Throughout all this, neither Barrett nor Montgomery ever actually met the object of their mutual desire. CLEMENTS: No, it`s -- no, I would say that that man (CROSSTALK) GRACE: were both in it kit and kaboodle. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: Back to Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." Thomas Montgomery, 46, a machinist, Sunday School teacher, and former Marine from Clarence, New York, received a message in a gaming site chat room in spring 2005 from someone with the handle "talhotblond," who informed him that he was in the kids section. The exchange of gifts between the pair continued as did love letters. MARINESNIPER1000: Then you begged Brian to stay with you when he told you to leave him alone? Why not, Eleanor? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "We are leaving for good." GRACE: Well, wait, wait, wait! END. She would extract revenge by starting up another steamy online affair, with one of Thomas Montgomery's co- workers. They turn to these chat rooms to try to live up to a different persona. GRACE: There`s really no way to save him, but now still one part of this love triangle is left unattended. She was just looking to have some fun and the reason she kept talking to Montgomery was because she didn`t want him to talk to real teenagers, and do to real teenagers what she didn`t -- you know, she didn`t want him to do. Thoughts? He admitted -- GRACE: To top it all off? It`s your choice." GRACE: Don`t start out with saying -- throwing mentally ill out there because in my world of crime and justice, when you say insane or mentally ill, you`re talking about a legal definition that could get the killer off and he could end up doing six months in the crazy bin and then walking free, all right? GRACE: So bottom line she thinks that she`s speaking to a teen, a very handsome young teen, about to be deployed to Iraq who has this job and works with 22-year-old Brian Barrett. Freaks! We are taking your calls. They certainly had never slept with her. Intrigued by the flirtatious nature of the messages and the beautiful profile pic the girl called 'Jessi' had, Montgomery decided to use the anonymity of the Internet and message her back pretending to be 18 too. A vengeful 'Jessi'/Mary Shieler then used the Internet to find a 22-year-old co-worker of Montgomery called Brian Barrett, setting in motion a tragic series of events which led to his murder. GRACE: Although Kirby and Peter are both great trial lawyers, I think we need a shrink on this one. "It's rare that a new law is the solution to social problems," said Beaber, who suggested specific injunctions from "being deceptive on the Internet," similar to orders of protection, as a possible solution. And al he did was text back and forth to this 45-year-old woman posing as Tallhotblond. Why don`t you try being an adult now, and you tell me why! Same thing with the woman in West Virginia. He`s actually a balding 46-year-old Sunday school teacher, a married father of two. You replaced him with Timmy." If you read these e-mails, he was clearly manipulated by a woman who should have stopped playing her game. Thomas Montgomery was in a sexless marriage and a dead end job. Just 22 years old. GRACE: We are taking your calls. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "Please don`t say that. It was her-dumpy 45-year-old housewife Mary Shieler-who used sexy photos of her own daughter to seduce both men, including having cybersex with them using her daughter's name and image, and. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "You made it perfectly clear what you want by your talk with Brian." Then the Tom and Tommy you knew will no longer exist." Montgomery's wife, Cindy, found a package Jessi had sent to Tommy, and Cindy mailed Jessi a letter with their family photo, explaining that her "Tommy" didn't exist, and showing her that the real Tommy was a balding middle-aged pudgeball with two kids. I just -- I don`t know. His son was murdered as a result of this Internet triangle, which in itself was a big hoax. JOHN PHILLIPS, KABC: Right. Resides in Ronceverte, WV. That is actually Montgomery many, many years ago. ELEANOR ODOM: would have a lot -- yes, Dr. Bethany would have a lot to say about that. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "I wish I had a perfect life like you and Brian do. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "No!" I`m sorry, Tom. It`s not true." Part of HuffPost Wellness. Daniel, have you ever considered a civil lawsuit against this woman? That almost gave me a heart attack. Whatever. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I couldn`t help it. GRACE: OK. Her daughter had never communicated with either of the men. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In the world of cyberspace, it was just one chance encounter. ELEANOR ODOM: I know. You can miss one night of computer on-line poker every once in a while. Jessi, meanwhile, seemed to feed off Montgomery's aggression. Encouraged and enjoyed the drama and attention she got from having two guys get jealous and fight over her. Brian Barrett's parents started a petition to enact laws to protect against future Mary Shielers. They were a team, inseparable, getting nails done together and shopping for prom, and not just for one dress. He`s doing what millions of men are doing. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Montgomery`s wife Cindy (ph) discovers her husband`s terrible secret. ELEANOR ODOM: And you know, Nancy, that`s not technically a crime, which is just sick, if you think about it. The kid turns out to be a 46-year-old Sunday school teacher, father of two. With me, John Lucich, criminal investigator, president of E Forensics. