If you want the challenge of helping a company grow into something special, then this opportunity is for you. It would give them an incredible advantage in the alleged behind the scenes battle going on all over the world as, like Nicolas Cages character in Next, they could foresee likely future outcomes and, with foreknowledge, decide how to avoid bad outcomes. We have worked with New Americans, Seniors, Children in low income communities, Colleges and Universities, Government agencies, local municipalities and neighborhood organizations whose missions align with our vision of Equality, Equity, and Inclusion. Project Looking Glass reveals convergence of future timelines. Themission transferred to the 38th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron in August 1966, to the 2nd Airborne Command and Control Squadron in April 1970, to the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron in July 1994, and to the USSTRATCOM's Strategic Communications Wing One in October 1998. Why did the countrys authorities quickly ban its study? We did, though, didnt we? Today the Human Race is in serious danger of extinction due to many factors including wars and severe climate change. It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers are destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. Looking Glass - Home Demo Stop dual booting windows today! It can see the past and a possible future. Dan Burisch, born in California in 1964, studied microbiology and psychology at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. What has been discovered? The negative outcome is dependent on a series of terrible events that will occur from 2022 to 2029. According to the testimony of Burisch, the technology was provided to the human race during Sumerian times, when an advanced contingent of future humans went back in time and provided that civilization assistance after a cataclysm known as the deluge. In Alice in Wonderland the White Rabbit is introduced as always running late. They shall say, what is your plan for this giant and he will take a simple stone, remember the name and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him. 1. But his real passion was science and at five he was given his first microscope, after which he later became the youngest member of the Los Angeles microbiology society. What is looking glass? Operation "Scope Light" for the Commander in Chief. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. family reconciliation, wraparound supports, and 24-hour help hotline are provided for homeless youth, ages 11-17. He graduated in 1986 and earned a PhD in microbiology in 1989 in New York state. The looking-glass technology shows you a glimpse or a scene from one instance of the future. When I heard about this several questions came to my mind. [13], On October 1, 1998 the United States Navy fleet of E-6Bs replaced the EC-135C in performing the "Looking Glass" mission, previously carried out for 37 years by the U.S. Air Force. D:So the soul didnt go away and then come back. It is always best to start out with less, you can always increase more water/vinegar solution. A mysterious new group by the name of 'Guardians of the Looking Glass' has released videos talking about major upcoming events and how humanity's awareness of these events can influence and change them. We just told him that we were going to make him rich beyond avarice. Love, Spirituality, Free Energy, Abundance, Quantum Awareness, Project Looking Glass, The Plans Of The Secret Government On Time Machines And Stargate Devices, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Tapping into Your Higher Self and Accessing Your Infinite Wisdom, Operation Mockingbird: Deep State Control of the Media, #511 Lesley Mitchell-Clarke The Grimerica Show, The Significance of 2012_Our Great Awakening - Malum In Se. D:Yep. From the deceit, the conceit, the avarice, and the greed that I have been around over the last twenty years so thats the good side of these two dirty coins. Looking Glass Development is one of the world's leading providers of training, coaching and consulting with a focus on executive coaching, leadership . Do not saturate, as if you were going to wash it. Another program termed Project Sidekick which Dan said relates to a weapons platform but refuses any further comment. The following is a compilation of testimony provided by two prominent whistleblowers, Dan Burisch and Bill Hamilton, discussing the Looking Glass Project. D:The Nazis. This page was last edited on 11 November 2022, at 12:31. This allows scientists to warp the local fabric of space-time both forward or backwards by long or short distances relative to the present time. This kid-friendly faux stained glass craft mimics the look of a stained glass window without requiring nearly as much hassle or skill. K:But what but how does it benefit them to, to provoke it? This nation would come very suddenly when the new one comes to office, a man of prayer and choice words. What theyre going to do in the future with regard to that, Ive got no clue. According to Dr. Burisch, information on how to build the Stargates is in the Sumerian tables that they used to communicate with other extra-planetary civilizations. Every time they have gone back in time, they have caused small paradoxes which have built up as our reality that we now perceive. We want to keep our hands off of nature. Get it away from the fruit of the tree of life, so to speak get it away, and just let nature happen during this time. Earlier versions of the project saw the development of an actual portal that an individual could move through to jump in time. Created by Looking Glass Looking Glass 1,301 backerspledged $844,621to help bring this project to life. One of his most important statements is that related to the Stargates or dimensional portals. And then what? but that was essentially playing with gravity distorting time.. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. Eisenhower met with several extraterrestrial groups who warned the Earthmen to abandon atomic weapons to avoid a future nuclear holocaust. It shows you scenes from the future to help you get an idea of how you might be able to steer towards that future. It has been passed between rich and powerful to be able to choose well in their lives. So, it didnt leave and then come back, D:No. I have gone everywhere I INTENDED and the POV at the site is usually right where it should be. We were super excited to attend this . And so, no, we dont want that to happen. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. They are devices also made on Earth, but with extraterrestrial technology. Diplomatic discussions between civilizations took place at this meeting and an agreement was approved to abduct human beings for the purpose of studying them, provided that they did not have to suffer and remember nothing of their experience. Humanity is now at a crucial junction and there are only two timelines according to the Guardians: Life and Peace, or Death and Slavery and their plea for help is that each of us steps up to spread the word. We dont want to. Ken Clement April 4, 2008 And they shall say, but now there is a second President, how can we have two presidents? An unusual thing, isnt it, says the Spirit of the Lord? Watch on Compression Unlike network based streaming applications, Looking Glass does not use any form of compression or color space conversion, all frames are transferred to the viewer (client application) in 32-bit RGBA without any transformations or modifications. The remote viewing skill developed via mental discipline, which enables the practitioner to observe events or locations in any space or time, even in alternative timelines, with the assistance of a trigger and what is called a conductor. Some of the information was recopied in Sumerian cylinder seals. We dont know. Along with David Wilcock, Kerry pimped out a fellow using . Looking Glass Art Project 656 West 9th St. Erie, PA 16502 (814)450-9183 Remote viewing and Project Looking Glass are few of the most suppressed technologies out there. Project Looking Glass? Can it see the future of one timeline? Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker. They still have their same souls, because even after 7,000 more years of development, I could see the soul, as you see the heart of another human being I could see the soul in Chielah. K:Exactly. I had a premonition in 1995 There is no way. At this time only Windows 10 is supported with any video card supporting DXGI Desktop Duplication or the NVIDIA Capture API (NB: NvFBC requires a professional card such as Quadro). AMEN I KNOW KIM HEARD THIS FROM THE LORD & THATS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME I KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN JUST AS KIM SAID K:All right. From that date, a Looking Glass aircraft was in the air at all times 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for more than 29 years. So in other words, God forbid the catastrophe occur, it will just appear as tomorrow and a catastrophe occurs, etcetera, etcetera, and we move forward and changes start occurring in the Earth, there is a disaster, there is a loss of, of huge life, etcetera. In the next 25 years, a confrontation between artificial intelligence and humanity is possible. Looking Glass is led by Distributive in partnership with Queen's University, Limestone Analytics, aiSight, Distributed Compute Labs, CENGN, Server Cloud . One of these aircraft was the ship that Bob Lazar (a former nuclear physicist who was in service in Area 51) described in the 1980s. A Spiritual Evaluation & Evolution has been made manifest. And, The Earth-made "Stargate" was created by reverse-engineering a mirror image of the "cylindrical seal" used in the Sumerian civilization more than 70 million years ago. they were trying to observe through a gravitational lens. Explore displays Retail solution Hover cursor across to wiggle! D:They are agents of change as all human beings are agents of change. Share on Twitter; . Dan describes a Stargate who is in Area 51 by saying that next to this huge apparatus, there was a platform that allowed to throw the object inside the wormhole to travel to other stars, teleporting people or materials from one place to the other. I initially became aware of the project via David Wilcock, in his presentation The 2012 Enigma. Mobile 1 view VR headset 2 views Looking Glass 100 views As I have been saying the outcome is written by levels of consciousness way beyond the village idiots of the Cult - the people win as they awaken to the truth. Pull our hands away. Their timelineD:I look at it more as creating a larger heap of manure. The Looking Glass was the anchor in what was known as the World Wide Airborne Command Post (WWABNCP) network. Features. The issue is with every choice . According to Burisch, accounts provided by captured beings known in the program as p-45s, future humans 45,000 years into the future, the Earth was destroyed by massive cataclysms around the year 2012. The Looking Glass project team is building a decision-support platform that uses predictive modelling to analyze policies and determine which can best protect Canadians in the new normal. China will be given back to the Good people, CCP= ANNIHILATED. $19.91 at Amazon. The future is uncertain but the end is always near Jim Morrison. This role will grow into managing the companies bigger projects up to 10 million We are looking for a Project Manager with diverse commercial glass experience. It would be hidden from the United States within Area 51. In 1987 he began working at a Nevada state government office. Dan Burisch learned of a copy of the agreement made by President Eisenhower with two races including the alien life forms called P-50 and then the so-called Orion or Orionian races. The entirety of the technology must either be disabled or destroyed. It was further supported by observation of data from the quantum cube gift (Orion Cube) given to President Eisenhower in 1954. I think that the disaster itself, from everything that Ive read and heard, is a direct, ah consequence of the technological aspect of bringing too much energy toward us, in a non-natural manner. This is possible through the use of a shared memory segment which enables extremely high throughput low latency guest to host communication. According to the alleged insiders, The Looking Glass technology was apparently used to look backward and forward in time, using theconsciousnessof an operator as a type of steering mechanism. