I was always really bothered by that. She was in solitary confinement for years and even escaped from prison once but was recaptured. She attacked her husband and ripped his neck open in a jealous rage (Appendix 81, page 1520), tearing from his neck the gold chain he still wore from his first marriage (a gift from his first wife). Why? She also told media she became pregnant without Steve's "permission." 4 Steve has never spoken publicly about his ex-wife, Diane Credit: AP Most read in News The authorities wanted to see them mourn and fall apart. Most doctors would tell you that it is normal for our brains to block out a traumatic incident especially when combined with a serious physical injury. He gave temporary custody to Dr. Wilhite. It is beyond belief that the State of Oregon allowed the prosecutor to adopt those children. If the grandparents and uncle had visitation rights, they could have respected some rules as far as not discussing the case, but imagine if she had told them that she did not remember? But it is not hard to see that the way this tape and her confession were obtained was not legitimate. Diane Downs is guilty beyond any doubt and I do not believe that her daughter was coached. He said all the police needed was for Diane to bear witness against her ex-husband. At the time Diane had told police that a stranger attempted to carjack her and shot the kids, and that's what her ex husband was told, too. Ive not seen the movie or read the book. So, why didn't Steve Downs get custody? Sometimes it takes until late in life for connections to be made again. If they could not find the gun or any trace of a shooting on Diane, and you think shes guilty, it would mean she had an accomplice. We make them president. It is also very is to clean. The previous video you sent me shows a Jagger pretty animated and involved in the defense of his client. At the very least, she should have been released by now. ?.the fact you are ignoring something SO OBVIOUS is a red flag. 2. Because she seemed "aloof". Your prayers were answered. So many of the cases Lise writes about on this blog either have no forensic evidence that supports the verdict or have very misleading forensic evidence that may or may not support the verdict, depending on who is interpreting it. Speculative? I base a lot on what I see and hear from her in her own words in footage of a 28 yr old woman. This is a scenario pretty hard to believe, but as they say, reality can sometimes be stranger than fiction. Brewer stood ready to testify in June 1991, that it was because of Prosecutor Hugis lie that he changed his mind to convict and that he alone was responsible for silencing the dissenting votes of two other jurors (Appendix 97). In reality,the whole caseturned out to beno small sacrifice for Diane Downs, but it was a huge victory for the State, the media anda very lucrative deal for theQueen of crime fiction herself; Ann Rule. Whats wrong with the system is whats wrong with us. She was no mother of the year, I will grant them that, but a trial is supposed to be based on evidence. Diane had siblings and parents. No conflict of interest from a prosecutor adopting a defendants children 2 years after the fact? It always feels like punishment at all costs. It was very unfair to raise them away from their grandparents and other blood relatives. Evidence from a ballistics expert. Nuts maybe, but not threatening. The whole blog claims the trial was flawed. Detective Welch reminded Diane of the assault her sister witnessed in February 1983, in which steve Downs broke Dianes tailbone (Appendix 74, page 1025). They are the ones who considered Dianes children as, To this day, his record is mixed; his law license was suspended for, Belli filed a motion for a 2-week extension to familiarize himself with the case because he had to be in Italy, and declared Diane innocent in a press conference, but Foote denied the motion and declared . The gun presented at trial being the wrong one is a fact. It became more about despising Diane Downs than investigating fairly. I felt there was something that should be done, but I was at a loss in how to cope with the Court that had given the children to the prosecutor and allowed false testimony to seal her fate. The fact that the judge who presided over the child welfare case and the criminal case was the same individual is absolutely a conflict of interest. You said that the absence of both prove she couldnt have been to shooter and you claim it takes real scrubbing to remove GSR. In her case it seems to be more a matter of punishment. On May 19, 1983, Diane and her kids visited a friend to look at her new horse, and then went for a drive; not at all unusual for this family not living according to middle class rules. It probably was not salacious enough for her readers that she polled online to establish if there was enough interest in the story to fill her pockets with a definite blockbuster. It should be illegal to use real names and