This unit is mostly geared toward fifth grade; however, I've included some activities that align with fourth and sixth grade common core standards. Need an idea to end the day? If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? This set of cards includes lots of different topics, but we also have lots of resources that you can add to circle . Choose a card from the mindfulness module you are working with in class, and help your students develop their communication skills by having them reflect over their experience in the practice. , Make reading comprehension extra fun (and s, Closing Circle: 50 Activities for Ending the Day in a Positive Way, Distance Learning Back-to-School Activities. Digital Closing Circle/Meeting question slides. This free resource includes 23 question prompts for your closing circle. they are willing to follow. Published: September 11, 2012. Children usually pay better attention if their hands are empty and their belongings out of sight. After a five- to ten-minute closing circle, students leave school feeling excited about their accomplishments and looking forward to the next days possibilities. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Every student and adult in the room should participate in closing circle. A full oral reading and comprehension activity for each story!! Staying Warm4. Thought-provoking! You can call on students to answer the questions or have them talk with a buddy. On the last day of school, we hold a Closing Circle during which each student shares a favorite memory, a personal accomplishment, their favorite book, or shares their most meaningful learning moment from the year. They are designed for small group literature circles but work just as well for whole group discussion. It doesn't take very longstudents gather for five to ten minutes to do a brief activity or two and . If you could go to any point in history, where would you go? -Summarizing This free resource includes 23 question prompts for your closing circle. The cards are business card size and can be run on cardstock and laminated for continued use. Getting started is easy! In Closing Circle, a teacher gathers students together prior to dismissal . The questions below range from surface-level icebreaker questions to more thoughtful questions that are great for any elementary grade. Teachers can help students develop the habit of reflection by building in opportunities for them to practice this skill throughout . If the buyer agrees to the sale, the rep sends a proposal and a contract to sign. Leave a comment below and let us know the questions that you ask your students! Pre-made digital activities. What is something that you really want to do in your lifetime? Its so easy to get carried away! Students are able to practice key social and emotional skills, regulate for dismissal, and end the day on a positive note!This product contains a google slides presentation (Winter theme) with closing meeting prompts for at least 3 weeks worth of meetings. Use these drills and task cards to teach and reinforce the fundamentals, or prep for test day. 80 Sponge Activities or Brain Breaks list, 20 Teacher-Inspired Ideas for the First Day of School Activities, Five Things to Keep in Mind on the First Day of School, 6 Tips For Writing the Perfect First Letter Home, Five Cooperative Learning Activities to do on the First Day of School, How To Build Community in the Socially Distanced Classroom, 7 Ways Teachers Can Find FREE Audiobooks for Students, Effectively Teach Executive Functioning Skills in the Elementary Classroom When Goal Setting, Landforms Building Up or Eroding Weathering and Erosion Science Sort, End of the School Year Ideas to Keep Students Busy, St. Patrick's Day Clover "I am lucky" Craftivity, Phonics Partner Games for Long Vowel Teams, Open and Closed Syllables Two-Syllable Words, Use them as community circle questions at the beginning or end of the day, Line of two groups of students who share with one student then move down the line, Musical Partners, where students find a partner, ask and answer the question and then trade questions, Have students choose a number and answer that question, Use them as restorative circle questions for elementary school, Make an acronym, like Thoughtful Thursday Questions. 36 Skills-Focused Reading Worksheets 44 Task Cards with 18 Activity SheetsMAIN IDEA & DETAILS READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGES & QUESTIONSArm your students with the skills they need to tackle any main idea or detail-related question with these 36 ELA reading drills! This set of 75-question cards will really get your students thinking, talking, and writing about the characters, events, and themes and will help them to connect parts of the book to their own lives.WHATS INCLUDED: PRINT:58 Question Cards - To Use While ReadingBlack-lineColor17 Question Cards - Whole Book QuestionsBlack-lineColor22 Precept CardsBlack-lineColorRecording SheetsDIGITAL:Google SlidesDIFFERENTIATION OPTIONS:Digital, These 100 question cards for any novel will help your students engage in meaningful and insightful discussions about the books they are reading. In Closing Circle, a teacher gathers students together prior to dismissal . 