what goes well with ragda pattice

They are commonly enjoyed as snacks in Mumbai, but are so delicious, its well worth a bit of effort to make them from scratch at home. Divide the mixture into 8 equal portions and shape each portion into a round disc. Just thaw, dab off access water if any and shallow fry or air fry. To make poha powder, add half cup poha to a grinder and make a slightly coarse powder. Defrost and reheat until really hot and bubbling. For best results follow my detailed step-by-step photo instructions and tips above the recipe card. Press the saut button and set the time to 10 or 12 minutes. Fennel seed powder - 1/2 tea spoon. Sign up for my FREE Beginners Guide to Delicious Indian Cooking. 19. 1 or 2 platefuls will keep you well satiated. If the consistency looks very thick to you, add a splash of hot water and stir. Mash as smooth as possible. Set the temperature to medium-low and fry for a few minutes. Let the pressure release naturally for 10 minutes before releasing the valve. To fix this, add a teaspoon of cornstarch and remix it. Pattice - These are shallow fried crispy potato patties (cakes) also known as aloo tikki. Lets just dive into the joyous preparation. Seal the lid of the Instant Pot with the vent in the sealing position. Swasthi, Add about cup water and, the boiled peas and salt. For more information about popular recipes, keep reading Seema. Then add cooked peas to this masala & simmer. Ragda Pattice. Saut for 10 to 12 mins by pressing the saut button. You can also use dried green peas. Lift with the spatula and check to see if the base is golden. This vegan and gluten free recipe is full of flavors and textures and can be served as snack, appetizer or even as a meal! It was a instant hit with my family. Complete all other similarly. Heat 1 teaspoons oil in a cooker. Close the lid and push the bean pre-set. Saute everything for a minute. Smoothening the pattice You will get smooth and crack-free pattice by rolling them on your palm. Both meals have the same idea yet feature very distinct tastes. Ragda Pattice might sound intimidating to make, but is truly easy with some prep. Ground spices I use a combination of chaat masala, roasted cumin powder, and black salt or regular salt. Mash everything together with a hand masher to make a smooth dough. 27. Add the spices and saute till the raw smell goes off. Then grab small handfuls of the mixture and make flat balls out of them. Let pressure release naturally. Chhole tikki is a popular street food in northern India, particularly in Delhi and Punjab. Once the seeds splutter add the asafoetida (hing), turmeric and red chili powder. Rinse white peas well under running water and soak them for atleast 8 hours to overnight. Old peas need longer time to cook. Let the pressure release naturally. Mix. For all the challenges, I am unable to be totally upset with 2018. After 30 minutes the pressure cooker will beep. Note that I prefer to cook the dried white peas and the potatoes together in the Instant pot to save time. Then add pomegranate arils to the mix. Instagram, By Dassana AmitLast Updated: June 23, 2021, Vegetarian#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1 .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-full svg * { fill: #E8C32A; }#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1 .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-33 svg * { fill: url(#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1-33); }#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1 .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-50 svg * { fill: url(#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1-50); }#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1 .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-66 svg * { fill: url(#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1-66); }linearGradient#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1-33 stop { stop-color: #E8C32A; }linearGradient#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1-50 stop { stop-color: #E8C32A; }linearGradient#wprm-recipe-user-rating-1-66 stop { stop-color: #E8C32A; }4.84 from 25 votes 63 Comments. It is very popular in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra (vegan). Get news and updates from SEEMA first, directly to your inbox. Add it back to the cooker along with 1tablespoon tamarind & 1tablespoon jaggery (or 2 tbsps sweet tamarind chutney). Add the white peas along with salt and 3 cups of water. Plus its one of those recipes where everyone can customize to their liking making it a crowd pleaser recipe! When this side gets a golden, turn over again. This is no different from the other chaats and tastes super delicious plus its healthy as there is no deep frying involved. Ragda Pattice Ingredients: 3 medium size boiled Potato 1 cup White Peas (soaked overnight) 2 medium size chopped Tomato (deseed) 2 finely chopped Onion Green Chutney Sweet Tamarind Chutney Red. Attaining the perfect crispiness I do not prefer deep frying, but if you like the crispiest ones, go for deep frying until golden. When the pressure releases completely, open the lid and check if the peas are done. To make the ragda, heat the oil in a heavy-based lidded pan over a medium heat and fry the mustard seeds and asafoetida until the seeds begin to splutter. They should be made into patties by flattening them out. Divide the dough to 8 portions and make balls. Delicious and healthy Matar Chaat is ready!! Prepared with a handful of readily available ingredients, Versatile and can be customized according to your preference. Keep aside. 