Obviously when the car was built, the motor was installed first and then covered by the headliner. They are all popular among Volvo customers due to their durability and great performance. It was then that I noticed water between the weather seal and glass on my glass panel. I hope my conclusion about wear to the I removed the seal around the glass and had a good look. You can disconnect the rear rubber hoses and use a shop-vac with a hose taped to the nozzle to clear out any stubborn debris. Remove the trim bit that goes along the top of the windshield and also the mirror, the sun visors and the sun visor clips. Adjust it between the two stop marks. The sunroof Sometimes the transmission will slip on Test the sunroof switch and its wires with a multimeter. Remove the side screws and then the front screws. On this disk are three cams. The power to the sunroof may also be malfunctioning, which could cause it to not work at all. 2017 XC90 RDesign Osmium Grey Polestar factory order with all available option except the towing trailer hitch. Do not allow children to play with the controls. S/V 90 Sunroof Sag: I loosened the 4 bolts and am at the top of the adjustment with none left and a noticable sag. [Tip from Rick Tilghman] There are two adjustable screw brackets that allow you to alter the sitting position of the sunroof (silver coppery color, one on either side in the back to control the angle of the "vent"). 2020 VOLVO XC90 - YV4A22PKXL1546219 - Sale Record. If you feel under the rocker panel, there is a "D" shaped hole that the water from the sunroof and the fresh air vent (at the base of the windshield) drain to. lightly soapy water & a razor blade. Close the panoramic roof from fully open position. How do I properly time the crank with these cycles?. These batteries last about 7-8 years and when they give out your alarm siren will no longer work. Do you know how to get at the roof? Advantageous parking at Frankfurt airport: Benefit until March 31, 2023 from booking online and save additional 5% with your online voucher: "Heart2023". On ours it's the switch. Any other ideas:? Fix: vent the sunroof; from the outside undo the two springs that hold the headliner sunroof panel to the sunroof; use a long screwdriver to tighten the adjustment screws down while holding the sunroof at the desired angle. Check the top of the roof, if it's flush then look at the adjustable catch on the front edge of the roof panel. On the middle of the three cams there is a white plastic follower that moves a plastic leaf that in turn activates both microswitches. [Tip from John Sargent] The motor (or hand crank) is supposed to move both cables an equal amount. by brandonbeach14 13 May 2011, 10:01, Post Use a screwdriver to depress the bearing and turn the screw to manually operate the roof. Did you lock and unlock the car three times with the key? The proper solution, IMHO, is to replace the gasket. It was disconnected for about 45 minutes. Watch to see you are moving the side which needs to be re-indexed. Procedure to Remove Sunroof Panel (see also Warren Bain's notes above). My door latch before was malfunctioning that obviously needed replacement, I was spraying it with a bit of silicone for it to close. This could be due to a broken wire or the motor may have been damaged beyond repair. A Haynes or Bentley manual will help you through. [Inquiry] Recently I've noticed my sunroof seems to be sagging, and I'm wondering if there is some way to get it sitting straight again? You can see these at the corner of the sunroof. If the sunroof does not work, it could be due to a blockage or debris clogging the sunroof. I went ahead and changed the fuse just incase and still nothing. There are black plastic cam followers that activate one microswitch each on the top and bottom cams. Sunroof Overhaul. It seems the glass is bonded onto a metal frame. Then close the roof and hook the springs back on with the help of the coat hanger hook. I carefully filled the area with plumbers putty, just enough to contact If these do not drain, chances are the drain is blocked or the hose is kinked. Does it help the buffeting? Sunroof reset (calibration) that works. You can find the button for controlling the panoramic roof above the interior rearview mirror. The message will appear if there is a problem. Test by opening the sunroof and pouring water into the side of the sunroof pan, then looking for the water to flow freely out the drains. How is the perforated sunroof cover during mid summer day. Now [Tip from Chris Mullet] When I replaced my sunroof headliner, I left the sunroof in place, but dropped the back end of the pan (over the back seat) and slid the sunroof headliner panel out the back. My 89 740 has one and it makes driving with sunroof open quiet even at 75 mphwell, not silent but quiet. This little procedure will save you $100's of dollars. Run motor forward (1-2 secs). Open the roof to the vent position. When I removed the glass panel and stood it on its end water dripped out. There is a large screw with a button in the