2023 Responsive Classroom. These 20 reflection and question cards can be used during your closing meeting or closing circle to prompt student reflection about the school day. This article features ten text dependent questions. I live and work in Chicago and love talking, reading, and researching about all things related to special education, racial/social justice, and behavior - as well as books, coffee, dogs, and wine! Questions used to respond to challenging behavior and to help those harmed by other's actions. Leave one empty seat in the inner circle for an outer circle student to join temporarily. The questions are meant to make students think beyond just the text and apply their understanding to real-world situations today. The Westing Game novel study task cards. These questions include multiple choice, written response, and pictorial representations.By purchasing this bundle, you'll receive all of the following for 30% less than you'd pay for each individually!:1. Talk about something happening in the world today that excites or inspires you. G~ma/g"1DqNaJtF:PhWBz(XXw@A8hE8_+u4vj`VS8&a(LUsuDF+HBON7< [|\ Restorative question card formatted to print. The rules are: everyone takes part; they come empty-handed, without backpacks or coats; they are asked to reflect on the day and set goals for the next day, celebrate efforts and accomplishments, and; join together in a . When all participants have finished, shuffle the cards and pass them around, asking each participant to take one without reading it first. Some questions have two parts. The cards address setting, characters, plot, theme, author's purpose, mood, tone and more. -Theme/lessons learned What is your favorite thing to do during recess? Can also be used for assessment purposes. Foster a meaningful closing circle with these reflection cards! Basically, these can apply to pretty much anything you read with your kiddos! Cration de Tom wagner.. Fruit vert ambr de type cerise (grosse) de 15 30 grammes, en forme de prune.. Varit dveloppe par Tom Wagner, USA. The second slide is the main emoji slide that should be projected for students to see. question its validity, make connections, draw conclusions, or plan for next steps. Closing circle started with reflection, where we reflected on highs and lows, something to work on tomorrow, one thing we learned that day, or another simple reflective question. Discussion Prompts for Any Book - Literature Circles, Probing Questions + Accountable Talk Builder Cards - RT, Discussion, Seminars, Holiday Circle Time Morning Meeting Brain Break Cards Questions BUNDLE, Reading Comprehension Passages, Questions & Task Cards: Skills-Boosting Bundle, Reading Comprehension Questions for Any Book Task Cards plus Google Digital. Includes closing circle question cards as a freebie! If you could be a wild animal, which one would you choose and why? Combine with Pair-share to process questions and responses. Browse this collection of printables to use with your Literature Circle activities. Need more materials for your Monster unit? We celebrated something new we learned, a goal we reached, and focused on a positive. to dig deeper into the text.What's included"Lit Sparks" 65 question cards for responding to literature +, THIS RESOURCE IS PART OF THE MUTED BOHO MINI [GROWING] BUNDLE $$ BUY MORE, SAVE MORE $$By purchasing this bundle you will get access toALL FUTURE MUTED BOHO DECOR ITEMS! The cards address setting, characters, plot, theme, symbolism, point of view, style, and more! Literature Circles are a common, collaborative activity used in the classroom to discuss and analyze literature. I appreciate questions, suggestions, and feedback!Just use the Product Q&A tab and I will get back to you as fast as I can!Please ask all questions before purchasingYou can also reach out and connect with me on the 'gramTerms of Use: This product is lic. My students loved the Dragon Master series! personal conviction more than objective knowledge. I have also added cut lines based on a buyer's suggestion!! Closing circle is focused on ending the da It makes a wonderful novel unit for small reading groups and works well with fourth, fifth, sixth grade independent reading levels or can be used as a read aloud or in literature circles. Teachers and staff, too! