It has a dense, bushy habit and can also be grown as a large shrub. They thrive in USDA zones 5 through 8. And there are many types of dogwood trees producing berries in various colors. Do not confuse dogwood with Jamaican dogwood, a medicinal plant with soothing qualities that can be found throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea' is a variegated form with white and green leaves that is rare in cultivation. Between March and May, the dogwood trees are in full bloom. The white flowers give way to red fruits in late summer, which are edible for humans. Dogwood berries also come in white, blue and pale yellow round or oval forms. To enhance the appearance of the bark, lower branches should be trimmed away frequently. Species: Cornus Florida. This dogwood variant is easy to manage because it has few insects or disease problems and can tolerate shade. Siberian Dogwood 15. However, the stunning multi-stemmed tree is cultivated throughout the United States as a small ornamental landscaping tree. Diseases and pests: Few pest or disease problems. It prefers swampy areas, wetlands, and areas near streams and ponds. The Canadian bunchberry, often known simply as bunchberry or dwarf cornel, is considered a herbaceous subshrub of this group., All Rights Reserved. Dense clusters of tiny yellow flowers appear at the end of bare branches towards the end of winter or early in spring, bringing a much-needed shock of color to the landscape. Dwarf varieties of these dogwoods dont grow over 3 ft. (1 m) tall. It should be grown in well-draining soils which are dry or moist but not wet. Dogwood berries are still acidic when ripe, but they are luscious when they are. This feature is unlike edible kousa dogwood fruits that are round with leathery skin covered in bumps. The trees bark is grayish or dark brown, becoming rough and patchy as it matures. In the shade, they may have poor fall color, but they have a more graceful, open canopy shape. This is a deciduous dogwood that grows as a large shrub or small tree. Cornus Sanguinea in Europe: Distribution, Habitat, Usage and Threats. This Dogwood features either a gray or tanbark with a stippled, exfoliating texture that can be very appealing during the winter months. It grows best in moist spots and is often found in boggy areas. . Instead of the showy, white bracts of our native and Kousa dogwoods, this tree has clusters of small yellow flowers which absolutely cover the tree in February or early March. The plant has yellow flowers with oval foliage that is approximately four inches in length. The rough leaf dogwood gets its name because of the coarse hairs found on the foliage. The fruit that this type of Dogwood produces is a vibrant shade of blue. The Silky Dogwood is endemic to the United States central and eastern regions and sections of Canada. These fruits grow in clusters, characterized by their round shape and bumpy texture similar to a strawberry. Some individuals also report skin rashes when coming into contact with the bark or leaves of dogwoods. This plant features dark green foliage with distinct veins. Also known as alternate-leaf dogwood, this plant is one of very few dogwood tree leaves that are arranged alternately rather than in opposite positions on the stems. It reaches heights of 15 to 20 feet (4.5-6 m.). Actually, its flowers are quite small. Northern Swamp Dogwood 10. The fruit stalks remain and turn an attractive red. Scale insects and dogwood borers are the most common insect pests affecting dogwoods. The popular kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa) and Cornelian cherry dogwood (Cornus mas) are tasty, sweet berries with hard seeds in the flesh. It is often used as an ingredient in sauces, jams, liquor, and even pickles. Its leaves are elliptical to oval in shape, and dull white flowers in late spring give way to the blue-black fruit in August. include a large group of flowering plants within the genus Cornus. However, growing in ideal conditions, kousa dogwoods can reach up to 30 ft. (9 m). There is some fungus you need to watch out for as well as insects: Jessica considers herself a home improvement and design enthusiast. The fall fruit looks like raspberries and its edible if you can tolerate the mealy texture. The shrub has multiple stems, is open, and has a rounded shape. Many consider it to be the western version of the Flowering Dogwood. These stems will become green again the following spring. It produces white flowers in spring, which give way to bright red berries in late summer. While many dogwoods produce fruit, a few species have berries that are toxic to people (although birds can eat them safely). However, keep in mind that this may affect fruit growth, limiting the year's harvest. You may also know them as European dogwood and Bloodtwig dogwood. Many gardeners consider flowering dogwood as one of the most spectacular landscaping trees. However, you should consider the professional opinion to correctly identify different dogwood species and speak with your physician before attempting alternative treatments. Also known as bloodtwig dogwood or European dogwood, this species is an upright deciduous shrub with multiple stems. The brown Dogwood will grow up to four feet in poor conditions and approximately ten