facts from a criminal case while influencing the publicto falselybelieve that the whole content of the filmis true. It appeared rigged and the fact that Ann Rule sat in the courtroom ready to produce a Masterpiece of Guilt could only help the prosecution. Thats food for thought. According to Detective Welch, Steve Downs followed Diane to Oregon, they fought and Steves rage took the last step on the path hed been treading for a long time. What about the facts of the case? They are the ones who supposedly (according to Diane) screwed her up so badly. Can you imagine your little boy growing up to beat to death (with his bare hands and boots) Is she referring to her ex husband? Brewer freely declared that Diane Downs would never have been convicted except that he believed the lie Jim Jagger permitted Fred Hugi to enter into the record. The case was so one sided that it is about time some of us bring up the other side. John Kitzhaber, Governor of Oregon 2.Diane herself has stated that the shooter was outside the car and shot THROUGH the window, no blood spatter. The notions of humanity and rehabilitation have been left on the wayside long ago. And in fact this would have been about the time that Charlene broke a bottle of liquor that you had. I am so tired of the victims being forgotten. What was the justification? Therefore, my understanding is that the original sentence is deemed indefinite with parole hearings every 10 years. They believed the testimony of her former boyfriends who were far from stellar individuals. He had an attorney, Fred G. Campbell Jr., send us a letter denying our request and telling us: You are legally, as well as factually, a stranger to them. Who does he think he is? In 1979, headstrong Diane gave birth to Danny who was not Stevens biological son because he had no desire to be a father again. If it doesnt matter to you, it should. The most frequent remarks I hear about the case when confronted by the state misconduct and the lack of evidence are gut feelings I dont buy it Shes guilty She did it I know she did it Her story makes no sense Shes evil Shes crazy. It had to be her.. After the trial that convicted Diane Downs, Fred Hugi, the Prosecutor adopted Christie and Danny (they were in foster care for 2 years before he decided to adopt them), the two surviving children. Is. As was his habit, Knick failed to take into consideration what Diane or his wife had to say on the matter. Yes, Im sure this stranger wanted to kill her kids but only wound her, who, coincidentally, had a towel handy neatly folded on her wound. I remember when Diane shot her kids and there are some facts Id like to correct from your blog. Maybe someone needs to read Part two in Dr. Billings in-depth review of the Diane Downs Murder Case in Oregon. It seems that the Downs were totally ignored. How could Christie say anything but the things they told her to say with that kind of influence? The State produced a witness (Ms. Patterson) to testify that Diane Downs entered the hospital bathroom, left the door open, and ran water in the sink (Appendix 87, page 476). I was also stunned that she took the reports of all of Dianes ( mostly married) ex lovers as absolute truth and never once questioned that they might have been lying and retrospectively minimising their feelings for Diane to protect themselves. They did not want reunification to keep their verdict intact. It does not contradict what I said, but what they said. She was fighting back and they did not like it. What got her convicted was two things the towel and Christie. How was DD able to get away from CK and get the keys back into the ignition without there being more attempts on her life? tell someone else. I mention in my blog that when her adoptive dad said that she was coerced and thats why she said she did not know who shot them, that of course she was because this is what she does when under pressure. In fact, Diane and her lawyer wanted Christie to be able to heal before being questioned and to be accompanied and taped during the sessions. Only in Hollywood and in Ann Rules books, would you find such fantasy. She was not in the car when her children were shot. A group of ladies formed a group called HELDD which stands for Help Exonerate & Liberate Diane Downs. For the upcoming Halo TV show, original Master Chief voice actor Steve Downes was recast, despite Cortana voice actor Jen Taylor reprising her role from the iconic video game franchise. They both would fall in love and decide they want to marry each other. I am a firm believer of where there is smoke there is fire. I worked for county government child welfare for a decade. Legally speaking, we do not go after people because they look evil or crazy. This blogger believes in the presumption of innocence and in the possibility of redemption. The man you have listed as Fred Hugi is actually Dianes attorney Jim Jagger. The US is a very strange bird when it comes to crime and punishment. It was far fetched, unfoundedand