Suffixes converts nouns to adverbs. pubis Food elements are transported by the body's cells via the: Which of the following words means treatment of obesity? no stones There are four types of muscle tissue. patella, The term spondyl/o refers to _____. ilium stiff True or False? These terms will help with your study of conditions and diseases related to the musculoskeletal system. abduction what is rubisco quizlet what is rubisco quizlet. plantar fasciitis A hiccup is an example of a myoclonus. fingers, The _____ form the hand. If you really want to be able to talk about the male reproductive system, it's time to learn the necessary medical terminology. arthrodynia Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which term means the study of skin? lesion 37) A patient scheduled for echoencephalography will undergo a study of which of the following? origin pronation Lou Gehrig disease is also known as _____. Introduction to Medical Terminology. The root word cardio means heart. before ex: lip/oma (fat/tumor), glauc/oma (cloudy/swelling), -osis, -esis, -asis, -iasis, -sis -ectomy neither term. respiratal LLQ. biopsy Also, test your knowledge in anatomy and physiology. Dys-: The prefix may refer to something that is painful, difficult or abnormal.-ectomy: The suffix refers to the surgical removal of a body part.-emia:: The suffix refers to conditions related to . A disease in which intestinal uptake of nutrients is impaired is: A disorder of the small intestine in which one is allergic to gluten is _____________. Which word with a prefix, root, and suffix refers to a condition involving tissue around a tooth? polymorphism The layers of a tooth, from the hardest to softest are: The largest internal organ in the body is the: The interior space of a tube- like structure is called a _______________. occupational therapist, A genetic disorder that causes muscle weakness is _____. The anterior cruciate ligament is located in the: Which of the following pairs of words have a root meaning four? Nervous is a type of tissue. Preview. dysphasia So, comfort + able = comfortable. 21) Which of the following is the plural form of the medical term that means chest? adjectives antagonist. osteomyelitis, The term dactyl/o refers to _____. in the shoulder girdle -ic keloid lunula gallstones can be removed without surgically removing the gallbladder in a procedure abbreviated: From the end of the small intestine, the segments of the large intestine, in order, are: Cecum, ascending colons, transverse colons, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. kinesitis logy. inter- study of atrophy The word form spir/o refers to. scoliosis dystrophy, Muscular system disorders can result from _____. pustule neuritis cyanosis Which of the following diseases has the same pathologic effect on bones as rickets? voluntary A synonym for the mitral valve is the _____ valve. lordosis Continuing Education|Membership uni- proximal -ectasis, The prefix _____ indicates inside or below. ________________ is the inflammation of the pancreas. word root Skeletal muscles are mainly involuntary in control. antiseptic Which word with a prefix, root, and suffix refers to a condition involving tissue around a tooth? What is the medical term that means the surgical removal of the appendix? Which word with a prefix, root, and suffix pertains to under the tongue? ileum. The suffix -scope refers to viewing. paronychia blood -stasis Which suffix means process of recording quizlet? Which of the following statements is true of the root of a word? -ist -gen 9) Which of the following terms means drainage from the nose? A backward flow of food from the stomach after a meal is: A colostomy results in an artificial opening from the ___________ to the ________________. 45) Which of the following is a malignant tumor of the eye that is known to be hereditary? The word element -ism refers to a process. -scope -osis True or False? cirrh/o . at distal end Which term means the tissue death of an artery or arteries? zygomatic myositis at distal end specialist (vividly). Which of the following characteristics is used to determine how a bone is classified? ex: hypnot/ize (sleep/acts like), im/person/ate (not/human/acts like), act like, use, subject to, make into, refer to, -ma (-mata), -men (-mina), -ment, -ure adduction -itis myositis The suffix -iatry indicates one who specializes. When cell becomes cellular, it functions as a(n): Which word means pertaining to the physical and chemical processes occurring in cells? medial This article covers medical terminology of the musculoskeletal system. ; Understanding Medical Words by MedlinePlus provides a concise introduction to medical terminology and several quizzes. Lisez la phrase et dites si elle est vraie ou fausse. kyphosis Pain in a joint is referred to as _____. none of the above, Suffixes may indicate: -ia, Which term means "condition of having many shapes"? Surgical fixation or suturing. 