How many types of constitutions are there? Nonetheless, I will still give you a comprehensive explanation of the differences between flexible and rigid constitution as we continue. First, at the very core of the Framers' Constitution is the recognition that, in a self-governing society, courts must generally defer to the preferences of the majority. An uncodified constitution is one that is not contained in a single document, but consists of several different sources, which may be written or unwritten. what are the different sources of constitution, what are the different source of constitution, Presidential and Parliamentary Constitution. On the other hand, a monarchical one provides for a government led by an emperor, king, or queen. This time of constitution is good for a small country, kindred people or a homogeneous population. Due to its overly flexible nature, the rules in this constitution keep on changing. However, the procedure for amending a rigid constitution may include an absolute majority. Bill of Rights b. Federalist Papers c. Federal Judiciary Act of 1789 d . Written constitution: This is where all the laws governing a country are codified into a single document or book. It allows for extremely quick decision making. The states capital, Calabar, sits on a hill near the Calabar River and is renowned for its colonial-era British architecture. A constitution also lays principles to protect the human rights of its citizens. There are different types of Constitution; these are the Written Constitution, the Unwritten Constitution, the Conventional or Enacted Constitution, the Cumulative or Evolve Constitution, the Rigid or Inelastic Constitution and the Flexible or Elastic Constitution. This happens because all resources have to be mobilized by the national government. The first nature of the constitution is consider as the expression of the democracy of the country. 2. The procedure for amending a rigid constitution is different from the procedure for enacting and amending the ordinary ordinary laws of the land. A state with such a constitution, he observed, is at best in the disagreeable position of a British traveler whom a hospitable Chinese entertainer has constrained to eat a dinner with chopsticks. in or register, This central body does not share its power but can delegate it to subordinate bodies such as local and regional governments. On the other hand, a federal system of government is an association of free states where power is constitutionally shared to the federal, state and local councils, and with each tier of government exercising its constitutionally assigned powers and functions. I enjoin you to read this till the end if you really want to understand the types of a constitution. The process of amending a rigid constitution is different from the process of enacting and amending the common laws of the land. Don't want to keep filling in name and email whenever you want to comment? The Constitution, though Supreme, is normally flexible and not rigid, as the government has the power to amend it as needed. The different types of constitutions have their merits and demerits and instances in which they are best suited. Flexible and Rigid Constitution A flexible constitution is a constitution, which can be easily amended or changed without a cumbersome procedure. Some clauses in such documents depend on the judicial interpretation that, at times, might not be ideal. Today, we will be looking at those different types of constitution. A written constitution, is a type of constitution which contain a single document and can be easily obtain and negotiate on any subject under discussion. Countries that have rigid constitution includes: United States, Canada, France, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa etc. In a flexible constitution there is no distinction between ordinary law and constitutional law. The great majority of countries have rigid constitutions. The cumbersome procedure of a rigid constitution and the unwillingness of the majority or other sections of the country to join in the effort to amen the constitution to assuage the feelings of people or section of the country who feel marginalized may lead to the rise of various ethnic militia, separate movement and so forth, which may lead to commotion, military take over and so forth, that may result in the constitution being jettisoned as a whole and another one being adopted at a furture date in the replacement of it, with a view to correct the fault which could not be corrected in the earlier one. Therefore, the people have little to no say on matters of whoever governs the country. The U.S. Constitution is rigid, as an amendment requires supermajorities at both the proposal and ratification stages (the most common method of amendment is proposal by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress followed by ratification by three-fourths of the states). The enactment or amendment of an ordinary law is usually usually easy. not. This type of constitution can easily be tempered with and may change easily. A rigid constitution is usually a written constitution, spelling out the powers and duties of the arms of government and the rights and duties of the constituent parts of the country and the individuals. Government Constitutions Types of Constitution. Synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy 7. Countries where this type of constitution is being practice, the head of state who conducts ceremonial events only. On preparing for the competition, I came a cross a book that really exposed me to the differences between the different between the types of constitution. A country operating a unitary system of government usually adopts a unitary constitution. Federations tend to be more democratic since leaders are answerable at multiple levels, not only the top government. It is formulated and adopted by a constituent assembly or a council or a legislature. In todays article, i will be sharing with you the differences between a rigid and flexibile constitution. The British constitution is the best example of an unwritten constitution. Also read: what are the different sources of constitution, There are FIVE different types of Constitution, are as follows:-. The ordinary person cannot refer to any particular document to understand governance. Differences