convenientlyrelayedby Rule to boost the sales of her book. Every single one. Diane clearly would have had to have had her rights terminated by the court. We make them president!!!! In 1991, David Brewer, a juror who deliberated Dianes fate in her 1984 trial, came forward to say he and another juror had decided to acquit Downs by the close of the States presentation. I would like to raise the numerous issues with this blog. It gave Anne Rule carte blanche to legally use these labels in her book and it stuck. Even put in different hospitals. Is it too late to respond to this? Was that Annes fault as well? They already had made up their mind that Diane was the perpetrator so they laughed off the idea of the bushy haired stranger. The problem was that they could not find the gun anywhere and they had nothing on Diane. I was being sarcastic. No, Im not that gullible, Okay, I just read that she faked throwing her keys. You read a few comments. If she was such a manipulative person, she would not be in prison for life, would she? She was found guilty. Her case was too public and they are afraid of public backlash. Whats next? Not in this case. They made her out to be a monster, but in Beckys case, it becomes redeemable. The children had a father. Mostly, because it was poorly investigated and they focused on Diane solely the minute they met her. It is not a hatefest and I do not wish death or life without parole on anyone. It was Judge Footes first criminal case and it was against a woman whose children he had removed from her care even though she had not been convicted or sentenced; a conflict of interest and pure madness. The reason she is likely locked up is because she was diagnosed with narcissistic, histrionic and anti social personality disorder, that makes her a very dangerous person (especially since she is a murderer). Yes, I had to go and sign the lease, yes, sir. No. Teen Mom 2 alum Jenelle Evans and her mom, Barbara Evans, have been feuding over custody of Jenelle's son, Jace in addition to many other issues for over a decade. 6. Diane Downs is no exception. Blood spatter is not an exact science, and is interpreted differently by experts. Instead, they treated the Downs with great cruelty long after their daughter was incarcerated and they fought hard for them. A very reasonable request that was rejected. The Parole Board had an obligation to parole Diane between 1998 and 2002 if she could provide reasonable cause to show she was not a danger to society. I read the letter they sent to the Downs when they were fighting to see their grandchildren. There is no way that a jury would convict Diane today, based on the clearly coached testimony of Christie. This is also a faster route to give the children permanency, and is far cheaper for the child welfare system that is always strained by the budget. I like to believe the best about people too but there are certain things that absolutely cant be ignored. You mention her youngest daughter, and how Ann made sure she only heard negative information about Diane.. But if you compare the time she was seen by the witness to the timing of her arrival at the hospital, it seems to indicate she went pretty fast, butnone of it was explained ordemonstrated properly. Around 1 in 20 residents in Arkansas and Tennessee were missed during the 2020 census, and four other U.S. states had significant undercounts of their populations which could shortchange them Most people negotiate the ups and downs of . Regina, I love your comment! Gun shot residue is not always present. Almost from day one, Diane was perceived as a cancer they had to remove. Mind you, it is before the trial. If you think you would have more influence arguing for better relationships with Mexico at a Donald Trump rally in Mexico, why bother? Maybe dad relinquished, it sounds like he may have. And she would have been under supervision. They never tried to reunite them with family. She is nowhere near being paroled and if she admitted guilt, I am not even convinced they would release her. more on crime HEARTBREAKING FIND The Office star's sister-in-law found dead 11 days after going missing 'DISGUSTING' Not our place to decide. She never mentioned that before, and she doesnt mention the FBI agents name. It turned out to be a mistake because he was married to a County Circuit Court Judge who would become a colleague of Foote and he had no intention of defending Diane vigorously. I guess he did not want too many people to know about the improprieties that happened in his courtroom: I guess? I was raised by an evil narcissist and have not only seen this kind of behavior before, but I have seen the face of the devil and it is a look of pure evil that gives me the creeps. Needless to say, you seem to have a problem with the American justice systemnot each individual case. Theybrought out the big guns to unload on the public, their idea of the truth: Diane Downs was a horrible creature and a jilted lover who shot her three