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In June 1992, United States Strategic Command took over the Looking Glass mission from the Strategic Air Command, as SAC was disbanded and Strategic Command assumed the nuclear deterrence mission. Burisch holds disconcerting great information about extraterrestrials, the time machines called Looking Glass(Orion Cube Stargate), the plans of the secret government and the extinction of the human race. But God said watch, I said 20,000. Could the transition from one Mayan Long Count calendar cycle (of about 5125 years) to another mark the start of a relatively short (even if it takes 11 years or more) window for the age to come to an end? In 1986 he received an unexpected visit to the University of Las Vegas from the so-called secret government of the United States. Extraterrestrial intelligence is close: what kind of civilization is watching us from the moon? Show some integrity & honesty. Whats interesting, is that the biases of the operator would have a direct effect on the images collected. The operator would sit in a chair that was apparently recovered from a downed extraterrestrial craft capable of interfacing withconsciousnessdirectly. In the video, Wilcock discusses how the Looking Glass device apparently resembles what is depicted in the filmContactstarring Jodi Foster. (LogOut/ Demo. Trmp is THE Antichrist. In other words, youve got theLooking Glass technologythat they used, and you used. The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamiltons] source that linked with inside sources and took notes onProject Looking Glass(LG) andTime Travelexperiments: With regard toLG(Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. D:technology. Thanks again for the correction. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Change). Better yet, it functions as a comforting nightlight for kids. Hushmail and other emails From Concerned Insiders. Since the Looking Glass project was first announced back in 2017 the project has grown enormously thanks to the efforts of those in this community and others. One of the most special events in the XR space is the MIT Reality Hack. International Bankers. This network of specially equipped EC-135 aircraft would launch from ground alert status and establish air-to-air wireless network connections in the event of a U.S. national emergency. Job Description. [6] The EC-135 Looking Glass aircraft were equipped with the Airborne Launch Control System, capable of transmitting launch commands to U.S. ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in the event that the ground launch control centers were rendered inoperable.[6][10][11]. As I have been saying the outcome is written by levels of consciousness way beyond the village idiots of the Cult - the people win as they awaken to the truth. I really dont know since my information sources would only tell me so much about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. Cabal will be Annihilated. Project Looking Glass is supposedly a classified time travel and future prediction regime at Area 51, Area S4 Nevada at Nellis Air Force Base. According to Dan, the Looking Glass devices and Stargates were dismantled in an effort to protect humanity, based upon the totality of information collected. His shed, dried blood was witnessed in 1982, by Ronald Wyatt on the mercy seat of the Ark of Covenant. This executive briefing will help you make an informed decision about what you can do to make a difference. The Looking Glass was also designed to help ensure continuity and reconstitution of the US government in the event of a nuclear attack on North America. He doesnt say it but its a collapse of the complex probabilistic wave forms that make up reality and the collapse they cant stop is a powerful resonance of all the human minds that have awakened and some more advanced off planet races that are helping. But I later noticed that from Hindu/Sanskrit writings, there seems to be an 11 year gap between the start of the Mayan Long Count calendar in August 3113 BC, and the date ancient India recorded the end of the last world and the start of the present Kali Yuga age in 3102 B.C. This specific floor contained a laboratory for weapons research and development, three board rooms, and provisions for emergency supplies. I originally thought it was a monkey, but I found out that there were many test subjects that got sent through, so I am not certain what kind was involved in the experiment that went bad. What the dead tell about the Other Light through direct-voicemediums. Theyre just going to live a normal human life and die, so they want the control for themselves. D:They become repressed. But after the Pioneer flyby, all involved were shocked to discover a small ring, confirming the viewers observations. The entire assembly can be rotated 90 degrees from the horizontal axis. There he learned that the military was in possession of spaceships and extraterrestrial beings. Jesus, the Son of God really gave His Life because of sins to save mankind. *Jordan* Sather made the video, which no longer seems to be available on Youtube. According to Colonel Philip J. Corso (1914 1997) who wrote the book The day after Roswell, aliens are space-time travelers and those who led the hull that fell in Roswell had two brains, one of which was useful for controlling the aircraft. And cameras could film within the gas or see images in the injected atmosphere as though it were a lens reflecting events in and around the column. Looking Glass Community Services offers a range of programs and services that may be creatively combined to serve children, teenagers, adults, and families. No, Trump is not Antichrist, far from it. Members of the WWABNCP network included: Going Forward in Order to Look Back. K:would be stealing back this Looking ? Sea levels rise 12 and 20 feet Boston masechusets 2023. Quote from Zelenskyy: "I went to Kherson and saw these [propaganda . Before a ranch fence, turn right and follow the 'road' to the base of Looking Glass. This is the final step required to move away from dual booting with other operating systems for legacy programs that require high performance graphics. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker. But Burisch says he is not very reliable and that he saw a person die during one of the experiments. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. However, we also have people who oppose that because they want what they want when they want it. The West Aux 906th Air Refueling Squadron was based at Minot AFB, North Dakota, and moved to the 4th Airborne Command and Control Squadron at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, in April 1970 and the East Aux mission 301st Air Refueling Squadron was based at Lockbourne AFB, Ohio, and moved to the 3rd Airborne Command & Control Squadron at Grissom AFB, Indiana, in April 1970. But they still had their souls even though it was repressed.K:SoD:In like manner, the P-45s have a soul. Copyright 2010-2023 Monkey & Elf. Well, we hadLooking Glass technology, and portal, actualstargate technology, in Iraq, as late as the start of 2003. The other program involved a suite of biological defense operations for which Dan worked in the capacity of senior scientist. D:They just want for themselves. How much soul did they have when they threw my grandpa on to a car? Aren't there programs like Remote Desktop, VNC, etc that do this? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The book was largely about JFKs defiance of Majestic-12s control of black budget technology and UFO research but as a side note, it mentioned that Project Looking Glass bends time and space in a way that allows looking into the future. The living ones dont. other instantly. After building the equipment from the instructions, they began to tweak it and find different things out about it. 3.2M views 1 year ago #inspiredchannel Learn more about Project Looking Glass and the timelines - Join Frank Jacob's Webinar "A Tale Of Two Timelines" for a breathtaking journey down the. I just mentioned this in a comment and it was removed. Ark of the Covenant: where is the main power source biblical relic now? I mean, if they want it to happen, they Their objective would be to steal these cylinders and get them. If so, what is it in our future that . Scheme of the internal (depth) sections of Base S4 Area 51 where according to Dan Burisch, there are Stargates and extraterrestrial spaceships. D:Not only do they believe it will occur, they want to provoke it. Forbidden technology part II, Project Looking Glass - Auricmedia - Blogman's Wonderland The Great And awaits for those with Culinary skills. In my earlier analysis of post 3585 , I covered the origins of "Project Looking Glass", and described how both the military intelligence community and the Deep State have been using such "time distorting" technology since at least the 1960s. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Especially Baking! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. spirituality and healing for the mind, body and soul", What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? The fact that the P-45s thats how immoral these people are. The Project Looking Glass device was used to predict the potential probability of future events. Unsubscribe at any time. Yeah. Or four. This as apparently because Looking Glass devices were actively being used during a major celestial alignment, which overloaded the organic energy grid of the planet. Next to the Project Looking Glass device were two transport pads which could teleport physical matter or humans from one location to the other instantly, but not always reliably and with certain disastrous outcomes during testing phases. https://jordansather.tv/ Just this one incorrect item calls your whole website into question.. FYI. GOD TOLD HIM IT WAS SO D:Yes. Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the code name for an airborne command center operated by the United States. There were also several other efforts commissioned by Majestic to derail the potential sequence of events that would have led up to the catastrophe., Note the above depiction of a Stargate from the Hollywood movie. I mean, what if LG were located in the middle of theGroom Lake facility, and the operators wanted to gain insight into the outcome of a conflict, say in the Middle East. I mean, they still have to live through Earth changes and cataclysms, right? K:In other words, to unmake the technology. Leicester, England: Midland Publishing Limited, p. 114-117, 196], [Hopkins III, Robert S. 1997. They get the Earth to themselves. Scientists are at a loss The latest research of Antarctica shocked! "It has been getting worse," says Kathryn Olmsted, a professor . This article incorporates public domain material from the United States Navy. The Sumerian cylinder seals were encoded with plans to build the Looking Glass device. Option 2: Continue on the road and take a left just after passing Looking Glass rock. Leicester, England: Midland Publishing Limited, p. 116], [Hopkins III, Robert S. 1997. Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: more Than just a Tanker laboratory for weapons research and development, three board,... It was removed predict the potential probability of future events what would happen, like a of... Code name for an Airborne command center operated by the United States within Area.!, subscribe to receive more just like it without requiring nearly as much or! 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