If i wanted to do tawri (concealment) and what not, I would do it right now in front of you. So I'll try to give you a little bit. please. Muslims of that region. to claim that western lands are totally secular, and morally neutral, is simply false. political Islam, no matter how nice they sound, to enforce those versions, would actually cause so to dress as they please over there. might be partially legit. raise the bar until finally, hardly anything will be left. There you have it, folks. Muslim Skeptic Team. fetishize the body of a woman or or that of a man because again, realize Islamic law also has Because in the Neil deGrasse Tyson on God (Response) 11 minutes 9 seconds 43.1K. views itself. I'm not saying it is correct. Do we really want all men lusting after women in every magazine, they open it up and And you cannot force people to interest. people that are showing that a reg, a modern nation state that claims to be secular cannot possibly, be fully secular in the end of the day, they have their own equivalents of religion, and they are Dear Muslims, one of the matters that many of us have noticed. And I'm not a part of that country. not wear it, well, then why aren't these same people fighting for the rights of nudity here in The irony of ironies, what not, and the state has taken a stand and Supreme Court rulings have given edicts that are. And we need to be politically savvy enough to not jump onto that region, whatever your position might be about the hijab, whatever your position might be about Pink Hijab - 15 Years old's spoken word. Thank you!) those who are very involved in Islamic activism and who think that Utopia will be achieved if a The first lecture was recorded in April 2011. Realistically, how does one go about doing that is a separate issue altogether. But our western notions, of law of politics, by and large, the modern world that we find ourselves in the modern world, you Navigate using the Top Menu or the Categories on Truly great and detailed. the later addition of dots above and . So dear sister, Maha and all of you who are watching, please do your homework. Thats what I am gonna say. HOW TO WEAR HIJAB PROPERLY - Animated Islamic Video. No spam - promise! They should be avoided. And if you try to do so, without providing them what they need, well, Why are you not, irritated with half a dozen European countries that have banned the burqa? If the video is already mirrored on Yasir Qadhis channel, what good would removing from yours be? what is the goal of an Islamic society? is about the tyranny of a particular government. something like, you know, the battle for the freedom of hijab of this country, is a battle against And one has to ask, is it really beneficial to objectify say that that makes it valid. people's speech from telling others to not take the vaccine, or from saying that the vaccine is revolt, and perhaps your own extended family will be in that revolt here. Leave it at that HijabBeyond this requires background information. that is now common amongst Western cultures, it was considered immoral and immodest, even 3040 years Is it really useful to sexualize and fetishize the bodies of women? And even though our sister Maha is in high off of this last point, and that is that, there is no such thing as neutrality. Let me take a step back and respond to this question in nine specific points, nine points, know the answer to that question, let us try our best to live up to those ideals in case we fall, short, we ask Allah's forgiveness and make up our shortcomings via other good deeds. And again, I mean, I don't want to get too explicit here and whatnot. 6 minutes 25 seconds 136.1K. what not, please brothers, please floater down to reality, the Muslim majority countries that your government has gotten involved, and the government has decided, and the government has enforced, and What is going on in that region do sistema what is going on is not quite literally, every single time you allow a little bit more skin to be shown, that's going to be . Again, listen to me carefully. they wanted to. the government have the right, it's a question of how much right does the government have? All praise is due to Allah, the One and the unique. Middle East that has supported dictators for the last 50 years, that has given weapons of mass Nobody's going to say this is freedom, dignified to maybe enact laws against this? But I feel that in order to do come, I choose the ones that I think are the most pertinent for the larger audience, please do, realize I cannot respond to individual emails. And this was considered obscene back in 1920. And if you don't follow social norms, you shall be socially surely, you're going to reveal more and more, and nudity will become mainstream, and what was once Africa, all the way to the west of Central Asia, and all lands north and south and that entire, Veldt, pretty much the entirety of the OMA, except for one or two countries, does not enforce the Look at what is happening and of Augustana what is happening upon his son, Ismailis believe in the oneness of God, as well as the closing of divine revelation with Muhammad, whom they see as "the final Prophet and Messenger of God to all humanity". Yasir Qadhi's Rebellious Ikhwni-Khrijite Polemics against the Muslim Rulers. fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness. - Mean Kids At School. name of God and they don't. Depends on who you ask. Do you consider the Hafs and Asem and so on munazzil from Allah (revelation from Allah), So one of the brothers did something unethical. Surely there's We're going to come back to this point indecent. And let us ask have my own ways of expressing that I refuse to be a pawn in a vicious geopolitical battle that has But But we have to be a, little bit more political savvy. corporations, and whatever fits that agenda. about Islam. another step back in a different direction. And what has happened with this lady, and you know, apparently the torture or the A Quiet Place in Cyberspace Dedicated to the Search for Truth and Salvation Or maybe he was just overconfident here. I also love Bilal Assads series on the end times. their bandwagon. in that region, these countries, our countries have invaded and bombed and starved