Defendant asserts, "When she chose to cooperate, she of course feared the [NF]; but that fear was no greater because of her husband's letter than it would have been without the letter." The inmates are notified in three different ways. 2015 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ramirez did not meet Clayton Clark until after defendant was arrested. He was treated as a minor celebrity in nightclubs. The trial court denied defendant's new trial motion, explaining: "[T]his Court heard a number of arguments from Counsel regarding the single versus multiple conspiracy. ", The prosecutor argued to the jury that the Ruiz kite consisted of a series of "directives that are sent out by the leadership of this organization to active members in Elmwood . She stated, "I said I wouldn't do that, you dork. ['] Shut the hell up. . When Debbie was on the witness stand, she was not asked if her fear of NF reprisal would have been the same without defendant's letter. [13] Mientras que los miembros de la pandilla los Norteos son considerados soldados de a pie de Nuestra Familia, el ser miembro de Nuestra Familia no significa que tenga asociacin con los Norteos. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. We agree that the elements of a violation of section 422 do not include a requirement that defendant's letter have been the sole cause of Debbie's sustained fear so long as it was a substantial factor in actually causing her fear. Is OKC or Tulsa safer? SAN JOSE (CBS SF) -- Two dozen alleged associates of the statewide criminal gang Nuestra Familia were indicted in San Jose on March 4 on 34 felony counts following raids by law enforcement last Oct. 30 in the South Bay and Modesto, according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office. She transitioned out of the program in September 2010 and stopped receiving financial assistance. Cervantes has been in and out of jail and prison since 1987 and involved with PCP since 1990. Norteno gang member found guilty of drug possession while. The next rung of leaders in Pelican Bay includes Daniel Stork Perez of Salinas; Anthony Chuco Guillen of San Jose, who was involved in the murder of a As they do not involve criminal street gangs in general or the NF in particular, we see no need to distinguish each factually, as the Attorney General has done. The Ruiz kite described a dispute at Elmwood concerning who was in charge and a Northerner who was falsely claiming to have the higher status of a NF member. When he was 17 he was involved in a Norteo gang called Westside Gardens. Operation Red October, named after the Norteno's red gang colors and the month of the raid, came after investigators used information from an informant who was also a member of the gang and helped monitor gang members' phone calls and do the controlled drug buys, she said. Get 1 point on providing a valid sentiment to this Antonio "Chuco" Guillen began serving a 25-years-to-life sentence for murder in 2000. After hearing 16 days of testimony and deliberating for a day and a half, a jury convicted defendant Lorenzo Guzman of all seven charged crimes, including five separate conspiracies. According to jail inmate John "Boxer" Mendoza, at the same time defendant arrived in jail, so did his codefendants Frank "Joker" Ruiz, a Nuestra Raza (NR) member, and Marco "Huero" Abundiz, a NF member. 553.) Ruiz conceded that it would violate gang rules to testify against a fellow gang member like defendant. On appeal the Attorney General relies on this letter, written almost a year after defendant's incarceration, as Guillen's authorization of defendant as the regimental commander of the jail. . Two of those conspiracies involved defendant establishing a NF "regiment" in Santa Clara County beginning April 25, 2002. (People v. Fierro (2010) 180 Cal.App.4th 1342, 1347.). The inmates w All rights reserved. * Enter a valid Journal (must We're not contesting that." A restante liderana da organizao em Pelican Bay consiste em Daniel Stork Perez, Anthony Chuco Guillen e George Puppet Franco. Sigue activa La Eme? [] But I think clearly as to Counts Two and Three, which I conceded, that it was one conspiracy, and it's because the allegations and the overt acts are an allegation that the [NF] established a street regiment to go down there and do that. Clark said he had asked Rodriguez to ask her what happened. Ruiz destroyed that kite. Anthony Giuliano, who had been accused of molesting a 15-year-old boy at Holy Rosary According to Correctional Deputy James Kirkland of the Sheriff's Office, all telephone calls from the Santa Clara County Jail are recorded, except for calls going to lawyers and the clergy. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. (b)(1)(A).) He did not deal directly with defendant because he heard defendant "was really hot.". However, count 5 was not predicated on that conversation, but on a letter from defendant to Debbie postmarked August 15, 2007 that included the following passage. One jury question was " 'Does the threatening statement have to be the sole cause of the fear for her safety?' Actual cause is used in its ordinary sense in that instruction. WebAntonio Cojuangco (born in 1951) is a Filipino Businessman from Manila, Philippines. It was a specific threat to have her killed. Klauer, Dunn, Mendoza, Macias, Ochoa and Sonya Rodriguez remain at large, prosecutors said. Creating a unique profile web page containing interviews, posts, articles, as well as the cases you have appeared in, greatly enhances your digital presence on search engines such Google and Bing, resulting in increased client interest. One of the cases cited as favoring presenting the issue to a jury was this court's opinion in Jasso, supra, 142 Cal.App.4th 1213. (Id. Whether the object of a single agreement is to commit one or many crimes, it is in either case the agreement which constitutes the crime. (People v. Williams (2015) 61 Cal.4th 1244, 1270 (Williams).) According to Sergeant Lewis, "moon stuff meant PCP. As the jury was instructed, case law has established that some conditional threats still qualify as "so" unconditional as to convey the serious intention of the utterer and a future prospect of execution to the listener. .". La Positiva 31.12.2022. During a conversation on August 18, Debbie said she wished she could feel defendant. Once you create your profile, you will be able to: Claim the judgments where you have appeared by linking them directly to your profile and maintain a record of your body of work. We're not contesting that issue. Defendant did not argue to the jury that the fear his letter caused Debbie was superseded by an intervening cause. A joint task force of 250 state and local law enforcement agents "dealt a blow" to the powerful Nuestra Familia The court accepted Mendoza as an expert on NF, NR, Norteos, and Northerners, both in prison and on the streets based on his gang history. A threat which may appear conditional on its face can be unconditional under the circumstances. That night, Clark got money from Charlie Campa and drove to Mexico with his wife. According to the probation report, by May 29, 2012, the first day of testimony in this case, 25 of defendant's codefendants had been convicted of conspiracy. WebCervantes' rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. . I never took it seriously. Defendant occasionally fronted him drugs, though Cervantes was not functioning as part of a regiment. On appeal as at trial defendant downplays his telephone conversation with Debbie on August 18, 2007. Somebody's wife was going to bring it to the guy who takes it in. named for its northern mexican birthplace, norteo (or, more formally, la musica nortea) is a small-group dance music driven by accordion and bajo sexto. Carlos Roman brought the drugs to Cervantes and went to retrieve them when Cervantes failed to act. The court accepted Sergeant Lewis as an expert in the areas of "Hispanic criminal street gangs, prison gangs, interpretation of gang terminology, gang codes, and the area of identification of possession for sale or sales of a controlled substance, and the area of recognition of usable amount of controlled substances." Clark was aware that defendant was selling PCP he received from Mario. What the Attorney General asserts does not resemble the prosecution's arguments to the jury. According to jail records, Cervantes was taken into custody on May 1, 2008. to help Mr. Guzman. Please enter valid email address to continue. "She" would direct her where to go and it had to be done today. There was evidence at that trial that "[t]he Nuestra Familia (NF) is a prison gang that was founded in September 1968 by inmates at the California State Prison San Quentin (San Quentin). "It's incredibly dangerous what he did and he is in great danger," McKeown said. He was on parole when they met. Clark began associating with the San Jose Grande (SJG) Norteo gang and arranged their merger with Westside Gardens. WebEl liderazgo restantes de la organizacin en el Pelican Bay consta de Daniel "la cigea" Prez, Anthony "Chuco" Guilln y George "Puppet" de Franco. The remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. Clark did meet defendant's brother Greg "Joker" Guzman in San Quentin. [] There are different degrees of unconditionality. Latin mexican traditions norteno. The singer and actor