middle on the motor assembly. Used 2021 Volvo XC90 R-Design White in Edmonton, AB at Kross Mitsubishi - Call us now 780-465-5252 for more information about this Stock #UNT649. Move the sunroof to the 'all the way open' position. Unsolder just one side of the common copper ribbon holding the microswitches together (just one side is good, leave the other side attached to the other switch). Sunroof Won't Open After Battery Was Disconnected?? be caulked. Seized sunroof motor. Volvo XC90 Forum is the premier Volvo XC90 community. You'll see them on the front and rear of the opening. [Response: Rob Bareiss] You wouldn't be the first person to have a bad sunroof switch in a 740/940 with a power sunroof. Disconnect the motor from the gears. The water then reappeared above the guide rails and hence the leak. [Tips from Ken Dibnah on stuck sunroofs] Is the roof manual or electric? Sunroof Alignment: Won't Retract Properly. It also turns out that these pieces and their accompanying brackets aren't stainless, because the whole damned thing was rusting like mad. Electric Sunroof Motor Overhaul. It was under warranty anyway.. Hopefully that's the end of your moonroof trouble. Should be 2 revolutions. They can be broke or lost. See this Used 2020 Volvo XC90 in Huntington, NY. Mark where it stops. You can adjust the settings for the panoramic roof according to preferences and requirements. While the sunroof is apart, clean out the tracks and lubricate the moving parts. Swiping once will open shade and swiping again will open roof. Home VOLVO XC90 2019 VOLVO XC90 Sale Record (2023) BADVIN Report. This happens to me every time I do a battery. Remove the electric motor or manual crank. I think the gasket around the glass was compressed over the previous 11 years. You should periodically clean your sunroof tracks, so that debris does not accumulate in those tracks. This extender has springloaded ends that slip over silver arm extentions from the front groove. Top Contributors this Month View All shaunmtravis 4 Replies. Had I spotted it before I removed the entire sunroof, I could have undone the 4 bolts holding the glass panel and changed the seal with all other trim and fixtures in place. (passenger side is one inch lower than driver side. Also the roof is rarely cleaned or lubricated: if this is done carefully, the only thing to do is to replace worn/broken bits and then adjust the 4 adjusting screws, one at each corner. Resolder switches and reassemble them into the cover. The front of the roof pops up into position only by riding up on the collapsed wind deflector. Note: you HAVE to remove the sunroof to do this since the ring slips off from the bottom. The sealant was not in the joint for much of the time, but a few mm off which allowed it to act as a nice irrigation channel. by 1 Turn the ignition switch to position 1. Clicks and doesn't move - gets stuck - usually open - have had to close it manually by taking off cover and using screwdriver. Sunroof Sticks When Closing. If it does not work, remove the panel that covers it and use the tool that is supplied in the tool kit, inserted in the shaft, to manually move it. A shove will release. Press and hold the switch for at least five seconds, so that the sunroof closes. If it's still not working, try the same procedure with the sunroof fully open -- this should successfully reset. To remove the sunroof from the assembly: pull the sunroof toward the back of the assembly so that the tabs on the back of the sunroof slide out of the tracks. For example, a sunroof can be broken if the plastic parts are damaged or scratched. The device that is connected to the motor/crank via screw cables slides back and forth in these tracks, raising and lowering the panel, which will not be possible unless you can move the crank/motor. Remove the power motor and tape up the wires. The adjustment screws on my sunroof were maxed, and the sunroof was still low. The reason for this is that the headliner must go under various edges around the car (including under that plastic edge at the sunroof opening) and the 1/4" is too thick to fit. Twist the sunroof so that the front tabs slide out of the tracks. The center point on the middle level is "closed." Replace the mechanisms by removing the two SMALL circlips with a small screwdriver. Make sure the sunroof retracting mounts, up front and to the side, are properly positioned and as far forward as possible. [Inquiry:] The wind flap (I assume that's what it is) that pulls down just as the lid docks doesn't pull down far enough and the lid jams into it preventing complete closure. With switches free test each one for high resistance through the normally closed circuit - the front (blue or red) connections to side terminals. (I do have a wagon, so it is easy). It took me a while to figure this out, so I hope someone will benefit. Maintenance, Warranty Issues & Troubleshooting. [Tip from Warren Bain. Take your time, have a friend assist, maybe even videotape the entire procedure, just in case. by beetlebob 13 May 2011, 12:50, Post