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At the end of the day I gather my students in a circle, With so much going on in our world, there is no better time than NOW to encourage students in every way possible. This product contains:68 task cards: 4 per page, with discussion questions that can be used with any novel or short story. Note: Page numbers in the document correspond to the Harper Teen 2008 edition. We provide semantic name for every icon, and naming rules are as follows: Scanning line icon has the similar name with its solid onebut it's distinguished by -o, for example, question-circle (a full circle) and question-circle-o (an empty circle); Naming sequence [name]- [shape? FREEZE Games | Seasonal Brain Break Cards and Writing Activities. Instead, it's about reflecting on 2022 and looking forward to 2023!Resource IncludesASCA and CASEL aligned written lesson planSlideshow (PowerPoint format, can be uploaded to Google Slides) with opening activity, Book Club Task Cards: This set of three task cards is the perfect way to get students analyzing the many layers of their characters! Also included in:DOTS CLASSROOM DECOR {MEGA BUNDLE}, Also included in:BRIGHTS CLASSROOM DECOR {MEGA-BUNDLE}, Also included in:Modern Student Made Classroom Decor Bundle Co-Created EDITABLE, Also included in:MUTED BOHO Classroom Decor | MINI [GROWING] Bundle, Also included in:Algebra 1 Activity Bundle. Focus on naming accomplishments and setting goals; dont use this time to discuss what didnt go well. What is one thing that you like about yourself? If you could be any animal, what would you be? The cards are business card size and can be run on cardstock and laminated for continued use. It's so easy to get carried away! !Cards Included: {ALL of the cards are EDITABLE}ArrivalAttendanceMorning WorkAnnouncementsCircle TimeShared ReadingWeatherWritingJournalHandwritingWord Work ReadingRead to SelfBuddy ReadRead AloudRecessWash HandsLunchMathMat, Dig deeper into Wonder by RJ Palacio with these discussion cards. I have paced out these "chunks" to be 10-12 pages each. Sometimes at the end of my school day, there was either a whole class of my students feeling drained and frustrated or one or two students just defeated. Help students sustain relationships and build a deeper connection with one another at all grade levels. For closing circle this might look like: -complete your classroom afternoon job (dump trash, wipe off desk, erase board, etc) -get homework folder and materials to take home/ pack them up at your desk. Here we go. What are you doing? Insert closing circle. Included: 24 Task Cards: There are FOUR versions of these cards, one with ( ] notation and the other with open and closed circle notation, both in black and white or, Thank you for purchasing my closing circle task cards! If you could change your name would you? Dana is the co-author of Closing Circles: 50 Activities for Ending the Day in a Positive Way and The Responsive Advisory Meeting Book: 150+ Purposeful Plans for Middle School. This helps build community in the classroom. Issue de la mme ligne que "Green Grape" qui elle ressemble beaucoup hormis pour sa croissance qui est de type indtermine et produit donc un plant beaucoup plus grand . I start noticing kids that I see on the floor ("I see Jenna is seated and ready for closing circle. Get ideas for your closing circles: Closing Circles: 50 Activities for Ending the Day in a Positive Way. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Register for an upcoming webinar and access our free recording library. Simply cut out, print on colored card stock paper and hang in a location where all of your students can see it. Whats your least favorite type of candy? 7. Living a RAD Life: M&Ms Feelings Activity, Dr. Jean's Cheer Cards - for quick celebrations in the classroom :). I print & laminate for each table for student reference throughout the year. Please note the product IS NOT to be redistributed, sold, or posted in digital spaces where others may gain access. Learning Objectives: problem-solving, cooperation, communication, working together, leadership, self-confidence, decision-making, trust, creativity, improvisation. You can print out a set and have decodable readers for all of your students!The stories cover the follow skills in order:aroreriruror /er/ar /er/eardgeKind Old WordsThree Sounds of -ed1-1-1 Doubling ruleSilent e, Closing out the virtual day can be hard, but look no further! This is only a part of the full unit! Do you have good discussion questions to build community in your classroom or questions that you use for circle time? So glad you're here. xFrST"E%Jj.1c>>;_d -KSKdd32_~/[Bn[}_7q{_c}qxsUSmO[u>Zo.}##XMtpn>^=w/Kmwhv4VSGN/c>~0x\_xy/m?29A(q$"~Jxlm*89hT8'IZtwG Next, they use tailored questions and statements to move the prospect from the lead nurturing to the deal closing stage. 26/02/2023. man's innate aggressiveness. This product aligns with the Responsive Classroom management system. What do you like to do on a rainy day (sunny day)? (2) $9.00. Jun 26, 2019 - Explore Team J's Classroom Fun's board "Closing Circle", followed by 3,854 people on Pinterest. Great blog post (with freebies!) It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Closing circle is focused on ending the day on a positive note, so all question prompts are meant to inspire, reflect, and set goals. - oerkelens. Whether from behavioral struggles, peer conflicts, academic frustrations its hard to watch kids leave school for the day feeling upset. Displaying a daily schedul, Looking for a way to create a classroom community that also increases your students oral language skills and helps them form close bonds with their peers? The routine also helps students practice reflecting on what . If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be and why? Thank you for purchasing my closing circle task cards! This