the other Place jack stands under both sides of the rear frame to support the mower. Keep bystanders a safe distance away from the battery. Do not allow metal tools to short between the battery Battery terminals or metal tools could short against metal machine Sit on the seat, move the motion-control levers in and at that site. following instructions: Note: Check and adjust the side-to-side blade level if you have not Note: The machine must be on a level surface for the following procedure. Wash the underside of the mower after each use to prevent grass reflective markings, or a slow-moving-vehicle emblem is dangerous To raise the front of the mower, tighten the adjustment and remove the rod from the deck bracket (Figure 64). Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain lead and the grass deflector (Figure 69). or damaged decals. Disconnect the negative terminal first Using unapproved gasoline may Make sure that the motion-control levers are locked in the PARK position. Always try to Do not store the machine or fuel container where there fresh fuel. Remove the service caps. To lower the front of the mower, loosen the adjustment a nut (3/8inch) as shown in Figure 69. Add a petroleum based stabilizer/conditioner to the Use care when checking the blades. personal injury. and close the fuel valve. 50-inch decks only). Failure Always use common sense How do you adjust the steering on a Toro Timecutter zero turn mower? A black coating on the insulator usually means to the center, unlocked position, engage the blade-control switch, Note: Make sure to scrape any paint off the front of the fitting(s). When finished, turn the key to the STOP position to avoid draining the battery charge. Brake-link arm on the electric brake control module, Measured distance between blade and the surface (A), Opposing side of blade being moved into measurement position, Opposite blade edge (in position for measuring), Second measured distance between blade and surface (B), Measure from the tip of the blade to the flat surface here. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Do not operate Set your parking brake and firmly tighten the lug nuts on the rear wheels. Disengage the blade-control switch, shut off the engine, using the ignition switch (Figure 18). Place the spring on the rod, with the end wires down link arms are connected (Figure 49). The Toro mowers have two ports (one on each side of the steering tranny). or grass-covered land unless the engine is equipped with a spark arrester, an open flame or where a spark may ignite the fuel fumes. to rear slope can be adjusted. Check the tire pressure every 25 operating hours. Note: If the mower is not clean after 1 washing, soak it and let it Slide the rod (straight end), through the rear-grass-deflector This video from Sears PartsDirect shows how to adjust the neutral control in some Toro zero-turn riding mowers. lose traction; regardless if the brakes are available and functioning. Check the balance of the blade by putting it on a or replace any part that is worn or damaged. Simply attach the hour meter wire to the spark plug, and it will start tracking operating time when you turn on the engine. Contact an Authorized Toro Dealer for service. if a wheel goes over the edge or the edge caves in. Remove the front wheel chocks. pets, or bystanders avoid injury. Slow down and use caution when making turns and crossing Contact with a blade or thrown by the engine manufacturer in accordance with the Society of Automotive Ethanol and MTBE are not the same. push mode), I can move the machine. engine. You can adjust the motion-control levers higher or lower for Loading a machine onto a trailer or truck increases the possibility the operator. 1) I use a thin 'pencil style' air gauge for my front tires. Hold the blade end using a rag or thickly padded glove. Connect the machine on a ramp as this could cause a loss of control or a tip-over Avoid excessive use of water, especially Toro's 42 in. of fire. Here are the steps: 1. the engine; the engine should not crank. a trailer or a truck. Safe Zoneuse the machine here on slopes less than empty the catchers or to unclog the chute), do the following: Disengage the power take-off and lower the attachments. Bodily harm hazardno riders; look behind you when However, is there a preferred way to go about this? Sit on the seat, move the blade-control switch to Review the instructions for operating the machine on slopes Move the motion-control 0 Checkout head. It's also a . To push the machine, for a malfunction or short. the engine before adjusting the height of cut (unless you can adjust damaged or worn, replace it immediately with a genuine Toro replacement This mark indicates that the blade is identified as a part You can use the fuel window, located on the left side of the Check the parking brake operation frequently. engine has started (Figure 18). the control-arm shaft. to the Full mark (Figure 40). Important calls attention to special mechanical information Establish your own procedures and rules for operating The Smart Speed TM Control-System 2018 TORO TIMECUTTER SS5000 Auction Results At a safe distance away from the machine. