If you are a Medicare Retiree, your agency participates in PEIA retirement insurance and you want to continue PEIA Health Insurance, you will need visit your Retirement Board and your HR Department. (g) Notwithstanding the provisions of 5-10-27b of this code, any publicly elected member of the legislative body of any political subdivision or of the State Legislature, the Clerk of the House of Delegates, and the Clerk of the Senate may elect to commence receiving in-service retirement distributions from this system upon attaining the age of 70 and one-half years: , That the member is eligible to retire under the provisions of 5-10-20 or 5-10-21 of this code: , That the member elects to stop actively contributing to the system while receiving the in-service distributions. . calendar years referenced in this section: , That the employee has not retired prior to the effective date of the amendments made to this section in the 2002 regular session of the Legislature. 4101 MacCorkle Avenue S.E
Login. If any dependent is Medicare eligible, PEIA will need a copy of their Medicare Card also. Federal Retirement Systems - Line 31. You may not elect or increase life insurance after this period. Charleston, West Virginia 25304
In the purchase of service credit for employment prior to 1989 in any department, including the Legislature, which operated from the General Revenue Fund and which was not expressly excluded from budget appropriations in which blanket appropriations were made for the states share of public employees retirement coverage in the years prior to 1989, the employee shall pay the employees share. The PRT is a totally automated public transit system consisting of 73 driverless vehicles, nine miles of dedicated guideway, five passenger stations, two maintenance facilities and a vast array of . (b) The membership of the Public Employees Retirement System may not include any person who is an active contributing member of, or who has been retired by, any of the state teachers retirement systems, the Judges Retirement System, any retirement system of the West Virginia State Police, the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System, the Natural Resources Police Officer Retirement System or any municipal retirement system for either, or both, police or firefighter; and the Bureau of Employment Programs, by the Commissioner of the Bureau, may elect whether its employees will accept coverage under this article or be covered under the authorization of a separate enactment: That the exclusions of membership do not apply to any member of the State Legislature, the Clerk of the House of Delegates, the Clerk of the State Senate or to any member of the legislative body of any political subdivision provided he or she once becomes a contributing member of the retirement system: That any retired member of the State Police Death, Disability and Retirement Fund, the West Virginia State Police Retirement System, the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System, the Natural Resources Police Officer Retirement System and any retired member of any municipal retirement system for either, or both, police or firefighter may on and after the effective date of this section become a member of the retirement system as provided in this article, without receiving credit for prior service as a municipal police officer or firefighter or as a member of the State Police Death, Disability and Retirement Fund, the West Virginia State Police Retirement System, the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System, or the Natural Resources Police Officer Retirement System: That any retired member of the State Police Death, Disability and Retirement Fund, the West Virginia State Police Retirement System, the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System, the Natural Resources Police Officer Retirement System and any retired member of any municipal retirement system for either, or both, police or firefighters, who begins participation in the retirement system established in this article on or after July 1, 2005, may not receive a combined retirement benefit in excess of 105 percent of the members highest annual salary earned while either a member of the retirement system established in this article or while a member of the other retirement system or systems from which he or she previously retired when adding the retirement benefit from the retirement system created in this article to the retirement benefit received by that member from the other retirement system or systems set forth herein from which he or she previously retired: That the membership of the retirement system does not include any person who becomes employed by the Prestera Center for Mental Health Services, Valley Comprehensive Mental Health Center, Westbrook Health Services or Eastern Panhandle Mental Health Center on or after July 1,1997: That membership of the retirement system does not include any person who becomes a member of the federal Railroad Retirement Act on or after July 1, 2000. H|S1St If you wish to elect new or increased life insurance as a retired employee, you must enroll and submit medical information during the calendar month of retirement or the two following calendar months. West Virginia Legislature's Office of Reference & Information. endstream
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You may continue your basic, optional and dependent life insurance at the time of retirement. The remaining 21.75 percent state contribution is to pay down the pension fund's debt. If his or her reemployment is for a period less than one year, he or she may request in writing that the employee and employer retirement contributions submitted during reemployment be credited to the participating public employer pursuant to 5-10-44 of this code, and his or her previous annuity shall be reinstated effective the first day of the month following termination of reemployment and the boards receipt of written notice thereof. Other employees shall pay the states share and the employees share to purchase retroactive service credit. (b) For the purposes of this section: (1) "Regularly employed on a full-time basis" means employment of an individual by a participating public employer, in a position other than as an elected or appointed public official, which normally requires 12 months per year service and at least 1,040 hours of service per year in that position; (2) "temporary full-time employment" or "temporary part-time employment" means employment of an individual on a temporary or provisional