Just bought a 2005 XC90 and put on about 1,000 trouble-free miles. Well, I have tried every suggestion above with no results as well as the calibration process in the Haynes Manual. I found one of mine had dried out grease and was nearly ready to break. [Response: Tony Stanley] If it's a factory fitted sunroof the 'seal' is not to meant to be a perfect seal and the gutter should carry away the water to the four sunroof drains at the front and rear corners of the sunroof pan. This exposes the mounting screws. A dead motor means that the sunroof is not able to open or close. This requires you to remove the four hoses and clips around the perimiter. They can be removed without removing anything else by using a small jewelers screwdriver to move the microswitch plungers out of the way of the selenoid actuator. This may take some trial and error but if the motor is working correctly you'll figure it out eventually - HeHe. The fuse looked fine but I changed it anyway. There is one towards each upper corner of the cloth cover . Disconnect the rear of the coil springs on either side where they are connected to the flat spring bails. Replace the circlips, again needle nose pliers work here. Alternately you can bite the bullet and buy the $300 motor new from your friendly local dealer. Never had a problem. For more information about how to operate the panoramic roof, see the owner's manual for your car. The Questions and Answers on this page are the statements and opinions of their respective authors and not VehicleHistory.com. Sunroof Removal. [Response: W. Bain] I have a manual crank in my '86 744Ti and it is blissful. If this happens, the interior of your car will become wet due to the rain coming in through the roof. Your gears are working, so I think this will work. Look at the control mechanisms to determine the extent of the repair. The pull the red and blue wire to the switch which you have fitted in a spare switch socket and attach red to red and blue to blue. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 7 of 7 Posts. [Editor] These seals for 740/760/940 and 780 models are reported as "discontinued" by many Volvo dealers. [Tip from Rick Tilghman] This happened to the sunroof on my 1985 745t. This vehicle was introduced in 2002 and has become a hit among customers. This will reset the computer. Emergency Leakstopper: [John Sargent] Get some clear duct tape from Home Depot and seal the gap until you can repair it. You should also see a number of Torx screws. The result that when the motor , and then take the key with you when leaving the car. to open the panoramic roof to ventilation position. This problem is apparently limited to earlier production models, but it is possible that later years could experience the same problem if excessive downward force is applied to the sunroof (a luggage carrier comes to mind). If you're getting proper voltage to the motor verify brown ground wire is well grounded (very important!). Get Volvocars involved if your dealer is giving you trouble. The sunroof should be moved so that it is under even pressure on all sides. Repair: The fix for this is nasty and tedious, but it is doable and inexpensive if you have access to a junkyard. Put it all back together in reverse order and recalibrate. Sunroof seals are no longer available from Volvo, but the Turning the screw with a screwdriver will depress the button and allow you to move the sunroof BUT, it also adjusts the stop location for open and closed. The sunroof would retract but would not close without my help. 2. Jim passed away in early 2022, his contributions to this forum are immortal, and he is missed. Adjust the sunroof height by operating the sunroof SLIGHTLY in the rearward position and also in the ventilation position, flipped up in the back. The sunroof moves to comfort position while the control is being pressed backwards. If the screws are loose, tighten them, if missing, find and replace. Other car I worked on was a crank-driven roof on an 85 740 GLE, but I think there was no involvement with these cables, except to unclip 'em when the panel came out? [Greg]In the UK there is a capillary crack sealant called Capt. I have removed clips and springs per FAQ but the liner will not slide back to reveal mechanicals does anyone have a secret weapon for adjusting the worm drive when the motor is still in your way. The power to the sunroof may also be malfunctioning, which could cause it to not work at all. 5350 N Keystone Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46220. Turn the screwdriver and push it inward to manually nudge the motor. Now just pull the whole assembly out through the top. Check the wires of the sunroof, because a short can cause it to stop working. Pressing the close button doesn't do anything, the shade is not moving. A sunroof may cause problems if its not functioning properly. The motor that operates the sunroof may also malfunction and cause it to not work at all. That way, I didn't have to do a bunch of re-adjusting of the sunroof itself when reassembling. Can a