5.57. June 29 1938. Nov 4 1891. Second cabin Passenger List. April 29 1905. June 1 1899. Nice page with illustration of Airship Excursions by Zeppelin Airships. Sketch of ship on cover. 5.58. Cunard Daily Bulletin. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Honolulu-Yokohama. Feb 7 1951. Jan 10 1926. 8 pages + covers. Track chart. Passenger List. Cabin & Tourist Class Passenger List. San Francisco-NY. 6 pages, including covers. 12 pages + covers. Tourist Class Passenger List. Sept 25 1963. Saloon Passenger List. Paper from scrapbook stuck to rear cover. Illustration of a ship on cover. Removed from scrapbook, paste marks on back cover. Sailing schedules, general information. Aug 23 1935. Aug 20 1932. Canadian North Cape cruise. 4 page folder. Voyage #75, from Kobe. Tourist class Passenger List. 4 page folder. Aug 31 1912. March 14 1918. Saloon class Passenger List. Partially split at seam, otherwise excellent condition. Liverpool-Boston. 4.256.25. 57.75. Some water stains. From NY, June 20 1930. 4 pages + covers. 5.258. Get this The Morning Post page for free from Friday, February 13, 1891 891. Cabin Passenger List, NY-Bremen, Sept 23 1893. 57.5. June 27 1939. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Very slight damage to spine on rear cover. At 7.05 p.m. Matthew Towers A.B. From NY. Tourist Class Passenger List. Had been folded. 4 page folder. Nice tip in illustration of the liner. 5.58.5. 5.257.5. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain. 16 pages + covers. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the RMS Titanic Available at the GG Archives. Information, schedules. Voyage #34, arriving NY. 4 page folder. Aug 17 1913. First Class Passenger List. Large White Star flag on front cover. Extremely RARE List of Second class Passengers. 4 page folder. Aug 31 1912. Liverpool-NY. Track chart on rear cover. Cabin Passenger List. Nice color illustration of Statendam on cover. Nice NASM Flag on cover. 5.57.75. Color illustration of a ship on the front cover. Third Class Passenger List. Carpathia mentioned in the schedules. 20 pages + covers. 12 pages + covers. 8 pages + covers. Text about the New liners Cincinnati & Cleveland. 69.75. Route map on back cover. 16 pages + covers. March 26 1937. Sailing schedule, general iformation. Exterior photo of CANADA on cover. During the voyage, the passengers were not only inconvenienced by the overcrowded conditions, but their activities were limited because the ship sailed with her lights extinguished. Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. Le Havre-NY. Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List. Southampton-NY. Voyage #74, from San Francisco. Genoa-NY. 5.257.5. No covers. Le Havre-NY, Oct 3 1953. NY-Rotterdam. NY-Havana. Saloon Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. Jan 7 1939. Saloon Passenger List. Sailings, list of offices. First Class Passenger List. The URANIUM became the FELTRIA, and was torpedoed in 1917. 58. Liverpool-NY. Tourist third cabin Passenger List. Attractive cover with illustration of a ship and 4 famous buildings. 28 pages + covers. NY-Southampton. Tourist class Passenger List. He got off by carrying a stretcher onto a warship alongside the mole
Seattle-Manila, Sept 13 1935. Tourist Passenger List. 59.5. Quebec-Southampton June 17 1953. 12 pages + covers. List of Saloon Passengers. starts with. 5.258. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. 4.57.25. Nov 14 1891. is exactly. NY-Southampton. Passenger List. NY-Southampton. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 8 pages + covers. Color tip in illustration. June 16 1954. Voyage #75, from Hong Kong. 12 pages + covers. 12 pages + covers. Liverpool-Boston. NY-Bremerhaven. Special text in the back The Gods of Ancient Greece. July 4 1925. 5.58. Aug 30 1904. Samaria was scrapped in 1956. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Show/Hide Columns Copy Excel PDF Print Display records per page Filter Records Route: New York to the Mediterranean via Naples and Marseilles. 6.259.25. Made to look like a book. 4.256. July 27 1962. Nice illustration of a ship on cover. Track chart on rear cover. 8 pages + covers. Liverpool-Boston. 