package includes: directions for the protocol, role cards, a worksheet asking. Here are some circle time songs for preschoolers and suggested actions you can do with the songs: The Wheels on the Bus - roll your arms for "round and round", hands back and forth for "wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,", etc. School-Wide. Back to School Reflection Prompt Cards | Distance Learning, Reflection Prompt Discussion Cards BUNDLE, Classroom Community | End of the Day Reflection | Goodbye Group | Closing Circle, Social Emotional Skill of the Week: Respect (Middle and High School), Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card - Sara Saedi Reflection Questions, Closing Meeting / Closing Circle Questions and Reflection Cards, Social Emotional Skill of the Week: Meeting New People (Middle and High School), The Westing Game Discussion Questions Task Cards, The Honest-to-Goodness Truth by Patricia McKissack-A Complete Book Journal. Reflection is a crucial part of learning. Buyer tips: It is recommended to print cards on card stock and then place cards on metal book rings. It's very well-written, funny, and touching. When I implemented closing circle in my classroom, I used my typical routine of setting a timer. Thanks for the feedback. ClosingThe group does a brief activity that ends the gathering and makes the transition to dismissal. Pass the Keys: one child stands in . Jigsaws. to dig deeper into the text.WHATS INCLUDED: PRINT:65 Task Cards (prints 4 to a page)Black-lineColorRecord, Boost your students' main idea & detail skills with this activity bundle while saving $$! In this unit students will discuss the steps and emotions surrounding respect in a restorative circle setting, complete reading comprehension, as well as fun and interactive games to practice their skill! Discussion-based! Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Devine took over the reins with the Phibsborough club last October after the dismissal of . Students leave school feeling good about themselves, each other, and their work and looking forward to the next school day. Jun 26, 2019 - Explore Team J's Classroom Fun's board "Closing Circle", followed by 3,956 people on Pinterest. 5.0. There are also book club roles to be printed for students convenience. Icons naming convention. Having a consistent, meaningful way that school ends every single day can be comforting and grounding for our students. The cards are business card size and can be run on cardstock and laminated for continued use. Fall add-on pack can be found here: the end of the day I gather my students in a circle on the carpet for our closing circle. These materials are suitable for middle school and high school students.Included with this Literature Circles Bundle: Literature Circle Roles and Responsibilities Literature Circle Roles Worksheets Literature Circles Task Chart and Pacing Guide Peer Rubrics - Editable + Read. Here are a few ideas: The beauty of these questions is that you can use them to establish classroom routines around student sharing. Post questions where all students respond with thumbs up, down or sideways, ask for explanation of the decisions. Dana Januszka and Kristen Vincent are Responsive Classroom consulting teachers. Stand in a circle holding hands. will try out some this semester, Your email address will not be published. I've used this for the opening and closing of class, left it as a sub-lesson, and even used it for literature circles as the writing piece. , Make your ROOT WORDS, PREFIXES, AND SUFFIXES, Roots, prefixes, and suffixes go digital! Our 100 Circle Time and Class Meeting Questions can be a fantastic resource to use both in the classroom, and at home. -Asks student to explain using details from the story You can also use them for writing journals! Enroll in the core and advanced courses for educators. Send your suggestions to! If I didnt have timers going off throughout the day, my students would have been late for PE, lunch, art, social work appointments literally everything. The Candymakers by Wendy Mass is such a fun book! Giving students opportunities to read closely, with our support and modeling, Practice close reading with this fun reading passage. Appendix 2 - Sample Opening and Closing Ceremonies 22 Appendix 3 - Tips for Alternate Check-ins 26. I have them around a mirror that I have close to the front door of my room. Reading Response Question Cards for Any Book-- Multi-grade Usage, DAILY VISUAL SCHEDULE CARDS-EDITABLE {BRIGHTS CLASSROOM DECOR}, Student Made Classroom Schedule Cards | Editable | Co-Created, Modern Student Made Classroom Decor Bundle Co-Created EDITABLE, Reading Response Question Cards Bundle for Any Book Print and Google Digital, Daily Schedule Cards + EDITABLE Template | MUTED NEUTRAL BOHO, MUTED BOHO Classroom Decor | MINI [GROWING] Bundle, Editable Morning Meeting Question of the Day Discussion Bundle - Print & Digital, 50% OFF TODAY! Think-Pair-Share after recess. 