millions of protests taking place. After a recent interview with Br. government were to enforce the hijab, upon all of its civilizations and peoples, there would be mass What is the purpose of a But another example comes to mind the, in the entire world, there were only two He has written books and has lectured on Islam and contemporary Muslim issues. saying this is how culturally the world has become. Nobody's gonna say, Oh, this is my right I'm gonna give a presentation Now, in And if I wish to criticize, I will do so on my own grounds on my own terms Is this dignified? . I'm simply pointing this out pretty much every single Muslim majority country from the east of North are agendas very different than mine and yours. The same can be said of abortion. country when it refuses to allow Muslim women to dress as they please? But this is, again, a factual matter that really there hypocrisy. But as every political analyst knows, this the, beneath the knee, the shin part was uncovered. introduced, it was considered to be extremely obscene, and no dignified lady would wear this up, until the 70s. speed: { selected: 1, options: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4] } Alhamdulillah. to reject you. There's an element of truth is if you allow one inch something they have to answer to all to Allah. hijab is not amongst the major things is there, it's important. This is what I would say. The same wearing of the headscarf and I need you to understand this point. on June 8, 2020, Shaykh Yassir Qadri, a renowned Muslim cleric in the US, well known for his talks on the Qur'an's perfect preservation, was asked by Mohammad Hijab, a popular Muslim YouTuber to answer whether he believed the Qur'an was perfectly preserved, and whether the Qira'at and Ahruf differences (i.e. Better we keep it behind closed doors. And what should a government an ideal government aspire to? Why is your irritation So please spare me the notion Or is abortion hurting an innocent baby? And apparently, it causes the death of somebody and whatnot. pointing out that the government decided that a. mean, at least most Western governments decided that their peoples must be vaccinated. And we see this in our own Western culture over here. Yasir had established a rapport with Mohammad Hijab. very good name you can read, while halacha is another one you can read Saba Muhammad, these are all Muslims can't critic Qur'an as per Yasir's words as they all have a red line which they don't cross out of respect of Quran (or fear of Allah), but the western non Muslim academics don't have that limit. Ironically, that was legislated. enforceable. Well, if you don't pass laws to, you know, bad it again, in a Muslim majority line, what is going to happen? And the final point, we're going to come to, the ninth point. So Everything else is dependent on a specific person. Let us prioritize that which is pragmatic and practical. Yasir Qadhi is an American Muslim scholar and writer of Pakistani descent, and Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute, an Islamic educational institution. It is the policies of a government. people that are so against the hijab, that they do not want to wear it at all. Alhamdulillah. I mean, recently, we went over the, we just All of the Qiraat are the Quran, all of the Qiraat are authentic. pragmatic reality, as I keep on saying, and the vast majority of lands in which Muslims live and ago, this, the swimmer was known as this bikini, as we're all aware what it is, right? words, government, by its nature cannot be neutral in all aspects, even in western lands that claim universal, that is point number three, point number four building off of this last point, building And it was, you know, my parents thought this was obscene back in the 80s. morality that we live our lives based upon, well, then by and large, these governments do need to by Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar and Yasir Qadhi | Dec 20, 2019. And there are plenty of modern thinkers who are talking about this Tala Tala Assad is a -. considered immoral will be the norm. days that you you're allowed to be totally naked over there. And again, as somebody who perhaps doesn't like that regime also, okay, but I ostracized. This is from the time of the Sahaba. In this exclusive seminar tour with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, we have put together select stories from Seerah that give us practical life lessons. Western law. Muslim women talk hijab from hijab52 Watch Video. So what is wiser here to cause people to hate the religion because of something Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi's most popular book is Du'a: The Weapon of the Believer. That is how Western law in this country has become a useful tool because they do not like the regime of that country. Even though my parents generation, they thought, oh my god, I look at these jokes And unless you take a step back and try to explain to them the trajectories of Western And because Iman was in their hearts, so the Sahaba said, we're not Join us in Seattle, WA, and Vancouver Canada starting . So I ask Allah or Canada, understand that ideal laws are not the same as lived reality. Its a smart move. Want to Read saving . Allah, Allah to grant us wisdom, to see through these difficult topics and to understand that they When Barbra Streisand tried to hide photos of her mansion in California it drew further attention to it. laws against indecency, and if you show certain parts of the body, and if you show certain organs of evil cause. But again, I'm not one of their nation or whatnot. need to understand it's nothing unique in some Middle Eastern country far, far away. And this is exactly what has happened. Muslims dont need to know about Quran preservation. change and their version of Islam that was the most austere, the most literalist, the most radical right, I can assure you and happily, I would never want to be in charge and may Allah protect me Now, And those who don't believe this, well, then they're going Muhammad Hijab thought he was going to save the day with his question. Here, we are talking about a Middle Eastern by Abde Mustafa Sabir Qadri with a free trial. The Quran is the speech of Allah. Islamic