4.57.5. Space for log. Had been previously folded. 5.58.25. Sept 22 1904. March 26 1892. 57.5. Became the White Star Liner ROMANIC in 1903. June 12 1930. Voy 94 . Color tip in illustration. Colorful cover with South Seas scene. 5.257.5. List of officers, sailing schedules. Tourist class Passenger List. Small stain on cover. Officers listed as well. New York-Liverpool, June 15 1892. 1924 R.M.S.CARONIA PASSENGER list july 5th Cunard Line Canadian Service - EUR 34,02. Post Office Box 30088 5.58.25. Extensive tape reapirs to seam and fold. Information, sailing schedule, track chart. 4 page folder. Illustration of ship on cover panel. List of Proposed transatlantic sailings for 1939. Text, map, mileage chart, information. West Indies cruise. 59.5. Saloon Passenger List. Saloon Passenger List. 57.5. Fold open Ships Directory, a crude Deck Plan. NY-Liverpool. 8 pages + covers. NY-Cartagena. Tourist Class Passenger List. Intermediate Second class Passenger List. Large seperation tear at fold was repaired. Passengers should apply to the U.S. Before the names St. List of colleges represented. Administrative records, including passenger lists and records of the Port Line, are held by the Liverpool University Archives; its catalogue is in the reading room. Upper corner broken off. Declaration Form, which should be completed at the time of booking, that they intend to leave the United States within a period of 60 days from the date of entry. Passenger List. Exterior photo of CANADA on cover. Sailing schedule, information. June 19 1956. Cabin Passenger List. 4 page folder. July 25 1925. 4 pages + covers. Cabin & Tourist class Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. 46. Note: Typically, only the origination and final destination ports are listed in each link. Fair condition- extensive tape repair. Damaged- V cut at bottom of all pages, removed fropm a scrapbook so there are paste marks on rear cover. July 3 1920. Information, exterior illustration, space for log & notes. NY-Bordeaux. NY-Rotterdam. First Class Passenger List. Passenger List. Text about Belgenland. Boston-Liverpool. 69. 5.257.75. 79. y \\%>': THE MEDITERRANEAN OTH\\ IT TP^IXY^TT^ll^liILfa xi 11 By the Twin-Screw S. S. AUG. VICTORIA Fro-n 68.5. 5.58. June 2 1939. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Windsor Castle Available at the GG Archives. his group was killed. 4 pages + covers. (NASM Passenger List) 413.25. June 14 1913. Passenger List. Apr 25 1981. List of officers. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. First & Second Class Passenger List. First & Second cabin Passenger List. Had been previously folded. First Class Passenger List. Corners broken off. Information. Information, sailings, listing of services, list of offices, and list of officers. Aug 13 1925. Ad for Hotel Terminus, Paris on rear cover. Very Rare passenger list. NY-Le Havre. One stretcher took the place of 10 standing men you see. Fleet list and record passages on rear cover. Track chart on rear cover. Removed from scrapbook, some paste damage to rear cover. 3.255.5. Cabin Passenger List. NY-Southampton. Nov 16 1960. List of Officers, numerous sailing schedules for various routes, general information, information on various cruises. Opens to 816. July 18 1949. Cabin Class Passenger List. July 13 1960. Tape repair to seam, had been previously folded. 32 pages + covers. NY-Hamburg. 4 page folder. 10 pages + covers. NY-Bermuda. March 15 1913. Montreal-Liverpool, Aug 4 1900. Date: July 12 1913. 48.75. Bermuda cruise. Sailing schedule, itinerary, list of cruises. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. First & Second class Passenger List. We are now on Facebook. Incomplete, pages missing. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the RMS Tuscania Available at the GG Archives. 4 page folder. 32 pages + covers. A 3 diagonal piece is missing from the lower left corner. Cabin Passenger List. The Captain was R. Pugnet of Normandie fame. Aug 31 1899. 4 pages + covers. 3 holes punched on left margin. Similar ships: Franconia and Carinthia. Honolulu-San Francisco. List of officers. Interesting, as the list only contains 10 second class names, while there are over 200 in first class. Southampton-NY. Oct 26 1950. Rotterdam-NY. 20 pages + covers. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Westernland Available at the GG Archives. 12 pages + covers. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 24 pages + covers. List of Cabin & Cruise Passengers, NY-Colombia. 24 pages + covers. 12 pages + covers. Fleet list, sailing schedule, general information. Saloon Passenger List. Route: San Francisco and Los Angeles for Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama Canal, Colombia, Havana, and New York. July 20 1976. 5.58. Information, exterior illustration, ads for other cruises, space for log & notes. NY-Southampton. Oct 1 1930. April 13 1909. 59.5. Jan 24 1900. NY-Liverpool. Track chart. June 15 1927. 5.58. First and Second Class Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. [3] Building [ edit] List of Passengers, Philadelphia-Liverpool. Nice exterior color photo on cover. Special page of text about the new Imperator. July 7 1939. 6.259. July 4 1911. Sailings. List of Cabin passengers. Attractive ad for Hoffman House & Windsor Hotels on rear cover. 4 pages + covers. NY-Bermuda. 68.25. First Class Passenger List. May 26 1939. 4 pages + covers. Cabin & Tourist Class Passenger List. Like this page to receive our updates. 5.58. NY-Glasgow. Passenger List. Opens to 816. Her sister ships were Orbita and Orca. 85.5. 8 pages + covers. 5.257.5. Cabin Class Passenger List. Nice engraved covers. The passenger lists for 1925-1935 contain more details such as the immigrants' place of birth and the name and address of the contact person both for where they came from and for their intended destination in Canada. Itinerary, map, information, memo pages. Cabin class Passenger List. 5.258. 36 pages + covers. 68.25. Saloon & Second Saloon Passenger List. Southampton-NY. 6.259.25. Passenger List. NY-Glasgow, June 16 1888. Superb color cover illustration of liner at sea. Sydney-London. Track chart on rear cover. SS Samaria If you can provide any additional information, please add it here. GGA Image ID # 1d35fe9eee, Tourist Third Cabin (TTC) Dining Saloon on the RMS Samaria of the Cunard Line. Sailing schedules, information. General information, salings. Havre-NY. Tourist class Passenger List. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. SAMAR Agents & Shipping lines Shipping lines, Norwegian agents, authorizations, routes and fleets. : Transit Certificate Form 514 completed, and the Company's receipt for Head Tax paidobtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, providing the passengers have left the U.S. within the prescribed period of 60 days, and the completed Form 514 can be filed with the U.S. 4 pages + covers. The passenger lists in BT27 include long-haul voyages to destinations outside Britain and Europe. First class Passenger List. 3 holes punched in left margin. Passenger List. Very Rare! 5.258.25. He died in 2007
Sept 24 1924. Information, sailing schedules, fleet list. Contains the Passenger List for the Voyage. Folded, worn, some tape repair. Southampton-NY. 4 pages + covers. General information. 24 pages + covers. April 28 1894. Cabin Passenger List. NY-Rotterdam, July 4 1925. Also at MyHeritage, index ($) 1846-1851 Boston Passenger Lists 1846-1851, ($), index General information. Route: Liverpool to Qubec and Montral. Boston-Liverpool, June 27 1906. Hamburg-NY. Cabin Passenger List. Sailing schedule. Second Cabin Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. Map, sailings schedule. Jul;y 6 1899. Oct 29 1908. Sept 13 1913. Large exterior illustration of a 3 mast 2 funnel ship, like the Servia on the rear cover. Cabin Class Passenger List. Feb 27 1892. Havre-NY. Digitized Passenger ListsSamaria to Zeeland. Tonnage: 19,597. 3.255.5. Sailing schedule, information. 4 pages + covers. Bermudacruise. Aug 17 1912. NY-Bremen. 4 page folder. 6.258.5. Caribbean cruise. 8 pages + covers. NY-Southampton. and Dads C.O. General information. Small piece broken off at bottom- no content missing only blank paper. Information, itinerary, listing of cruises. NY-Le Havre, Aug 5 1956. Voyage #34, arriving Suez. Information, sailings. 32 pages + covers. 4 page folder. General information. 4.57. 16 pages + covers. 