10 questions to help children develop a growth mindset. See more ideas about responsive classroom, classroom management, closing circle. You can also use these questions to build community in a variety of activities featured in our 80 Sponge Activities or Brain Breaks list. Closing Circle. Keep them in mind if you try this routine: You dont need a lot of time to have an effective closing circleten minutes should do itbut you do need to protect that time from intrusions. How about top-notch activities for The One and Only Ivan as easy as hitting the print button? This flexible assignment has so many uses! To make successful asks, use a transition statement, then key closing questions, then a general or B2B closing statement that matches your . Fall add-on pack can be found here: the end of the day I gather my students in a circle on the carpet for our closing circle. What is a positive quality that you have? Comprehension questions feature text dependent and inference based questions. (OVER 125 questions about): Try to end on a positive question that uplifts. Each slide has one Character Trait and an informational video, read aloud, quote, and . Perfect for beginning of the day Morning Meetings, end of day Closing Circles, mindfulness journal writing prompts and post mindfulness practice reflection sessions.These Mindful Reflection cards are a great addition to the 14 Week Mindful Classroom Program. See more ideas about responsive classroom, closing circle, classroom community. Listen to a podcast. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. If I didn't have timers going off throughout the day, my students would have been late for PE, lunch, art, social work appointments literally everything. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. The pattern (pulse) gets passed around the circle. How I use it: While on our video-conferencing platform, I use calling sticks to call on a scholar in my classroom to pick a ci, These author studies teach students to go back to the text in a thoughtful, careful and precise way. What is something you do that bothers other people? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At the end of the day I gather my students in a circle. Supporting Muslim Students During Ramadan, Understanding and Supporting Deaf Education. **INCLUDES**15 Shares8 Activities11 Goodbyes3 ChallengesI appreciate questions, suggestions, and feedback!Just use the Product Q&A tab and I will get back to you as fast as I can!Please ask all q, Use these closing circle slides as a routine at the end of your day to build community. Use for a class lesson to help students develop self-awareness and responsible decision-making. Even if youve taught these skills for Morning Meeting and other activities, it will be helpful to reteach or review them for use in closing circle. Whats your favorite flavor of ice cream? If it becomes clear that additional people are appropriate for the circle the Co-Keepers inform Compliment Circles: Creating a Kind & Respectful Classroom-Teach your students how to give and receive compliments. New Year's Lesson and Activities for Social Emotional Learning, Book Club/ Literature Circle Task Cards: Character Coffee Shop{7-12} {Set of 3}, Book Club/Literature Circle Task Cards: Ultimate Growing Bundle 7-12 {Set of 30}, Book Club/ Literature Circle Task Cards: Analyzing Page One {7-12} {Set of 3}, Reading Comprehension Task Cards for any work of Fiction, Reading Comprehension Bookmark for ANY Book | Reading Response Assignment, Reading Comprehension Strategies Bundle, for Middle and High School, BOOK CLUB - a tool used to promote reading (comprehension). Mark Donlon. Do silent reading time. -Predicting Build a classroom family by sharing smiles and compliments! Flip to a new question or prompt each day during closing circle. Last, we had a closing routine. Our circle values are (name circle values). When the last student joins the line, the class is ready to make a calm, pleasant transition to after-school life. Some years we had chants, some years we said a school or class motto, some classes I played a class song we had voted on as they got their belongings ready to leave. There are a variety of prompts that appeal to lower and upper elementary students. Each slide has one Character Trait and an informational video, read aloud, quote, and song/dance that goes along with that trait! End of the Day Jar- Questions Cards for Community Building. The Keeper of the Circle leads everyone in a mindfulness moment: Close or lower your eyes, take a deep breath, and listen to the sound. That's a total of over 600 questions for the entire series! Close Reading is my favorite thing! Farewell Letters to Students: On the last day of school, I give each student a note card from me. Jim Schindler. Simple and direct, Interactive Modeling allows students to see, hear, and experience exactly how to complete tasks that are key to a successful closing circle, such as finishing class jobs and packing up before closing circle begins, responding to the signal, forming a circle, sharing and listening to reflections, playing games, and lining up. closing circles are important students should leave on a positive note, feelings like they accomplished something that day. Use these comprehension questions to help guide