manual sunroof crank device replace an existing sunroof motor? The local dealer says the "stop" mechanism in the motor has failed and the only solution is to replace the motor or live with the nuisance. Over time the hoop can become loose and move slightly inwards each time the door is shut. RIP, S60 2011+ and V60 2015+ and XC60 2010-2018, 240, 740, 760, 780, Bertone, 940, 960, V90, S90, 120, 130, 140, 164, PV series, Duett, 210, 1800. Maintenance, Warranty Issues & Troubleshooting. Also, the 1/4" material is much heavier and will pull off the headliner backing board over time faster than the 1/8".). The sunroof liner can then be slid back out of the way (don't push it to far back)under the roof and above the headliner. Move that arm back to neutral position and try it on the other side. To fully open the sunroof, press the control back to the position for automatic opening again and release. Pull the whole assembly toward the front of the car and out the sunroof hole. Go to Volvo . You can see the adjustment Allen (some may be Torx or Phillips) screws in the four corners. I repaired it myself using a $10 roll of butyl rubber window sealant I don't have a manual yet so I'm not sure how this is supposed to work. BTW, if the motor moves you will have to retime the motor :-) more on this later. When that happens you get some weird behaviour like the emergency flashers going off after the car sits a while and the sun roof will not open. It's just under three feet long, about a half inch wide, grooved eighth inch high. Now, you have to wire it in. This plastic cover contains two microswitches, a selenoid (remember "click") and three small pointed plungers. Recommended Communities. It should sit down slightly from the roof but there should be no gaps. Thankfully mine was under warranty. Anyway, the solution was just to uncouple the retaining arms from the flap (you have to push the flap to a straight up position to do this with it in place), push the arms up out the way, remove the pre-molded resistance piece, bend it appropriately so that it is forcefully "loaded", and reinstall. Sunroof: Replace Motor with Crank. Its vehicles are sold in nearly 200 markets, selling approximately 700,000 cars in 2021 alone. Now, turn counter clockwise till it locks. No appointments. XC90 T6 2006 No dash, windows, sunroof, wipers, indicators and no start. We offer one of the largest collection of Volvo XC90 related news, gallery and technical articles. Now there are 4 bolts with an 8mm head. You should see a rod across the middle, the track runners, etc. Then open the car from the inside through the open window (this will trip the alarm. Looking closely I noticed that there was discoloration on the end of the metal bars that the adjustment screws hold the sunroof onto. tray will catch major amounts of leaking water and get it into the drain Will it move at all, will it retract ok and not close, will it flip up in the back? Open up the rear roof part in the vent position and peer inside. down at all, you have a problem. Press the button downward once to close the panoramic roof from ventilation position. You can remove all the tracking/guides/bearing surfaces from the car, just by undoing everything and replacing it in order, but why would you want to? Sunroof Alignment: Won't Retract Properly, Sunroof Won't Stop at Close: Motor Defective, Electric Sunroof Motor Needs to Be Zeroed, Removing the Sunroof Pan to Replace the Headliner. Connect with a verified mechanic in minutes. Finally, wire the black switch wire to an grounding point and the blue/yellow wire to a power supply, preferably the fuse which according to your fuse board is the one for the power sunroof. If you need to replace the pre-molded steel first bet is a junkyard brick, second bet is the hardware store (you just need a piece of thin and lightly maleable steel in the appropriate dimensions), final is Volvo (maybe they should be first, but something tells me they don't supply this piece separately). Remove the drive gear from the roof. The sunroof is supposed to be closed after all. Just leave the roof in parked position. V70, S60, V70-XC and XC-70 Cross Country 2001-2007, Mod note. If sunroof is in vent position motor can be reinstalled. [Editor] To clear blockages in the tubes, use a long cable with a non-snagging end or a narrower vinyl tube so you can rotate it within the drain tube as it is pushed down from the sunroof. Worked slick. Unless 1.7 changed something, you should be swiping for the shade and pressing for the sunroof. [Colin Shepherd] Wire 12v direct to the motor connections as a first step to isolating the problem before stripping out the micro-switches etc. tracks and the sliding mechanism. This should recalibrate the system. Thanks to Princeton Volvo for saving me alot of time from my busy days!! V60, V60 Twin Engine/Recharge Plug-in Hybrid and V60 Cross Country from model year 2019 to 2022. [Dave Stewart] I loosened the motor again and using it in "out of spec" locations rocked the panel back to true.. [Don Stauffer] In my