between the federal and unitary system of government, Differences between military and democratic government, Advantages and disadvantages of a written constitution, Offence of rape in Nigeria: Effects and punishment by the law, Examination malpractice in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and solutions. In countries where this type of constitution is practiced, the head of state who exercises only ceremonial functions may be a monarch, or a president, who is the figure head, symbol of the state and the Father or mother of the nation as the case may be. As a result, the legislature cannot blame the executive for the non-implementation of the nations policies. A written constitution is rigid and hence will be more stabie 5. will. The procedure for amending a rigid constitution is different from the procedure for enacting and amending the ordinary laws of the land. A flexible constitution may be an unwritten constitution, such as, the constitution of Britain and New Zealand. A flexible construction does not ensure political stability as a ruler, cabal or majority can amend the constitution to favour its interest. Having representatives makes government more efficient, resulting in faster and better implementation of the peoples will. Rigid: A federal constitution has the major legal authority than the other laws. Unitary systems can easily evolve into dictatorships. The written constitution can be of three types rigid, flexible or the combination thereof. It can be amended with the same ease in which statutes and ordinary laws are. There are different types of constitutions under the monarchical setup. He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. Such constitutions are written with the combined knowledge and experience of learned people, resulting in improved efficiency. That is, a government with a heterogeneous population. ALSO READ: Differences between a federal and unitary system of government. Reasons for underdevelopment in Nigeria and possible solutions. All sovereign power resides in the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. Human cloning pros and cons: Ethics vs. scientific progress. That is, constitutional practices which are not legal rules, but are accepted as binding by the British people. The procedure for Amending the constitution is usually cumbersome, expensive and time consuming whereas, a flexible constitution can be easily amended. It is unlike a rigid constitution. In a unitary constitution, all the powers of government are in center, as it is the only source of authority from which power flows. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I really admires and likes all your lessons because it teaches real source. As a result of being partly written and partly unwritten, the British Constitution relies on many practices or conventions. DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. A rigid constitution protects the fundamental rights of the individual. This kind of constitution can amend like any other law, by a simple vote of the members of parliament. A flexible constitution is, which can be easily amend or change without a complicate process. The United Kingdom can modify its constitutional law by statute (or even in important areas by conventions between the supreme institutional powers of the state: the crown, Parliament, and the cabinet). Written constitutions are said to be normative when all their binding principles are observed, more or less, in the actual operations of the political system. While India is a blend of rigid and flexible constitution. Read Constitutional Law and Governance in Uganda pg. Nevertheless, the provisions of the Swiss constitution have been changed repeatedly on many important points. The need for amendment may be very urgent for country, but the attempt to amend a rigid constitution may fail. Warmly, Whether long or short, written constitutions can concern themselves exclusively or prevalently with the organization of government or deal extensively also with the rights of the people and with the goals of governmental action. One common way to amend the constitution is to increase the threshold of consent within parliament compared to ordinary legislature. So, here Im going to drop my pen for this article. They are always supplemented, to varying degrees, by statutes, judicial doctrines interpreting the constitution, intergovernmental practices, and nongovernmental institutions (such as political parties) and their practices. I enjoin you to seat calmly and read this work so that you will be able to grasp everything I will discuss here. The constitution can be quite expensive to implement, especially when it comes to electing people into office. Also he holds limited powers. It is often asserted that the United States has a written constitution and the United Kingdom an unwritten one. The laws are accommodative to cultural and economic differences across different states. Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility 4. Difference between rigid and flexible constitution Previous Post Sources of the Indian Constitution A flexible constitution is a dangerous and fearful foundation to build a country that has a diverse population. This type of constitution is excellent for a countrys development since it can easily factor in the countrys evolution in terms of technology, education, politics, and social factors. In contrast, the constitution of India extends to hundreds of pages. It depends rather on the peoples attitude concerning the fundamental political values the legal system ought to honour. This means that the powers and limitations of government, as well as the rights and duties of citizens, are set in stone and cannot easily be altered. Since the monarch is not a politician, they can remain neutral on matters that otherwise cause divisions. At the same time, uncodified constitution type is based on customs and traditions. A good example of a country with a written constitution is the United States. It gets the respect of all as it cannot be easily abused. The constitutions of USA, Australia and Switzerland are the example of a rigid constitution. There is a clear separation of powers among the executive, legislature, and judiciary. We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure our website works properly, personalize your browsing