As the story progressed, she becomes the first person he remembers fully. The sole reason Jason went back to Camp Jupiter was to find Percy. The Minotaur forgot Grover, grabbed Percy's mom by her neck, and she disappeared in a golden flash of light (it is later revealed that she was captured by Hades). Leo became sarcastic and joking with Percy, calling him "Water Boy", which he told him not to call him, then calling him "Aquaman", which he hated more. Percy realized that he and Jason thought very similarly. During The Mark of Athena, Percy starts remembering how angry Luke was with the Olympian gods and how himself felt like that before. He had entrusted his life with Hazel. Nico apologized to Percy for keeping his past from him and said he knew about both camps, but couldnt tell due to a promise to his father. She transforms into a bird, but Grover grabs her and shoves her inside the birdcage. She disapproves of his relationship with her daughter both because of his fatal flaw and he is the son of her rival. What are Percy Jackson's strengths and weaknesses? Percy was one of the only two demigods in Camp Half-Blood (the other being Thalia) who was considered to be capable of equaling Luke. Rachel leads them to New York, where pegasi take Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Nico and reluctantly, Tyson. It provides worldwide services and its headquarters are in Ottawa, Canada. Saint Helens, creating an explosion that damages the volcano, stirs Typhon in his sleep, and causes the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people living around Mt. They were both possessed by a figure from Greek mythology, turning their eyes gold (. Later that night, Percy has a dream where, unbeknownst to him, he is Hercules, and is being handed Anaklusmos by a girl who he later realizes is Zo. Percy and Annabeth were in Boston to help train Magnus Chase and his friend, Alex Fierro, for the Quest to stop Naglfar from Sailing. "Last words: Oh No" Yeah not good. Alias He apologized for failing Calypso and said he knew about her and Leo. which piercing should you get next. This prompted Carter to unintentionally attack him and they had a brief fight before agreeing to team up to stop Petsuchos. Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson. Dakota and Percy sit together at dinner and Dakota tells Percy how the fifth cohort lost its eagle. He also thought it'd be too obvious. She tells him that he is nothing like Hercules who had betrayed her before and she is proud he carries the weapon she made before dying. He has unique strengths that are way above average but also has some noticeable weaknesses. According to Kronos, Percy inherited Poseidon's "too changeable, unpredictable" nature. When Nico found out that one of the seven may die, Percy was his third priority after Hazel and Jason. Before receiving her as a pet, she was noted by Daedalus to like Percy resulting in the inventor giving Percy a Stygian ice whistle to summon her for help in a moment of need. . Percy promises Clarisse that he will not tell anybody about her worst fear. In The Battle of the Labyrinth, she kissed him again for luck as she leaves him to fight the telekhines at Mount Saint Helens. When Nico saw Hades in Portugal, Hades hinted that he knows about Nico's little crush on him. I will try to update as fast as I can. And later, when Percy left to find Nico di Angelo with Jason and Piper, Coach Hedge told them to not take too long, or he would blast them with a ballistae. Soon after, the Fates snip the string of life which makes both Grover very worried that Percy was going to die soon and Percy extremely suspicious. Percy clapped him on the soldier when they defeated the giants. He lives with his mother in a little apartment in New York with his abusive step-father. As for Percy, he trusted Piper and felt responsible for everyone on the ship, including Piper. Percy and Annabeth decide to not tell Camp Half-Blood, at least not yet. At Annabeth's request, the son of Poseidon helped train the son of Frey for his voyage to Scandinavia and the Quest to stop Naglfar from Sailing. The next morning, Piper, Annabeth, and Percy saw snake people who he suspected to be dracanae. Nico rushed into the Labyrinth again after Minos told him Percy was in danger, showing that he indeed cared about Percy. But to his surprise, Hazel kissed him on the cheek and smiled with sisterly affection, saying of course she trusted him, they were family. Item Grover protests that birds should be free, but realizes Percy's plan and promises to try. On the other hand, Dionysus did once save Percy's life during his quest to save Annabeth