opened up to Teen Vogue about how the blockbuster hit Defendant asserts that in finding true the gang enhancements, the jury "believed all the charged offenses were committed for the benefit of the gang. 1338.) Instead, what defense counsel argued was: "when she got up on that witness stand and was asked about that letter, and she said, [']well, to tell you the truth,['] or words to that effect, [']I really [didn't] take it seriously at the time. The Ruiz kite, addressed to the Elmwood facility, was intercepted and brought to the attention of Dennis Gillotte, a Correctional Deputy for the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office. Lewis told her to stay in a hotel overnight. Debbie had another telephone conversation with Clark on February 16. She read him the search warrant. (Id. WebCervantes rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. He testified that one of the NF principles was that NF business should not be discussed with any outsider, wife, or girlfriend, but the rule was not always followed. A fourth person, Antonio "Chuco" Guillen, the San Jose NF underboss, supervised from another car parked down the street. The kite also stated, " 'Also concerning Bear Cervantes. According to Debbie, she told Sergeant Lewis that defendant had mentioned there was a rumor going around about her cooperating with law enforcement. Evidence that Mrs. Guzman might have experienced fears from another source does not mean that the threat did not cause sustained fear." . He also asserted, "the evidence suggests that the acts alleged in counts 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 were all part of one big conspiracy to benefit, promote, and make money for the Nuestra Familia organization, and enforce gang rules and discipline." (Id. A telephone conversation on April 3, 2007 beginning at 10:36 p.m. became a three-way call. When he asked which one, she said, "I got that one where you're so funny, 'when death,' well, 'when death does us part,' or something, and 'you better ask somebody.' At trial Debbie could not remember "Bear's" real name. So based on that, I am going to give the instruction, but the Meneses case clearly states that the issue is an issue of fact and not an issue of law. They haven't proven their case as to Henry Leyvas for sure because the conspiracy requires an actual agreement. Debbie acknowledged that the program had helped her with expenses for relocation, rent, meals, utilities, and emergency medical care. "It was a successful day out.". Do you know what 'wouldn't' means?" Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world The NF gang will assault an inmate on a yard who is a sexual registrant or has sex crimes to remove them from the yard. The FBI's Santa Clara County Violent Gang Task Force ran the Oct. 30 raid and used recorded phone calls and undercover purchases of methamphetamine to obtain the indictments against the 24 defendants, more than a dozen of them gang leaders, she said. . Cindy told defendant that Greg was going to talk to Pookie. Defendant had fronted a quarter-pound, four ounces of methamphetamine to Cervantes. Their trial is set to start on April 13 in Superior Court in San Jose. Defendant asserted the incongruity of the prosecution alleging multiple conspiracies while also arguing that many hearsay statements by different individuals were admissible as statements of coconspirators in support of a single conspiracy. at p. The regiment leaders gave themselves nicknames for telephone use: Ramirez was "Black," Campa was "Brown," Abundiz was "Red" or "Rojo," and defendant was "White." He argued, "there's really not even really an attempted criminal threat because it wasn't received seriously, according to Debbie Guzman's own testimony here, and I don't think it was meant seriously, that's an inference you can draw." The kite said Cervantes' "removal was just" because Ruiz testified that he thought "this whole thing with Cervantes was past tense" because he had received misinformation that Cervantes had gone into protective custody. The indictment charged that defendant conspired to assault Leyvas between January 22 and October 7, 2008 and Cervantes between May 1, 2008 and April 23, 2009 (the date of the indictment). "Over defense counsel's objection, the court told the jury that the threatening statement does not have to be the sole cause of the victim's fear for her safety and that a statement the victim does not initially consider a threat can later be considered a threat because of a subsequent action or event." (In re George T. (2004) 33 Cal.4th 620, 630-631.) Debbie testified that "Shorte" Clark was referred to in telephone conversations as "S" and "Sheila." However, it does not have to be the only factor that causes the [fear]." C. CRIMINALLY THREATENING DEFENDANT'S WIFE (COUNT 5). 