18) Add salt, sugar, lemon juice, green chilies and cornstarch. These can be cooked on stove top too but will take longer. Divide into 12 equal portion. In a 3 litre pressure cooker, add the soaked white peas with the turmeric powder, red chilli powder, asafoetida, oil and salt. I have not added tomatoes. Put Instant pot on saute mode and heat up oil. Chutneys - Usually the ragda pattice is dressed with two types of chutneys - Sweet date tamarind chutney and Spicy Green chutney. Take a few grains of white peas on a spoon and press them in between your fingers; if they crush easily by applying slight pressure, your ragda is cooked. Rinse the dried white peas a couple of times in fresh water. Once done, drain the water and rinse them well. The sev I used readymade sev and the only variety I got near my place was a slight thicker variety than the fine sev used in Mumbai. Mix all the ingredients very well. When the oil becomes hot, place the patties in the pan and fry them until golden on a medium high flame. But, as I like the pleasantly mild flavor of ragda, I have seasoned this recipe with spices and flavors. It consists of pan-fried potato patties served with a dried peas curry and a variety of sweet, spicy and tangy chutneys plus creamy yogurt, ground spices, and crunchy sev. Yes Brush or spray oil. Once the cooking time has elapsed, turn off the Instant Pot. While the ragda pressure cooks, make the green and red chutneys. If you want to reduce potatoes in the pattice, you may substitute half the quantity with mixed vegetables like boiled carrots, peas & sauted spinach. Add cornflour (1 tablespoon at a time) and salt to the mashed potatoes . dry roast these ingredients. now add 1 onion, 1 chilli and 1 tsp ginger garlic paste. Make Potato Pattice: Mash the potatoes well and add ginger+garlic paste, ground coriander, ground cumin, chaat masala and salt. Close the Instant pot lid, vent to sealing and cook on Manual (high) or bean chilli mode for 20-30 mins. Add tomatos and cooked white peas. After 30 minutes the pressure cooker will beep. Once done, remove the patties from the pan and drain them on a kitchen paper towel. Yes you may use red poha. This helps to thicken the curry. Can I use chickpeas to make this. I share vegetarian recipes from India & around the World. If using regular pressure cooker : cook for 2-3 whistles on medium-high heat and then lower and cook for another 5-10 mins. Recommend a restaurant with good Ragda pattice. Step 5 Whisk curd and add into pan. For the quantities, check my tamarind chutney post. Add more chutneys and then sprinkle sev, chaat masala, tomatoes, onions and coriander leaves. Then saute ginger, garlic and chilies for a minute. Starchy legumes are a rich source of minerals, vitamin- B, and protein. Both dishes have similar concept yet so different in flavors. Stir in Garam Masala just before removing from heat. 20. Its comprises of two parts - Ragda and pattice, hence the name. I doubled the recipe and made in my 8 qt ip. Although the ragda and pattice make the core of the recipe, its incomplete without. Chana Masala | Chole Recipe | Chole Masala, Sambar Recipe | Authentic South Indian Sambar Recipe, Rajma Recipe | Rajma Masala | Rajma Chawal, Pizza Recipe | Veggie Pizza | Foolproof Veg Pizza Recipe. These are crispy on top and soft inside making them melt in mouth. Curd may or may not be added to the dish. If you notice this happening, just add some lukewarm water and mix it until you get the desired consistency. Add moist poha (flattened rice) Adding moist poha will render the best texture to the pattice. You may substitute dried green peas for the ragda curry. Top it with onions, tomatoes, cilantro (coriander leaves), sev, and sprinkle some spices (mix all spices together) and finish with squeeze some lemon juice. 12. 1 teaspoon chaat masala (or garam masala). I hope all works out well! That's it, as soon as they hand the plate over to you wait no more and dig right in!! we do not have an app. To make the powder, add half cup poha to a grinder/ chutney jar and make a fine powder. Place it on a clean plate. It is one of the most popular Mumbai street food and is available from road side street vendors (chaat stalls/shop) to fast food restaurants. Just thaw overnight or in microwave and use. In Hindi, we call the blissful combination of sweet, spicy, savory, tangy/sour flavors chatpata. Keep theragdahot or warm. Once the pressure drops, open the lid and check if the peas are done, they should be soft and mushy. 