Im now stuck in a hard place not knowing what to do, and need help. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I had 4 psychological testing and they said there is nothing wrong with me . Yet this was not taken into consideration.. I knew that was a complete lie so I urged my attorney to ask for the proof of the failed drug screen.. They have filed multiple fraudulent reports against me however even though multiple reports have been filed by multiple agencies (doctors, counselors) against my ex, they have not investigated him. This told me immediately that dhr had probably fed them all kind of crap and lies about me. Please.So many cases like this ongoing.judges n workers being. Im now afraid to get close to ANYONE. inform the DHR so that they can provide protective services to the child Birmingham, The person just ASSUMED he was in the front seat.. Echo one entered kindergarten about ready to read already way in advance than many of thier classmates. When the case began, I had just began the filing process w ssa. I am about to take on DHR in Jefferson County Alabama. Your should try to find an attorney, but we are all busy. Bibb County DHR is a nightmare they make up rules and have NO regard for the actual law ..they were trying to give my baby girl straight to foster care with out even considering any of mine and or my husbands family we had to hire our own lawyer before my mother in law was finally given our baby girl .we found out later that the foster mother that DHR was trying to fight to give out baby to was MY public defenders wifes best friend !!! gen., Department of Human Resources; Stephen T. Etheredge, Dothan; and Jere C. Segrest and Kevin Walding of Hardwick, Hause & Segrest, Dothan, for appellees. falsified lab results. The Supreme Court also upheld $1.6 million in attorneys fees for Fogarty-Hardwicks attorneys, but that could end being as much as $3 million, Fogarty-Hardwicks attorney Shawn McMillan said. Motion or petite lite motion to temporary change the custody agreement to him instead of us both having joint. The Psychiatrist called DHR immediately and recommended the father not have visits unsupervised because the children were at risk. Note that if you are bringing a lawsuit against a "non-mayoral agency" in New York City (for example, the MTA or NYCHA) or against New York State or the federal . And I dressed as well as anyone else. When he asked the caseworker if she had a copy of it she said NO.. My attorney then asked her supervisor if she was the one that had the results of the drug screen and if so could she provide it to the court. It was the Alabama OCS social worker, Chantez Parker, who phoned Eric to tell him he was accused of child molestation. Bldg 102 Suite 133 The appeal of fact is therefore, undoubtedly, the means established by the legislator, so that the appeal is not rendered nugatory; because in the absence of the former, the admissibility of the latter, would depend exclusively on the decision of the Court that issues the sentence or resolution. Federal Court has approved Multi-Million dollar suit to Move forward against caseworker for violation of one's constitutional right caused by DCFS to settlement talks without a lawyer Ext 8670 Filing a lawsuit against Child Protection Services BY DEADLINE pro-se self file HELPLINE 1-929-277-7848 Ext.5146 I just firgot to go.. So, anyway.. I was forced TO REPRESENT myself by judge, beaten in empty courtroom by 7 deputies unconscious and then arrested, which resulted in blinding ME IN LEFT eye. The Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program filed the suit Thursday. My son was then given back to me and has been in my care every since. Three days later, his father killed him to retaliate for the molestation charges. I did. case or situation. even after leaving dhr custody) This dhr agency has manipulated, lied, cheated, brainwashed. There is a team meeting Monday, which no one has informed my lawyer except me. Eric Chappelle threatened that the family would go down and on April 10, 2011, Jacob Chappelle was drowned at the age of four. but I Barely spoke. Your email address will not be published. In fact, I was only changing my son in the front seat when the person that called on me happened to see him up front.. After I was finished changing him, I put him back in his car seat IN THE BACKSEAT OF THE CAR.. My son was taken THAT DAY and placed with someone for 72 hours. Hi my name Steve Minter and Im in great need of a lawyer who is willing to help me get my daughter home.DHR has lied on us from day one violated our civil rights and talks to me and my fiance like there is nothing we can do about if anybody knows a good lawyer who would hear our situation and help us please contact me please. Ive done everything that my safety plan had on it. During a hearing for case review, I decided to let my inland take them mainly yo getvtgem out of foster care and I felt they deserved to be w family. Its not just Congress, or just the Federal government, its virtually everyone that has power. However, the reality is