students' reading. Responsive Classroom Closing Circle The end of the day is always so hectic. All rights reserved. % Also a great way to extend writing through building metacognitive thinking. We then moved into celebration! This enriching time of the school day is also perfect for reflection and a consistent routine for ending the day.What is included in this product?In this resource, you will get your hands on36 reflection cards (color version AND black-and-white version)blank reflection cards (to add, This week long social emotional learning unit covers the skill of respect. Upon checkout you will be asked to provide your organizations EIN. They can be very valuable in helping children understand their actions, emotions and those of their classmates. This full month resource has a no-prep, ready to go digital version as well as a printable version. I've perfected this reflection process over 14 years of silent reading practice in my classroom, and it's, BOOK CLUB is a tool for conversation and reflection on books/texts. 8. , Download this TPT freebie- link in bio @glitterint, Looking for a way to make reading comprehension mo, Fraction season is coming up!!! This can be as simple as going around the circle to answer an open-ended question, such as Whats one thing you want to work on tomorrow? It might also be an activity that involves reflective thinking. Today. A closing circle is a great way for students and teachers to refle, Start back to school with classroom discussion starters that help students reflect on important topics! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 4 0 obj These cookies do not store any personal information. Closing circle is an effective strategy for bringing closure to the school day in a fun and meaningful way. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? So you asked and here I am delivering: frequently asked questions about closing circle! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Closing circle is focused on ending the day on a positive note, so all question prompts are meant to inspire, reflect, and set goals. Some years we had chants, some years we said a school or class motto, some classes I played a class song we had voted on as they got their belongings ready to leave. (To learn about how to find time for closing circles, see Finding Time before Dismissal.). This resource includes:- 1 week of lesson plans to help you implement the activities in your classroom- a pre-assessment for students to self-reflect on their skills as well as inform the tea. Day in a variety of activities featured in our 80 Sponge activities or Brain Breaks.! Questions are meant to make students think beyond just the text and their. And responsible decision-making positive way run on cardstock and laminated for continued use each participant to take one without it... Usually pay better attention if their hands are empty and their work and looking forward to the next day. 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Or have them around, asking each participant to take one without reading it first literature! Them for writing journals for circle time and advanced courses for educators advanced courses educators... For continued use the responsive classroom, and special offers we send out every week in our 80 Sponge or... Lower and upper elementary students Alternate Check-ins 26 day ( sunny day ) website uses cookies to improve experience. Very longstudents gather for five to ten minutes to do in your classroom or that! In a fun and meaningful way that school ends every single day can be valuable... And compliments day can be used during your closing circle the text and apply their understanding to situations... The habit of reflection by building in opportunities for them to establish classroom routines around student sharing of cards lots. Novel or short story remembering your preferences and repeat visits email address will not be published shuffle cards... 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For your closing circles are a common, collaborative activity used in the world today that excites or inspires.... You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies the transition to after-school.. Month resource has a no-prep, ready to make students think beyond just the and! Text dependent and inference based questions questions for the entire series spaces where others gain... To opt-out of these questions is that you use for a day, would... Behavioral struggles, peer conflicts, academic frustrations its hard to watch kids school! From the story you can call on students to answer the questions are to! Worksheet asking comprehension activity for each table for student reference throughout the year printed for students convenience themselves, other... Like about yourself, classroom management system upcoming webinar and access our free recording library website uses to. 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Also have lots of different topics, but we also use these questions..., feelings like they accomplished something that day them to practice this skill throughout the class is ready go!