and correctly remembered Percy's name in a conversation they had after he saved Percy on said quest. Physical description Hazel was shocked when she saw Annabeth and Percy covered with black smoke and wanted nothing else but to save them from Pasipha and Clytius, which she did. Percy begins wrestling with the automaton but notices that the heat resonating from the song has melted his earwax and signed his shirt. Based on the choices Percy made on pages 52-56, what is your opinion of him? Grover's dryad girlfriend, Juniper, insists that it was Pan's wild scream that had scared the Titan army the first time. Nico reassured him that it was cool and though he was cute, he wasn't his type, and bid the two goodbye to join Will Solace. Percy was confused at his friend's appearance, as he was a goat from the waist down and revealed himself to be a satyr. Percy and Thalia return to the world above, but Nico stays behind to find Iapetus a job in the Underworld and to work with his father on a plan to help the Olympians fight the Titans. Percy learned that the director of the camp was the Greek wine god, Dionysus, who was very unpleasant and moody, and Mr. Brunner, the former Latin teacher from Yancy Academy, was actually the hero-training centaur (half-human, half stallion), Chiron. Answer example: Once I had a project in which I was the only participant. He even went to see the Oracle of Delphi, however, she didn't answer his questions and he left the attic in anger. However, Poseidon occasionally visited Percy when he was in his cradle. Iapetus, known as Bob, help them on their quest and allow them to find and close the Doors of Death. Thalia, however, is scared of heights, which Percy quickly figured out and pushed her out of the way causing the boar to crash into the snow. Percy arrives at camp to find the camp under attack by Colchis Bulls and drives them back with help from Tyson who is fireproof. Increase Accuracy for one ally. He finds the demigod whom he spared earlier in the maze, Ethan. Percy is endowed with many strengths and abilities, but like any hero, he also has his weaknesses. It gave the two thoughts of giving up and drowning but Annabeth manages to get them to shore. Charles also tries to help Percy with his love life in The Demigod files, when he tells him that Annabeth likes him and to go invite her to the fireworks show. Thalia then runs up to Percy, asking him what he was thinking as when she got to the flag's spot, it was gone. Percy with the Eagle on the cover of The Son of Neptune. After the two of them have defeated the birds, Clarisse reluctantly agrees to tell Percy why she is not at Camp Half-Blood. Percy also examined his fatal flaw and realized he felt a responsibility for everyone on the ship, including Jason. Percy's mother arrives soon afterward and tells him that they can go to his favorite beach in Montauk for the whole weekend. Nico was very scared when Percy woke up and asked if he was alright, and tried to protect him from his father and his soldiers. Though he has met with his father only occasionally, Percy cares much for Poseidons approval and developed a strong pride for him, though he recognizes when Poseidon does something stupid or horrible. However, he does small favors to others as it is his principle to aid demigods as much as possible, such as escorting Apollo and Meg to Camp Half-Blood at for Megs sake and training Magnus Chase for a voyage across the sea at Annabeths request. After gifting Grover aluminum cans, the satyrs suggest playing Pin the Tail on the Human, frightening the only human present - Percy. Percy is close friends with Thalia, one of Zeus's illegitimate children whom Hera naturally despises. In return, Hazel helped save Percy from Eidolons. When Percy fights against Iapetus, he flings him into the River Lethe, thus causing the Titan to lose all his memories. But Percy and Apollo were saved after Meg, with the help of Peaches, defeated the Nosoi. Percy and Hedge later collaborated to help save Annabeth. Percy became uncomfortable when Leo angrily stared at him, and after Leo apologized, Percy suggested that they should talk, and Leo agreed. Though Reyna and Percy first formally met in The Son of Neptune, they actually met in The Sea of Monsters on C.C. During the quest, Percy learned more about Zo's past while having dreams, learning that Hercules had betrayed her after she gave him Riptide. Percy joked with Meg about how he started his demigod career by exploding a toilet, making her giggle, but she frowned when she found out he had a girlfriend. Percy learns that he is a demigodmeaning that he is half-human and half-godand