children in cold blood to be free to pursue a relationship with the man she was obsessed with. She could have stayed on the side of the road. I cant believe that it was allowed to happen, actually. On the single count of murder, the jurors needed a unanimous decision. Dianes family could give you countless examples of the inaccuracies they found in her book. All the reports and even the warden thought she was not a threat anymore. BUT the babies were put in Foster Care before any allegations were made Family has defended and backed Diane for her Innocence clearly from day one The state took them away from all family because family was and is the enemy I enjoyed your take, and agree their are several reasons with this, and lets be honestevery other case ever prosecuted, to take pause and question but Diane continues to lie, make up brand new stories about people after her, and has made no moves to better herself in any way shape or form while shes been in prison, by her own admission. And that Ann Rule took advantage of the situation to sell her book. That disinformation was alleged by Mr. Hugi the third day into Jim Jaggers defense and it was never objected to by Mr. Jagger . She did diagnose her as suffering from cyclothymic disorder and treated her accordingly. The flesh and muscle had been cored three days earlier, but the steel plate and bone graft could not be effected for two weeks (a precaution against infection). That hurt our family deeply. She goes on to say that she has deep regret and mourns the loss and death of her children. Q. They lied about the ballistics. They are still part of their birth family. Doesnt change the fact that it was still a conflict of interest. Mr. Downs must have had a bad feeling about Jagger because before trial, he tried to retain defense attorney Melvin Belli who had the reputation of fighting for his clients and to win all his cases. They should have left her alone. 6. I think that Van Houten was recommended for parole by a system that assessed that after 40 years, she was not a threat to society and a reformed woman. Makes no difference to me. That is not a quick process and is very invasive to a familys privacy. They should have had ongoing contact and been placed with family as soon as they were out of the hospital and they never should have been interviewed without their own attorney (Guardian ad Litem) present. I say these things if I were on the jury. I didnt know that. She managed to jump in the car after getting shot in the arm. The whole case is crazy. Steven and Diane married on November 13, 1973. So the hell with no gun, no GSR, no blood and no witnesses except a sick child who denied knowing who shot them until she could not anymore and happened to be adopted by the prosecutor; making it look like she could never change her mind and reveal that she has no memory of the shooting and maybe have the case reversed. Libby, I quoted what Diane said. One could argue that this blog does not stick to what came out at trial. Conflicting reports say Downs also acted as a surrogate during her fourth pregnancy, giving birth to a daughter after her trial in 1984. They were traumatized and needed familiar faces to feel safe. GSR can easily fall off just by brushing your hand against a surface. This is a fascinating and informative article that has answered some questions I had, and prompted others: 1. She complained about it, but that does not mean she did not suffer for her kids. Someone found guilty of a crime should have a sentence that can be served and not one that is contingent on the remorse shown. No conflict of interest there? The children were in the hospital, it isnt like they could have taken them home. I do not have to put any statement advising people that I am about to present the neglected aspects of the trial. She was no mother of the year and in the car when the kids got shot. Foote refused 30 to 50 reports by detectives of sightings or leads about the shooter but admitted reports from people in Arizona willing to badmouth Diane. The jury verdict was guilty on all counts, but there was a mixture of votes. The kids were shorted-changed. Diane did not get a fair trial. It is called a conflict of interest. But in this case, she had no blood on her body or her clothing. I guess Diane forgot to have that part engraved on the Unicorn. It is a research done on the case according to many sources. Nowadays, this insanity would never be tolerated. No gun, no blood or gun residue on her and if she shot them, these elements should have been there. The DA adopting the children is an integral part of this and definitely needs to be included in the blog. I agree that the phone call from Angel was totally inappropriate. It is in the blog. Within three weeks, Diane had lost custody of her remaining wounded children and had become the number one suspect in the eyes of the police department and District Attorneys office. One of the more bizarre scenes in this farce of an investigation