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"addressLocality":"Houghton Lake", Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds. "postalCode":"48625", "name":"Taylor Town Gun Show", ", "organizer":[ "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fde26qhh1nlb8biuot1jlb4afa.jpg", "name":"Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc", "@context":"http://schema.org", "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fde26qhh1nlb8biuot1jlb4afa.jpg", "validThrough":"2023-03-05" ] ] } ], "endDate":"2023-07-02", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. { "@type":"ContactPoint", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", ], "validFrom":"2023-03-01", "performer":[ } ] } "location":{ "availability":"InStock", { "@type":"ContactPoint", "addressLocality":"Mason", ", "endDate":"2023-04-30", "addressLocality":"Niles", Ferndale Gun & Knife Show. "name":"Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds", [ "validThrough":"2023-06-11" "endDate":"2023-03-25", [ The Ferndale Gun & Knife Show will be held next on Dec 16th-18th, 2022 with additional shows on Mar 3rd-5th, 2023, Jun 2nd-4th, 2023, Sep 8th-10th, 2023, and Dec 15th-17th, . } Box 404 Mason, Michigan . This Mikado gun show is held at American Legion and hosted by Glennie Sportsman Club. ", ], "organizer":[ "offers":[ "availability":"InStock", "startDate":"2023-06-03", "@type":"Event", "addressRegion":"MI", "description":"Lansing/Mason Gun & Knife Show will be held on Oct 6th - 8th, 2023 in Mason, MI. "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Jackson-Gun-and-Knife-Show;", "name":"Jay Wale Gun Shows", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. ], "validFrom":"2023-03-01", ], ] ], This Harrison gun show is held at Clare County Fairgrounds and hosted by Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "postalCode":"48503", } "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fde26qhh1nlb8biuot1jlb4afa.jpg", { "@type":"ContactPoint", For up-to-date information about our shows and to get into monthly drawings to win Official Gun and Knife Show merchandise and tickets UPCOMING DATES: Cadillac. Timonium, MD. "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", } "postalCode":"49544", "@type":"Place", "priceCurrency":"USD", "streetAddress":"700 E Ash St", { This Novi gun show is held at Surburban Collection Showplace and hosted by Michigan Antique Arms Collectors, Inc.. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Kalamazoo-Gun--Knife-Show", [ } [ ], "priceCurrency":"USD", "@type":"Organization", "startDate":"2023-07-15", "name":"American Legion", "address":{ "startDate":"2023-03-11", "validFrom":"2023-03-01", "url":"http://www.migunshows.com" { "postalCode":"48854", "@type":"Organization", "validThrough":"2023-09-03" "addressRegion":"MI", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Lansing-Mason-Gun--Knife-Show;", ] "addressRegion":"MI", { "@type":"ContactPoint", } "@context":"http://schema.org", } "url":"http://www.migunshows.com" { "availability":"InStock", "@context":"http://schema.org", "streetAddress":"46100 Grand River Ave", "url":"https://huronguncollectors.weebly.com/show-schedule.html"} This Gaylord gun show is held at The Ellison Place and hosted by PJS Promotions LLC. "availability":"InStock", This Grand Rapids gun show is held at 4 Mile Showplace and hosted by Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", ", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fde26qhh1nlb8biuot1jlb4afa.jpg", "name":"Houghton Lake Gun & Knife Show", } east. { "address":{ "@type":"Organization", } "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", "performer":[ "validThrough":"2023-03-05" "offers":[ "description":"Michigan Antique Arms Collectors Show will be held on Sep 23rd - 24th, 2023 in Novi, MI. "addressLocality":"Livonia", "@type":"Event", "@type":"Organization", } { "startDate":"2023-03-25", ] Mar 4th, 2023 Sat 9:00AM-2:30PM Sportsman's Swap Meet & Gun Show Perch Pointe Conservation Club. "validThrough":"2023-04-01" { "@type":"Place", "contactType":"customer service", { { "category":"primary", "@context":"http://schema.org", "description":"Grand Rapids Gun & Knife Show will be held on Apr 22nd - 23rd, 2023 in Grand Rapids, MI. ], "priceCurrency":"USD", "organizer":[ } "name":"Harbor Springs/Petoskey Gun Show", "@type":"Organization", ", "@context":"http://schema.org", "postalCode":"48374", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fde26qhh1nlb8biuot1jlb4afa.jpg", "endDate":"2023-09-10", "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", { "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/MerrillGunShow;", "availability":"InStock", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/CCSA-Gun-Show", "postalCode":"49646", } } "validFrom":"2023-03-01", "addressLocality":"Attica", This Flint gun show is held at Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center and hosted by Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "addressCountry":"United States" "description":"Lapeer Gun & Knife Show will be held on Mar 17th - 18th, 2023 in Lapeer, MI. 3. "url":"http://www.migunshows.com" , This Casco gun show is held at Perch Pointe Conservation Club and hosted by Perch Point Conservation Club. "endDate":"2023-08-20", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fde26qhh1nlb8biuot1jlb4afa.jpg", } ", } "@type":"Offer", ", This