joins with other children of the Greek gods at . He was later angered by his nephew when he refused his offer of godhood because it seemed like being a mortal was somehow better than being a god. After getting his memories taken by Hera, living on the streets and fighting monsters, Percy has developed a "wolf stare" that says "No matter how bad you think you are, I'm worse," which enables him to scare off people like gangsters. However, Bob finally decides to help after seeing who his true friends were. Rick Riordan also revealed that he'd sent emails to Fox and Disney criticizing the script of the movie and explaining that parents would never show such content to their children and that disgusted fans would be flocking out of movie theatres in droves.[1]. In the ensuing fight, Percy saw the ruins of Mount Othrys, rival capital of Mount Olympus and home of the Titans, rebuilding itself. When they reach Polyphemus's island they join up with Clarisse (who managed to survive the explosion), Grover (who had been captured by Polyphemus), and later Tyson, who miraculously survived thanks to Rainbow, a friendly hippocampus who dragged him out of the water. Competition brings out the best in you. He realizes that this meant that the Titans' chances of victory are increasing. Percy then swerved, damaging the car. Percy tried to defend himself by using a geyser of water, but to no avail. This had a great effect on Hazel as she was told by Pluto that she would be freed by her curse (blackouts about her pasts whenever she thought about them and finding cursed jewels wherever she was) by a descendant of Neptune. When they went back to the Argo II, Jason apologized to Percy got knocking him out, but they soon argued how they wouldve been able to kill each other until Annabeth interrupted. Percy is originally mad at Bianca when she joins the Hunters of Artemis, but gets over it quickly. She suggests that she merge with Percy since mixing Egyptian and Greek powers worked earlier. However, Leo had mixed feelings about Percy. Lighting Theif Chapter 11-14. Percy and Nico shook hands and Percy had Nico promise to call him if he needed anything. Gameplay. Along with Leo and Meg, Percy is the only known demigod to be mostly called by his shortened first name. Artemis, goddess of the hunt and an ally. The magician and son of Poseidon worked well in the fight, the giant crocodile and disarm it of the necklace making it the size of a bus, reverted it to the former of a baby crocodile. Zeus is nevertheless thankful for the demigod's past services to both himself and Olympus as a whole. But when she learned he was the son of Neptune, she hoped he would heal her curse. They escaped and Percy gave Nico ambrosia to heal from his fight, and caught him before he passed out again. Percy asked if Magnus was okay when Magnus tried to dive, but fell on the deck instead. Percy was grateful that Coach Hedge rescued him and was happy to have a chaperone good at martial arts cage matches. Percy and Annabeth decide to go also, but Dionysus and Tantalus, the new camp director replacing Chiron after he was fired, refused. He explains the difficulty in fighting automatons with mortals and manipulates the Mist to show a presidential motorcade to the cops in order to block off the area. However, he is presumed dead after fighting the embodiment of Tartarus and ensuring Percy and Annabeth reach the mortal world safely in The House of Hades. Percy's favorite brand of chewing gum is Trident. While Percy told Leo this, he gave off an undertone that said "If you mess with (Hazel) I will personally feed you to a great white shark". The lion left behind a Spoil of War, its pelt, which Zo gave to Percy as he had come up with the plan even though she dealt the finishing arrow. When they returned to Camp Half-Blood, Jason grinned when Percy said, "Greeks, lets um, fight stuff" and thought that Greeks weren't organized but they made up for it with enthusiasm. The three talked, and Kym was offended when he didn't recognize her. In fact, just Mrs. O'Leary's bark and size are enough to frighten other monsters. Riptide Wristwatch Shield (formerly) Annabeth gets dragged towards to Tartarus, and Percy desperately holds onto her. Nico and Percy then talked about the plan for Percy to bathe in the Styx. With much reluctance, Percy gets into the elevator with Annabeth and journey back into the mortal world, with a promise he makes to Bob to say 'hello' to the stars for him. Percy thinks of shoving her off the roof but reminds himself that she would transform into a bird causing an idea to form in his head and asks Grover if he can use the lyre to summon a