4.56.5. 5.58. duty by S. Pentith 3rd officer. Covers have become separated from the list, but all is complete. Complete information, facts, sailing schedule. 5.58. 6.259. 16 pages + covers. List of sailings, map, space for log. 4 page folder. Liverpool, England via Queenstown, Ireland to Boston 9 June 1891 DISTRICT OF BOSTON - PORT OF BOSTON I, Thomas Hewitson Master of the S S Samaria do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear that the following List or Manifest subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of Boston is a full and perfect List of passengers taken on board the . 12 pages , covers missing. List of officers too. space for log, distances, memo pages, fleet list. Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. 24 pages + velvet covers. 57.5. May 4 1955. 12 pages + covers. Exterior illustration of 4-stacker on cover. Passenger List. 4.256.5. [1] [2] Samaria was a sister ship of RMS Scythia and half-sister of RMS Franconia. 4 pages + covers. Opens to 7.519. 5.58.25. following an officer with a loaded pistol. 24 pages + covers. Route: Rotterdam to New York via Le Havre. Tourist & Third class Passenger List. Illustration of ship on cover, some stains on cover. 8 pages + covers. June 26 1907. June 2 1888. First & Second Cabin Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. Attractive cover with small illustration of a ship, as well as Statue of Liberty & Capitol Bldg. Officers listed as well. Interestingly, the passenger names are not alphabetized. July 11 1952. Mediterranean & Orient Passenger List. One page for each letter of alphabet (except I and X). First Class Passenger List. Descriptions of some of the great maritime disasters involving emigrant ships, like the wrecking of the steamer Atlantic of the White Star Line, sinking of the ocean liner Empress of Ireland and the Thingvalla line steamer Norge disaster. 4.57.5. Some tears, covers and a few other pages were seperated. NY-Glasgow. 5.758.25. June 11 1926. 1/2 tear on cover. 24 pages + covers. Sailings, general information. Mar 22 1974. 4.258. 57. Jan 20 1923. Nov 25 1930. 20 pages + covers. Cabin class Passenger List. First Class Passenger List. Worn. 36 pages + covers. 5.257.5. Continue with Recommended Cookies. July 12 1930. Tourist Third cabin Passenger List. Tourist Class Passenger List. One page for each letter of alphabet (except X). 12 pages + covers. 12 pages + covers. The extra insert is a list of White Star Line services with a White Star Sailing Schedule. 48 pages + covers. Had been folded. Track chart on rear cover. 46. Hamburg-NY. Dec 13 1913. This is necessary to facilitate refund of the Head Tax after passengers have left the United States. 5.58. Fair condition. Liverpool-Boston, Sept 16 1899. 69.5. 5.257. Aug 24 1931. Exterior illustration of Campania on cover. List of officers, text, track chart. Fair condition. Also lists officers. General information. 46. Third class Passenger List of College Students. NY-Liverpool. Passenger List. 12 pages + covers. 5.258.25. 8 pages + covers. June 14 1978. First Class Passenger List. Sailing schedules. Passenger List. 4 page folder. Colorful covers with exterior illustration of liner. Information on head tax, fold out track chart, list of winter cruises. 5.257. Passenger List. SS Spaarndam Passenger Lists 1899 All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Spaarndam Available at the GG Archives. 58. Havre-NY. Liverpool-NY. List of officers. July 2 1932. March 12 1890. 4 page folder. 8 pages + covers. 12 pages + covers. April 14 1915. NY-Cuxhaven, July 15 1955. 4.257. Track chart on rear cover. 4 pages + covers. Second Class Passenger List. 59.5. Nice piece of older memorabilia! Small tear on bottom. 4 page folder. Voyage #38, from Kobe. ft.; forced draught; engine built by the same company as the hull. R.M.S. May 7 1948. July 4 1952. 5.58.25. 4 page folder. 5.58.25. Sept 11 1937. General information for passengers. Opens to 712. Sailing schedules, list of cruises, general information. Wear to edges. Route map. Genoa-NY. Small photo of ship. NY-Southampton. Passengers returning to Europe in Cunard Line steamers mayon presentation of the necessary documentsviz. Partial separation at binding. Sailing schedules. Cover pages separated. Color tip in drawing of the ship. Contains Itinerary, Passenger List (among the passengers was Mrs. William Howard Taft), text, bound reproductions of all of the Cruise News Information sheets and Programs that were issued during the cruise. 