Coordinate external signal support mission requirements. Performs and supervises quality control inspections. Plans and coordinates logistic support for C4I network operations. Translating military terms to civilian terms. Sergeant majors reside at the top of the NCO ladder. Executes telecommunications service orders (TSO). Coordinates external Signal support mission requirements. By asking the customer targeted questions and using remote troubleshooting tools, they identify the problem and perform fixes or suggest recommended actions. Assist less experienced Soldiers in the installation, operation, and maintenance of information processing equipment. The brigade combat team S6 job is the most challenging major position in the Signal branch, but it is the most rewarding Signal job because the communications services that are provided are so critical that no one in a Brigade TOC can conduct their duties without the services and technical expertise that is provided from the Brigade S6 shop. 25U Training Developer
(6) A U.S. citizen. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 188TH BRIGADE SUPPORT BATTALION 2175 REILLY ROAD, STOP A FORT BRAGG, NC 28310-5000 AFVC-FCH-IM 27 FEB 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: S6 Duties and Responsibilities 1. Maintaining communications with subordinates and other S-Departments. Managed the creation and transition of users' accounts/mailboxes and network printers tactical and garrison environments. Briefs staff and operations personnel on information systems matters. Supervises and prepares work schedules for subordinate personnel engaged in the installation, operation, and unit level maintenance of multichannel and tropospheric scatter radio systems. Responsible for the health and wealthfare, mentorship and training of two Soldiers. S6 Game Clerk is the point of contact for their respective assignment and has the authority to modify servers within their responsibility in accordance with department standards. Coordinate Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). NCOIC EPR Bullets. Supervises, install, operate, and perform unit level maintenance on multichannel line of site and tropospheric scatter communications systems, communications security (COMSEC) devices, and associated equipment. Employs and enforces principles of COMSEC, SIGSEC, OPSEC and physical security. Duties and Responsibilities are provided as general expectations of S6 Personnel and individuals within the department may be asked to perform additional duties. Requests and ensures appropriate logistical support is available at all times. Supervises, installs, maintains and troubleshoots signal support systems and terminal devices, to include radio, wire and battlefield automated systems (BAS). Develop and administer on site training programs. Assisting OIC with administrative and technical duties. Maintain records pertaining to information system operations. (5) A security clearance of SECRET. Interprets circuit diagrams and operations order extracts. 3. Reviewed and edited correspondence prior to release and submission for signature. Serves as a Rear Detachment Human Resources NCOIC for the 306th Aerial Exploitation Battalion (AEB), consisting of 275 Officers and Enlisted; supervises and manages the processing and tracking of all personnel actions, awards, NCOERs, promotions, suspension of favorable actions, leaves and passes, Change of Command, award ceremonies and military pay actions; responsible for processing transactions into E-MILPO; responsible for the health, welfare, training and professional development of two NCOs and fifteen Soldiers; responsible for automation equipment valued at over $8000. Perform system studies using established techniques to develop new or revised system applications and programs. Operated heavy equipment and vehicles in all types of terrain and weather conditions. Supervise or prepare technical studies, evaluations, reports, correspondence and records pertaining to multi-functional/multi-user information processing systems. Serves as a Forward Signal Support NCO in a 155mm (Paladin) Battalion; performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment; and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers. Staff sergeants attain their rank because they have experience and have demonstrated an ability to successfully complete missions and assignments. Develop and enforce policy and procedures for facility management. Supervises and checks maintenance performed by subordinate personnel. Analyze telecommunications information management needs, and request logistical support and coordinate systems integration. Provides subordinates technical assistance in resolving connectivity problems, complex maintenance faults, and during contingency situations. Plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for signal equipment. Perform analyst and information assurance functions and conducts data system studies and prepare documentation and specifications for proposals. Answer (1 of 10): The staff numbers are assigned according to custom, not hierarchy, traceable back to French practice; i.e., 1 is not "higher ranking" than 2. The major duties, physical demands, physical profile, and skill levels were obtained from Army Pamphlet 611-21. Develops and executes information services policies and procedures for supported organizations. Plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for user owned and operated signal equipment. Staff members inform and advise the commander and other staff members concerning all matters pertaining to their individual fields of interest and related functional responsibilities. Served as the Senior Local Area Network Manager __________; responsible for maintaining, managing and distributing all automation equipment for ___________; responsible for the fielding of Command Post Platform (CPP) and the integration of the Command Post Communication System (CPCS) which provides voice and data communications for tactical command and control for Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS). Develops and conducts training for subordinate personnel. Request logistic support. 25U Signal Support Specialist