that an ever-increasing number of state and federal courts, in Florida and elsewhere, are taking a much harsher and more aggressive approach toward civil litigants and . Alabama Rules of Juvenile Procedure (PDF). I am so very hurt and heartbroken and i have met many ppl since it started and most of the cases are just dumb maybe the dhr workers are to pussy to go stop a real danger person from a child. No last names. THAT is SO F***ed UP!!!! Attorneys for Dominic's estate argued that Erica Jackson and Lacie Watson, former DHR employees, failed to follow agency rules and regulations, as well as a judge's orders. and time spent with children, loss of reputation, loss of freedom, loss of time Contact us at I was incredulous at how I was treated but in a way not surprised. I was essentially bullied into being made to feel or playing on my desperation to get my kids home by making me feel like if I didnt have a job Id end up losing them forever.. It seems none of them are willing to enforce the law." Plaintiff's representative passage concludes National File reported: are a lot of questions that have yet to be answered in the A&J Labs case. Right now it sounds to me that we are all walking around like helpless victims to a government agency that has all the control when they should not. as much as possible. Of course I told her I couldnt and tried to explain that my son was in the hospital and I couldnt leave him there alone, but she wasnt hearing any of it. I just cant afford to wear Nike and north face etc etc. According to DHR it is the worse case of parental alienation they have seen. The depth of court corruption permeates every court on every level. Typical Scenario: Some secretive allegation of abuse or neglect (a Child Abuse/Neglect report or CA/N in DHR lingo) is made against an Alabama parent. I am gearing up for a lawsuit myself against OCSS. What weve learned is that the depth of court corruption permeates every court on every level. After completing this form, print it out, sign it and take it to your local district office. Alabama Department of Human Resources Administrative Code (Regulations) My pro Bono lawyer Ann Derzis told me to contact my personal lawyer Tim Smith. FREE LEGAL CONSULTATION Foster D. Key Partner Pelham, Alabama 205-705-3360 , 888-328-0904 205-403-3492 Email Me The woman that did our drug test didnt do it properly and we want help to take this system down cause my son had no father while I am all he has. A new lawsuit filed on behalf of foster children with mental impairments alleges the Alabama Department of Human Resources has discriminated against these children by unnecessarily placing them. With this we will get the elimination of the card and the refund of what was unduly charged. The court appointed attorney told us that day not to worry, they would have another hearing and we could submit everything then. But, after my dealings with these people & dhr Free initial consultation. I apologize this is SOOOO LONG winded.. My advice for mothers going threw dhr i know its embarrassing and cruel but dont be ashamed because it happens to good mommys and we just have to do whatever it takes to get our kids back do whatever they ask and just keep on and on fighting and trust that the lords WILL will be done. Isnt tgat in it self a reason for him to remove himself on the juvenile case ? Did you have any luck in your case? or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. I have been unbelievably abused by Etowah County, AL and even worse by DHR. We will then type letters, make phone calls and visit to our Top Officials and law makers. Armando Jos Figuera Aranguren Business Administration and Human Resources Professional. Office in Mountain Brook, Alabama. professionals or agencies. I hope u an make sense of this insanity. Well i was harrassed at my job by georgia defacs they also called my moms big bosses which thank god they were understanding but wouldnt tbat be a privacy issue?even though i have cooperated from the beginning my charges have been threw out by the judge(which cleburne alabama is a small town one judge that grew up there) my family has went through hell but cooperated with everything that dhr in alabama and dhr in floyd county ga has ask. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Ive since lost my children, NY husband, my family members. Florida corporate lawyers Richmond, VA 23219. and actually even during the first part if cr as well.. Id rarely say a word.. Then after a going there a while and started really going to all of my therapy Id started coming out if my shell.. Oh, by the way the 17, 14, and 13 year old got to stay at home while their parents fight, argue and do drugs with and around them! and expenses dealing with legal matters related to this case, mental anguish, Breaking news and trends with an emphasis on banking and financial litigation and regulations providing New York . It was in fact the little girl who pulled his pants down. Employees can select from a wide variety of programs that cover you and your familys health needs, from HMOs to PPOs. to work with the parents to prepare them for when the child may return And at home. Sexual exploitation or attempted sexual exploitation, Improper or absence of medical treatment/care. you do know the technology exists to fabricate dreams and visions. Orange County Social Services social workers Marcie Vreeken and Helen Dwojak filed false reports and held back evidence which would have cleared Fogarty-Hardwick, an Orange County jury found. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Now stabbed in back with sharp object. We fight against CPS attempts to break up families every day in court and out of court. M. Adam Jones and Associates Today to Join the A&J Lab Collections Lawsuit. So my lawyer then asked who in fact had seen the actual results of the drug screen and it turned out that NO ONE had actually received the results of my drug screen because THEY HADNT EVEN CAME BACK YET.. Pro Bono Net is a national nonprofit organization. Areas of Law Family Law Child Abuse And Neglect Working With Child Protective Services (CPS) to Regain Custody of Your Children Child Abuse And Neglect Working With Child Protective Services (CPS) to Regain Custody of Your Children Tips on working with CPS and social workers after losing physical custody of your kids. due to using the whole getting people to befriend me to get me to confide in them about my past for ex. Website: The Malbrough Firm, Located in Birmingham. I am as normal as they come my children are skipping grades in school not bragging just setting a scene I live in a 260,000.00 Three years later she is a complete junkie leaving my kids by their self constantly and not feeding them often. Environmental Lawyer - Everything about the career of a lawyer ETOWAH County IS PATHETIC snd judicial misconduct runs rampant! DISCLAIMER: Greg Varner makes no representation that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Please send me info I need to be stopped before they do something else to somebody elses family for no reason. A third social worker was found not liable. factors, such as: Following a case, the DHR will work closely with the child and the parents A county commissioner ordered Fogarty-Hardwicks daughters, 6 and 9, taken from their mother and put in Orangewood Childrens Home. It took me a number of years to overcome most of mY shyness and social anxiety During the Time Id had the kids at home, i overcame that very much!! So, I began the case IN arrearage!!! Both were later re-tested App. After medicare and child suppt (which btw Im not complaining about supporting my children.. Im upsetthat Ive been paying support to care for my children, yet my children has not received a penny from the state !!! If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Aunt Bertha's network links people seeking help and the verified social care providers who serve them. Do you have any advice for me I do can prove that I have my own home but they just ignore me BTW they had approved her at the beginning of all this. my nephew is still in a foster home somewhere here in mobile, Alabama. We understand the emotional toll that such cases can have you and your children. For example, you can bring a lawsuit against DHS if you believe DHS staff caused you to be injured. I am an advocate for change! To much evidence to mention. They were placed in foster homes, then placed one child within the home of my ex. In the face of legal issues arising in your family involving the Department Someone else filed a suit and they got the kids and gave them to me. We made complaints to every available entity. My probation is now completed and I now have nothing to tie my to PCB Florida. Please help methis case can be Monumental in helping to stop these atrocious acts of Kidnapping. tests. Losing the kids destroyed my entire world. That's why }, { hello my children were taken by dhr and two placed in Jefferson county and one is still in Blount county but when cps came to }, Alabama Department of Human Resources Child Protective Services, Administrative Review Hearings for Alabama CPS Cases, Alabama Department of Human Resources Administrative Code (Regulations), Alabama Rules of Juvenile Procedure (PDF), Alaska OCS Lawyers, Laws, and Resources for Families, Arizona CPS Lawyers, Laws, and Resources for Families, For Those Looking For a CPS Defense Lawyer, Ohio: CPS Social Worker Fired For Not Following Court Orders, Terms of Use, Compensation Disclosure, Privacy Policy, Request to Have Something Removed From the Site. SICK MF!! All customers with credit cards, VISA BANCO POPULAR AND PASTOR, GLOBAL BONUS, GLOBAL ELITE, VISA HOP!, VISA CEPSA, from entities such as Banco Popular, Banco Pastor, Bancopopopular-e,, Barclaycard, Barclays and Citibank CITI, are now customers of WiZink. At this point cant trust anyone in system my child not only tells what her dad and step mom does to her she been locked in closet no food n water. I just formed a 501C3 to assist parents with legal representation and parenting classes My grandchildren were placed into the custody of their biological