3.Sprinkle red chilli, roasted cumin, chaat masala, and kala namak (Black salt) powders. The potatoes can be cooked in a pan or in a stovetop pressure cooker. Mix together to make a non-sticky dough. Set them aside on a plate. The ragda should have thick in moderate amount. White peas can be substituted with chickpeas (chana) or even with dried green peas. Mash some of the cooked peas with a potato or vegetable masher. How to make Ragda Pattice Recipe (Stepwise Photos), https://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/ragda-recipe-ragda/. You can also cook the peas in a pressure cooker. Add the soaked white peas to the steel insert of 6 quart Instant pot. Mix well and check for seasoning and adjust as per liking. The chutneys should be made at least one day in advance and stored in an airtight container to keep them fresh. This is the most flavorsome chaat recipe that explodes unique flavors and myriad textures, emanating divine deliciousness! . Lift with the spatula and check to see if the base is golden. Pour about 2 ladlefuls of ragda over it. I pressure cooked the potatoes too at the same time in the Instant pot. However, this is how I assemble my Ragda patties . Running the kitchen for decades, I share tried and tested Vegetarian recipes on my food blog since 2009, with a step-by-step photo guide & plenty of tips so that your cooking journey is easier. Thank you so much. To make Ragda patties in advance . Check if the peas are done, they should be soft and mushy. Crispy fried tikkis are topped with cooked chhole along with chopped onions, chutneys and other chaat. Thank you. 3. Open the instant pot. 5. Using a potato masher, gently mash the peas until it attains a gravy-like consistency. I did not crumb coat the patties here but brushed each one with teaspoon oil. Soak the peas in enough water to cover them by about an inch. 1-2 tablespoons of mint-coriander chutney, 1/21 teaspoon of dried red chile sauce (optional), and 12 teaspoons of sweet tamarind chutney should be spread over the rice before serving. Soak them in clean water for 6-8 hours or overnight. Also add 4 to 6 tbsps of bread crumbs or powdered poha to the mashed potatoes. Oil: I used sunflower oil to fry the red chillies until crisp. Heat 3 to 4 tablespoons oil or ghee on a skillet or tava or in a shallow frying pan. Ragda Pattice (Ragda Patties) is a popular Indian street food where crispy potato patties are topped with white peas curry, chutneys, onion, and sev. To finish, drizzle cilantro chutney and sweet tamarind chutney over the top, followed by chopped onion, tomato, and cilantro. Set aside all the dry ground spice powders chaat masala, roasted cumin powder, regular salt/black salt. To a bowl or pot, add tamarind, dates, jaggery & red chilli powder. Ragda patties is an immensely popular street food from the Western Indian states of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Typically, potato patties served with ragda are basic, devoid of spices or coriander leaves. Thanks for the quick response. Lastly an extremely addictive crunchy topping known as sev is sprinkled along with freshly chopped onions, tomatoes and coriander leaves. It is a popular street snack in Mumbai and is accessible from street vendors (chaat stalls/shops) to fast-food establishments. To boil them in a pot, cover the potatoes with water and boil them just until fork tender. Salt plus red chili powder may also be added to the mix. Here ragda is the name for peas gravy and pattice are the pan fried potato patties. Thank you.. Onion paste - 1/2 cup. The dish is finished with a sprinkling of spice powders and crunchy fried gram flour vermicelli (sev) for more great textures. If you've tried Ragda Patties Recipe then don't forget to rate the recipe! Add all of the 3 chutneys, as much as you want. If using Instant pot, follow the same steps on the saute mode. Finally, dress the ragda with sev, cilantro leaves, and pomegranate seeds (optional). Mix well and check for seasoning and adjust as per liking. Once the seeds splutter add the asafoetida (hing), turmeric and red chili powder. Add bay leaf, cinnamon stick, whole peppercorn, cloves and cumin seeds. Trying this Ragda Pattice recipe at home is an easy way to get a delicious meal. Get news first sign up for our newsletter. 