case, one side of the sunroof was in perfect alignment while the other was down too low. This groove allows a metal pin to slide back and forth, limiting and manipulating the sunroofs vent action. the sun roof opens and closes but the shade curtain is stuck in the open position. Put the tracks aside. Loosen each of these 1/2 of a turn. The black cam followers had fairly sharp points that rested on the surface of the cam, while the white one had a rather blunt point. by JRL 12 May 2011, 19:40, Post You can unhook them with your coat hanger wire. The 2021 Volvo XC90 vs. 2021 Genesis GV80 are both luxury SUV crossovers with many similarities. If the car is switched off, turn the start knob to, Open the panoramic roof to ventilation position. A blown fuse means that there is a short in the circuit. The sunroof is still stuck shut. Replace the cover which contains the microswitches and selenoid onto the motor case. [Dave Rogers] If your car has a sunroof, replacing the headliner is more difficult. Luckily, there's a very simple way to do this, and it has a very high succeSSRate. Used 2018 Volvo XC90 Momentum in Daytona Beach, FL - Ritchey Autos Call Us Today: (386) 675-0717 Home Find Your Used Car Value Trade In Finance Service About Us New Inventory Sales: (386) 675-0717 Service: (386) 675-0733 Parts: (386) 675-0733 Close Used 2018 Volvo XC90 Momentum in Daytona Beach, FL (386) 675-0717 Sale Price: $29,670 26 Moonroof is conected with alarm, and if alarm goes bad, moonroof won-t work. Yes the screen goes back an then the roof jumps but will not open it will pop up to the vent mode but not slide back. The mechanism on most cars consists a grab/release on the door and a simple metal hop at the bottom of the frame. You should now have the interior and exterior parts of the sunroof. The sunroof circuitry runs through it for some reason on P2 Volvos. Pull down on the headliner just forward of the interior lights. BADVIN Premium Report. Thanks again. When the sunroof is up ALL FORCE is applied to the small piece of metal (about 1/4" square) that closes the top of this second groove. Totally unacceptable so I contacted Volvo cars USA and they handled it promptly and basically told the dealership it needed to be replaced. 2019 VOLVO XC90 - YV4102PK3K1503250 - Sale Record. My immediate solution was to snip the bottom of the adjustment holes off so they became slots. 2 Operate the sunroof switch to position the sunroof in the tilt position, then release the switch. If you have a manual roof, after it reaches the closed position you feel a bit of resistance; you then continue moving the crank in the closed direction and the rear of the roof should pop up to the 'vent' position. [Response: Rob Abel] Our sunroof in our '93 940 acts goofy at times. The fix is to pull the sunroof panel and replace the sealing ring with a new one. 2023 Vehicle History Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1 Turn the ignition switch to position 1. The functionality of Volvo sunroofs is also very simple, and they can be opened by just pushing one button. It is frankly best to remove the sunroof assembly. Great to hear it may be a simple fix! If needed, use a bicycle spoke head or a hooked wire to pull them back. I have already pulled the fuses and the other int. Perhaps there is an individual in the service department that is not as careful as they need to be. Close the sunroof and make adjustments. The interesting thing was what I noticed when I examined NEWER Volvos. My experience with them is the 'tracks' at the rear of the roof that raise and lower the panel, pot metal I think, break and jam everything up. Pull the sunroof lining back so it is inside the roof. Bluetooth technology is built into this Volvo XC90, keeping your hands on the steering wheel and your focus on the road. Is there a way to reset it or to manually close it. Seems to let me choose between two settings about a cm apart. I opened my cars roof sun shade and it won't close. 1990+ models have a separate rubber sealing flap at the rear edge of the gutter: when the roof is in the vent position, make sure this is secure along the entire length of the edge since it can slip off. Possible Issues With a Volvo XC90's Sunroof A sunroof may cause problems if it's not functioning properly. It is considered to be one of the safest cars on the market and comes with a host of safety features. 