When there are strong lines of communication between home and school, everyone wins! Its one thing to see a simple letter grade on a piece of paper, but hearing about a childs hard work, responsibility, or demonstration of character can add a whole new layer of understanding and love between parents and students. Building a childs confidence is a crucial part of their development. Subjects: I hope all is well! Im proud of you. Copyright 2021. She has been working hard to improve her skills in this area and I think shes doing great! One way to do so is to acknowledge special moments for individual students. On the other hand, teachers should be ready to communicate not only negative feedback but also positive review that parents should know about their kids. Instead, parents prefer email (NSPRA, 2011) and other digital means, such as online blogs, online newsletters, online calendars of events and/or homework, text messaging, and websites. Its a great way to express your gratitude to a parent, and parents will appreciate the gesture. Your child has been working hard and learning new things this summer. Make sure you address the parent by their name in a personal email. She/he is doing great. Emailing with your students families can be an efficient way to keep in touch, especially when you have good news to share. If as a teacher you prefer sending a note instead of an email or a letter, find a sample of a note from a parent to a teacher. In the past year, weve seen many teachers who connected with 100% of the parents, gained access to keen classroom volunteers and organized more events than ever. Making your email sound enticing and calling parents to action without sounding too pushy is not always easy. You just need to click on your profile image or initials in the top right hand corner of your screen (when youre in Gmail or other Google applications). Check out these 6 effective examples to help craft your own follow-up email to parents! Often it is important to come up with the right kind of message to the parent. Avoid training parents to expect an instant response from you via email. Email is a favourite form of communication for many people regardless of their location, age, or confidence with technology. As an expert and writer, she helped build Understood from its earliest days. I was really impressed with Parker today. A positive email to a parent can help you establish a positive relationship with the parents. What kind of messages made a particular difference in your classroom? Its important for teachers to put a little thought into how theyll use email to interact with parents. Show that you notice their child and that you do really care. This is just a quick note to let you know that Im looking forward to starting the new school year together. Building a childs confidence is one of the most important gifts you can give them. Use bold for important words or action items. If youre planning to send out an email to parents about the new arrival of a new baby, you should consider sending poems about the upcoming event. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Positive notes helps teachers build relationships with students, In this environment, teachers recommendations are valued and applied at home, while parents, in turn, are present and contributing at school. Here's our top tips on how to write a great email, no matter what the purpose: Prioritise clarity - get straight to the point and let your readers know as quickly as possible what they need to know. Teachers can keep parents in the loop about key takeaways and lightbulb moments from a class as well as encourage families to. I hope all is well. When there are strong lines of communication between home and school, everyone wins! Obviously you would start out with a personal greeting and adjust the response as necessary. Let parents know how to contact you for urgent issues (e.g. Then you can copy and paste them into emails as needed. [Name] has been doing well in class and Ive seen her confidence grow each week! Hey Ms. Chellow! of teachers sharing one 12-minute video, which outlined how parents could help their Grade 8 child with a science research project. These poems can include lullabies, rhymes, and wise words from famous poets. We all enjoyed his energy and enthusiasm and we think he would be a great fit at Sample. Good Morning, Thanks for letting me know. If can be difficult to expertly craft a follow-up email to parents. The I didnt know about test/quiz/field trip/event email Dear _____, Thanks so much for reaching out. The tone should be positive, and you should address the parent by name. Check out these 6 effective examples to help craft your own follow-up email to parents! You get a phone call from your childs teacher: How would getting a message like this make you feel?! For more tips on parent management, check out this great round-up. It was a pleasure to meet with you and discuss your childs progress. Note: I know its tempting to want to engage, explain, and justify your teaching. How did they achieve this level of success? Teachers will have competitive pay, more-than-adequate benefits, and a personal assistant to respond to parent emails. But with these email templates, you have a framework of how to respond professionally, kindly, and in a way that protects everyone involved. You make me smile. If you're writing a letter that is to parents, perhaps from the Headteacher, the email should look largely like a 'normal' email, without distractions. Your child has successes that we can share. 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I saw them [specific example of behavior]", "Today in class I really appreciated how they _____", "Your student is the one that I can depend on to _________", [Student name] was so well-behaved today! A positive tone and a positive closing can go a long way to make the experience pleasant for both parties. An inspiration they care so much about our class. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. You probably already have a work email address, or you can set up a new Google account if you need to (e.g. Generalized praise will not be very effective. These 12 tips will help keep your email exchanges professional, productive, and positive. for tokens of appreciation that can be shared with parents, but acknowledging parents effort does not have to involve gifts, obviously. If youre feeling emotional or unsure, wait before sending. Heres how you can put this into practice yourself. We have been alerted that an individual at [Insert School Name] has been diagnosed or has symptoms consistent with COVID-19. In the past [student name] has been disruptive, used inappropriate language and would distract other students during study time, but Ive seen a great improvement over the past two weeks! I saw them admit that they didnt do their homework. Hi [parent name]. We will also review some of the skills [Name] has been working on in class, like reading comprehension and problem-solving. Some schools have schoolwide guidelines in place. Every situation, child, and school is different, so youll have to adjust your responses accordingly. When writing to parents, kindness is a great way to show appreciation and build rapport. Builds relationships 3. I hope all is well! 1. Thats called a canned response. Hi Mr. Smith just reaching out to let you know George is really excelling in our physics lessons! When responding to a parent, try to use a calm tone, include a plan for action, address them by name, and end your message on a positive note. Refer to something positive that their child did in class (or via Zoom) that you appreciate! Media inquiries:media@understood.org(preferred) or646-757-3100. As it turns out, this one video significantly impacted student success by dramatically increasing the number of projects completed. She found that in doing so, students were more motivated to engage in positive behaviors and parents were thrilled to receive upbeat information about their children! I love spending time with you. ParentSquares direct messaging offers real-time translation to 100+ languages, ensuring equitable communication. Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home. Busy parents may be less inclined to download PDFs or click through a variety of web links to find out what they need to know. Get Specific. Im happy to allow [STUDENT] to make up the test per our grading policy. Open Records Requests: 3 Challenges for K12 Education. Recognizing. Positive Emails to Parents Find below samples positive of emails you can send to parents Subject: Impressive Academic Performance Dear Mr. Austin, It is with positive remarks that I want to inform you of the great academic improvement that your son has achieved this year. This would look like: Dear Ms. Ciccarelli, instead of Dear Parents. How exciting! Weve analyzed our 100 most engaged classrooms to find out. We have a great amount of parents interested in enrolling in 5th grade for the next year, so we want to make sure we get our current families enrolled first before opening up any spots. Email can replace the need for printing off endless paper notes, writing in diaries, or organising time consuming meetings. Seven best practices for sending home positive messages to help build a foundation of meaningful connection with your students families. I wanted to send you a quick update on [Name] progress. I saw them bring enthusiasm and energy to their group project. Im looking forward to seeing [name] on the first day of school, as well. Want to share appreciation of parent support? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If youre at a new school, I would also run your reply by teachers who have been there a while to make sure youre in-step with others responses. The key to successful communication is sharing frequent positive messages to build trust and over time, a. . [Student] is a great student and I'm lucky to have them in my class! Thats a great question. ", Your student is the one that I can depend on to be prepared., Their work is always well-organized and easy to read., school home communication, k12 communication, school-home partnership, school-home connection, school 2020, crisis communications, parent engagement, k12, PSquareLN, PSquareLN, ParentSquare Learning Network, k12, school, k12 webinar, k12 twitter chat, k12 communication, k12 best practices, school-home communication, school-home partnership, parent engagement, Enthusiastic about learning [excitedly talking to a peer about how a caterpillar metamorphosizes into a butterfly], Considerate of others [bring over extra glue bottles for his classmates during art time], Polite [earnestly say thank you after I gave him a new pencil after his first one broke], Honest [admit that they didnt do their homework], Focused [very honed in on the writing task and wasnt distracted by their deskmate today], Hard-working [finish all of their math problems for both classwork AND homework], Patient [wait their turn to pick up their grammar packet], Lively [bring enthusiasm and energy to their group project], Organized [re-organize their binder its looking very put together! I like to open emails this way, not to suck up, but because I truly believe that that is where questions about education come from. I saw them finish all of their math problems for both the classwork AND homework. I wanted to let you know that Im looking forward to starting the new school year together. We are looking forward to meeting again soon! Parents have given you their baby for the majority of the week! Is it safe? As parents and teachers, you have the power to foster your childs confidence and self-esteem. Thats a great idea! It was great meeting you and we look forward to having Scott in our fourth grade class. If you need time to gather information or come up with a response, send a quick email to let the parent know when youll get back to them with a more detailed response. We know that teachers and parents want to share experiences and stay connected, but many teachers are at loss about what kind of messages to share. I am delighted to share the progress of your daughter from the time I joined her class. With these 10 key messages you will have an inventory of ideas at your fingertips that you can start implementing right away and come back to it from time to time. Thank you so much for sharing tips to communicate with parents using email. Avoid using text speak, slang, or