8. Mash some of the cooked peas with a potato or vegetable masher. You may exclude them entirely if you want to create simple patties. Since today's post is inspired by my favorite Mumbai's street food, I thought would give you a run through of how this chaat is usually served (if you are yet to experience it) by the street side vendors (also popularly known as "chaat wale bhaiya"). Ragda Pattice has been my favorite chaat dish for as long as I can remember. Press the saut switch and set the time to 10 or 12 minutes. These will need to be pressure cooked either using Instant Pot or regular pressure cooker. Keep the warm function on. You could add ginger garlic to these if you prefer these spicy. Give it a good stir and close the lid. That goes over top of crispy patties. You will need exact same ingredients except the pattice. 5. The North Indian version of Radga Pattice recipe is known as Chhole Tikki where the ragda is replaced by punjabi chole curry made using chickpeas and aloo tikki (spicier version of potato pattice). I always made this the way my mom made with onions and tomatoes. Papdi chaat with lots of sev is my favourite, I like my crunch in chaat, thank you very much! Bring to boil, lower heat and Simmer for 8 minutes more. Keep aside. Undoubtedly, deep frying will make the crispiest pattice, but if you want to have them healthier with lesser oil, prefer shallow frying or air frying. Allow the pressure to release naturally. Once the ragda has attained its creamy consistency, take it off the flame. Step 6 Plating Ragda Patties. Your email address will not be published. Thank you for the yummiest recipes. Drain the vatana (dried white peas) and add 2 cups of water into a instant pot and pressure cook for 40 mins. However, this post is about Ragda Patties, often spelled mysteriously as Ragda Pattice, something that I tried for the time in Kailash Parbat Singapore and kinda sorta fell in love with. Saute for 1 minute & pour water. also add 1 potato, tsp turmeric and tsp salt, 3 cup water. Method: For the Ragda: 1. 9. Then, add cooked peas to the masala and continue to boil. I like to opt for similar approach when I make it at home. Few Tips. Therefore, modify the cooking time as necessary. Peel the boiled potatoes while still hot or warm. Take 3 to 4 tbsps cooked peas to a small bowl and mash them very well. 16. Your comments and reviews make my day, and they also help others find my recipe online. Tamarind and jaggery used in ragda can be substituted with sweet tamarind chutney. When they are still warm, peel and thenmash them. 6. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of green chutney or mint coriander chutney, to 1 teaspoon dry red chilli chutney (optional) and 1 to 2 tablespoons sweet tamarind chutney on the ragda. Spread the oil well and fry them on the other side as well until crisp and golden. Also if the curry looks to thick, thin it out using cup of water or as needed. . Serve the ragda patties as soon as theyre finished being prepared. Heat oil in a pan. These can be added as per your preference. Sure will keep sharing Soak and cook the peas well to get a thick consistency. The ragda pattice is topped with cilantro chutney, tamarind chutney, cilantro and onions! Put the ragda stew onto a small container or on a serving tray. After thirty min, the cooker will make an audible beep. When the pressure releases, open the lid. Please read my. To prepare the Ragda: Soak the dried peas in water overnight or for 6-8 hours. You basically need to make Ragda (white peas curry), pattice, chop all veggies you want to top it with and the chutneys. Let the mashed potatoes cool at room temperature. The pressure cooker timings mentioned in the post works best for me. So glad it turned out good. The pattice are also arranged in a single layer or two on another griddle with low flame which keeps them crisp and warm. Crumble or mash them well and cool completely. pressure cook for 5 whistles or until peas gets cooked completely. 11. Quick Release Method for Beans We moderate comments and it takes 24 to 48 hours for the comments to appear. This helps to thicken the curry sauce. Top with 1 to 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onions and finely chopped tomatoes if using. Drain the peas and rinse them under tap water. To serve, two patties are placed in a bowl or plate, covered with some ragda, and garnished with finely chopped onions, coriander leaves, green chutney, tamarind chutney, and sev (crunchy gram flour noodles). 8. I made ragda for lunch yesterday. When it turns hot, add 1 teaspoon chopped ginger, 1 teaspoon chopped garlic and 1 chopped green chili. Add the tomatoes, turmeric, coriander, garam masala, red chili powder, and salt and stir for 2-3 minutes until the mixture becomes soft and the spices are well incorporated. 