birdcage. After Percy fell to Tartarus, Coach Hedge was devastated and paced back and forth, tugging his beard, and slapped his head, saying he should've helped them and blown up more stuff. Percy manages to kill it, but it stabs its stinger into Percy's palm. Annabeth has kissed Percy four times in the series. The table below contains all the moves he can learn throughout the game. Hazel and Frank helped get Percy get across the Caldecott Tunnel to Camp. This is because in the Son of Neptune, he drowned in a muskeg of an Alaskan bog. Hedge freaked out when he and Frank were trapped in a tank and was relieved when they escaped. Furthermore, he still has to face his own problems, including drowning. He somewhat visualizes that they had a fight in the past. He himself was a demigod, but no one knew of his divine father yet. Answer. In The House of Hades, she missed Percy very much. They take a ferry to Governor's Island where a freak hurricane has caused all the mortals to evacuate. Percy nicknamed him "Smelly Gabe", since he smelled like moldy garlic pizza wrapped in gym shorts. She does tell them that Luke came and asked her for her blessing for something that he needed to do. They also meet the goddess of the hearth, Hestia, who shows Percy visions of the destruction being caused by Typhon. The squad decides to regroup and decide to plan while heading south of the Governor's Island. Percy wanted to lie to him, but looking in his eyes, he knew he couldn't say no, and told him the truth. While Percy himself never actually appears in this story, is mentioned multiple times by Annabeth, who was taking the subway to his apartment before encountering Sadie, and is implied to have gone there after her adventure. He tried to convince Thalia to slay and burn the Ophiotaurus so that she could destroy Olympus but Percy manages to shake her out of her stupor. Rachel briefly kisses Percy and Beckendorf makes a joke about not telling Annabeth about that little scene. After asking questions about Annabeth, he gives the son of Poseidon and bracelet of keys and asks him to explain the meaning of Christmas. Lisez What's your Emotional I.Q. Hazel ended up standing for Percy and letting him join the Fifth Cohort, which Nico was very proud of her for. Aerophobia, the fear of flying, is shown in The Blood of Olympus during the final battle against Gaea when he is flying in the claws of Frank Zhang shapeshifted into a dragon. Bianca gives Percy the figurine, telling him to give it to Nico and tell him that she's sorry, indicating that Bianca trusts Percy a great deal. While sealing him off, Carter thinks of Setne's snow globe idea and traps him in a snow globe. Nico then has the Furies carry them and Iapetus back to Hades' palace. Clarisse, the daughter of Ares and Percy's enemy, is assigned a quest to go to the Sea of Monsters (using the coordinates Percy received) to find and retrieve the Golden Fleece, which has healing powers for plants, animals, and humans which they need to heal Thalia's tree. In The Son of Neptune, after failing to communicate with Annabeth, Percy leaves his mother a phone message letting her know he is safe. Both of them are subjects of the Great Prophecy. Guarding the Athena Parthenos was Arachne, who Annabeth tricked into trapping herself. Kronos threatens Percy to surrender or he will kill Annabeth, but Percy calls Blackjack who takes her to a hotel in a plaza. Nico ended up doing what Percy said and convincing his father, showing up in the middle of the Battle of Manhattan to help Percy, and asked if it was too late to join the party. This how the great prophecy goes: The hero's soul , a cursed blade shall reap. Frank then put his hand on Percy's shoulder, agreeing with Jason and saying only Jason, Piper, and Leo can defeat Gaea. Percy was worried when Nico offered to transport the Athena Parthenos to Camp, but Nico angrily said that he'd changed since Tartarus. Nico leads Percy to the Underworld, where Hades reveals that it was all a trick to make Nico the child of the prophecy. In the beginning of The Last Olympian, the two are seen on the beach in Paul Blofis's Prius driving around. They are both excellent sword fighters (Percy himself learned from Luke at camp while training during their first friendship). Leo and Percy searched the museum together to try to find Nike. Percy told Jason to not tell anyone about him saving him, and Jason promised to keep it, since Percy would never hear the end of it. Phobos and Deimos show Percy and Clarisse their worst fears, which are Camp Half-Blood and his friends in flames and Ares respectively. But Percy felt horrible for Nico when Bianca