abbreviations. Thank you for connecting with Sample School on Schola! Avoid handing out your personal email. Keeping in touch with parents and showing your interest in their childs progress. I am reaching out to you to seek your assistance in improving the behavioral conduct of your child, especially with other students and teachers in the school. Always think whether your words could be misconstrued. Poems and other literary works can also help you show a positive tone. Here are some examples of general email intros for parents: Dear Parent/Guardian, Thank you for coming to parent-teacher conferences. Tips for choosing your words and style when writing an email to a parent: This simple example email is professional yet friendly, brief but addresses the issue at hand, and hopefully leaves the parent satisfied that their concerns are being addressed. Secondly, even in the most connected classrooms, its simply impossible to satisfy everyone parents communication preferences can differ dramatically. The benefits of using a tool like Mailchimp for class newsletters include: Of course, check with your school or district if youre allowed to use an email service provider before giving it a go. I am looking forward to working with your child and hope that you will be able to attend one of our parent-teacher conferences. Try using the opening in the example above, which goes as follows: Refer to something positive that their child did in class (or via Zoom) that you appreciate! Thanks so much for your email. Please feel free to call me at 555-333-4444 if you have any additional questions. While we believe that all of the elements are important, one that teachers can easily act upon is establishing effective communications. Easy documentation for your records! You can help them develop their confidence by offering them a variety of activities and encouraging them to try something new. Using a simple shortcode, you can set up your emails to pull the name of your parents and address them personally with each email. But you might choose to send an email if its minor or if the family has told you they prefer email updates. While phone calls are the most personal assuming you speak the same language as your parents and they understand you you can also direct message, text or email. Right now Im in the process of programming tours to potential families and I wanted to make sure to schedule you in since there are more parents interested than there are spots available. Keep your emails professional but friendly; you dont need to be too stiff or formal. Since joining the football club, his coach observed the immense potential in his ability to play football. Yet, its no secret that teachers have a lot on their plate. Sending a positive message home about a child every now and then can be extremely powerful! Hopefully the tips in this post will help! Dont forget that the praise you give students can promote either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. We wanted to share a few updates. Hey Mrs. Stanley, today I noticed Pat helping a fellow classmate who fell on the playground. Emails can still appear personal. Make sure the signature of your work email is short and professional. Invite parents to email you with questions and concerns. If you use Gmail, its easy to save canned responses and insert them in an email. Per district policy, an alternate assignment will be given to [STUDENT]: [NAME OF ALTERNATE ASSIGNMENT]. While we believe that all of the elements are important, one that teachers can easily act upon is establishing effective communications. And if the parent has a difficult time communicating with a teacher, consider using another form of communication instead. The first step is to check your school or district guidelines to make sure its allowed. Have you found a fourth grade classroom for Scott yet? Want to learn about 8 different ways teachers and schools can communicate with parents? It is also crucial to conclude the letter with a positive note. However, you must remember that confidence is not something that should be frightening or intimidating. Sharing special moments opens a channel to honest and direct one-to-one communication with a parent, which over time can build trust to discuss other important issues. Still, emails can leave plenty of room for misinterpretation. Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). However lately there have been downtime moments when several assignments have been left undone or submitted late. This is poor email etiquette. Mailchimp is free for your first 2000 subscribers and you can send 12,000 emails per month. Alternatively, you can just save responses to your frequently asked questions in a Google Sheet or other document. Now, put yourself in the shoes of the teacher what kind of connection and shift in perspectives could you create in parents with small, proactive communications like this? There are lots of benefits to be enjoyed. But as I learned last year, this just opens you up for more work that ultimately boils down to families values and beliefs about humanity, which are not our job to change. Your school might even have its own email policy. Ask students to identify meaningful words and phrases and quotations from the text. to find out. to get involved and send positive messages home will also strengthen the sense of support and love within your school community! Effective examples to help craft your own follow-up email to parents a childs confidence is one our! ; you dont need to be too stiff or formal you via email the signature of your daughter from time... Did in class and Ive seen her confidence grow each week phone from... Minor or if the parent has a difficult time communicating with a teacher, consider another. For reaching out to let you know George is really excelling in our grade. Let you know that Im looking forward to positive emails to parents examples Scott in our fourth grade classroom for Scott yet home. A fourth grade class school or district guidelines to make the experience pleasant for both classwork! And energy to their group project energy and enthusiasm and we think he would be a great way to your! 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