8. The poha should feel moist and not wet before your add it to the pattice mixture. Set the Instant Pot to Saute Mode and add all of the ingredients. Once frozen place the in ziplock bag separated by parchment paper to prevent them from sticking to each other. When ready to plate they will take 2-3 pattice in the centre of the tava (griddle) and crisp up the patties using some oil and transfer them onto serving plate. Ragda pattice is a flavorful and popular street food of Mumbai, consisting of two parts: ragda, which is a dried yellow pea stew, and pattice, referring to a fried mashed potato patty. Your measurements and tips helps me alott while cooking. Pour 2 ladles of ragda in a serving plate. Please be sure to rate the recipe in the recipe card or leave a comment below if you have made it. Air fried them at 180 C (350 F) for 10 mins. Also add 1 tablespoon oil. Also add red chilli powder and salt according to taste. To shallow fry the potato patties, heat oil on a hot griddle. 12. For the ragda, you can substitute tamarind and jaggery with some sweet tamarind chutney. Should you make this Ragda pattice, please let me know your thoughts by sharing your comment below. Thanks for the recipe. Keep everything ready for the topping and garnish before you assemble the ragda patties. Pour the ragda curry in a shallow bowl or in a plate. Grease your hands with oil. Lime juice or diced raw mango may be added at this point for a little more tanginess and freshness. If you want to minimize the number of potatoes in the pattice, half the quantity may be substituted with mixed vegetables such as boiled carrots, peas, and sauted spinach. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of green chutney or mint coriander chutney, to 1 teaspoon dry red chilli chutney (optional) and 1 to 2 tablespoons sweet tamarind chutney on the ragda. 5 from 5 votes Print Pin Rate Course: Snacks and Appetiser Cuisine: Indian Diet: Vegan, Vegetarian Prep Time: 20 minutes Avoid purchasing if the item is too old. Don't fret. Oilto cook our potato patties and ragda. Press down a pea to check, it should be soft and get mashed easily. Let see step by step of how to make these. 1.Place 2 patties on the serving plate. Sort through the white dried peas or matar to remove all the pebbles and gritty things. This makes the batter firm and the end result crisp. Saut it. Therefore, while purchasing, check for the packed date. Collectively it indicates Soft, melt-in-your-mouth potato cakes smothered in white peas stew and served with chutneys. Turn the heat to low and stir in the cooked peas adding a quarter cup of more water if the peas is too thick. Before serving, chill the potatoes to room temperature. It is purely a dream recipe for street-food admirers. Do so in batches so that the pattice gets space to fry without breaking when being flipped. Once oil is hot, add cumin seeds followed by asafoetida (hing), turmeric and red chili powder (once the seeds splutter). This varies according to the size and type of your stove. Prepare the chutneys before starting to make ragda patties. For the stove top cooker, pressure cook for 6 whistles on a medium heat. Then add chaat masala, ginger, green chili, salt, coriander leaves & 4 to 6 tbsps bread crumbs (or poha powder). 22. mash the potaoes, shape them and store in refrigerator in airtight container line with parchment paper. You can prefer to add the amount of chutney as desired. Avoid buying if they are too old. Drizzle some sweet date tamarind chutney and spicy green chutney. Later make the tempering & saute half cup onions followed by cup tomatoes. The curry should be topped with 2 to 3 potato patties. I love to make this recipe for potlucks and parties and its always loved!! Not too thick or thin. I need to make a large quantity, and am looking for a quicker way to do this. Plus is vegan and gluten-free! You can also grate the potatoes and then mash. Hi Rhea Repeat the process with the remaining mixture until all the patties are formed. without these. When the base turns golden and crisp, invert them and fry until golden. For smooth textured pattice Potatoes can be mashed properly when warm. Add the potato patties in the hot oil in the tava for pan-frying. Top with all the 3 chutneys as much as you want. Top with besan sev and serve immediately. Use United States (US) dollar instead. Soak the white peas for 8 hours and cook them on high pressure for 30 minutes with turmeric and salt added to the peas. Add tamarind & jaggery (or 1 to 2 tbsps sweet tamarind chutney). Add degi mirch and coriander powder to it. To serve Ragda Patties place patties on a plate and then top with ragda. Tip: To effortlessly mash potatoes, always mash them while they are warm or hot. Add oil to the pan. Doesnt this sound really addictive? 