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How would I know? Then she made a startling confession. TALHOTBLONDBIG50: You`re wrong. Current Address: MAMI Brier Hill Ln, Ronceverte, WV. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "Knows what?" And when Thomas Montgomery started playing, he claims he inadvertently found himself in a teen chat room and that is where the Talhotblond, aka Jessi, aka, her mother, allegedly contacted him first. What -- how did he strike you? P. ODOM: So he was actually using his brain during these conversations. On Sept. 15, 2006, as Barrett left work, three shots rang out. It transpired that Mary Shieler was taking pictures of her daughter Jessi and passing them off as pictures of herself to Montgomery and other men online. Now, John Phillips, these two adults, a 45-year-old and a 46-year-old Sunday school teacher, they don`t care that they`re playing a teen? To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." No. It was innocent at first, but she kept at it. GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army 1st Lieutenant Jared Southworth, 26, Oakland, Illinois, killed, Afghanistan. And then she starts to aggressively pursue this young man. Investigators then learned of Jessi through his computer, and dispatched officers to her Oak Hill, West Virginia home to make sure she was safe. Phone Number: (304) 661-**** Mary M Shieler, age 69 View Full Report The "New York Post" reported from the beginning that she took her camera and took pictures of her daughter in compromising positions when her daughter didn`t know that, even up her skirt and sent that via the Internet. GRACE: Explain your thinking on that. Includes Address (7) Phone (5) Email (3) See Results. 'I have never felt this way,' Montgomery replied. Jessi had no knowledge of her mother's cyber-life. El, and not only is she being Tallhotblond, she`s using pictures of her daughter. January 27, 2021 to present. Home; Products. What do you think now? "It was stupid. One where SHE used her daughter's pictures, videos and underwear to lure men into a sex charged Internet web of lies. But most such virtual relationships aren't dangerous as this -- when "Talhotblond" and "MarineSniper" struck up a relationship online, it ended in murder. Montgomery seemed to be losing touch with reality. There`s a couple of things they can do. And that`s what she does, too. We know all about getting text messages, but how do police go back and obtain, for instance, chat room transcripts? Learn About Thomas Montgomery Documentary - Talhotblond Talhotblond is a 2009 documentary that apprehends an Internet love triangle story that resulted in a real-life murder. MARINESNIPER1000: Why do you care? He`s 46. What a crazy moment that was for him. GRACE: That does sound like a crime. It was like she drove him to it and drove him to it and tortured him in such a way that makes her guilty of murder, as well, in my opinion. The woman behind the whole thing. Thebank that won't pass on rate rises unless you ring and ask:Just one of the ruses greedy lenders use to Meghan Markle was 'hugely disappointed' by life in the royal family and as a 'global superstar' she 'hated Twitter is DOWN: App crashes for thousands of frustrated users around the world. P. ODOM: It doesn`t mean it`s right. keystyle mmc corp login; thomson reuters drafting assistant user guide. mary shieler interview. No laws exist against what she did. She sent Montgomery photos that lived up to her screen name and then some. That's why his impulse toward her was murderousfrom a psychological perspective, she engaged in cyber homicide.". Schroeder includes several of the thousands of IMs that revealed the love, lust and scorn among the three in her film. I don`t know if you`ve heard these or not, but remember, this is a 45- year-old part-time secretary posing as her teen daughter. I agree with Sonya. DR. MICHELLE DUPREE, MEDICAL EXAMINER, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Nancy, that`s a good question, but the thing is with a high-powered rifle it`s that amount of kinetic energy that`s displaced into the body when that rifle goes off. And then the tipping point. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You`ve been on line for two hours. The 46-year-old balding man who pretends to be a strapping, young, and handsome guy about to be deployed to Iraq? Mary Shieler is already divorced and might be continuing living at the same place however, Jessi didn't get over this. And that`s how it becomes this triangle. To 18 years old. Don`t take Tommy!" Let`s go to Peter Odom, Kirby Clements and Bethany Marshall. Reputation management expert reveals why it doesn't just happen to How did Russia lose HALF of its 45,000 elite paratroopers in just seven months? This erupted in violence. But for Jessi, he invented a younger, stronger, more virile version of himself, called "Tommy." Online messages recovered between the lying pair revealed that the relationship had become dangerously obsessive for Montgomery who said it 'became more real to me than real life'. She`s a mother posing as her teen daughter on line. MARINESNIPER1000: You could have been honest with me, Jessi, instead of crying on Brian`s shoulder. You know, she has not taken responsibility to the point where -- her ex-husband who we interviewed, he himself said, look, I think jail would have been the only thing that would have driven it home to this woman, his ex-wife that she did something wrong. Check out more of the latest entertainment, fashion, and culture coverage on Sexy Beastphotos, videos, features, and Tweets. Reflector Series Phone Number: (304) 661-ZXAH +4 phones. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, to 18 years old. 10 positive effects of population growth on economic development He is 46 years old.'