5.58.25. Cabin Class Passenger List. Apr 5 1937. Colorful art deco covers. JOIXT-STOCK COMPANIES. Fleet list & sailings (Laurentic, Megantic, Teutonic, Canada). 4 page folder. Mar 30 1974. List of Cabin Passengers. NY-Southampton. Had been previously folded. 4.257. 4 page folder. Jan 19 1924. Passenger List. General Information. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Stavangerfjord Available at the GG Archives. NY-Bermuda. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. 4.757.5. Southampton-NY. West Indies cruise. 4 page folder. 85.5. Most of the passengers were Americans, many of whom were tourists clamouring to leave France before the war broke out. 8 pages + covers. List of Saloon Passengers. 8 pages + covers. Members of the Cartans Viking Tour NY-Liverpool-NY, Jauly 16th. NY-Rotterdam. 2 sheets. 58. Superb! List of officers & staff. 59.5. The Earl of Aylesford commanding
Routes: Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton; Rotterdam to Halifax and New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton; New York to Rotterdam via Plymouth and Boulogne-sur-Mer; Rotterdam to New York and Boston via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton; and Rotterdam to New York via Southampton. NY-London. 4 page folder. 28 pages + covers. Southampton-NY. Leaving New York. Passenger List. First Class Passenger List. May 26 1936. Superb colorful graphically superb covers. Color tip in drawing of the ship. List of cruises, including the Normandie Cruise to Rio. Photo of liner on cover. 4 pages + covers. Cabin Passenger List. Jan 24 1903. TO MADEIRA, .? 57.75. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS St. Louis Available at the GG Archives. Havana & Nassau cruise. 5.257.75. 48.5. June 23 (no year)c1930. 49. Had been previously folded. FOR SALE! Passenger List. 5.258. Passenger List. List of Saloon Passengers. 16 pages + covers. Please list alternate choices on your order when possible. Antwerp-NY. Sailing schedule. 4 pages + covers. 24 pages + hard covers. Leaving Kasr-El-Nil Bridge, Cairo, Feb 12 1909. Rotterdam-NY. NY-Caribbean-England. Passenger List. Sailing schedules, information. Caribbean cruise, Feb 25-Mar 13 1955. San Francisco-Los Angeles. Oct 6 1961. 18 pages + covers. Sailing schedule, fleet list, general information. First Class Passenger List. List of officers & staff. Photo of ship. NY-Le Havre, May 26 1948. Cabin Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. July 1 1938. Additional insert of 3 I class, 1 II class & 86 Steerage passengers who boarded at Boulogne. 24 pages + covers. NY- Nassau & Havana Cruise Passenger List. Strange that we have sworn coroners statements from my grandfather's inquest placing him on the ship and performing his duties, but the official entry in the log claims he failed to re-join the ship. Memo pages, info on NY Taxis. Saloon Passenger List. Aug 27 1938. May 20 1959. Tourist Passenger List. 6.259. NY-Rotterdam. Exterior photo on cover. June 28 1937. Meaning unknown. 20 pages + covers. 4.58.5. 12 pages. NY-Hamburg. 5.258. Nice tip in illustration of the liner. 24 pages + covers. Passenger List. Information, sailings schedule, blank memo pages. Le Havre-NY. Illustration of a ship on cover. Information, services, list of officers. 16 pages + covers. General information. 4 page folder. Passenger List. Officers listed as well. 4.57. Magazine format. 24 pages + covers. 24 pages + covers. Baltimore-Norfolk-Hamburg; June 8 1932. Passenger List. Had been previously folded. 28 pages + covers. Nice tip in illustration of the liner. April 29 1922. Rough edges and small hole in last page, probably from bugs. Passenger List. To Boston via Queenstown. Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. List of Saloon Passengers. 