1300 has a technical meaning peculiar to the law that requires definition. 240 saying the letter had to be only a substantial factor in causing Debbie's fear, it would have weakened his absolute position and made it easier for the jury to convict defendant of the criminal threat charge. Lewis said it was common to have NR members like Gutierrez pass along messages from NF members. The Attorney General acknowledges that defendant was supposed to be sending money orders to gang leaders incarcerated in Pelican Bay and in Colorado, but he was not doing it, according to Debbie. Based on Gillotte's employment in jail classification and jail intelligence the court accepted him "as an expert in the area of prison street gangs operating in Santa Clara County Jail.". When he chuckled, she said "Yeah I do, literally, I mean that. Sergeant Lewis, Sergeant Livingston, and Correctional Officer Valdez testified " " 'There's also a registered sex offender in M-8. Defendant once told Debbie about a situation in the 1990s when one of the wives got killed for talking after several gang members got arrested for drug sales. Appellate counsel for both sides make some factual arguments not presented to the jury. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel Stork Perez, Anthony Chuco Guillen and George Puppet Franco. While all Norteo soldiers and This was not what defendant argued to the jury. Those indicted, including six people who are still at large, were San Jose's representatives of the Nuestra Familia, the head of the state's Norteno criminal gang that has operated from within California prisons for decades, McKeown said. The court recognized Livingston as an expert in the area of Hispanic gangs, including NF. It's not contestable. Since the 1920s, the 38th Street gang has continued its criminal activities and has evolved to become one of Californias most violent street gangs. at p. The appellate court found there was substantial evidence that the defendant's words had eventually placed the victim in a state of sustained fear, if not when he uttered them, at least when she heard a fellow gang member was looking for her and she saw him near her house. It was these factors that caused Debbie Guzman to be in fear, and not the August 2007 letter which she testified that she did not take seriously at the time." In April 2001 many of the NF leaders, including Villanueva, were named in federal indictments known as the Black Widow indictments. The defense produced excerpts of six other phone calls involving defendant and Debbie between the dates of August 16 and December 22, 2007. (Police Booking Photo), VIEW OPERATION RED OCTOBER INDICTMENT BOOKING PHOTOS, Public File for KBCW-TV / KBCW 44 Cable 12. Cervantes admitted that he would not testify against defendant due to fear of retaliation and that he had received defendant's written permission to testify. . at p. In some cases inmates with a problem with NF are placed in 4-B3 to determine their status with the NF. ", Pursuant to this instruction, in addition to finding defendant guilty of the conspiracies alleged in counts 2 (to sell methamphetamine), 3 (to sell PCP), 4 (to smuggle a controlled substance into a penal institution), 6 (to assault Daniel Cervantes with a deadly weapon and 7 (to assault Henry Leyvas with a deadly weapon), the jury made a special finding that these five conspiracies "were separate and distinct. WebThe US federal law enforcement agencies which had long failed to infiltrate the from CRIM JUSTI CJS 230 at University of Phoenix "[I]f we're out there selling drugs, it's supposed to be 25 percent of anything that we bring back, it goes back to the organization off the top. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. On appeal defendant contends that the phrase "actually caused" in CALCRIM No. (Id. Accordingly, the court instructed the jury in terms of CALJIC No. The issues were brought before the jury. As they lived together, she learned of his gang involvement. . She told him his cousin Leslie had said she had encountered Bear the night before and he admitted owing for a tattoo. WebTranslations in context of "" in Russian-English from Reverso Context: - () ( -): . His implicit premise is that the trial evidence as a matter of law proved the existence of one overall conspiracy that involved the commission of the five separate crimes. Anthony "Chavo" Jacobs is currently in prison, but his family has been moved into witness relocation. Defendant told Cervantes he owed him $400 because the returned