Kalamazoo gun show is held at Kalamazoo Fairgrounds and hosted by Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. ], { "@type":"Organization", "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", "@type":"Place", "name":"Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Lansing-Mason-Gun--Knife-Show", "name":"Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc", "availability":"InStock", "name":"Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc", "performer":[ ], "addressCountry":"United States" "@context":"http://schema.org", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Big-Bear-Sportsmans-Club-Gun-Show;", } "addressLocality":"Kaleva", "streetAddress":"31117 Plymouth Rd", "streetAddress":"1025 4 Mile Rd NW", "addressRegion":"MI", Polish Community Center. "name":"Novi Gun & Knife Show", ], "startDate":"2023-09-02", "@context":"http://schema.org", "startDate":"2023-06-10", "endDate":"2023-04-29", "priceCurrency":"USD", "telephone":"+1-517-676-4160", } "url":"http://www.migunshows.com" ], "organizer":[ "contactType":"customer service", "@type":"Offer", { "@type":"Event", Vendors must stay for the entire show unless previously approved by, owner, Doug Carl. "organizer":[ ", "endDate":"2023-09-03", ", "availability":"InStock", { "@type":"ContactPoint", "validFrom":"2023-03-01", "priceCurrency":"USD", "@type":"Offer", "name":"Cadillac Gun & Knife Show", "@context":"http://schema.org", } "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fde26qhh1nlb8biuot1jlb4afa.jpg", "addressLocality":"Lapeer", "offers":[ ] "validFrom":"2023-03-01", { "priceCurrency":"USD", "name":"The Northern Center", . } } ], { "price":"8.00", "streetAddress":"502 Fairlane", "addressLocality":"Flint", "contactPoint":[ { "@type":"ContactPoint", ], "location":{ Lloyd Vernet Bridges Jr. (January 15, 1913 - March 10, 1998) was an American film, stage and television actor who starred in a number of television series and appeared in more than 150 feature films.He was the father of four children, including the actors Beau Bridges and Jeff Bridges.He started his career as a contract performer for Columbia Pictures, appearing in films such as Sahara (1943 . "url":"http://bigbearsportsmansclub.com"} "description":"Jackson Gun & Knife Show will be held on Jun 24th - 25th, 2023 in Jackson, MI. } "@context":"http://schema.org", "priceCurrency":"USD", "validThrough":"2023-08-20" "@type":"Organization", "addressLocality":"Cadillac", { ], Andover, NY. "validThrough":"2023-07-09" [ [ "addressRegion":"MI", "addressLocality":"Mason", } "endDate":"2023-07-16", } "name":"Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc", 08/08/2017 by gunshows. "@type":"Event", "offers":[ "@type":"Event", "@type":"Place", { "address":{ Admission $5.00. } } } "addressRegion":"MI", "telephone":"+1-517-676-4160", "organizer":[ "addressCountry":"United States" "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", ], ], ], "validFrom":"2023-03-01", "contactType":"customer service", ], } "@type":"Organization", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Lansing-Mason-Gun--Knife-Show;", "price":"8.00", "organizer":[ "endDate":"2023-03-05", { "description":"Houghton Lake Sportsmen's Club Gun Show will be held on Apr 1st, 2023 in Prudenville, MI. "endDate":"2023-04-23", ] Oxford Legion & Amvets Post #108 Gun Show, Green Acres Gun-Knife-Military-Sportsman Show. "addressRegion":"MI", "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", 4. "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", ], "addressCountry":"United States" "@context":"http://schema.org", "streetAddress":"5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd", ] "addressCountry":"United States" "performer":[ "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "areaServed":"USA" "validFrom":"2023-03-01", "contactType":"customer service", "@context":"http://schema.org", "performer":[ "streetAddress":"150 Dale Dr.", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/CCSA-Gun-Show;", ", "name":"CCSA Gunshow", "name":"4 Mile Showplace", "price":"8.00", "availability":"InStock", } ], "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Flint-Gun--Knife-Show;", "telephone":"+1-231-714-0062", "postalCode":"48374", { "addressRegion":"MI", } more info >> Admission: $8.00, Children 12 & Under are FREE. "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Green-Acres-Gun-Knife-Military-Show", "addressLocality":"Harrison", ] "name":"Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center", [ February 2023. "performer":[ } "validThrough":"2023-08-06" "validThrough":"2023-04-22" "endDate":"2023-04-08", "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fde26qhh1nlb8biuot1jlb4afa.jpg", Tupelo Furniture Market - Building 5. "organizer":[ "validThrough":"2023-05-13" ], "@type":"Offer", "areaServed":"USA" ], "name":"Harbor Springs Outdoors Club", "name":"The Ellison Place", "@type":"Organization", ], "addressLocality":"Gaylord", "performer":[ ], "contactType":"customer service", { { } Florida Gun Shows (407) 410-6870 morgan@floridagunshows.com Feb 18-19 Miramar, FL - Miramar National Guard Armory 5001 Flamingo Rd Miramar, Florida. } [ } } ], "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", Your IP: "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode",

Northumberland Echo Police Report, Articles U