Being dishonest at MEPS can potentially harm your chances for success in civilian career fields as well. You are the one who is going to suffer the consequences of your choice to commit a felony. Potential enlistees undergo a medical exam at MEPS as well. Here are some aspects of medical history that may cause a recruit to lie at MEPS: All potential enlistees go through comprehensive medical examinations at MEPS. That should be an honest answer for you. And yet another case,DOHA Case Number 15-00234, the applicant admitted to smoking marijuana in college. The fact of the matter is that there really is no legal impediment to using an applicants admissions of unreported criminal conduct against the applicant in a subsequent criminal prosecution. Recruiters not infrequently advise enlistees to withhold minor derogatory information because they have quotas to meet and don't want anything to interfere with that. But only because I don't have a security clearance.. So as you can see, Ive dug myself quite the hole. As for the ADHD, stick to what you've told them, why? It does not store any personal data. You can request or find a different recruiter. I had maybe two other friends besides them so if the TS investigators were to look into my past they would find them. The MEPS is independent from each Service, and is not on any quota. Thank you, sorry if this is rambling I'm just really panicking. Others may lie about medical conditions and/or prescriptions out of a sense of embarrassment. Recruiting is a difficult job, and recruiters who do their jobs well, and legally have my utmost respect. Your recruiter is dumb. Learn more about the consequences here. But when applying for security clearance, what matters most is your honesty. Because the OPM investigator that does your clearance doesn't have any meps paper work. You're not going to jail. Here are some examples of people who have lied at MEPS to join the military. To everybody who gave detailed answers, thank you. You get a chance to come clean on anything that you may have omitted from your record. We frequently warn of the importance of security clearance applicants being honest on government forms, including the SF-86 security clearance application. Telling 100 percent truth at meps by everyone would require waivers for days and would prolong the process for months. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Honestly, he deserves to. what ever you did at meps, recruiting station, where ever, forget it. Lied at MEPs about mental health history and drug history. Ive been there, and was extremely misguided let's say. Your email address will not be published. The applicant stated that he smoked marijuana three times per week while attending college. In addition, being truthful regarding your past indicates strength in terms of your conduct and character. Below are approximate timelines for the clearance process: 1-2 months for a new Secret (interim) clearance. Each of the services has a waiver process whereby senior recruiting and medical officials can waive certain disqualifying medical or moral (legal) factors, depending upon the current needs of the service and the other qualifications of the applicant. Ive tried ecstasy three times probably around 2011 (would be 22 years old). Since you need it for your MOS, you'll likely get a new MOS. This ended up being a risky but wise choice, given the circumstances. DoD is the one that will adjudicate your background investigation so the answer is yes. It's that simple. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But because you lied, you're fucked. There is a point very early in basic training where the point of no return is passed. In other words don't speak to issues outside the time period specified on the SF86. Will my recruiter get into deep shit? Handle this the right way, as you should all things. Essentially, any false or withheld information during the enlistment process amounts to a criminal offense. Strict background checks at the local, state, and federal level are performed on each individual recruit during the MEPS process. But if you are investigated and found to have falsified information, the penalties will be harsh. 3 Alex Denethorn Commentator on US and UK Politics Author has 7.1K answers and 45.2M answer views 3 y Related I can't, for the life of me, imagine why he would tell you to lie about that. But to anyone who may be getting in, tell the truth up front. They are foreigners so he had me say they lived in their native country. You need to come clean, explain that you were misled, act contrite and show that you are older and more mature so that it wont happen again. A slight delay in schedule will not change your end game. Any advice on coming clean and mitigating the damage? You should have either stuck to your guns and told your recruiter no, or sadly lied. The fact is this kid feels guilty enough that he is posting about it hereno doubt a polygraph would catch it. I felt bad about it at the time but wanted to get away from my current situation asap (breakup, contract, and shipping out to basic all in the same month). Well I went to a very anal MEPS and I didnt want to risk being disqualified so I lied about having ADHD. In order to get a Top Secret Security Clearance you have to undergo a Single Scope Background Investigation which will encompass the following: Minimum investigative scope. Lying At MEPS About Medical Or Criminal History: 3 BIG Consequences. Welcome to the Northern Ireland Assembly web site, which was set up to inform interested viewers of the day-to-day business and historical background of devolved Government in Northern Ireland. If the background check reveals a considerable amount of debt, missed payments, tax evasion, collection judgments, check. 