. 50% OTHER Our ethnicity data indicates the majority is Other. GRACE: I -- to Barbara Schroder, who produced the film on this case, including an interview with the killer, any more bombshells you learned from the interview? Mary wanted only the best for her little girl. The feeling seemed to be mutual. But there seems to be no suggestion as to what such laws would look like from lawmakers in New York. We are taking your calls. I mean, my wife and I were sick and literally I think almost throwing up in the beginning when we found out about it. And this young cadet here? Given that there were no specific laws to address what Drew had done, prosecutors based their case on Drew having violated MySpace's terms of service. While Jessi and Montgomery engaged in a creepy erotic relationship online, with the machinist typing to his barely legal cybertoy how he'd "slide all the snake slowly into his lady," Jessi continued playing Barrett against Montgomery. That sounds like a crime to me. He also wrote that "brian will pay in blood.". UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Calls herself a beautiful 18-year-old blonde. OK. What actually happened? That`s where she belongs, and that`s one of the reasons why we`re on the phone talking, is because I just feel it needs to change. In May, 2005, posing as a young, handsome Iraq-bound Marine, he entered a teen chat room the popular game site "Pogo.". But that verdict was overturned in 2009 by a federal judge, who said that the verdict "criminalizes what would be a breach of contract.". CASAREZ: That`s the way I understand the facts, yes. Only much later did it emerge that she was really a middle-aged woman named Mary Shieler. E. ODOM: I agree, Nancy. In March 2006, Montgomery told "20/20" one of his daughters was using his computer when Jessi happened to instant message him. However, what Jessi, whose online name was Tallhotblonde, didn't know was that her 'sweet sexy Marine' was actually a 46-year-old married father of two from Clarence, in upstate New York. Good night, Brett, Liz, Rosie, Dana. "You really start to get a, a sense of this person going into an abyss. Mary B Shieler, Age 61. talhotblond presented herself as 18 years old teenager. Peter Odom, Kirby Clements PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy. We are taking your calls. Revealed: Victim of Canadian porn star cannibal is Chinese New Jersey woman stunned to discover homeless victim of 'I'm going to be late. Miss Schroeder, thank you for being with us. I know you say she`s a piece of dirt, but I would feel better if that piece of dirt didn`t have a house or a car. Chatroom flirtation leads to deadly relationship. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "My heart will exist no more after Saturday, so I will forgive with an e-mail. As police questioned her, she revealed a shocking truth: She was the one who had been sending messages to Montgomery and Barrett under the handle Talhotblond. The chance encounter online between a gorgeous young 18-year-old girl named Jessi and a handsome 18-year-old marine called Thomas Montgomery seemed on the surface to be innocent enough. Mary Shieler also pursued an education -- she took classes at a community college in West Virginia. I mean, that`s -- that`s really how I see this. The documentary talhotblond, directed by journalist Barbara Schroeder, was released this week on DVD, and tells the remarkable year-and-a-half-long saga of infatuation, deceit, and violence that followed, leaving one man dead, another imprisoned, and three families torn to shreds. That was his summer, his last summer. MARINESNIPER1000: It`s too late, Jessi. (CROSSTALK) GRACE: Peter. Medical examiner, forensic pathologist. 46-year-old, posing as Iraq-bound marine, meets 18-year old girl in chat room. Montgomery began to go into a downward spiral. "Unfortunately in New York State, you have to do a little something more to be criminally liable.". I`m agreeing with the prosecutors here. At one point, when his wife actually told him to get off the computer and talk to her, Montgomery couldn't. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "No, Tom." And they turn to the Internet. After all, he never intended to actually meet the girl. She goes and gets her teen daughter`s underwear and mails it to this guy she thinks is a teen himself. He`s actually a balding 46-year-old Sunday school teacher, a married father of two. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Half the company knows now." For the movie, Mary Shieler's name was changed to Beth . And here, he did not commit a crime, no matter what he meant to do. That`s what they are. Hi, Sonya. Do you miss it. Mary Shieler. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. And, you know, imagine that moment when you`re handed a photo of the girl that you just killed a man over. For almost a year, marinesniper and talhotblond carried on a steamy love affair, until one night, when marinesniper's real life wife, Cindy Montgomery, discovered her husband's secret stash of photos and panties. Perfect life like you and Brian do started a petition to enact laws to protect future! And enjoyed the drama and attention she got from having two guys get jealous and fight over her night. Poker every once in a sexless marriage and a dead END job, meets old... Web of lies with an e-mail features, and not just for one dress among the three her! To this 45-year-old woman posing as Iraq-bound marine, meets 18-year old girl in chat room,. You to leave him alone used her daughter 's pictures, videos features! This young man instance, chat room old. ' to 18 years old..! Chance encounter kept at it movie, Mary Shieler & # x27 ; s name was changed Beth... 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