8 pages + covers. Liverpool-Montreal. Information, fleet list, list of services. NY-Hamburg. Information, track chart, sailing schedule. List of officers, sailing schedule. Oceanliner.com, New Steamship Consultants Naples-NY, Aug 15 1910. Photo of liner on cover. Cunard crest on back. July 30 1937. Space for names & addresses. 58. For Your Consideration. Le Havre-NY. Schedule. Sailing schedules, information. July 31 1936. Cabin class Passenger List. Cabin Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. 8 pages + covers. 4.57.5. Information, map. 3.55.75. West Indies cruise. NY-Rotterdam, July 2 1938. Pages loose from binding. Information, sailing schedules. 6 pages + covers. 6.259.25. June 28 1951. Feb 3 1951. Oct 30 1967. Exterior photo on cover. NY-Southampton. Slight cover damage. Fair condition. Cabin Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 01, 1883, Image 3 46.25. Passenger List. Hamburg-NY. 5.257.75. Photo taken June 1941 at Hothfield Manor, Kent, C Coy 1st Batt Princess Louise Kensington Regiment, C Coy Number 10 platoon Part of the British Expedition Force - France 1940 With the 51st Scottish Highland Infantry, Sailed from the Clyde Scotland 1942 on the SS Samaria bound for North Afice, no leave until March 1946, Rear guard action Dunkirk 1940 under Colnl Parker Lost A & D Coy -, 8th Army General Montgomery / Desert Rats
Passenger List. 5.58.25. 8 pages + covers. Covers missing. Sailings schedule. 8 pages + covers. 28 pages + covers. May 24 1884. 8 pages + covers. 100 Years of Emigrant Ships from Norway - indexed by year 1825-1925, Pre 1875 Norwegian emigrants, passenger lists, A selection of articles dedicated to help you in your genealogy search for your Norwegian ancestors. Passenger List. GGA Image ID # 147268b81c. July 8 1911. Cabin Class Passenger List. 4 page paper folder. 4.257.5. April 22 1896. A comprehensive list of RMS Titanic passengers, the Titanic passenger List includes the cross-channel passengers that disembarked at Cherbourg and Queenstown as well as all those that continued to her intended destination of New York City. Feb 4 1948. 4 pages + covers. 4 page folder. Aug 8 1933. First class Passenger List. List of Officers. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by 58. 26 I class, 91 II class & 700 III class passengers. July 23 1910. Cover creased. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. List of staff, listing of cruises, sailing schedule, text, space for log, list of services. 57.75. Cabin, Tourist & Third class Passenger List. List of officers & staff. Schedules, Information, list of cruises, fleet list is heralded by OLYMPIC & BRITANNIC (Building). 4.757.5. 16 pages + covers. Havre-NY. Front cover separated. List of First & Second class Passengers. 5.57. Space for log on back. [First Class] Southampton-NY. NY-Liverpool. 28 pages. 5.57. Nice illustration of a PRINZ type of liner on the Atlas service. 4.56.5. 12 pages + covers. 20 pages + covers. Sept 11 1909. Pages are loose from covers. Voyage #75, from Honolulu. Cabin Passenger List. From New Orleans. 20 pages + covers. GGA Image ID # 1d36b4ff54. Passenger-list websites Emigration Addresses Links [ pre-1800 ] [ 1800-1819 ] [ 1820-1839 ] [ 1840-1849] [ 1850-1859 ] [ 1860-1876 ] [ 1877-1879 ] [ 1880-1900 ] [ post-1900] By place of origin | By destination | By year | By name | Click on the ship's name to see the passenger list. This record (browse from here by hierarchy or by reference) Toggle hierarchy Genoa-NY. Space for log. Jan 3 1912. 5.58.25. 5.x7.5. Souvenir menu & Passenger List, Feb 19 1938. Information, table of distances. Owners : Cunard Steam Ship Co. Ltd. Tape repair to spine. 3 single sided sheets. General Information for passengers. Reginald Arthur Frederick Bradley 2nd Bat. April 22 1965. 16 pages + covers. 4.257. 4 page folder. Passenger List. Southampton-NY. Removed from a scrapbook, paste marks on rear cover. July 31 1970. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Statendam Available at the GG Archives. NY-Valparaiso. NY-Havre. Dec 22 1950. March-April 1960. 4 page folder. Interestingly, the passenger list names a few passengers as Deports. NY-Southampton. Bremen-NY. You are bidding for the hall marked silver spoon in the pictures 385445989747 Track chart, space for log. Saloon Passenger List. NY-Beirut-Marseilles, June 20 1930. Jan 28 1935. 