feet in moist, shaded areas. The three common types of dogwood trees producing red berries are the kousa dogwood, Cornelian cherry dogwood, and the flowering dogwood tree. A few species, however, have leaves that alternate on the stems. Although, there are some herbaceous perennial subshrubs, which are fast-growing and typically die back in the winter to ground level, growing back from buds found at the base of the plant. You can eat the fruit of Cornus kousa - Korean Dogwood - Chinese Dogwood - Japanese Dogwood The fall color is not very showy. The small fruits are bright orange or red. Red Twig DogwoodZone: 2 - 8. Cornelian cherry dogwood (Cornus mas) is a European species that thrives in zones 5 through 8, although it looks ragged by the end of the season in areas with hot summers. It is a small tree, growing to around 20 feet tall, that sheds every year and has pink, white, red flowers. Though, not all of them are popularly grown. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home. In springtime, the Kousa dogwood produces an abundance of yellow-green flowers and pinkish-red fruit in summer. Also known as the red osier dogwood, the red twig dogwood is a moderately-sized shrub that will visibly be in your landscape with its stems that start turning red at the end of the summer. It will tolerate full sun, though it can become very densely branched. Species of relatively deer-resistant dogwood include Kousa Dogwood, Red Osier Dogwood, and Red Twigged Dogwood. The Cornus (dogwood) genus includes a wonderful array of trees and shrubs. They thrive in sun or shade. Length: 5.5-7.5 in (14-19 cm) Weight: 0.8-1.3 oz (22-38 g) Wingspan: 9.8-11.8 in (25-30 cm) Range: United States, Canada, Mexico, Greenland and northern Eurasia. 9 Great Spring-Flowering Trees and Shrubs, 10 Best Deer-Resistant Shrubs for Landscaping, 11 Best Trees That Grow in Shade for Years, 12 Popular Types of Magnolia Trees and Shrubs, 10 Colorful Flowering Trees for Your Yard, 15 Best Plants for Drought-Tolerant Gardens, Cornus Canadensis (Bunchberry, Canadian Bunchberry, Canadian Dwarf Cornel, Dwarf Dogwood), Dogwood - Cornus spp. These berries vary in color from red to pink and orange, and they dangle solo rather than in groups or clusters like many other types of dogwood berries. However, it is not recommended that the berries be taken due to their strong astringency and bitterness. Most dogwoods prefer a site with dappled sunlight. The erect branching morphology of young specimens gives way to an open spreading habit as they mature. Prepare Your Lawn Mower For Spring (Lawn Mower Maintenance Checklist). The flowers will remain intact for several weeks, followed by glossy green foliage. 5. Flowers on Cornelian cherry dogwood trees are bright, golden-yellow showy clusters. Use plants that require no more than 4 inches of soil depth in close proximity to the protective mulch circle. This type of Dogwood has dark-green, lance-shaped leaves which transform to a purplish-red color in the fall. The scarlet red, waxy-looking berries are oblong in shape and displayed in clusters of three to six berries. Canadian Bunchberry/Dwarf Dogwood (Cornus Canadensis) Descriptions and pictures of the deciduous trees red fruit, leaves, and bark will help you recognize red-berry-producing dogwood trees in the landscape. Continue reading for our complete list of the most popular types of dogwoods to inspire your garden planning. The tree is also known as red and white dogwood, and yellow dogwood. It grows well in full sun or partial shade, and though it prefers moist and rich soils, it will adapt to other soil types. Thus, apricots, bananas, and grapes, as well as bean pods, corn grains, tomatoes, cucumbers, and (in their shells) acorns and almonds, are all technically fruits. This type of Dogwood tends to grow slightly taller than the flowering Dogwood approximately 82 feet. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The mature tree can grow up to 30 feet in height and width, with oval leaves that taper to a point about 4 inches long. These plants are known for providing year-round interest, from early spring flowers and summer berries to brilliant fall colors. Flowering Dogwood Image By: Piqsels The flowering dogwood is the species that most people associate with the name dogwood. This beautiful tree is interesting all year, with pink or white flowers in late winter or early spring, followed by attractive green foliage. Before you plant this type of plant, make sure to check your local regulations, as it may be discouraged. Popescu, I., et al. You can grow it as a small tree or a tall, multi-stemmed shrub. Wild animals, such as small birds, use the thickets for nesting and cover since it grows from root sprouts. The flowers give way to bright red fruits, which will remain on the tree until fall unless they are eaten by hungry birds. Read our. Two outstanding characteristics are the four-petaled, white flowers that appear above the foliage in June and reddish-purple fall color. The Pacific dogwood is a western version of the Flowering dogwood. The flowers are also the state flower of North Carolina. Towards the end of the year, the leaves turn a stunning shade of crimson to purple, giving it another outstanding quality. It is a part of the subgenera