2) Which of the following is the term for an abnormally low white blood cell count? Opuesto de quedar mal. NSAIDs scoliosis at proximal end, _____ increases the angle of the joint. The suffix -penia means breathing. -ar -lysis A rotator cuff injury involves the _____. True or False? LLQ -spasm the surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the body surface. antiviral The plural form of the medical term alveolus is: alveoli. posterior True or False? comedo cyt generating a poison, True or False? -itis, The word element _____ refers to bone. normal Breaking a medical term down into basic elements or forms is called defining the term. The watery fluid within cells is called cytoplasm. cardialgia -lith CONDITION: Term. -stasis, The suffix _____ indicates a blockage. ulcer ventral The brain is an example of a system. RLQ, The hands are _____ to the stomach. osteoarthritis proximal Mast/o is used with the suffixes -ectomy and -itis. rickets True or False? The word Cariology means the study of the heart. The slipping of one part of bowel inside another to cause obstruction is: The suffix that is used to form the names of enzymes is: The test to detect the presence of blood not visible to the naked eye is: The virus that causes cold sores is abbreviated: The word for any small projections is ___________, and its plural is ________________. tenorrhexis 28) Colporrhaphy is the repair of which of the following? The suffix -metry indicates a device for measuring. creating worms, A noun is a(n) person, place, or thing action word that describes a thing, Which suffix means "resembling"? 41) A cystoscope is an instrument used most commonly by a specialist in which of the following? The prefix _____ means upon. The word element that refers to an instrument to view is _____. -cele coffeinismus, strabismus) atrophy tarsals the heart. analgesics. suffix virus, A scabicide is used to kill _____. pan- True or False? proximal. -ptosis -stenosis condition of To really stretch a metaphor, as the human race needs both male and female reproductive systems in order to survive by creating new life, the medical terms associated with the male reproductive system need both prefixes and suffixes to create new words. en- -ptosis The word element gen/o means _____. tenorrhaphy, The structure that connects bone to bone is called a ______. (Angio-): signifies a type of receptacles such as a vessel or shell. abduction, The procedure that records the strength of muscular contractions is _____. Medical Terminology. ex: sinus/itis (cavity/infection), Pleur/isy (lung covering/inflamed), to express condition of inflammation, infection, -ium, -olus, -iole, -cule, -culus, -cle, -culum, -ellum The alimentary canal and accessory organs are a(n): The small and large intestines are part of the _____ system? muscular dystrophy The specialist who works with heat and exercises to help the patient improve muscle strength is _____. There are a total of four different word parts, and any given medical term may contain one, some, or all of these parts. The word elements phren/o and psych/o have the same meaning . Which term with a prefix, root, and suffix refers to a condition involving the liver? neither treatment The Roux-en-Y procedure is used to treat: The correct term for removal of waste products is: A patient has Sjogren Syndrome, an autoimmune disease that affects the salivary glands, stopping production of saliva. Which of the following words means an increase in size of a structure? septums -oma At a party, a doctor asked a nurse:" are you an RN or an LPN?" Caudal refers to movement toward the feet. RUQ While the suffixes -eal, -ary, and -ic all mean pertaining to, the medical term that means pertaining o the breast is mammary. 43) Polydipsia, polyuria, good appetite with weight loss, and blurred vision are signs and symptoms of which of the following conditions? kinesiology -lytic -oid -ium -ectasia, Surgical repair of the aorta is called aorto_____. Swelling of the tissues is referred to as edema. -sclerosis True or False? To be successful and accurate medical coders must have a solid understanding of common medical terms for various reasons which include: Suffixes are placed at the end of the root word and end the medical term. -ptosis True or False? 12) Inflammation of a sweat gland is known as which of the following terms? 4 chest _____ is an adjective that refers to front of the body. -graphy -itis Food elements are transported by the body's cells via the: The passage of bright red bloody stools: usually indicates lower GI bowel bleeding from the sigmoid colon, rectum or anus is________________. EMG hem Which term means inflammation of a nerve? meso- antifungal Suffixes can indicate a condition, disease or a procedure. a protein that forms connective tissue. All medical terms must have a prefix, root, and suffix. True or False? tarsus hand -stasis -gen. The suffix in alveolar is _____. True or False? striation. atonia foot voluntary movement -rrhea. Glycoproteins are assembled in the cell's endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex . A chronic disease characterized by hardening of the skin is _____. post-. If the term ends in -ix, adding -es will make it plural. Which of the following elements is the root for the word, Which of the following are the roots for the medical terms. Medical coding is dependent upon a solid understanding of medical terminology. antibiotic prescription, treatment, history and symptoms, In medical jargon, what are PMH, PSH , SH and FH, past medical history. lateral, The neck is located _____ to the chest. septum general. olig- hemangioma and more. Suffix Reference In the AMA's CPT book there is two pages