experience, analyze how you use our website, and deliver relevant ads to you. The Constitution is rigid (as opposed to a flexible constitution), since modifying it involves a more complex process of reform than that needed for amending ordinary laws. Because the political values felt to be supreme by the dominant forces in a community have ultimate controlling influence, some European continental scholars have been prompted to call them the material constitution, at any given historical moment, of that community. He rules by divine right and his powers were not limited by the constitution if any. A presidential constitution is one in which all the executive powers are vested in the countrys president, who serves as the head of government and the head of state. Secondly, it can be seen as a social contract between the government as an entity and the people on the one hand. Conversely, a federal constitution is one that provides for separate structures of government at the national, state and local councils, with each tier having its own constitutional assigned powers and duties. Primarily, the Constitution mentions three types of emergency - national emergency, state emergency and financial emergency. Written and Unwritten constitution. Answer (1 of 19): The Federal Constitution is where the power delegated to the Federal government is limited and defined, "This Constitution defines the extent of the powers of the general government." (Mass. Each division has its constitutional powers and functions. The word democracy is derived from two Greek words, demos and kratia. The former means people while the latter means government or rule. Not all monarchs are competent leaders. It does not share power with other organs in the country, but transfers power to provincial, local and other sub-government. Advantages of a rigid constitution include: 1 It is a source of stability in administration 2 It maintains continuity in administration 3 It cannot become a tool in the hands of the party exercising the state's power at a particular time. A codified constitution is a constitution that is contained in a single document, which is the single source of constitutional law in a state. Since the presidents tenure is fixed, the country has more stability since it is highly unlikely to have an unplanned shift in power. Written Constitution: A written constitution refers to when the whole body of fundamental law, customs, . Since the head of state remains in power for a long time, countries under such laws tend to remain quite stable. In countries with low literacy levels and poor. Your email address will not be published. I will be glad to hear from you! When the amendment procedure is too simple, the laws can be overly influenced by popular passion. what are the differences between rigid and flexible Constitution. The law improves the overall quality of decision making. Unless specified, this website is not in any way affiliated with any of the institutions featured. It is expensive, time and energy consuming for various legislature to amend the provision in question, or ratify the amendment and conduct a referendum for the people to affirm or approve the amendment under consideration. Written Constitution: A written constitution means a constitution written in the form of a book or a series of documents combined in the form of a book. It is not in one document, but can be found in various sources, such as statutes, conventions and judicial decisions. A Rigid constitution, is a type of constitution, which takes long processes of amendment. Evolved and enacted constitutions. -air hunger; sighing-sorrow, shock, stress, and disappointment; take after breakup with mate or death of pet or relative to help deal with the grief more effectively -chronic grieving, sadness, loneliness-deep depression-claustrophobic fears; great insomnia remedy-over-reactive mental state, anxiety from loss; nervous personality 4. The president has sweeping powers, a factor that may give rise to patronage when they appoint their close friends to powerful positions. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. The UK's constitution is unwritten as it hails from no single written document, but derives from a . Why is the Nigerian Constitution Important? Below are the advantages of a flexible constitution: A flexible constitution is usually easy to amend. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Studies that used different scales to measure a country's difficulty of amending its constitution do not categorize the Japanese Constitution as the most rigid constitution. A flexible constitution is easily adaptable to meet the changing social, economic and political needs and developments of a country. It cannot be misused by government having the support of simple majority in the national legislate. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility! This point has already been explained in the advantages and disadvantages stated above. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It easily safeguards the traditions of a country. The authority has been given to states to make its laws on education, police, taxation system etc. I, Ch. The powers of different form of government are often describe in the constitutional order of the organization. Although it can actually be amended when found necessary. This contract as laid down in the form of a fully written, or partly written form usually provides that; the people must not be ruled by a government, except with the consent of the people. It is necessary to take quick decisions to deal with such emergencies. To date, none seems overly superior to the other, as proven by the existence of the different types in various countries worldwide. Republican Constitution is a constitution that provides the position of head of the state who is commonly known as President. Great Britain is the solitary example of such a type of. What is a written constitution? Moreover, the document is premised on the idea that there can never be a perfect set of laws applicable at all times. to. On the other hand, a flexible government is more suitable for a unitary system of government with a homogeneous population. 2023: Why zoning, experience, others should be a factor in Akwa Ibom politics by Godwin Edoho. 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