I had always kept one foot in the "alternative realm" and strived for health in my personal life. A couple of weeks ago (Dec 2014), my wife and I along with our daughter were on a conference call with her oncologist. She doesn't get anything else in her diet. The American Medical Association condemned Rife's experiments. Lower Back Pain, Leg Pain, Lymphatic Cancer, Leg Pain, Muscle Spasm & Pain: I bought my Rife 101 Energy System in May 2009. My objectives were met. I felt relief with only one session, then it actually shrank more and more, becoming less red and inflamed as I continued to use the machine. - Frank S. (3-10-07). She went into the hospital for 8 months reduced to 45kg (99 lbs), multiple abscesses in the abdomen, I snuck the machine into the hospital and hid it in her bed and put it on her. I am so totally angry with the medical community. I started using the setting for Glaucoma every chance I could sit down and use the Rife 101. The spots on her lungs are 100% GONE. The retinal scans on the other eye were improved. I had to use a walker to get around, after two weeks of the edema program, I walk around almost as good as when I was younger and don't fear stairs anymore. Quickly, I have to tell you it has worked great on several other conditions too. - Linda F, FL (4-17-15), Ruby loves her Rife 101. With large lesions in the mouth, I had to use self-hypnosis to consume food and fluids. It had only been a few days on the Revlamid when my IgG serum went from 2919 to 1360, my mspike from 1.9 to 0.8, my free lambda lt chains from 1225 to 65. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the My hip and sciatica had gotten quite a bit worse this week. I got 2 bites before we found their spider pod. He thought Spooky2 is the most Affordable Rife Machine for everyone. var email = 'info'; var emailHost = 'URparamount.com'; document.write(email + '@' + emailHost); hit Ctrl and F key at the same time for the "Find" box, type your condition in the box, then hit ENTER started disappearing. (Rife 101 user since February 2013)- Bev H, AZ (1-14-15). Thank the Lord for a great machine!!! John R (NW, 6-2015), My mom and I purchased one for our grandson and nephew respectively. After a few days, he called back and said, " I don't want you to get your hopes up, but I found the right frequencies that could get you to speaking again." Thank you so very much for your immediate response yesterday to my request to be Read more 2014 - 2021 Spooky2. - B. Bitters, CA 1/2/18, Good customer service is hard to come by these days, and great customer service is even more rare. When you hear that you have the "Big C" it kinda gets you in the gut and it's hard to think straight. Arthritis, Diabetes, Pain, Cellulitis & Infection: Me, my mom & dad, and sister have all seen benefits in 5 months since getting our Rife 101 systems. For further evidence of suppressed inventions I refer the reader to Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries by The cancer was still there after those treatments. I really appreciate it. To top this off I have used the rife for several weeks know and I took a walk, for one hour - me taking a walk. He started to recover and after 2 months had to go get the stent changed. January 2014: After using the Rife machine for about a month, her tumor markers (CA-125 test) went up from 250 to 570 and then to 1,000, although she was feeling and looking good. - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. - Erlend H, AK, I started using my nephew's Rife 101 when I found out I had Lyme Disease. The Rife 101 is amazing. I ran the Rife 101 and I knew it was working because it caused a breakout. We moved soon after. UPDATE: In the meantime, my stomach problems never came back - thanks to Rife - and little other problems are dealt with too! - Blessings, Carol P :>) (3/15/15), It was how much other people thanked Tina Rappaport and her customer service that made me choose URparamount to purchase a Rife machine. I only used the Rife 101 and now I'm free of cancer. I just want everyone to know that they do not have to suffer with their ailments. At 32, I'm happy to say, although disabled, he can walk, but he's always in a lot of pain. When they started developing a fungus problem he put the wires (no cylinders needed) at each end of the aquarium, used the Fungal Infection Program (#241) and cranked the machine up to full power. He said: I have not cured Lyme 100% but, I am 99% better. Alkaline water is said to help counteract any acid found in your, Around the world, parts of the graviola tree are used to make medicines to treat infection or inflammation. My mother is doing much better. I had to have a doctor cut away the black flesh that was dead. I am calling it my Doc in a box! After about 4 uses the rash was gone! His nurse said no one else has these results so there is something I am doing. I use to worry about how I was going to pay for all my prescription drugs and now I don't take any! By the way, fyi, I use the small sticky pad electrodes low on my abdomen on either side of the top of my penis. It is also very beneficial to re-set normal cell frequencies. I also have high lead and arsenic levels along with digestion problems, parasites and probably Lyme DiseaseI borrowed my sister's Rife 101 machine, and I had such good results that I ordered my own. I can see the marks on my back and arms going away. B.P., CA, I'd like to brag about Tina Rappaport and the experience I've had with her and ordering my Rife 101. I call it my doctor machine! Today, the day after, there's no bruise, no black and blue or any discoloration at all. Spooky2 is the world's most advanced and versatile Rife machine system that is affordable for every home. - Vera G, IL (10/18/13), I call my Rife 101 my Bug Zapper! The cat was playing with the plastic. Tina, please disregard that last email. Yes, unbelievable that his doctor said this. - T. Rappaport, FL 11-10-17. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Elephants Foot Rot & Toe Fungus: A fellow with an elephant farm was very successful using a Rife 101 to treat his elephants for foot rot and toe fungus. There are a few Rife Machine manufacturers that advertise "Over a million healing frequencies". This was going on for three years and within a week of using the "Bone Infection" program the wound from the surgery stopped weeping and the ulcer closed in another two weeks. It's helped my wife and I a great deal. Lower Back Pain, Arthritis, Inflammation, Sore Muscles: I love to dance (Zumba & U-Jam) at the gym for aerobic exercise. My wife says that the Disk Program works wonders on her Spine. Along with the use of the machine, I faithfully drink aloe vera juice, and between these two alternative health strategies, I feel I have better control over the pain. There are no studies showing proof that any complementary therapy can cure cancer. - S. Brown, Tell your readers if they have trouble getting to sleep try the program for insomnia. Gout, Insomnia, Headaches & Sore Muscles: I've had a Rife Model 101 since 2011 and I just want to say it works really great for insomnia, headaches, sore muscles and gout. Today I did program #109 (the other half of the Custom Comprehensive Program for Anxiety) , starting at 4.5 and almost ending at 10 intensity. Usually this means sick for 2 weeks and getting nothing done. My mother-in-law has type 2 diabetes and I told her to try to use my machine if she wanted to try something else instead of just using drugs. She was better that night and out dancing the next day! Its found inside the center of an apricot stone. God Bless!!! During that time I'd feel a cold coming on and no matter what I'd do I could never shake the cold. I spoke to the original friend who had shared his Rife machine and I found out his wife no longer had ocular cancer from using it, so we got one. I originally bought it to treat an infection in my feet. For convenience, capable of running as a standalone device without a computer connected. He was on six different medications and would not take any vitamins or supplements. And my stomach is definitely better! But to feel the remarkable relief of pain and symptoms of the conditions mentioned is enough to make me a believer. Her diabetes is gone. Within two weeks of treatment on my own machine, my pain was completely gone. He said he hadn't had any feeling whatsoever in that hand for years!! WebRife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. George Alexopoulos Hi Dr Peter, This is George from Greece. At this time, he decides to share the amazing user experience of Spooky2 GeneratorX with all of us. So, in the morning, I decided to Rife IT with the Inflammation Program hoping for some pain relief. Wayne D (3/3/07). GONE! I use my Rife 101 everyday to stay cancer free. - C. Goettemoeller, CA 12-12-16, My husband and I use the machine daily. But better than that, the cataracts are JUST NOT THERE! I will be ordering some products from you and custom programs. At the time, few people believed his claims. Eyes Improved - Bad Vision - Legally Blind: I have a friend who was legally blind in her right eye - she couldn't read the first line on the doctor's eye chart. I would give him a 10 score of possible 10. I am sure that the only reason I am alive is because of this machine. Thanks so much! Feb 17, 2023. WebRead 3 more reviews about Spooky2 Rife. I was told IF I lived it would take 1 to 2 years for the virus to run its course and up to 5 years for me to recover. ", I was diagnosed with MCS in 2003, when the experts were still arguing over what to actually name the phenomenon of anaphylactic reaction to everyday chemicals. Thanks to the Rife 101. Feb 17, 2023. - D. DeRocco, MI 6-27-17. I am walking, driving, and most of all smiling again! The size of the animal doesn't matter - the frequencies are still able to go all through the body and heal. Anyhow, I went right to sleep after running it for only a few minutes on arthritis, it was great!! He stopped complaining about his bloating and began to eat again. Heres what you need to know. My chiropractor recommended the Rife 101 and told me "you'll never come back to see me" and he was right. CORONAVIRUS (click here to inquire about this). I don't trust doctors any more from continual bad past experiences. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. While customer service is limited, the True Rife machine is easy to set up and understand and is highly effective. - Sandy, Dear Friends! Dons immediate breathing improvement after a sinus treatment was his most-impressive reaction. My neck was stiff and swollen and it affected my whole head and ears.