Consults with staff on Policies and Procedures in accordance with department guidelines. They oversee the administrative functions of the company. Develop, direct, and supervise training programs to ensure Soldier proficiency and career development. Mission Command. Conduct technical, operational and maintenance training of subordinates on nodal operations procedures. Plans, coordinates, and supervises installation, operation, maintenance, and management of telecommunications systems and networks, including radio, switching, cable, and automation equipment. Serves as the Senior Medical NCOIC and Aid Station Senior Medic for an Attack Reconnaissance Battalion (ARB); responsible for the safety, discipline, training, development, health and welfare of two Junior Enlisted Soldiers and the professional development of one subordinate NCO; tasked with providing all aspects of medical support, treatment and evacuation for the 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, United States Army Alaska, Fort Wainwright Alaska (USARAK FWA). o Skill Level 5 MOSC 25U5O. Coordinates team logistic requirements. Serves as an Information Systems and Communications NCO for _unit_ Brigade Headquarters, supporting ten BNs and a Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment; responsible for the integration, installation, operation and maintenance of the Brigade's users on NIPR and SIPR networks; assists with information systems planning and maintenance, including hardware and software upgrades; plans and executes communications requirements for the Commander; ensures positive reliable command and control communications between the commander, senior civilians, and military leaders; responsible for technical support of _#_ Brigade VTC Suites. Operates and performs PMCS on assigned power generators. (7) Formal training (completion of MOS 25U course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Signal School) mandatory or waiver granted by Commandant, USASIGC. (2) If the rater is recently assigned, this first counseling may be used to . Produces reports and tracking of RI for OIC and XO. SEE PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT . Review, consolidate and forward final written input for the COOP. Trains subordinate personnel in the operation and maintenance of satellite and associated equipment. This document describes the responsibilities and duties commonly performed by members assigned to the S6 Department. Prepares and conducts MOS and unit training programs. Executes creation of, and distribution of department tasks and objectives. duties and responsibilities and contract compliance. Proactively identifies issues and provides feedback on processes or, implementations or, resources used by the department and the 7th cavalry. A non-commissioned officer In charge (NCOIC) occupies a position of responsibility and respect in the military chain of command. 25U20/Signal Support Systems NCO
Develops, produces, and distributes the Signal Operating Instructions (SOI) using computer software programs; maintains a database of frequency requests and assignments and performs periodic reviews and updates; takes steps to resolve frequency interference reports and maintains a database of interference incidents; prepares and forwards properly formatted frequency requests to the appropriate military or civilian agency for coordination and approval and maintains contact with them; performs unlimited frequency planning, selection, and deconfliction using automated tools; performs field level maintenance on authorized signal equipment and associated electronic devices; and operates and performs preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles and power generators. Worked as a team member to complete mission requirements. They are also familiar with the responsibilities and duties of other staff members. Chapter 4 RESPONSIBILITIES 9 4.1. . Maintains contact with military and civilian agency for the request and deconfliction of frequency use within the areas of responsibility. Generic NCOIC Duty Description
Squad Leader and Health Care NCOIC
Develops and implements unit level signal maintenance programs. Helping maintain and develop documentation, software and equipment owned or controlled by the 7th Cavalry. - Filled DMS NCOIC posit; coord'd section SAPR trn'g/IMR updates/wrote 2 awd pkg/1 dec--oversaw 10 NCO's/Amn. NCOs are responsible to fulfill not only their individual duties, but also to ensure their teams and units are successful. Supervise the operation of the ISSO. Primary Information Management NCO and Telephone Control Manager. He is a graduate of Claremont Men's College. Arrange higher level or contractor support maintenance for assigned equipment. Forward Signal Support NCO
Implements network control center generated changes to support operational requirements. A non-commissioned officer In charge (NCOIC) occupies a position of responsibility and respect in the military chain of command. A non-commissioned officer (NCO) is responsible for maintaining peace and order during military operations and training. Performing duties as given by OIC, IMO OIC or general staff. As an NCO, you are accountable for your personal conduct and that of your soldiers. Implement network operations center generated changes to support operational requirements. Plans and conducts Division, Brigade and Battalion Signal support operations and user owned and operated Signal equipment training. Receives communications network input, interprets information and creates frequency plans, organizes the data logically, and generates and distributes SOI to all users electronically or in paper copy. City, STATE 2013 - Current Non Commissioned Officer, in charge of Commander's Support Staff at AFROTC detachment, managing over 30 administrative programs for over 140 cadets and cadre; Monitors and updates all cadet pay actions in excess of $1 million annually . Installs and maintains tactical satellite antenna equipment. Prepares and implements Signal operations orders and reports. Disseminate TSO to subordinate shifts, assemblages, or stations. Plans, supervises, and integrates the installation, operation, and maintenance of Combat Net Radio (CNR), to include radio, Division Level Retransmission (RETRANS) and Blue Force Trackers (JCR); plans and provides unit level