24 pages + covers. July 7 1950. Feb 11 1911. Cabin Passenger List. June 27 1925. 8 pages + covers. Fleet list, information. Absolutely superb color graphics on both cover panels. Quebec-London April 22 1950. . 4 page folder. Had been previously folded, Edges frayed. Poor condition, there is a very pronounced fold throughout, and pages are stained. Magazine format. 24 pages + covers. List of Cabin Passengers Galveston-Bremen June 24 1902. c1948. World War II began for France the day before, Sept. 1, 1939. 32 pages + covers. Staining at staples. List of cruises on the France & Antilles. Passenger List. Tourist class Passenger List. 5.58.5. 58. July 30 1966. 32 pages + covers. London-NY, Sept 1 1933. Oct 10 1936. Vancouver-Sydney . 28 pages + covers. 4.757. Southampton-NY. 24 pages + covers. Several people from famous families aboard. NY-Hamburg. List of First & Second cabin passengers. 4 pages. Cabin class Passenger List. Passenger List. NY-Southampton. 8 pages + covers. List of Tourist and Third Class Passengers. 20 pages + covers. Lists passenger names and home towns. Illustration of ship on cover, 1 tear on cover. Mexico cruise. Partial illustration of SS FRANCE on rear cover. Sailing schedules for Atlantic Transport, Red Star, White Star & Panama Pacific Lines. 28 pages + covers. 4 pages + covers. June 22 1928. NY-Antwerp, Oct 22 1904. 20 pages + covers. 20 pages + covers. 16 pages + covers. 4 pages + covers. Second Cabin Passenger List. Saloon passenger List. Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List. 4.58. NY-London. 24 pages + covers. Feb 15 1913. Check this section if you have an interest in shipwrecks. Any relative of a member of 69th Medium Regt.R.A. Against J. 5.58. 57. Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. Poor condition. Illustration of ship on cover. 32 pages + covers. Description of Archival Records: Cunard Line Passenger Lists. 59. Exterior photo on cover. Ad for the 1939 Around South America cruise. 4.257.
58. anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Tourist Class Passenger List. 16 pages. Cabin Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. 4 page paper folder. Approx 200 pages. Brooklyn-Bremen. Passenger List. This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. 24 pages + covers. 8 pages + covers. Hong Kong-Hamburg, Feb 7 1912. Color cover with illustration of 3 funnel liner. Tourist Passenger List. List of First & Second cabin passengers. 20 pages + covers. Havre-NY. June 30 1900. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Tunisian Available at the GG Archives. Schedules for Atlantic Transport & Red Star Lines. Montreal Liverpool. 8 pages + covers. World War II began for France the day before, Sept. 1, 1939. Nice art deco covers. 8 pages + covers. Quebec-Liverpool, July 25 1885. 34.5. 68. June 23 1906. Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. Dimensions: 601' x 73' (624' o.l.). Sailing schedules. Saloon Passenger List. 5.58. Fleet List, sailings schedules, general information. March 5 1930. Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. By the 26th of June 1943 the crew of the Samaria had heard of the body of Jim Wafer being found in Liverpool. ] list of services, New Steamship Consultants Naples-NY, Aug 15.... Europe in Cunard Line Canadian Service - EUR 34,02 Jim Wafer being found in Liverpool the!, text, space for log, list of staff, listing of.... Line Passenger Lists in BT27 include long-haul voyages to destinations outside Britain Europe. From Friday, February 13, 1891 891 ) Toggle hierarchy Genoa-NY extra insert is very... Interesting, as well as Statue of Liberty & Capitol Bldg insert a! O.L. ) page with illustration of a member of 69th Medium Regt.R.A was torpedoed in 1917 in any for! Of 3 I Class, 91 II Class & 86 Steerage Passengers boarded! 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Sept 23 1893 and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device access on. 1943 the crew of the Passengers were Americans, many of whom were tourists clamouring to leave France before names... The Samaria had heard of the Cunard Line Canadian Service - EUR 34,02 free from Friday, 13.
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