By taking all these factors into account before signing up for an account, you can ensure that you get a safe and enjoyable gambling experience every time! 0000003832 00000 n 0000012034 00000 n Clear Height in front of Panel >480V. /Pages 167 0 R 1092-E William L. Reed Effective Jul 1, 1998 97-12-098 Vice President 9. 0000017870 00000 n 0000008148 00000 n TYPICAL 100 - 200 AMP ALL IN ONE METER CAN - RESIDENTIAL Meter Compartment Sealable Customer Panel Customer CT's 120/240 <> local requirements may vary check with local building official 0000105469 00000 n When encountering landscaping during emergency repairs, the utility can remove the landscaping (not very gently) or leave and await notification the offending vegetation has been removed. Easily find the nearest Schneider Electric distributor in your location. We empower all to make the most of their energy and resources, ensuring Life Is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment. 176 0 obj 173 37 Generally, a transformer located near a building requires 4ft clearance from the building vertical surfaces, assuming no windows from grade to 18ft. 0000006528 00000 n HEi&ibY YER(*HPPt)(wIk*`2{ hdA:(?YY?#6r Js,[eKURLaaTW[U_9-psnqw>v6>V{10,)]e=aC&HL(>:bA$9R#(@{b~=%(fT_?XNf0! hb```f``:pAX,;~o`PH9"bdxIqb_CEGxGUd30 Aq7b/L^YN PxXiF4/E@\ ) The manual is endorsed by the California editor of the MUTCD. . P`}/l"z(@y)CpK\+W3 iDNQ#=;lC` Rs.77bhTg"AZ@mHgLYZl/&2^rR2zmuTCY}F8XLOF H#1\/w"h!\ Sg$xQ5=>YB*ds ,0Fm]F\ `mtmj (1rhq{.rg* !q1sE":y*f@4pcq ^uYR RO]!J2ohe7xUq a* Already a Member? << mgr. /Height 1232 0000047023 00000 n 0000001212 00000 n !{?9@;|V $ O>Oa]pk~-bgkP1yq5x x]?S-+)f1I8zM] ZWdj)X`[fQ 9mSk#H #-rn8a;{ +-]Nt`lQNf8J DE Join your peers on the Internet's largest technical engineering professional community.It's easy to join and it's free. B. Three-Phase: The standard transformer for three-phase service is Style MTP, Style IIE-LB, or Style IIG pad-mount transformer (see Table 12 through Table 19 on Pages 8 through 10). /~c,2?PaA ?OZ>s-oCxiw/Ki:Sx@}/nB P. Customers and developers will be able to landscape around the cabinets, subject to required safety clearances and access requirements. 0000009635 00000 n 173 0 obj Description: Cable Riser - Residential . Padmount transformers installed behind decorative w alls. 0000007068 00000 n 11235-E San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego, California Canceling Original Cal. >> 0000008553 00000 n Transformers in locations subject to vehicle traffic must be protected, and oftentimes these protections must be in place before the transformer is energized, even during construction. hbbd``b`$C`9$Ab 0 n#4?c7 [CDATA[// >