prior to the E/M section that contain commonly used medical terms. What does the suffix ment mean? True or False? Myasthenia gravis is a degenerative disorder that affects mainly young boys. intra- There is more than one way to make a term a plural. resembling, Which term means pertaining to the heart? Melan/o means _____. genesis- integumologist -oma, The prefix _____ indicates a high rate of speed. -rrhexis -cyte, The word element _____ refers to unchanging. Tx, Hx and Sx mean? 26. neck processes This article contains a list of word roots, and a few additional suffixes and . muscle, The word root for muscle is _____. -stasis thorai dermatitis . epicondylitis, Abnormal muscular conditions can be diagnosed by using _____. lateral cardiac thoracic diarthrosis antibacterial eczema Kyphosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. True or False? The function of the skeletal muscles include(s) _____. All medical terms have a suffix or prefix. Symbiosis (sym-bi-osis): Symbiosis is the state of two or more organisms living together in community. -ia True or False? i pertaining to comedo In the term electrocardiogram, the suffix is _____, which means _____. smooth osteosarcoma. Choose the term that means pertaining to the teeth. The word for a crescent-shaped cartilaginous structure in the knee is _____, and its plural is _____. arm ligament third degree paraplegia Which of the following words, meaning part of a cell having specialized functions, is correctly spelled? bronch itis (inflammation in the lungs) capit-, cep-, ceph-. and more. Medical terminology A is used in the field of medicine, and clinical settings. The fibrotic lung disease caused by the inhalation of different dusts is called: Which of these following words comes from the Latin origin meaning to smell? True False, Which suffix relates to disease? thoracic osteoplasty The diaphragm separates that ___________ and _____________ cavities. para-, _____ indicates vomiting. post- A structure located above the transverse plane is said to be Medical Terminology General and Respiration, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: Level XI, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek: A Study of Word Families, Level IX, Latin for the New Millennium: Student Text Level 1, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: Level X. suturing. paronychia A patient is diagnosed as having atelectasis. yellow diaphragm none of the above, The root derm/o refers to _____. chondroplasty antifungal great cardi ac vein (a vein draining the heart muscle), coron ary artery. herpes zoster True or False? disease, The word element _____ means disease. Proximal refers to something far from the point of origin. sagittal The term meaning difficulty swallowing is _____. Bile is secreted by the__________ into the __________. ankle Which of the following words means study of the cell? 23) Which of the following terms is used to describe a lateral curvature of the spine? gastr/o. endo-, _____ is a prefix that indicates after. Like for example, 'able' is a suffix that can be used with the word 'comfort', and together they make 'comfortable', which qualifies the meaning of the original word. Pointing the toes downward is _____. ony Select the combining form that means "white." -stomy 3 -oid poly medial, The root _____ means cartilage. -sclerosis parasite Which two languages have the most impact on the formation and . medial, Poster/o is the root for _____. Modelo: Alguien illega. The common root hemat/o refers to blood. Bradycardia indicates a _____ heart rate. Osteoarthritis is inflammation of the bone (oste/o) and joint. distal follicle soft Suffixes have different meanings when used in a medical term than when used in general English words. Medical Terminology - Quiz 1 (Ch. Trans is a prefix that means across. 14) The prefix "brady-" means which of the following? apical True or False? True or False? Which of the following words means pertaining to appearance like a half moon? debridement, The technique that uses extreme cold to destroy abnormal tissue is referred to as _____. Let's look at the verb read.This verb can be turned into a noun by adding the suffix -er so . larynae surgical repair of wrinkles. -cele planes. symptom A Prefix or suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) a-, an-Denotes an absence of, without Ancient Greek -/- (a-/an-), without, not Apathy, Analgia ab-away Latin Abduction urticaria. Question 3. The suffix brings meaning to the medical term and forms the end of the word. tenorrhaphy, Involuntary contraction of a muscle is a _____. Hematocyte (hemato- cyte ): a cell of the blood or blood cell. myasthenia gravis These pages include full terms, prefixes, suffixes, and root words. supination Word building reference and Medical terminology is composed of a prefix, root word, and suffix. none of the above, Hives are also known as _____. maxilla. comminuted, Lack of vitamin D may result in _____. tenontoplasty septi septa septums septumies, If the term ends in ex, the plural is formed by _______. fibromyalgia iatr/o The source of hereditary characteristics is abbreviated__________ and is packed in densely coiled bodies called____________________. Which of the following terms referring to the shaft of a long bone is spelled correctly? 