training for CNR and Signal support equipment; assists in Observer Controller (OC) installation and verification of CNR in support of Division Exercise-Evaluations; plans, supervises and executes RETRANS team deployments; prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support; responsible for the health and welfare, mentorship and training of six Soldiers. Interpret, disseminate and implement network changes/reconfigurations affecting nodal network architecture operations. DUTY: A duty is something you must do by virtue of your position and is a legal or moral obligation. Operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles. Prepares system and equipment related forms and reports. Maintains tactical Line of Sight (LOS), Tropospheric (TROPO) scatter communications systems and associated equipment. Request logistical support. On a side note, if you are (or were) a Battalion S3 at any point in time, I would love to hear from you. Manage security programs for satellite operations. Ensures contingency operations plans and routing subsystems are correctly maintained in the database to reflect current operational scenario. We are making strides everyday to update our duty descriptions and will continue to do so. Writes or interpret operation orders and prepares standing operating procedures (SOP) for HF operations. Platoon sergeants carry the rank of sergeant first class. For ARNGUS AGR Soldiers assigned as Readiness NCO or Training NCO, enter both the NCO's TOE or TDA assignment and the full-time support titles such as Chief or Firing Battery/Readiness NCO. Integrates signal systems and networks; performs unit level maintenance on authorized signal equipment and associated electronic devices; trains and provides technical assistance to users of signal equipment; and operates and performs preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles and power generators. Develops frequency operational requirements, telecommunications service requests, and disseminates operations information to ensure C2 communications connectivity. Serves as Human Resources Readiness NCOIC for a Special Forces Group consisting of three Special Forces Battalions, a Group Support Battalion, and a Headquarters Company with an aggregate strength of 1,950 Special Operations Soldiers; responsible for the health, welfare, training and supervision of five junior enlisted Soldiers; Unit Status Report(USR), and Personnel Actions; responsible for the timely and accurate eMILPO transaction submissions, strength reporting, Command Inspection Program; accountable for $125,000 worth of office automation equipment. Interpret operations orders affecting switching operations. And to do that, they need a breadth of knowledge in weapon systems, antiterrorism, law enforcement, Air Base Ground Defense and Combat Arms. S6 Game Clerks are responsible for maintaining and implementing tasks within their assigned duties. Oversight of current objectives and tasks within the department. The S6 Game Clerk is responsible for one or more games currently in use on our servers. Here are some common military term translations you can include on your resume: Major Duties: The Signal Support Systems Specialist supervises, installs, employs, maintains, troubleshoots, and assists users with battlefield Signal support systems and terminal devices; integrates Signal systems and networks; performs unit level maintenance on authorized Signal equipment and associated electronic devices; trains and provides technical assistance to users of Signal equipment; and operates and performs prevent maintenance checks and service (PMCS) on assigned vehicles and power generators. Serves as a forward deployed Direct Signal Support Team NCOIC in a Tactical Installation and Networking Company; responsible for providing Warfighter Commanders with customer support on secure and non-secure WAN access, long local DSN phone service, NIPR/SIPR VoIP and VTC capability; supervises the operation of the_____ Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4) Facility that provides service to over ___ users; responsible for oversight of equipment valued in excess of $_______. Provides guidance on printing and publication account procedures, processes and regulatory requirements. Echelon: Combat Support Hospital Princple Duty Title: S6, NCOIC Duty MOSC: 25U5O Duty Description: Serves as the S6 NCOIC of a 90-bed Combat Support Hospital comprised of two Level III facilities at two locations in Iraq and in excess of 625 personnel in support of OIF XX-XX; advises and assists the commander, staff, and subordinate units on tactical and non-tactical communications systems . Write unit or facility standing operating procedures (SOP). The Battle Staff NCO Course is a branch-immaterial functional course for the staff sergeant through master sergeant to prepare them for staff assignments. Perform and assist subordinate operators to execute nodal and COMSEC operations, associated computer and software related technical tasks. Perform duties shown in preceding skill level. Any duty, because of the position you hold in the unit, includes a responsibility to execute that duty. Ethan Macfarlane is an articulate, humble young Soldier whose energetic mentality has led him on a path of success early in his military career. Company Communications NCOIC
Corporals are responsible for a team, squad, or unit. Plans and coordinates line of site or tropospheric scatter communications assemblage deployments and system operations. Write final operational manuals, procedures and requirements documents. Serves as a Section Chief in a forward deployed Internment and Resettlement Military Police Battalion; responsible for the health, welfare, safety, and personal and professional development of two Soldiers; performs duties as a communications liaison to the Afghan National Army in support of train, advise, and assist mission; ensures proper Communications Security (COMSEC) fills are maintained for three camps; supports the Northwestern Joint Regional Correctional Facility with communications and automations support; assists with the planning, coordination, and execution of communications projects with outside contractors and agencies. 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