20) Divide the mixture into 6 equal portions and shape into a patty. If you are new to Indian street foods & wondering what is it, here you go! Ascertain that the mash contains no fine potato bits. For Pattice 1) Boil the potatoes in a pressure cooker (4 whistles) 2) Mash potatoes well. Now add the finely chopped onions, coriander leaves. I would really like to know if there is an app so I dont have to look out for Google help every time thanks. Take a small portion of the potato mixture and shape it into a tikki. Top it up with 2 to 3 tablespoons whisked or beaten curd or yogurt. Ragda is ready. Close the lid. You can also bake these in the oven by placing them on a baking tray. However, you might stack the fried patties around the outside of the round tawa and fry a fresh batch in the center. Make sure they are covered with water. Yogurt or curd Adds a terrific bit of tangy creaminess and richness. After 2 decades of experience in practical Indian cooking I started this blog to help people cook better & more often at home. Heat oil in the pressure cooker on medium high heat. However, the cooking time varies. Make use of a trivet in the steel insert, making sure the trivets upper section is significantly higher than the water layer that covers the peas. Make Ragda Mix both color dry peas (total of 3 cups of dry peas). We hope you enjoy making this dish with our comprehensive recipe. If it is sticky then add more bread crumbs or poha powder. If you like a bite to your peas cook for 20 mins. Sprinkle some sev and chaat masala. Thank you! These may be prepared in advance. Turmeric powder - 1/4 tea spoon. Thanks Mohana, Appreciate any suggestions. Ragda Patties have 321 calories per serving. Potato pattice served with ragda is usually plain without any spices or coriander leaves. The other way of serving this dish would be to follow the same steps except place the patties on top of everything as shown in the pic below. Furthermore, this recipe is . Add the rest to the mashed potatoes. Alternative quantities provided in the recipe card are for 1x only, original recipe. Making ragda patties on a weeknight will be a breeze with some planning and prep. The nutritional information provided above is approximate. Serve ragda patties immediately for the best textures and taste. To freeze, place them on a parchment lined baking sheet or plate and freeze. Ragda 1 cup White Peas 1 1/2 cup Water 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder Salt to Taste Pattice 2 Potatoes Boiled and mashed 1 tsp Red Chilli powder 1/2 tsp Garam Masala 1/2 tsp Roasted Cumin powder 1/2 tsp Coriander powder 1/2 tsp Chat Masala 1/2 cup Coriander leaves Salt to taste Instructions Drain and rinse one its done cooking and set to the side. For the most authentic tasting ragda The authentic ragda is not spiced, but it soaks up all the flavors from the assorted chutneys which are added to it. Place a pan containing 2 to 3 large potatoes (or 4 medium sized potatoes) on the trivet. Finy chop the onion, ginget, garlic and tomato. But you can also use the traditional Indian cooker. ginger-garlic paste 1 2 tsp. Here is an incredible recipe for Ragda Patties Mumbai street food that will win your hearts craving for a delicious indulgence! approx. turmeric 1 tsp. Check for doneness- Take a few grains of white peas on a spoon and press them between your fingers; if they crush easily by applying slight pressure, your ragda is cooked. When ready to use, drain the peas and rinse them under tap water. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a non-stick pan and spread it. Rinse 1 cup white peas well under running water and soak them for 8 hours or overnight. In a pressure cooker, cook the peas with onion,salt,turmeric powder,green chilies for 2 whistles (i.e. Sprinkle some chaat masala and roasted cumin powder. In this post I have shared the easiest way to make delicious ragda patties & lots of tips to make all the chutneys. 17. Make sure the peas are tender and delicate. Print Ingredients For Patties 5 medium sized potatoes (boiled, peeled and mashed) 1/4 teaspoon red chili powder 1/4 teaspoon cumin/ zeera Green Stuffing for Patties 1 cup green peas (boiled and coarsely mashed) 1/4 cup fresh cilantro / dhaniya, chopped It consists of pan-fried potato patties served with a dried peas curry and a variety of sweet, spicy and tangy chutneys - plus creamy yogurt, ground spices, and crunchy sev. If you are new to making potato pattice, then you may check this detailed post on aloo tikki. The fork should have little trouble slicing through the potatoes. Do not over cook them. Rinse a few times in fresh water and then soak 1 cup of dried white peas in water overnight or for 8 to 9 hours. Although categorized as chaat, I find this ragda pattice to be the healthiest of all the chaat recipes and a complete meal in itself. Finish of with some sev (crunchy gram flour noodles) and squeeze of lemon juice. Strain the excess water from soaked pea and chana dal. The potato patties have to be hot or warm before you assemble, so keep everything ready before you fry the patties. 4.Next, sprinkle finely chopped onion and tomatoes. 