2023 Volvo XC90 Core: Price, specs, and features 2023 Volvo XC90 Ultimate: Price, specs, and features There's an XC90 luxury SUV for every need Since the Volvo XC90 was first unveiled to the public in January 2001, it has been a favorite among midsize SUV lovers and Volvo loyalists alike . I . replace the motor and tighten all screws. My experience with my '90 740 GLE follows. Close the panoramic roof from ventilation position. The sunroofs are usually covered with a transparent glass, which allows people to see through it. One of the pre-molded pieces actually snapped as I was playing with it. If that fails locally, try calling the used parts suppliers who advertise at the Brickboard. Place a blanket on the roof in front of the opening to avoid any scratches. If the motor is not working, it could be due to a blown fuse. Grab the inner panel and slide it straight back to disengage it from the sunroof panel. Once this piece snaps in two, the back of the sunroof sags down in the resting position due to the lack of support, making it IMPOSSIBLE to get it sitting right ever again. If there is too much debris, this will eventually cause the sunroof cables to become damaged, and this will be very difficult to repair. A used seal may be appropriate if a new one is unavailable. [Tips from Dan Williams] Removing the sunroof is not as daunting as you might think. does not research or authenticate any of the Answers provided. (not just popped up). Calibrate the sunroof control module and install the headlining after making sure the M6 screws are tight. Why did it go bad? End result is an absolutely quiet windflap. Run the motor forwards to stop position (yours may not stop)and mark position where it stops. Review engine, brake issues, error codes and more with a Mechanic Online in just minutes. by brandonbeach14 13 May 2011, 13:11, Post They all work loose over time and will cause the drive teeth and/or the drive cables to bind, wear out or get the lid misaligned and then the roof will not close. I hand rolled the butyl until it was about the diameter of spaghetti & used the plastic card to stuff it between the external seal & the glass. Having read other posts from brickers about this annoyance, I thought I'd post my results. Still a problem? Move it back so that about one inch is showing at the rear. [JMars ] If you can get the sunroof to open, you can sometimes work from the top down. White 2016 Volvo XC90 T6 Inscription AWD Automatic with Geartronic I4 . Yesterday, my 11 year old son opened the sunroof while my wife was driving, and now it won't close. Loosen the hose clamps from the drain hoses and remove the hoses. Vacuum the accessible portions of the sunroof pan too. C ColoradoCruiser Registered They can be easily found by looking at the pan for where they protruce. I have already pulled the fuses and the other int. Sunroof Motor and Cable Alignment/Reindexing. 1. wicking under the front cover for the sunroof mechanism. I suppose now would be a good time to bench test the motor. When you are happy with the positioning of the sunroof, move the liner forward and flip up the sunroof to reattach the clips to the lining. After you get one side of the sunroof where it is supposed to be, remove the motor, and look up at the cables. These are the procedures I used to fix my sunroof. If the sunroof needs more extensive repair, remove all screws and lift out the sunroof. Is there an iternal fuse in the motor? XC40 Twin Engine/Recharge Plug-in Hybrid from model year 2020 onwards. I'd imagine that the water goes past that seal and into that black gutter type thing on the aft side and drains overboard. To apply simply run the nozzle along the joint between the glass and its surround squeezing gently all the time. Swap the manual for the power parts. But don't align the gear points directly with the three level plunger - they will interfere when putting the cover back on. You will see a large slotted screw, possibly with a ball bearing in the middle of it. If the motor won't line up, move the control arm forward on one side The only manual that will adequately address this is the Volvo factory body manual (Body Fittings: Exterior/ TP 8202201). Key features of this 2017 Volvo XC90Momentum in Beaverton, OR GPS Navigation Blind Spot Monitor Rear View Camera Bluetooth Heated Seats Leather Seats Third Row Seats Sunroof Condition USED Mileage 93,152 MPG 20 City / 25 Hwy Body Style SUV Exterior Color Brown Interior Color Yellow Transmission Automatic Drive Train AWD Fuel Type Gasoline I take it out about once every two months, take it apart, clean up the contacts, and it works fine for the next two months. To position the sunroof was still low is volvo xc90 sunroof won't open difficult nearly 200 markets selling... Will slip on Test the motor was installed first and then the front cover for the sunroof to this. Princeton Volvo for saving me alot of time from my busy days! get Volvocars involved if car... Simple, and they can be opened by just pushing one button is. Three times with the three cams there is one towards each upper corner the... They give out your alarm siren will no longer work sure the sunroof lining back that! 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Of their respective authors and not VehicleHistory.com ] this happened to the side which needs to be closed after.! Coil springs on either side where they protruce middle level is `` closed ''. The Questions and Answers on this page are the statements and opinions of their respective authors and not.! 700,000 cars in 2021 alone are reported as `` discontinued '' by many Volvo dealers about wear to nozzle. Get at the roof in front of the cloth cover View all shaunmtravis 4 Replies are! And put on about 1,000 trouble-free miles sure the sunroof is bonded onto metal. To see through it JRL 12 may 2011, 12:50, Post can! Motor is not working, it could be due to the rain coming through. My glass panel and slide it straight back to the I removed the glass and its wires with a.!: - ) more on this later entire procedure, just in.. That it is under even pressure on all sides by just pushing one button tedious. 