abandoned him to join the Hunters of Artemis and thought it was selfish of her to abandon him like that. In The Sea of Monsters, Percy and Luke fight aboard the Princess Andromeda and it is shown that while Percy was at first confident in his abillity to beat Luke in a duel, he was actually terrified at the prospect of combating Luke in swordplay as he recognised how skilled Luke is. Because of this, he declines their offer in favor of a request. Percy was mad that he was not allowed to take part in the quest since it was his chance to save Annabeth. Percy was nearly killed but Chiron managed to shoot the hellhound, killing it. Percy smiled and apologized. Percy and Nico studied each other warily, and Percy thought he knew him, and Nico responded, "do you?". Percy, Rachel, Annabeth, and Nico escape and leave Daedalus and Mrs. O'Leary to fight the remaining monsters. Suddenly, when they saw spirits, Percy swerved and drove through a drive thru and a strip mall to get away. 3: can cause massive earthquakes! In this article, we will explore what those weaknesses are and how they affect Percy's journey. 1.4K Takers Personality Quiz. Percy wills himself not to listen and thinks of Annabeth and his saving of her from the Sirens. Kronos previously exploited this trait in The Lightning Thief (Sally Jackson), The Sea of Monsters (Grover), and The Titan's Curse (Annabeth Chase). Just then, Dr. Thorn appears with a small force of mortals and attacked the group, wanting to make his own place in the Titan Army. She thought they were so easy together that it made her heart ache. Leo's back! As a son of Poseidon, Percy is claustrophobic. Can you. Hazel and Frank were the only things making Percy feel not alone, and promised that he wouldnt lose them. Annabeth is able to convince Luke to resurface. Reyna also said she missed Jason Grace. Both of them saw Annabeth while bathing in the River Styx (Luke also saw Thalia). In Rome, he helped rescue him with Jason and piper, and was the most determined out of the three to rescue him. The Celedon complies and uncaps it only to be startled by the appearance of Riptide. He asks the automaton for an autograph and Grover tells her to check his pants for a pen. The god of war came out of the car and told Percy to get inside, as someone wanted to talk to him. Percy then jumps on the crocodile and tries to unlock the necklace, but can't, as he isn't a magician. There, not fully formed, is Luke. After Percy explains the universal meaning of friendship and family behind the holiday, he is given the gift and the demigods leave. However, Jason and Percy had a slight rivalry. Before The Last Olympian, Percy notes that he spent a great deal of time with Rachel. As Percy grew older, his mother would tell him that his father had been lost at sea not dead. His attacks are mostly Water based. Before Jason went to Ithaca, Percy pulled Jason aside and asked him to protect Annabeth, since it was the first time they were apart since Tartarus. Percy promised Hedge that he would be back soon. Add an answer. While they are setting the bombs to blow up the ship, some telekinesis attack. Percy also told Magnus advice about sea gods that would help him: they are territorial about their stuff, like Kymopoleia, Poseidon, Triton, and Galatea. Make a claim and support it with two details from the text. 2018-03-22 01:44:38. Carter gives Percy his wand turning into a kopis and Sadie teaches Annabeth the Egyptian word for exploding. Apollo explained to Percy the other two times he was a mortal, and how he was Meg's servant. Bianca di Angelo, a demigod quested with. Percy found it awkward but was glad she was there. Take later. Perseus "Percy" Jackson Gender Male Age 18 Alias Son of Poseidon Supreme Lord of the Bathroom Seaweed Brain (by Annabeth, Thalia, Alex) Kelp Head (by Thalia Grace) Hero of Olympus Savior of Olympus Son of Neptune (By Members of Camp Jupiter) Aquaman, Water Boy (by Leo) Boss (by Blackjack) Mr. Rule Flouter (by Terminus) Brain Boy (by Gabe Ugliano) Which member of the Bat Family are you but it's all based on my bad takes. Leo wanted to bring up the topic to Percy, but the timing never seemed right. They eventually find the crocodile terrorizing a small cul-de-sac with a few kids spraying the monster with water guns and hitting it with water balloons. Bob finally decides to help save Annabeth Hedge later collaborated to help after seeing who his true were! A snow globe idea and traps him in a snow globe idea and traps him in a muskeg of Alaskan! It, but ca n't, as he is the son of Neptune, she hoped he would heal curse! 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