was about to unfold. I can make out I will ask you to take a good look at the people in your life. And how the letters became so bizarre, paranoid and psychotic that she told Diane to stop writing her. Caught in the act, Hugi declared that Christie only said that because she was pressed for an answer. She was still trying to extricate herself from a bad relationship with Steve Downs and was in no hurry to repeat the mistake. So imagine when you are troubled to begin with. From the time Diane was a teenager, when a physician ordered visterol in an emergency room situation, it has been documented again and again that sedatives ingested while Diane is in pain, provoke a chemically induced hysteria in her. Her 7-year old daughter Cheryl died but her 3-year old son Danny and her 8-year old daughter Christie survived. It was not unlike brainwashing. Either way, it appears to be a conflict of interest. There is also a critical shortage of Foster Carers internationally, so that the Hugis offered to take the children in could be viewed as altruistic. why didn't steve downs get custody. This is not the reason she is still locked up. Besides, none of those diagnoses are illegal. Hugi didnt rush in and take the kids, he had time to consider. I think u need to read the facts. Mr. Jagger failed to challenge that competency. Page 40 of Case History. a clinical lab to Dianes not being herself the day the Detectives pressured Diane to accompany them, the fact is Diane was clearly suffering the residual effects of that chemical poison in her system. You do not debate the content of the blog which you probably did not read anyway. It took months to get Christie to say that her mother was the culprit and that is when they arrested Diane. Much worse. USA population seems to shun complex ethical problems preferring to deal with absolute evil in order to exert absolute power to crush it. I dont know the woman. Id have more influence arguing for better relationships with Mexico at a Donald Trump rally in Mexico. There was no blood on the front seats so Cheryl was laying down and Christie was asleep laying down and never witnessed anything. While I appreciate your empathy for the victims of this crime, I have to wonder if all murderers should be locked up their entire life? A slightly humorous observation is that you said, and others have, that James Haynes physically resembled the sketch. The unicorn, the song, her personality. The only reason they kept her in prison even if she had all the right documentation and support, is because she is high profile. James C. Jagger who was hired by Dianes father was an ex-Prosecutor. She should have had the lawyer of her choice and if they wanted to charge her with the crimes, they should have stuck with what evidence and circumstances they had. We dont know. The fact that she drove there and it saved the life of two of her children should give anyone pause. She had one arm totally out of commission. Forensics or lack thereof and blood splatter? It really doesnt matter that much of the trial and due process was faulty, because its so obvious that Diane is the one who did it and that justice was served. Now if the shooter was this James Haynes guy, someone who apparently Diane Downs knew from buying drugs, then that would explain why she stopped in the middle of that road. What mother takes her kids out at night and then stops for a stranger with her kids in the car? Those cases shouldnt have been in the same court let alone presided over by the same judge. Being a patient of the doctor who saved the childrens lives has nothing to do with the facts of a case. Ive been trying to decipher her handwriting on the couple of pages she wrote to her daughter (misquoted on here somewhere is a highlighted If you love your little boy, youll take him far away from here- why is this being taken as a threat and not a warning?!). So they did everything in their power to slant the media and the public in their favor. Just like Rule though, your blog is extremely biased, and reads almost as though she told you exactly what to write at times. They are set in stone and people refuse to see it any other way. Late Tom Billings had been the first who openly questioned Diane Downs guilt. It sounds like Diane was trying to tell her to stay away from bad influences. Tired of the bushy haired stranger just read that she has deep regret and mourns the loss death! Had to say that her daughter was coached ethical problems preferring to deal with absolute in! Of us bring up the other side, the jurors needed a unanimous decision system is whats wrong the... Ask you to take into consideration what Diane or his wife had to say, you to. Da adopting the children is an integral part of this and definitely needs to be a monster, but trial! Alleged by Mr. Hugi the third day into Jim Jaggers defense and it stuck road... Paroled and if she admitted guilt, i just read that she faked her... 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