3 What happens if you lie on your security clearance? So you can answer no MJ use past 7 years (10 years for TS SCI). A discharge of this type will also impact your future through loss of benefits, job opportunities, civilian rights, and other recriminations as well. Like many other situations, its the cover up that will get you into trouble. Losing your clearance doesn't mean you can't join the Marines, it just limits the types of jobs you can have. If any of that information is false or incorrect, this enlistment may be voided or terminated administratively by the Government, or I may be tried by Federal, civilian, or military court, and, if found guilty, may be punished. I'm supposed to go to the Military Entrance Processing Center (MEPS) for a medical and mental health evaluation and to get sworn in this week. Honestly I feel like a regular functioning person except a little hyper and thats it. If you hold a TS/SCI Clearance with the Department of Defense, it will not transfer to Departement of Justice; DOJ will redo an entire investigation. The reason quotas are such a big deal, besides the fact that the military needs so many bodies to do the work, Congress mandates that each Service be at a certain number (end strength) at the end of the year. Do I care if you smoked weed then tried to cover it up? Well, that's up to you. I know with top secret clearances they advise you to tell the truth about everything. There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. As part of the initial assignment screening process. Lying about your criminal history will only complicate and worsen your situation. Carlsbad, CA 92008. If you can be mislead by a recruiter, how can you be trusted with secerts? Candidates can receive clearance for information up to the level for which they qualify. The issues you discussed are not unusual and would probably be cleared (mitigated ) as part of the normal process except if you lie on the SCA and especially to the investigator. How much stuff can you bring on deployment? They aren't going to check your medical record for ADHD unless it comes up in your career. Rule #3: Don't be in a position to use Rule #2. But not my 5 mph ticket as it was only 100$ or 80$ idk but they took it off my record and points due to it being my first offense and completing a course. Messages. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Your branch has nothing to do with it. The US Department of Defense has a directive called Criteria and Procedure Requirements for Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction in the Armed Forces that has a complete list of what mental health disorders exclude a person from serving in the military. I'm sure some people will tell you here that if you are honest with the military in your situation they will be "understanding" and give you your clearance anyway. You can resize the textbox by dragging the right or bottom border. During this process, the investigator will set up interviews with the references you provided on the form. While waiting to hear back, the applicant began to have second thoughts. Or will I just get denied a Secret Security Clearance? Its also common for recruits with a history of drug use, whether recreational or addictive, to lie about their experiences. In terms of any history of drug dependency or addiction, its best to be direct and honest at MEPS. There needs to be far more discipline in that area but it will help to mitigate your issue. Each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces utilizes their own MEPS to evaluate recruits for military readiness, including their standards of conduct and character. A recruiter who encourages you to lie has violated his/her own service regulations and can be prosecuted for violation of a regulation under Article 92 of the UCMJ. They gave me so many chances at this point I feel like they would discharge me and perma disqualify me. This is for the investigator to meet you and to verify that you are the person that they have the paperwork (SF-86) on. From the joint you smoked in high school to the candy bar you stole when you were 9. When they check for security clearance they use the fbi database not police so your sealed file will come up. Should I stick too the story? This testimonial reflects the burden of fear and worry that telling lies at MEPS will eventually be discovered. Military Security Clearance Disqualifiers They aren't going to check your medical record for ADHD unless it comes up in your career. The arrest itself wasn't over anything serious but it is the fact that I actually got fingerprinted and arrested that worries me. I'll see to it that I try to fix this small mess seeing as my recruiter probably won't want to and will most likely tell me to uphold the lie. Or should I be honest with them during the investigation. Tell the fu**in truth and whatever happens happens. Heres what I didnt disclose at MEPS: I had my appendix removed around 2008 (would be 19 years old). If you're getting a top secret, it might be best to tell the truth. This may help you understand more about the overall military recruiting situation and hopefully prevent you from over-generalizing based on your own bad experience. Concise answers are appreciated. #12. What should I do? Stick to the story you gave meps and don't fall for the moment of truth bullshit in boot camp. Are you about to complete your SF-86 and need assistance? If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you. He could face up to five years in prison for each charge. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And really want my security job. You cant have one without the others and there is no honor in lying. I used to be really affected and take meds for it every day. Do I care if you smoked weed in high school? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If you slide through on this one, never do it again. Is It Possible to Upgrade Your Military Discharge or RE-4 Code? This does not justify this, but it helps explain why it happens. These are usually face-to-face meetings, during which time the investigators will ask those references for two other people that know you, whereby those interviews will also be held in an in-person environment. You're dumb. USNAviator.there's some good info to chew on. im 19, and i recently enlisted in the national guard. It all depends on supply and demand as the difficulty tends to ebb and flow with these main factors. Whether your recruiter will get in trouble is out of your control. Integrity is a big deal in the Marine Corps. They check a lot of shit. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The recruiter performed a local criminal background check and it came back clean. This can affect your future opportunities for employment, housing, civilian rights, and more. and our (Unless you said, Father: Ahmed Slad_ Father's Address: Riyadh Occupation: Freedom Fighter) But in this brave and stupid new world we live in, everyone "needs" a secret clearance (credit check.) Rule #2: If you do lie you fucking own that lie and lie about that lie all the damned way to your grave even when someone says it's a lie. I was a pot head from about 2010 to probably 2015 (would be 21-26 years old) Some minor use that eventually became rare use after that but definitely not almost daily use like before. I know it's my fault for still lying at meps but my recruiter told me to lie about my marijuana usage and if I have ever been out of the country. MEPS stands for military entrance processing station. How does the moment of truth work? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Questions about joining the Marines? It's strange that you were willing to be honest about the shoplifting, but not the marijuana. I dont think that its hopeless though. The fact that you did tell the truth MAY work to your favor. Did you steal from a store years ago or use drugs? To read statistics that are likely outdated and no more a risk to national security than batting averages? I grew some plants in 2010 and sold some of it stupid cheap to a few friends. MEPS' job is the same as the recruiter's job. Now a year later it has taken a dark turn because I got an email today that wed all need to get secret clearance. Therefore, if youre caught lying at MEPS, the consequences can result in your ineligibility to join the military, potential criminal charges, and repercussions in the civilian sector. Your lie is likely to be discovered due to stringent background checks, potentially impacting your future employment opportunities in the civilian world as well as any military career. Recruits must keep in mind that everyone at MEPS is thoroughly investigated at the local, state, and federal levels for any illegal records or criminal activity. Related Article What To Wear At MEPS (Males & Females). Press J to jump to the feed. However, its far better to be honest and upfront during MEPS than to lie and hope that the information isnt revealed through the militarys strict and thorough vetting process. Dude doesnt need to be anywhere near a clearance. I had one for my secret clearance, but that was because I had some criminal charges dropped that needed to be explained. The Services do care very much about doing the right thing and recruiters do get fired, usually without mercy, when they get caught violating the rules. What happens if you're caught lying about your criminal history, medical history, or drug use at MEPS? The process for obtaining a security clearance can take around six months to complete. However, when you get caught in your lies, if you think that dishonest recruiter (the one who told you to lie) is going to stand up and say, "Yes, I told him to lie, it's all my fault," then you'd better get your head examined. So Im sure its on a medical record somewhere. A car pulled out in front of me and caused an unavoidable accident in 2017 where I had some hearing damage from the airbags going off (would be 28 years old). Took mushrooms three times, last time being around 2013 probably (would be 24 years old). My gramma always told me I had to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and know that if I couldn't-- I wouldn't sleep well at night. Enjoy being a cook. The truth will set you freeis an expression that is all too apt here. Should I just clear this up next time (the day I ship) at MEPS or wait until the moment of truth? And if you're going to be working anywhere near the President, you're going to be subject to Yankee White investigation, This means that all drug use, even marijuana, needs to be reported in full. All misdemeanors no felonies. You don't seem mature enough for secret clearance anyhow. Ordered by The Committee of the Ce You answered all the questions you'll be asked at meps already so your recruiter will ask you the same ones a number of. The recruit had selected a rating (job) that only required a SECRET. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Lying to join the military is a fraudulent enlistment and can result in a felony conviction. However, know that he will likely find out about this as it is a no no for recruiters to tell poolies to lie. Could you give us an update on what happened? I heard that recruits get sent back home then and there if they came clean with omitted information. A recent case involved aDepartment of Energyapplicant who omitted information about former drug use on the SF-86. The mos I selected requires top secret clearance. Based on the advice of the recruiter and the lawyer, the recruit did not disclose the arrest on his enlistment documents. Paragraph 13a of the contract (signed by the recruit) states: 13a. Your parents being in a foreign country isn't bad, unless it's Syria, Afghanistan, Columbia, etc. So, my recruiter basically told me to lie at MEPS about ever smoking weed. While drug involvement can raise questions about loyalty, reliability, and ability to protect classified information for initial security clearance assessments, currently there are no requirements to conduct recurring or random drug testing as a part of the security clearance process. However, any hidden disclosures that come to light will definitely affect their current and future military career. You, on the other hand, fucked up a little, and it might cost you your enlistment. DOHA Security Clearance Denials & Appeals, Pre-Clearance Counseling & SF-86 Assistance, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests. I havent shipped yet but I am just thinking the long run. The consequences of lying at MEPS can be significant in both the short and long term. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Recruits will be subject to a mandatory, observed urinalysis to test for any illicit substances. You may not be qualified to join the military due to circumstances in your history. It's a shame, really. ASRC Federal Holding Company - Suffolk, VA, 23435 - Job Title: Software Developer Job Location: Suffolk, Virginia (Hybrid - Partial Telework) Security Clearance: Secret cleara. Related Article Can You Join The Military With A Felony? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For that reason, this isnt the time to wing-it. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The second intent they drug tested me and came back positive for cocaine I used it once and it happened to be within a couple days of the suicidal intent happened. What is the best compliment to give to a girl? Recruits will also receive thorough examinations of the heart, spine, and urinary . What 3 things do you do when you recognize an emergency situation? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. So she asked me why I listed them as living in a foreign country. Or, you can help stop this unlawful practice by making an official complaint. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Rule #1: Don't lie. Your recruiter may or may not get into trouble. Privacy Policy. Well said. 4,250. They are going to find the sealed juvenile record they may or may not find out about ADHD, depends on who they interview and what they tell them. Testing positive or refusing to comply can lead to disqualification in terms of a military career and other potential consequences. You can be prosecuted for a violation of Article 83 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which states: The Manual for Courts-martial (MCM) lists the maximum punishment for a violation of this article as: dishonorable discharge, reduction to the lowest enlisted rank, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement at hard labor for two years. Inquiry into the Approach of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Devolved Government on European Union Issues SESSION 2001/2002 SECOND REPORT. Was that my secret clearance interview, or was that just part of MEPS itself? End of sentence. I have a clearance but don't know much about them. One should read the questions carefully, and answer them truthfully, but it's never a good idea to offer more information than what is actually asked. The recruiters don't tell you this, but you can get waivers for most things. Oorah! Title says it all I lied about adhd and a sealed juvenile record. EDIT: Wow thank you for all the responses! Cookie Notice The investigators and adjudicators know that many recruiters will tell kids to lie filling out their forms. Dude, it was dumb, but just answer everything from here on out truthfully. My point is, those recruiting quotas really are do-or-die numbers, even though they still have to be made legally and ethically. Depending on the MOS you are in, the most you may ever need is a secret and no one might never dig into your pass. Im worried that I might slip one day and tell someone or they drudge up my medical records and see it. Also The paper/application you fill out for a clearance position (SF86(google it)) doesn't ask anything medical related, only about mental health shit like schizophrenia etc. You can tell him/her "No!" If fraudulent enlistment charges dont lead to felony charges, you will still receive a discharge that falls under administrative, other than honorable, or dishonorable, for lying to the military. Is there somehow Ill be notified? Getting into the military can be difficult, especially when the needs of the military are low (no war to fight) or the economy is poor and more people stream into the recruiting station looking for work. Already lied at meps so I'm feeling really screwed and uncertain of making this my career like I once dreamed of. For more information, please see our Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. You'll likely lose it. Recruiters often feel like they are between a rock and a hard place because they usually are. These testimonials reflect the potential professional consequences and the personal burden of worry and fear: So this is a throwaway because Im nervous with this question. Suite 140 Its better when you can explain it now, while you are young, and its a candor situation that you realize must be dealt with, then to lie about it, continue the situation, and it come out years later where you dont have youth on your side and additional situations where you could have fessed up to it and it hurts you further. This will hold true with you your entire life. Should you lie about drug use for security clearance? The importance of security clearance application means that all drug use, whether recreational or,... Tried ecstasy three times probably around 2011 ( would be 24 years old ) right bottom! Their native country or addictive, to lie at MEPS about mental health history and drug history Marine.! Criminal history, medical history, medical history, medical history, medical history, medical history, or lied... Dependency or addiction, its best to tell poolies to lie about drug use, recreational... 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