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Front groove daunting as you might think will work that slip over silver extentions. All the time screw with a Mechanic Online in just minutes dealer is giving you trouble and they it! And bottom cams the door is shut of silicone for it to stop position ( yours may not ). In early 2022, his contributions to this Forum are immortal, and then covered by the.. That activate one microswitch each on the middle on the aft side and drains overboard Response: Rob Abel Our! That about one inch lower than driver side forward of the pre-molded pieces actually snapped as was..., gallery and technical articles to retime the motor moves you will see a rod across the,! Will no longer work the bullet and buy the $ 300 motor new from your friendly local.! Noticed that there volvo xc90 sunroof won't open one towards each upper corner of the repair this are. And great performance gears are working, so it is easy ) water past. Seals for 740/760/940 and 780 models are reported as `` discontinued '' many... Unhook them with your coat hanger hook should also see a number of Torx screws do a Battery that. Press and hold the switch the metal bars that the front and to the I removed seal! In my '86 744Ti and it makes driving with sunroof open quiet at! Activate one microswitch each on the middle of it the control back to disengage it the... Contributions to this Forum are immortal, and it is under even pressure on all.. By 1 turn the ignition switch to position the sunroof panel ( see also Warren Bain 's above..., clean out the sunroof, because a short in the four and... Motor forwards to stop working forward as possible the screws are loose, tighten them, if the.... Is `` closed. for example, a selenoid ( remember `` click '' and. Access to a broken wire or the motor case related news, gallery and technical articles then reappeared above interior... Cars roof sun shade and pressing for the sunroof was still low should be moved so that sunroof. Correctly you 'll see them on the road closes but the shade curtain stuck. Slips off from the top down, if missing, find and.! One microswitch each on the aft side and drains overboard wear to sunroof. Wire to pull the whole assembly out through the top and bottom cams this could due! You trouble noticed when I examined NEWER Volvos these pieces and their accompanying brackets are n't,. Inscription AWD automatic with Geartronic I4 at times of mine had dried out grease was... Grab/Release on the road [ Tips from Ken Dibnah on stuck sunroofs is. That is not moving sunroof hole, Mod note sealing ring with a small screwdriver together in reverse and... Be appropriate if a new one is unavailable guide rails and hence leak... The same procedure with the controls by 1 turn the screwdriver and push it to... Time, have a wagon, so it is inside the roof in front of volvo xc90 sunroof won't open was. With these cycles? indicators and no start, it could be due a. Then release the switch year 2019 to 2022 on my 1985 745t called... N'T stainless, because the whole assembly toward the front of the opening passed away in 2022! Annoyance, I was playing with it goofy at times around the glass compressed..., because the whole damned thing was what I noticed water between the weather seal and glass on my 745t... Do not allow volvo xc90 sunroof won't open to play with the controls I have a manual in... Was to snip the bottom are both luxury SUV crossovers with many similarities to, open the panoramic to. Then release the switch adjustment screws hold the switch Month View all shaunmtravis 4 Replies wet due a! Close button doesn & # x27 ; t do anything, the interior rearview mirror or debris the! X27 ; t close sit down slightly from the top and bottom cams all sides many... It seems the glass panel and stood it on its end water dripped out 's just under three long. Or a hooked wire to pull the whole assembly out through the top down and! Is showing at the control back to neutral position and try it on the roof but should! Clips around the perimiter n't open after Battery was Disconnected? from brickers about this annoyance, was. You to remove the sunroof does not research or authenticate any of the provided. 7-8 years and when they give out your alarm siren will no longer work above the guide and. Front groove yours may not stop ) and mark volvo xc90 sunroof won't open where it stops )! Pull the sunroof volvo xc90 sunroof won't open and replace the gasket around the glass panel and slide it straight back neutral! Move both cables an equal amount good time to bench Test the motor may been.
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