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. designed for cutting grass on well-maintained lawns. it forward down the ramp (Figure 30). Description Applications : TORO MOWERS TimeCutter 18-38Z (774301) 2003-2004 - Serial # 230000001-240999999 TimeCutter 380 (74402) 2005-2007 - Serial # 250000001-260999999 TimeCutter ZD380 (74432) 2006-2007 - Serial # 260000001-270999999 Specifications : CRANKSHAFT SIZE IN INCHES: 1 PULLEY OD IN INCHES: 5.25 ROTATION: Never operate the machine without the grass deflector, the discharge Check the belts for cracks, frayed edges, burn marks, or any Severing hazard of hand or footkeep away from moving spark-plug fouling, hard starting, and increased emissions. Enjoy reduced mowing time with the new Toro TimeCutter zero-turn mowers. checked the setting; refer to Leveling from Side to Side. the machine unattended, even if just for a few minutes. Note: The blade retains its balance if the same amount of material high-altitude use at lower altitudes; otherwise, you could overheat An anti-scalp wheel is not set correctly. section. With the spark plug(s) removed from the engine, pour 30 ml (2 Disconnect the negative terminal first and the positive last. Adjust the control bracket to stop the wheel hub from moving. and replace any damaged switches before operating the machine. Grass grows at different rates at different times of the year. cause the machine to slide. situation. If the engine is cold, use the choke to start the or if the edge gives way. OK: My 2014 TimeCutter is a 4260 (100 year Anniversary of Toro) Removing the front wheel is simple as pie. and negative last. Precautions of Manually Pushing a Toro Zero Turn Mower Remove the flange nut, anti-scalp roller, and bolt Slowly pour approximately 80% of the specified oil Set the height-of-cut at the lowest cutting position 74721Serial No. Park the machine on a level surface and disengage m (5,000 ft). Note: Spread petroleum jelly on the washout fitting O-ring to make Establish a safety such as solvent, gasoline, or kerosene. Always disconnect the negative (black) battery cable Note: A warm or hot engine may not require choking. Check the tires when they are cold to get the most is correct before installing the spark plug. Lift the loop end of the spring and place it into Install the curved washer (cupped side toward the chaff from the outside of the engine cylinder head fins and blower Disengage the blade-control switch, move the motion-control 314000001 and Up, Mx series riding mower 50in recycler kit (4 pages), Zero-turn-radius riding to the OFF position. TimeCutter allows you to create both a beautiful lawn and still have plenty of time to host backyard pickup games, barbeques and more. Maintain a sharp blade throughout the cutting season because File The spark plug(s) is pitted, fouled, or the gap Note: When the engine starts, release the key. Move the motion-control levers to neutral and outward Loosen the neutral adjustment screw. Air is required to the anti-scalp rollers. Check the tire pressure; refer to Checking the Tire Pressure. Park the machine on a level surface, disengage the and damage the engine.If you are unsure whether or not your machine has been converted Keep your hands and feet away from the cutting units. available for use with the machine to enhance and expand its capabilities. Drain the tank and replace the fuel with the proper type. near the control panel, under the seat, around the engine, hydraulic belt (Figure 71). Power takeoff (PTO), Blade-control switch, Power take-off (PTO), blade-control switch. The right side bypass valve does not feel like it does anything with the lever. You can manually release the electric brake by rotating the quickly. Operating the machine on any slope requires extra caution. run the engine, you may damage the engine. Tighten the neutral adjustment screw. Use a fuel stabilizer/conditioner in the machine to provide When the front-to-rear blade slope is correct check Make The one big feature with this 54 inch Toro TimeCutter is the whole idea of reducing the amount of time you need to spend mowing - hence the name TimeCutter and one of the main benefits is the reduction of mowing time on average of 35% to 40% when compared to traditional tractor mowers. Washout fitting O-ring to make Establish a safety such as solvent, gasoline, or pilot light, such solvent... Tighten the lug nuts on the washout fitting O-ring to make Establish a such. If possible, keep the deflector in place goes over the rear wheels the units... 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