basis by a participating public employer, other than as an elected or appointed public official, in a position which does not otherwise render the individual as regularly employed; (3) "former employee of the Legislature" means any person who has retired from employment with the Legislature and who has at least 10 years contributing service with the Legislature; and (4) "reemployed by the Legislature" means a former employee of the Legislature who has been reemployed on a per diem basis not to exceed 175 days per calendar year. Your pay (salary) was determined at the time you were hired, based on your job classification, your qualifications, and your agencys financial determination. (2) For purposes of this section, employees of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance are entitled to the same benefits as employees of the House of Delegates or the Senate: , That for joint committee employees whose terms of employment are otherwise classified as temporary, employment in preparation for regular sessions, certified by the legislative manager as required by the Legislature for its regular sessions, shall be considered the same as employment during regular sessions to meet service credit requirements for sessions served. Any lump sum or other payments paid to members that do not constitute regular salary or wage payments are not considered compensation for the purpose of withholding contributions for the system or for the purpose of calculating a members final average salary. Service credit awarded for legislative employment pursuant to this section shall be used for the purpose of calculating that members retirement annuity, pursuant to 5-10-22 of this code, and determining eligibility as it relates to credited service, notwithstanding any other provision of this section. (2) For purposes of this section, employees of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance are entitled to the same benefits as employees of the House of Delegates or the Senate: Provided, That for joint committee employees whose terms of employment are otherwise classified as temporary, employment in preparation for regular sessions, certified by the legislative manager as required by the Legislature for its regular sessions, shall be considered the same as employment during regular sessions to meet service credit requirements for sessions served. (d) Active members who previously worked in Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) may receive service credit for time served in that capacity: , That in order to receive service credit under the provisions of this subsection the following conditions must be met: (1) The member must have moved from temporary employment with the participating employer to permanent full-time employment with the participating employer within 120 days following the termination of the members CETA employment; (2) the board must receive evidence that establishes to a reasonable degree of certainty as determined by the board that the member previously worked in CETA; and (3) the member shall pay to the board an amount equal to the employer and employee contribution plus interest at the amount set by the board for the amount of service credit sought pursuant to this subsection: , That the maximum service credit that may be obtained under the provisions of this subsection is two years: , That a member must apply and pay for the service credit allowed under this subsection and provide all necessary documentation by March 31, 2003: , That the board shall exercise due diligence to notify affected employees of the provisions of this subsection. (2) The requirement of seven consecutive five years and the requirement of 13 consecutive seven years apply retroactively to all legislative employment prior to the effective date of the 2006 amendments to this section. Once a legislative employee has been employed during regular sessions for seven five consecutive calendar years or has become a full-time employee of the Legislature, that employee shall receive the service credit provided in this section for all regular and interim sessions and interim days worked by that employee, as certified by the clerk of the house in which the employee served, regardless of when the session or interim legislative employment occurred: And provided further, That regular session legislative employment for seven consecutive years may be served in either or both houses of the Legislature. (e) (1) Employees of the State Legislature whose terms of employment are otherwise classified as temporary and who are employed to perform services required by the Legislature for its regular sessions or during the interim time between regular sessions shall receive service credit for the time served in that capacity in accordance with the following: For purposes of this section, the term "regular session" means day one through day 60 of a 60-day legislative session or day one through day 30 of a 30-day legislative session. Email: CPRB@wv.gov, -The CPRB is currently open Monday through Friday
Employees of the State Legislature whose terms of employment are otherwise classified as temporary and who are employed to perform services required by the Legislature during the interim time between regular sessions shall receive service credit of one month for each 10 days served during the interim between regular sessions, which interim days shall be cumulatively calculated so that any 10 days, regardless of calendar month or year, shall be calculated toward any award of one month of service credit: Provided further, That no more than one year of service may be credited to any temporary legislative employee for all service rendered by that employee in any calendar year and no days may be carried over by a temporary legislative employee from one calendar year to another calendar year where the member has received a full year credit for that year. 2023 OPERS benefit payment schedule. The board shall have final power to decide whether the payments shall be considered compensation for purposes of this article; (9) "Contributing service" means service rendered by a member within this state and for which the member made contributions to a public retirement system account of this state, to the extent credited him or her as provided by this article; (10) "Credited service" means the sum of a members prior service credit, military service credit, workers compensation service credit and contributing service credit standing to his or her credit as provided in this article; (11) "Employee" means any person who serves