Chamaepericlymenum, grows very low to the ground, and spreads by rhizomes. As one of the most common types of trees with a range of cultivars, each having distinct characteristics, there are numerous dogwoods to choose from. The berries contain solanine, a toxic alkaloid. These berries have a slightly oval shape and are bright red in color. This dogwood grows natively in southern Canada and the northwestern US. Native range: Eastern North America. Kousa dogwood: Showy, pinkish-red to red fruits resembling raspberries appear in September and October. Flowering Dogwood trees thrive in the shade. It looks delightful interplanted with other types of red twig dogwood with different stem colors, but is especially demanding of consistently damp conditions to ensure good growth. Therefore, the small shrub-like trees are ideal for foundation planting, shrub borders, privacy screens, or flowering hedgerows. Chestnuts are hidden in the prickly burs. Flowering Dogwood berries in October In Asia, Kousa berries are eaten by monkeys and other indigenous wildlife. It has glossy dark-green leaves with conspicuous veins. The flowers are quite showy, typically spanning up to 4 inches across. Here we look at dogwood species that produce berries in shades of red, creating contrast and visual drama in the landscape. This tree starts flowering 2 to 3 days after C. florida has stopped flowering. Leaves on Cornelian cherry dogwood trees are described as simple leaves with an elliptical or ovate shape and glossy appearance. Cornelian cherry dogwood trees grow 16 to 40 ft. (5 12 m) tall and have a dense growth habit. Carrying white flowers, and white berries, it grows to 4ft (1.2m) when pruned annually. Updated April 2022. Large areas of the Asian continent are home to the Kousa dogwood tree, particularly in China, Japan, and Korea. However, there is considerable debate on whether dogwood berries should be reclassified. Dogwood trees should be pruned with a sterile garden cutting tool once a year either in the late fall, winter, or very early spring (March) when a flowering dogwood tree is dormant. This plant features snow-white blooms in spring, bluish-black fruit in the summer, and dark green foliage. Flowering dogwood is susceptible to anthracnose, a devastating and incurable disease that can kill the tree. Flowering dogwoods have tremendous ornamental appeal in garden landscapes. Conditions: Full sun; adaptable to a broad range of soils; fairly drought tolerant and pH adaptable. The flowers make way for white fruit, with hints of green and blue, that are very attractive to birds. The most familiar and common of all is the flowering Dogwood because of its vibrancy. The sweet, tasty red berries from the kousa dogwood tree taste like soursop or persimmon fruits. It is often considered the western version of the flowering dogwood, but with this plant, the white flowers are quite large and the fall color is yellow, orange, or red. The rough upper leaf surfaces and white fruit make it easy to identify rough-leaf dogwood. Dogwood . Young versions of this plant may also sport appealing red stems, but this usually fades to a dull green when the plant matures. Dogwood tree leaves are often smooth-edged with veins that curve parallel to the margins (edges). Honeysuckle is a climbing vine that produces sweetly fragrant white or yellow flowers. 6 Types of Dwarf Dogwood Trees with Pictures. When many people think of dogwoods, this is the plant they envision; it's the most popular and one of the most beautiful dogwood trees. This Genus consists of approximately 30-60 mostly woody shrubs, some of which form small trees. For example, two of the three dogwoods that produce red berries Cornus kousa and Cornus mas have red edible fruits. The branches form in layers and the crown is flat, suggestive of a pagoda. Monrovia describes the aurora dogwood (Cornus x Rutban) as having creamy white blossoms with a silky feel. Let's dive in! Dogwood tree bark is scaly. In the fall, the foliage transforms to a purple-red hue. Dogwood was once used in place of the medicine quinine to cure malaria. Lower branches should be pruned away to enhance the appearance of the bark. However, red berries from the Cornelian cherry dogwood are entirely smooth. Explore More The tiny yellow flowers bloom in late March or early April. There isnt enough scientific evidence to know what the safe dose range is for American dogwood currently. Grown as a shrub, it may be used for borders or screening. While the Siberian Dogwood may not have the showiest blooms, it does add some nice color to the landscape. Some of the types of Dogwood you can grow in your garden are: 1. Dogwood trees are a type of deciduous flowering tree which produce berries that are notoriously popular as a food source for birds. Cultivars and Varieties: Cornus alba 'Sibirica'-Siberian Dogwood, Cornus alba 'Kesselringii'-Black Stem Dogwood, Cornus alba 'Elegantissima'-White Dogwood This type of dogwood is highly ornamental, making a colorful display that changes with the seasons. Transform to a dull green when the plant matures and design enthusiast, Usage Threats... Soils which are dry or moist but not wet and Threats stippled, exfoliating texture that can kill tree! 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