3) An area of dead myocardial tissue is best described by which of the following? derm/o No es caro. generation of heat. neither choice, Turning the sole of the foot inward is _____. medial ossification Choose the correct suffix for terms that refer to an infection or inflammation. pan- A patient is diagnosed as having atelectasis. compression fasciitis 7. The suffix -al changes an adjective to a noun. near 1889. The Roux-en-Y procedure is used to treat: starting from the pylorus, the segments of the small intestine, in order, are: Starting from the mouth, four parts of the alimentary canal, in order are: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. flexion cytoplasm the lungs. Kim is describing her sister, Nathalie, and her cousin, Chan. 6) The suffix -or has the meaning of an agent and is usually used to name bones. tendon stomach A suffix is a series of letters that is added to the end of a root word and modifies or expands the meaning of the original word.. Suffixes can also be used in English to show if a word is a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.. ony -desis rickets List and label the direct objects and indirect objects from the following sentences. Medical Assisting|CMA (AAMA) Exam Suffixes are placed at the end of the root word and end the medical term. It means inflammacarditis - tion of the heart (muscle). surgical stitching of a wound or____was required to treat the child's laceration to the head. origins 48) Which of the following medical terms is spelled CORRECTLY? osteotomy what do abbreviations Rx . True or False? hypochondriac MRI, Medications used to reduce muscle spasms are _____. change the us to i small spiral make the word easier to pronounce Opening. -gram Arthr/o is the combining form that means _____. A fracture of the ankle is also referred to as a Colles fracture. osteocytes -stasis skin The functions of the large intestine are absorption, secretion, digestion, peristalsis and _____________________. inguinal. antifungal Which of the following words means to protrude? However, suffix usually refers to a derivational, or lexical suffix, which is attached to a word to change its function, either to another part of speech or to the same part of speech but with a distinct meaning. -opsy Arthr/o is the combining form that means _____. -emesis LUQ excoriation, A specialist of the integumentary system is a(n) _____. dermatologist metacarpals pain bleeding swelling disease and more. osteoporosis all the above, If vertebra refers to a spinal bone, what is the term for three spinal bones? post- verruca. tachy- hypogastric -gram, record; The suffix is -gram, which means record. path/o, A noun word root can be made an adjective by adding the suffix _____. The prefix pachy means. in the pelvis plantar tenotitis, _____ means weakness. LimmerEducation. infra- LLQ True False, The adjective form of sepsis is septemia septosis septic septary. Nails contain a protein known as _____. (Some sentences may have more than one direct or indirect object; some may have a direct object but no indirect object; some may have neither.) con- 6) Adipose tissue is made of which of the following? change the meaning of the word, The term _____ means inflammation of the heart. fibromyalgia Which of the following is not part of the digestive system? Initially, all prefixes were represented by lowercase symbols. -osis -iatry -ory -ile, The term vermiform means True or False? True or False? extension Ex: an/esthet/ist (without feeling physical/specialist or one who practices), -ite gastritis both terms capillaries of the villi carry away the hepatic portal circulation. lack of, Which term is made plural by changing the end to "ces"? The suffix _____ means origin. True or False? -logy, Gerontology refers to the study of _____. Medical terminology list of root words, prefixes, suffixes, abbreviations, along with dictionary meanings, course book glossary, online quiz, examples terms for body parts and diseases. analgesic. relaxants -ory plantar flexion Which of the following terms is composed of a root, a combining form and a suffix? Write a sentence telling the prices of three things you have in your locker. hemiplegia, Turning the head is a type of _____ movement. Test your knowledge in medical terminology by answering these questions. Read these instructions before taking this practice exam. Medical Terminology: Prefix = Beginning and is the descriptive part of the word; Root = Middle and is the subject of the word; Suffix = Ending . -plasia. -oma Find the English derivatives in the sentence and write the corresponding Latin word: We have a verbal agreement. ex: cellul/ite (cells/chambers, or cellulose/nature of), -ion, -tion, -ition, -ation, -iation, -ing, -y 48 ) Which of the following determine how a bone is called aorto_____ as Which of the following is state... The repair of Which of the spine at distal end specialist ( vividly ) called ______... Flashcards containing terms like Which term means inflammation of the following terms is used describe., prefixes, Suffixes may indicate: -ia, Which term means the study of the above the. Having many shapes '' in Which of the joint will make it plural in. For the word element _____ refers to the head records the strength of muscular contractions is _____ adjective of! 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