regularly as an officer or employee, full time, on a salary basis, whose tenure is not restricted as to temporary or provisional appointment, in the service of, and whose compensation is payable, in whole or in part, by any political subdivision, or an officer or employee whose compensation is calculated on a daily basis and paid monthly or on completion of assignment, including technicians and other personnel employed by the West Virginia National Guard whose compensation, in whole or in part, is paid by the federal government: Provided, That an employee of the Legislature whose term of employment is otherwise classified as temporary and who is employed to perform services required by the Legislature for its regular sessions or during the interim between regular sessions and who has been or is employed during regular sessions or during the interim between regular sessions in seven five or more consecutive calendar years, as certified by the clerk of the house in which the employee served, is an employee, any provision to the contrary in this article notwithstanding, and is entitled to credited service in accordance with provisions of 5-10-14 of this code: Provided, however, That members of the legislative body of any political subdivision and commissioners of the West Virginia Claims Commission are employees receiving one year of service credit for each one-year term served and prorated service credit for any partial term served, anything contained in this article to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided further, That only a compensated board member of a participating public employer appointed to a board of a nonlegislative body for the first time on or after July 1, 2014, who normally is required to work 12 months per year and 1040 hours of service per year is an employee. WVPB News. years apply retroactively to all legislative employment prior to the effective date of the 2006 amendments to this section. 8
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) of this section, a retired magistrate who is recalled and assigned to temporary service as a senior magistrate by the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals may receive per diem compensation pursuant to the requirements of 50-1-6a of this code while continuing to receive his or her annuity. Retiree Basic Life and Health Enrollment Form* Summary Plan Description PPB Plans A, B & D* FBMC Retiree Enrollment Forms* FBMC Retiree Benefits Guides*Premium Rate Charts, If you are a Non-Medicare Retiree, your agency participates in PEIA retirement insurance and you want to continue PEIA Health Insurance, you will need visit your Retirement Board and your HR Department. Once all of your paperwork is turned in, it will be 2-3 months before your retirement check will arrive. calendar years, as certified by the clerk of the house in which the employee served, and credit for interim employment as provided in this subsection: , That this legislative service credit shall also be used for months of service in order to meet the 60-month requirement for the payments of a temporary legislative employee members retirement annuity: , That no legislative employee may be required to pay for any service credit beyond the actual time he or she worked regardless of the service credit which is credited to him or her pursuant to this section: , That any legislative employee may request a recalculation of his or her credited service to comply with the provisions of this section at any time. the state contributes only 4.69 percent. Darrell P. Deputy retired after working as a deputy sheriff. WV457. (d) Senior judges, justices, and magistrates. ?Rh d^g0bZK4Px/kgh/qfkrd%;cgrn@zs\J\'|ZdRW Hn@y]] Q5!2%X^kiJ]$o Members. West Virginia University Transportation and Parking unit is seeking applications for a Trades Specialist I (Electrician). Service credit; retroactive provisions. H
N3!DBei|r)}|~aznbYTI 5=KAm`GT@U3X@&hn]Ql~K/:3TEHw Retirement; Non-State Agency Enrollment & Withdrawal; New Employee; Video Library; . What do I do now ? If you are aware of cases where a member or an employer is violating the rules -Want to make a difference in your community? Public Employees. After Feb 15th, 2023 you will be able to request a duplicate 1099-R to be mailed to you. In the purchase of service credit for employment prior to 1989 in any department, including the Legislature, which operated from the General Revenue Fund and which was not expressly excluded from budget appropriations in which blanket appropriations were made for the states share of public employees retirement coverage in the years prior to 1989, the employee shall pay the employees share. A state actuary says expanding military service credits for public employees' pension benefits will cost more than $197 million.A report by Consolidated. Employees of the State Legislature whose term of employment is otherwise classified as temporary and who are employed to perform services required by the Legislature for its regular sessions or during the interim time between regular sessions and who have been or are employed during regular sessions or during the interim time between regular sessions in seven consecutive five calendar years, as certified by the clerk of the house in which the employee served, shall receive service credit of six months for all regular sessions served, as certified by the clerk of the house in which the employee served, or shall receive service credit of three months for each regular 30-day session served prior to 1971: Provided, That employees of the State Legislature whose term of employment is otherwise classified as temporary and who are employed to perform services required by the Legislature for its regular sessions and who have been or are employed during the regular sessions in 13 consecutive seven calendar years as either temporary employees or full-time employees or a combination thereof, as certified by the clerk of the house in which the employee served, shall receive a service credit of 12 months for each regular session served, as certified by the clerk of the house in which the employee served: Provided, however, That the amendments made to this subsection during the 2002 regular session of the Legislature only apply to employees of the Legislature who are employed by the Legislature as either temporary employees or full-time employees as of January 1, 2002, or who become employed by the Legislature as temporary or full-time employees for the first time after January 1, 2002. 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