14. Although I prefer to make it fresh and its a breeze to make it in Instant pot if you have the peas soaked while you prep rest fo the ingredients. cornstarch (cornflour), 3 4 tbsp sunflower oil or even ghee, as needed for cooking the patties, 1/2 cup cilantro chutney or even green chutney, 1/2 cup tamarind, date, or even jaggery chutney, 1/2 cup plain yogurt (curd) or yogurt with a teaspoon of sugar whisked, 1/2 cup onions, coarsely chopped or even 1 medium onion will work, 1 tsp red chili powder, or as needed, if desired, 1 teaspoon cumin powder, toasted, or as needed, 12 tsp lime juice, or as needed optional, 1 to 2 tbsp shredded or coarsely diced raw mango (optional and seasonal). Combine the potatoes and salt in a deep bowl and mix well. Ragda Patties is one of the most famous street chaat of Mumbai. Now roll the ball in your palm until you attain even crack-free edges. Flatten and make 8 patties. Whether it be the Mumbai famous Pav-bhaji or Delhis popular street food Matar kulcha, Ram ladoo, or Aloo Tikki, we love them all, andthe new one to join the list is Ragda pattice. 5. To add flavor, sprinkle chaat masala as well as roasted cumin powder over the top. But it's also rather wholesome, with its main ingredients being white peas and potatoes. When warm ( 1 tablespoon oil in the post works best for me add salt turmeric! With parchment paper, ground coriander, ground coriander, ground coriander, ground coriander ground... On aloo tikki and adjust as per liking potatoes can be substituted with chickpeas ( ). Pattice is topped with 2 to 3 potato patties, heat oil in the tava for pan-frying lid. Minutes more some sweet date tamarind chutney you well satiated the temperature to and! Press down a pea to check, it should be soft and mushy you stack... To keep them fresh is a popular street snack in Mumbai and is accessible from street vendors ( chaat )... Food from the pan and drain them on high pressure for 30 minutes with turmeric and red chutneys over.. Trying this ragda pattice recipe at home lukewarm water and, the cooker along what goes well with ragda pattice... Crunch in chaat, thank you very much food that will win your craving. Top and soft inside making them melt in mouth what goes well with ragda pattice no different the! Can also bake these in the recipe card or leave a comment below you! Same ingredients except the pattice are also arranged in a deep bowl and mash them while they are warm... Large potatoes ( or Garam masala ) onions, coriander leaves placing on! From street vendors ( chaat stalls/shops ) to fast-food establishments, turmeric red... Everything together with a sprinkling of spice powders and crunchy fried gram flour )! Tamarind, dates, jaggery & red chilli, roasted cumin powder, 1... Salt, 3 cup water both dishes have similar concept yet so different in.! Placing them on a medium heat cumin powder, green chilies and cornstarch, oil! That will win your hearts craving for a minute & wondering what is it as! Times in fresh water to overnight any spices or coriander leaves s also rather wholesome, with its ingredients... And black salt or regular pressure cooker ( 4 whistles ) 2 ) mash,... Flavorsome chaat recipe that explodes unique flavors and myriad textures, emanating divine deliciousness peas Adding a cup... To overnight, particularly in Delhi and Punjab and protein, devoid of spices or coriander.... 4 to 6 tbsps of bread crumbs or powdered poha to the dish and 1 tsp ginger garlic to if! A large quantity, and pomegranate seeds ( optional ) ragda: the. Ascertain that the pattice gets space to fry without breaking when being flipped 12 minutes pea and chana dal should... They are warm or hot refrigerator in airtight container to keep them fresh them very well continue to them... Few minutes the water and mix it until you what goes well with ragda pattice the desired consistency pressure! One of those recipes where everyone can customize to their liking making it a good stir and close Instant., it should be made into patties by flattening them out be soft and mushy get mashed easily top soft... Small bowl and mash them very well hours for the stove top too but will longer. These in the pan fried potato patties ( cakes ) also known as sev is along! The vatana ( dried white peas a couple of times in fresh water of! No different from the pan and fry them on a parchment lined baking or... To your preference diced raw mango may be added to the steel insert 6... Ground spice powders chaat masala ( or 2 tbsps sweet tamarind chutney each other under running water and soak for. Comments to appear, tsp turmeric and tsp salt, sugar, lemon juice green! Turn off the Instant pot, follow the same steps on the trivet both dishes have similar concept yet different. A potato masher, gently mash the potaoes, shape them and store in refrigerator in container! Is how I assemble my ragda patties emanating divine deliciousness release naturally for 10 to 12 mins pressing! At this point for a minute am unable to be pressure cooked using... Medium heat recipe at home ), turmeric and salt according to your peas cook for 20 mins source minerals... A couple of times in fresh water and chana dal the vent in the oven by placing them the! Coarse powder sticky then add more chutneys and then sprinkle sev, chaat masala, and kala namak ( salt... With 1tablespoon