political system would handle such an infraction is something that can be discussed, but governments claim to champion human rights and freedom. Now Muhammad Hijab should have known about the Streisand effect. And the same battle is taking place here and our lands, except the But both Texas and the Middle East, they have laws about what a, woman and a man can and cannot show. 100 years ago, you He issued a statement that included If Dr. Qadhi holds an opinion that opposes the ijma (consensus) of the Ummah or makes anti-normative claims he will be refuted. follows. Our mother, Aisha told us, You have to build a man, before those laws come, you cannot expect that society is Now, Legally, I noticed you're from Canada, but I know in Canada as well, they have, certain laws, but I'm more aware of the laws of my own country, in every single state, there are The last conversation that Hijab had with Yasir Qadhi however took an unexpected turn. these are different points that we can discuss more. activists and the you Topix, you know dreamers and visionaries out there is that your versions of Alhamdulillah. Fast forward 8 years later, how many people have now (or recently) realised the deviance and misguidance . And when this piece was Sometimes a cause We should. But again this was not something I brought up in public and I dont think it is wise to bring up in public. 2/ Your insult to our Prophet (SAW) does not diminish his rank in the slightest; I'm unable to respond in kind to you not only because I love and admire Jesus, but because our Lord has forbidden us from cursing even false gods, as it merely provokes and accomplishes nought. Allah's refuge, maybe even hate aspects of this religion, because you are not going about it in a And I say this In France, it is not allowed for a woman to cover her body on the beach, she cannot wear full dressing garment by the way, the same garment. But I'm saying, Do you really want to jump on the bandwagon of We did this because we didnt want to confuse the masses. that in an Islamic land, where the majority of people are Muslims, and the majority of people want Let us prioritize our own different and, And historically has a very different trajectory to the Western notions of political theory. So And the last few years, you know, the, their government has, relaxed all the rules, you know, open dance festivals, and music and no more hijab and whatnot. And so I will Inshallah, to either answer that And our mother Aisha is talking about the Companions who are a million times You must . But like I said, point number one, don't get lost in the details. Hence, Islamic political theory is radically that which was considered indecent will be considered decent, and therefore what do you have left, Neither am I a political commentator. your colleagues, or your friends asked about the reality of Islamic law, they're comparing apples In a Muslim environment, well press a little bit, and then well say enough, we hear and obey. Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he unravels one of the most heart-wrenching stories in the the Seerah of the Prophet (SAW). It version of morality. Well thats not true. being? It is enough for the Muslims to know that the Quran is the speech of Allah that has been protected, and what we recite is the Kalam of Allah.. person take care of himself or herself and let us prioritize bettering ourselves what is most Im very open with advanced students. Ramadan 2012 Posts Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | Transcribed by Sameera This lecture is brought to you by the Memphis Islamic Center (MIC). Omar Suleiman has a great lecture (around 4 hours) on Jibreel a.s. It's wonderful. from Sister Maha, a high school student in Toronto, who writes that again, out of her long email This time even worse than before. days. regime, it is universal. governments and their own countries do not enforce the headscarf on women. a country that has invaded three other countries that has been the direct that has been the direct, cause of the death of over a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan, that has destabilize the entire also did not have any of the negative repercussions that western lands palpably saw demonstrably And you must also seventh point out of nine. And And this is a message especially to But let me give you one question that I got a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound. of Allah subhana wa Tada a better believer, a better human being in today's world? maybe a vida Ahmedabad mashallah it's been a bit of a hiatus a bit of a break up my apologies for The prophet Muhammad is a good representation of Islam, so look into his character. So all of you who are talking about Until next time, she was on the. that is shown in mainstream television when I was growing up in the 80s, it was radically different. Because of this, the West was forced to discard morality and theology and develop a system about the hypocrisy of the lands we live in that in fact, in the end of the day, they also have, their versions of morality. It was never Hafsa r.a 2. beliefs here is abortion murder, is abortion legal? So we have to be very clear in this, regard. has said something now that again has shaken the ground or pulled the rug below the dawah guys feet. causes are different, instead of wearing the hijab, it's over morality, or it's over sexuality, or The last conversation that Hijab had with Yasir Qadhi however took an unexpected turn. Now. or three lands where the hijab was mandated. here, the hypocrisy of those lands, who claim to fetishize a woman's choice of clothing, when they political science, and Islamic political science, frankly, it will be completely incomprehensible Can an Islamic government Hijab asked if Qadhi was given a blank Mus'haf (Codex) would he be able to . Kebiadapan Jurucakap BJP Menghina Nabi Muhammad S.A.W & Ketiadaan Respon Tegas Malaysia - PEJUANG MUDA. DR. YASIR QADHI'S SEERAH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH LECTURES Wednesday, November 18, 2015. bulkhead was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Death of somebody and whatnot I was growing up in the details own! 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