father on a Safety Plan while my daughter went to Rehab, Parenting classes etc. I was told by dhr that if I didnt sign custody over I would lose my parental rights. Petitioner That Fought Against DHR's 'Arbitrary' Ruling Is Entitled to Fees. She was then allowed two supervised visits a month for two years. Even convincing them to lie under oath.. showing them an alleged Ad on bkpage w pictures (that ANYONE could have made for all we know) of a woman resembling me on an adult website that clearly indicated that noone under 21 is to be allowed to view subject matter in that website.Si theyve essentially been exposed to a pornographic site. I am also involved in the ridiculous system trying to steal my children. The Law Office of Brad J. Latta has handled numerous DHR-related cases before, and he can take a look at the facts of your situation to determine your best course of legal action. I admit, I was no june cleaver. Baise and corruption . you or someone close to you has been affected by this case, call M. Adam Jones Please. It could have been prevented if his custodial parent would have in force the laws . Discuss your Birmingham DHR case with The Law Office of Brad J. Latta in At the hearing, he could not produce that. Youd have thought Id attempted to had the foster parents a dog turd for the way this family looked at me like I was the lowest piece of trash theyd ever seen. March 01, 2023 2:58 PM. It was extremely difficult some days to appear on the outside to be ok when my depression had greatly plummeted.. refusing to give my daughter back, and filing a temporary custody order to her grandparents. Nothing in the mail or any court documents. Put your thinking caps on, combine resources. I reside in Shelby County, Alabama. I definitely want to join the class action lawsuit to DHR needs to be stopped I got to open court case now, I am looking at suing DHR in Jefferson County Alabama, My grandson was living with his grandfather being the grandfather son was busted in his home for drugs dhr in Shelby county took my grandson when we went to court they informed me I cant get him being I didnt walk through my exs home to make sure there wasnt any drug in home. Who is the best lawyer to Handel this, elmore dhr are are nothing but lair and they gonna pay for all them lies and false dockements they are writeing they are so courrpt. When the priest reported the retaliation started with false statements in open court and is keeping her in foster care trying to let member of hers and directors church. All so my CF ex husband and his parents,could steal my childs TRUST FUND; my Convicted Felon ex husband would not have to pay Child Support obligation sooo he could pay Restitution for his crimes against multiple parties WITH HIS Child Support money (that had been RAISED 3 monthes earlier) and so my CF ex could use my,child as a tax write off in 2005. I am interested in getting involved in this class action lawsuit, what do iIneed to do! This information is not intended to create, and receipt 5. Which does not make sense since I live in a bad neighborhood in a little 2 bedroom trailer. they are drugging my child. If every one of us sue the offending country, we can not only make a huge statement, we can also bankrupt the county, causing them to shut down and forcing them to rebuild from the ground up. at independent drug testing facilities and medical clinics, and all their tests Due to a fav on may 29th 2020. was arrested for performing falsified tests on two women, producing positive This is just but a small taste I sat and listened to my young, innocent little girls repeat to us, the things that was told to them about thier mommy and daddy.. She said they didnt do nothing with Annas case my youngest but dropped my oldest case Ava that day. This is a disgrace of our government. I own my own home and tried to tell her that and tell her that the kids were staying there at night till we finish school and then we were making other arrangements and she just ignored me. of the childs condition. December 22, 2022: Governor JB Pritzker, Attorney General Kwame Raoul, and IDHR Director Jim Bennett partnered to address safety concerns from public officials after recent incidents of anti-LBGTQ+ violence, harassment and threats directed toward public officials and community members. One Fordham Plaza, 4th Floor. My phone number is 251-604-4464. So when they decide to actually show up and I cant take off of work again then its somehow all my fault & Im accused of not cooperating with them.. And what really blows my mind is how this case is even still open in the first place seeing as how the initial report was proven in a court of law to be a false report.. See, someone made a call to DHR saying that I was driving with my then 6 month old son in the front seat- which was a LIE!! Ive done nothing wrong!! Please start a facebook or blogger page on the internet to leave information for your children so theyll know what happened eventually they will want to find information about you. 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