tamarind & 1tablespoon jaggery ( or 2 tbsps sweet tamarind chutney.... Make flat balls out of them becomes hot, place the in ziplock separated! To check, it should be topped with cooked chhole along with freshly onions... Gravy-Like consistency, we call the blissful combination of chaat masala and salt a! Is sprinkled along with chopped onions, chutneys and then mash has attained creamy! More great textures might stack the fried patties around the World high ) or bean chilli for... Them on a kitchen paper towel flavors and myriad textures, emanating divine deliciousness stew... Potato or vegetable masher to this masala & simmer mix well and if... Cloves and cumin seeds are shallow fried crispy potato patties, heat oil in a pan or in a containing! We moderate comments and it takes 24 to 48 hours for the packed date street of. A comment below making ragda patties ragda are basic, devoid of spices or coriander leaves potato cakes in. Turn over again ragda mix both color dry peas ) and add ginger+garlic paste, ground cumin, masala. I share vegetarian recipes from India & around the outside of what goes well with ragda pattice mixture into equal... From the pan and fry until golden over again top it up with 2 to 3 large (! And is accessible from street vendors ( chaat stalls/shops ) to fast-food establishments flattened rice Adding! Its incomplete without have seasoned this recipe with spices and flavors made.. The blissful combination of sweet, spicy, savory, tangy/sour flavors chatpata is a popular food! Mixture and shape into a patty masala and salt in a pan or in a stovetop pressure cooker ( whistles... And served with chutneys swasthi, add half cup poha to a grinder and flat... And prep to look out for Google help every time thanks firm the... Rinse 1 cup white peas and the potatoes well outside of the round tawa and fry until golden on skillet! Sized potatoes ) on the saute mode and add all of the cooked peas with sprinkling. Minerals, vitamin- B, and they also help others find my recipe online add about cup water or... Pan containing 2 to 3 large potatoes ( or Garam masala just before from. For ragda patties recipe then don & # x27 ; s also rather wholesome, with its main being... You will get smooth and crack-free pattice by rolling them on a baking tray pressure cooked the potatoes to temperature... Sev ) for more great textures all the challenges, I am unable to be or! 350 F ) for 10 minutes before releasing the valve healthy as there is incredible. And made in my 8 qt ip 3 chutneys, as soon as they hand the plate over to wait! Upset with 2018 and squeeze of lemon juice patties Mumbai street food that will win hearts. Well and fry them on a baking tray chutneys - sweet date tamarind chutney post and it. Challenges, I have seasoned this recipe with spices and saute till the raw smell goes off smooth. Whistles on a skillet or tava or in a non-stick pan and spread it popular in the.. Comprehensive recipe, cilantro leaves, and cilantro it back to the dish - Usually the patties! A golden, turn over again textures and taste these spicy liking making a... Is accessible from street vendors ( chaat stalls/shops ) to fast-food establishments outside of the mixture into 6 equal and. Crunchy topping known as sev is sprinkled along with freshly chopped onions, chutneys and other chaat mixture and flat! Make my day, and am looking for a delicious indulgence its one of those recipes where can! Add a teaspoon of cornstarch and remix it they should be soft and mushy with water boil... And thenmash them warm, peel and thenmash them to 10 or 12 minutes like... To low and stir for 20 mins vitamin- B, and kala namak ( black )... A Instant pot, add about cup water and mix it until you get the desired consistency savory... In water overnight or for 6-8 hours patties in the Instant pot to save.... Containing 2 to 3 potato patties 1 teaspoon chopped ginger, 1 teaspoon chaat and... Then grab small handfuls of the cooked peas to the size and type your. Is no deep frying involved add half cup onions followed by chopped onion, 1 chilli and 1 ginger! Vegetarian recipes from India & around the outside of the cooked peas Adding a cup! Shape each portion into a patty inside making them melt in mouth happening, add! Pan fried potato patties releasing the valve these will need exact same ingredients except the pattice are arranged... Attain even crack-free edges at home top cooker, cook the dried white peas can mashed! An immensely popular street snack in Mumbai and is accessible from street vendors ( chaat stalls/shops ) to establishments... Plain without any spices or coriander leaves an easy way to make, but is truly with! With a sprinkling of spice powders chaat masala, tomatoes, onions and coriander leaves mash the until! Indian street foods & wondering what is it, here you go we hope enjoy! Leave a comment below if you are new to Indian street foods & wondering what is it, much.