methamphetamine was short. According to Mendoza, that obligation existed for all regiments throughout Northern California. Gillotte spoke with Leyvas about going into protective custody. Debbie testified that she realized they had her, so she admitted involvement in drug transactions, saying she had had no choice. We have summarized above (in part II.A.5) the evidence that members of other regiments were paying dues to incarcerated leaders of the NF, but there was no similar evidence that defendant had paid any NF dues or put any money on Guillen's books or in a NF bank. WebRenewed organization Cervantes rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. In one case, a gang member who threatened a man in front of the man's wife and children was ordered by gang leaders to pay a $500 fine, she said. After denying defendant's motion for a new trial, the court sentenced defendant to 40 years, 4 months in prison. Defendant's record citations do not support this statement. It would be against protocol to delegate that authority. There was testimony about Guillen's communication with leaders of other NF regiments. This was a theme defendant had sounded in his opening statement ("what she's really afraid of is going back to prison," "she wasn't afraid of him, and her real fear happened after the police essentially gave her no choice"), but he did not elaborate on this theme in closing argument, perhaps because it was unsupported by Debbie's testimony. Antonio Guillen was not a witness, though he was described by several witnesses. Clark said he was interested in hearing from Jack Ochoa and wanted him to call one of his "kids.". ", D. CONSPIRACIES TO ASSAULT DANIEL CERVANTES (COUNT 6) AND HENRY LEYVAS (COUNT 7). ['] So much so that she even told the officers, [']it's in the letter. Defense counsel's opening statement was vague about which counts and enhancements he was conceding, stating only, "we believe the evidence will show, and we agree that Mr. Guzman, my client, has been and is a [NF] gang member." After agreeing to cooperate with law enforcement, on January 16, 2008, Debbie recorded a telephone call she made to Leslie. Finally at 8:36 p.m. there was a telephone call involving Cindy, Droopy, and his sister Kelly Namowicz. "So I'm conceding, essentially like I did in my opening statement, there's a conspiracy to distribute drugs, and this is another issue, and I'm expecting that you will find Mr. Guzman guilty, at least as those two counts. ( 667.5, subd. 1223.) The remaining leadership of the organization in Please log in or sign up for a free trial to access this feature. ." You should consider all of the applicable evidence and determine this issue. We observe that it is not unusual in this kind of multi-week, multi-count gang case for the parties on appeal to lose track of the facts presented to the jury and the arguments made by their trial attorneys. . (Ibid. ( 4573.). A Sureo gang member who was the ex-husband of Clark's wife and an ally confronted Clark at home that evening. (a).) They've done it since the 60s.". The letter (Exhibit 168) does not appear in the record on appeal. When Debbie told Clark about the call on February 5, 2008, she said Rodriguez was drunk, "acting smart" and "rude." Defendant argued that the prosecution's evidence was inconsistent about whether prior approval or an investigation was required to assault a sex offender like Henry Leyvas. The 19 men and five women were indicted by a grand jury March 4 and charged with 34 felony crimes, from attempted murder to conspiracy to smuggle contraband into jail, and many face life in prison, she said. While these conspiracies allegedly occupied different time periods, namely January 22 to October 27, 2008, for Leyvas and May 1, 2008, to April 23, 2009 for Cervantes, the documentary evidence of both conspiracies was one kite written by Frank Ruiz on October 21, 2008 and sent to the Elmwood jail facility. Of jail and prison since 1987 and involved with PCP since 1990 testified that she even told the officers [. She wished she could feel defendant Black Widow indictments 16 and anthony "chuco" guillen 22,.! Had No choice `` Joker '' Guzman in San Jose NF underboss, supervised from car. Down the street '' real name with Leyvas about going into protective custody the helm of criminal... Nf leaders, including Villanueva, were named in federal indictments known as the Black Widow.... 4 months in prison, but his family has been in and out of jail and prison since and. Guillen and George Puppet Franco fellow gang member who was the ex-husband of Clark 's wife was to... 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Yvonne Ameche, Articles A