10 reasons why students should not wear uniforms

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. People agree with that, uniform should not be part of dress code. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If a family cannot afford uniforms, it should be the responsibility of the school department to provide them. . Hope this comes to the light in parents decisions. 1. Uniforms are considered a barrier to student self-expression by opponents. If we didnt have this uniform policy, this would not happen. Uniforms are both as useful for schools just as for the pupils. no evidence that uniforms improve academic performance. Be sure to back up your argument with facts and evidence. Furthermore, we discovered that students who wear school uniforms significantly outperform those who do not, as well as lower noise levels and lower teaching waiting times, when compared to other countries. But the truth is that when you require students to wear a school uniform that is also expensive, you are actually stifling their freedom to express themselves and be proud of their sense of style. Some students believe that these actions lead to a false sense of elitism and an oppressive atmosphere in the school. Uniforms are considered a barrier to student self-expression by opponents. Another reason why it is necessary to introduce uniforms is that they will help students to save money, especially those ones coming from poor backgrounds. First, students should have the right to express themselves. This can be particularly difficult for adolescents, who are trying to discover their own identity and place in the world. What are the kind of things that can rise from being recognized as a group? The Pros And Cons Of Adding A Call To Action To Your Drip Campaign, The Use Of Social Media By Lab Technicians, The 5 Most Important Social Media Trends For Businesses In 2017, How Many Bible Believing Christians Use Social Media. I agree with what is being said in this article however we also have to pay attention to the other aspects of wearing uniform. Children are frequently made to believe they are not part of the group if they do not wear uniforms, thereby promoting conformity over individuality. As an adult, controlling the socialization process could jeopardize the students success. Sometimes they have other children too and they have to buy for them as well. Some students don't feel they look good in the required uniforms, though, leading to feelings of insecurity and self-consciousness. . They are nervous that the name of the academy will be tarnished if a student was to be publicly seen in their territory dressed inappropriately. Students who wear uniforms are less likely to be late, skip classes, be suspended, or have disciplinary referrals. It isinteresting to note that collegiate uniforms in England were first used by universities, primary and secondary schools as markers of status and class. They dont even have your color nor the size! 10 Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. in rhetoric. I went to a school that had a uniform, but luckily, not to a college that had one. The most significant impact of school uniforms on the wealth gap is that they may help to close it. Answer (1 of 2): Many students don't like uniforms, their ugly, uncomfortable, and expensive. Uniforms strip away freedom, they make you uncomfortable, are wasteful, and celebrate conformity over individuality, making them unfitting. Jhanyre Hames Mar 17, 2022 at 8:19 AM, Avery Thomas Mar 17, 2022 at 8:17 AM, I agree because uniforms make a school feel prison like, Skye Mitchell Mar 17, 2022 at 8:15 AM, eugene greeley Mar 17, 2022 at 8:09 AM, Sharon Madu Mar 17, 2022 at 8:06 AM. They also reduce the rate of crime and violence in schools. Pros : Children outgrow uniforms quickly, and their uniforms may often get stained or torn. So what happens when students do wear school uniforms? For one, they promote unity and teamwork. In this manner, students would still be wearing the same theme, and be able to enjoy a form of self-expression. In a growing number of school districts across the nation, students must wear a uniform. I understand that there is a safety and conformity aspect to it, but it didnt take away the internal struggle I felt wearing the exact same thing every day. Proponents of uniforms usually say that uniforms put a stop to bullying and gang activity. Uniforms contributed to a positive school culture at Van Nuys, and nearly every parent supported their adoption. First, start a dialogue with your fellow students and get their input on the matter. I agree with this article but surprisingly i have no problem with wearing uniform. As long as we have a dress code and follow it why do we need uniforms? Parents, kids and even the ACLU have noted that growing children need to learn to express themselves as individuals. Everyone dresses the same so everyone thinks the same. Exploring 10 reasons why on all sorts of topics. Uniform pants, in addition to being difficult to find or uncomfortable to wear, have been criticized by students. In a country that praises freedom of expression and individual liberty, every student needs to learn how to express her personality, find connections with a social group and make individual choices as she matures into an adult. There is debate about whether wearing a school uniform is effective at deterring crime or increasing students safety. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. There are a variety of reasons why we oppose mandatory uniforms for students. While this seems like such a shallow thought, think again and reflect on how an ill-fitting or unflattering uniform can affect self-image. School uniforms can be expensive, especially if the parents have to buy them brand new. School Uniforms Can Be an Extra Cost. Grace Shongo Mar 17, 2022 at 8:28 AM. These are the 6 steps of writing a scholarship application essay for university. Which side wins and which side loses, now that is for you to decide. 2. The implication of this is that they would need an extra set of uniforms. Argument Against As is the case with every argument, a lot of people are of the belief that school uniforms should not be worn by students for a variety of reasons. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. At Cornerstone schools, the entire student body is required to wear uniforms during kindergarten through senior year. How do uniforms protect students? The results of the study showed that uniforms had no effect on any of these measures. According to Rebecca Smithers, wearing uniform is more effective at promoting conformity than individuality. Opponents argue that school uniforms suppress students' creativity and self-expression. The majority of developed countries, including the United States, support the right to wear clothing that expresses ones individuality. They may be disruptive for students who are not behaving, and they may be too restrictive for students who want to express themselves through their clothing. Some opponents argue that students lack self-esteem and sense of comfort. #1. You are welcome to use these essay samples on "What Does Beauty Mean to You" for your research, term paper or school, college, or university project. I feel like its so draining trying to find something to wear everyday. jahmal leith May 9, 2022 at 1:29 PM, dakota meekins May 9, 2022 at 1:03 PM. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It saves money. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Teachers can keep track of everyone in class by wearing the same clothes, making it easier to identify students and what they are learning. Instead of imposing a uniform dress code, schools should encourage students to express themselves and embrace diversity. Factor in the cost of getting that uniform. Students still come to school wearing stuff they are not suppose to wear. In one survey conducted by the Volusia County, Florida school district, nearly 70% of students said they did not want a uniform policy. Additionally, uniforms can be a source of embarrassment for some students, who may feel they do not fit in or look their best in them. For one, uniforms can be very uncomfortable, especially in hot weather. When there is a standard, dirty or unkept clothing becomes a non-issue. While I didnt particularly mind the design of our particular school uniform, I generally felt restricted wearing them. I also agree that we shouldnt have to wear uniforms. Here are four reasons schools should consider offering students the option to wear sports-like uniforms every day, starting with the savings for parents. Students should be able to express their style. Schools can get creative by even occasionally imposing an easy theme to follow, such as a uniform color, a fun accessory, or a conversation piece that could be in partnership with a specific class, lesson, or holiday. Top 9 10 reasons why students should not wear uniforms 2022, Top 9 what do you call an organism that makes or produces its own food 2022, Top 9 how big is alaska compared to the us 2022, Top 8 why did people flock to british cities and towns during the industrial revolution? These uniforms can include anything from slacks, dress shirts, ties and vests to polo shirts, khaki pants or skirts for girls. Of the varied benefits of school uniforms, wearing one, it is said, leads the way and transcends all the socio-economic barriers that are put into action when it comes to expressing yourself with clothes. Moving the emphasis away from academics and toward demanding conformity may negatively impact academic and student behavior. It has also been studied and conclusions drawn that schools that have uniforms have students exhibiting better school results. Tell us why and vote! The reason is that such students can make enough savings if . These uniforms are frequently inadequate for childrens needs, and thus waste money. Random musings, informative tidbits and intriguing perspectives. Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms! Clothing is important for students because it can distract them from their studies and make them feel inadequate. From restricting self-expression to hindering creativity, it is important to consider the negative effects of uniforms before making them mandatory in schools. Good things happen when students are able to avoid worrying about their designer clothing choices and how much they will have to spend on school clothing. Schools with strict dress codes and uniforms have gone so far as to disallow small, cartoon images on socks, or certain brand names. Does your haircut need to be the same? More schools, both public and private, are adopting uniforms in order to reduce crime and decrease the amount of distractions in the learning environment. Personally all of these are very true because most students do want to express themselves in ways that cannot normally do, but the only thing is that, I understand the uniform policy because it prevents people from bullying those who wear certain clothes and things along that nature. Then, talk to your parents and teachers to get their perspectives. High school students and individuals who want to be different from everyone else and one way they can do that is by what they wear. Why Is Uniform Important Debate? Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. The money you waste on uniforms can be used for actual clothes and other necessities. Many schools have already implemented a school uniform policy, while others are still debating the pros and cons. Students with the highest levels of performance are more likely to be disciplined. When there is a standard, dirty or unkept clothing becomes a non-issue. Having a school uniform is advantageous to students in a variety of ways. This can lead to additional stress and hardship for families who are already struggling financially. Why Students Should Probably Not Wear Uniforms According To Study Image source: iStock Having no effect on children's behaviour isn't exactly the only reason why students should not wear uniforms. In 1997, Rauscher graduated from the University of Illinois with a B.A. . She takes off from her own experience and champions the feelings of teenagers like herself. Uniforms contribute to the intolerance of culture among students who represent various ethnicities and cultures. This widget requries the Arqam Lite Plugin, You can install it from the Theme settings menu > Install Plugins. Instead of pushing kids to wear uniforms, families would be encouraged to help kids form a capsule wardrobe out of the things that they already own. Not to be looked as just a part of a group, but as someone who has their own personality and behavioral patterns. Finally, requiring uniforms can be a way of limiting students self-expression and individuality. Casual clothing can carry messages that uplift, inspire and unite schoolchildren. Your email address will not be published. They are not able to wear what they want, when they want. 1 - American students love freedom. It would also be easier to identify them in groups if they were dressed in the same clothes, which would give teachers peace of mind for when they are out on field trips. Although there are many studies that examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of uniforms, many of them revealed correlation, rather than causation. Over a half-million elementary-school students in New York City will have to . Clothing expenses have a significant effect on the familys budget, and this may be a big deal for parents who dont have a lot to spare because of their low income. Jannah is a Clean Responsive WordPress Newspaper, Magazine, News and Blog theme. Not wearing the same kind of clothes, then may it be a uniform, is a way of, . When students wear uniforms, they will no longer feel insecure about their appearance, their social standing, or their lack of self-esteem. Students who do not want to wear uniforms will give many reasons for why they should be banned. According to the research, 1,318* teachers, parents, and students from 1,318* schools agreed that wearing a uniform was acceptable. Uniforms are not required for students to wear to school. There are many pros and cons to the debate of whether or not school uniforms should be required in schools. Students who are transgender, genderfluid, or non-conforming may feel unwelcome in schools that require uniforms, according to her. I will not dwell into my personal preferences at this point in time, but there will be arguments drawn and factors taken in for why students should not wear uniforms and why students should. In fact, some research has even suggested that uniforms may have a negative impact on student engagement and motivation. An American student has been raised in terms of freedom and individualistic culture. Most students who are required to wear uniforms consistently express strong distaste for them. 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"Almost 20% of public schools in America now require students to wear uniforms to school." (Rauscher) Most schools don . The effect on this is that kids will either want to come to school. Expressing yourself with your clothes and creating your individual style is a coveted sentiment, especially for adolescents who are just about finding a way in the adult world. Makyah White Mar 17, 2022 at 9:13 AM. They would have freedom within a reasonable guideline and they might just enjoy the process of putting together their everyday outfits. Students should not be required to wear uniforms for a number of reasons. Some major reasons students should not wear uniform is because lack of expression, cost and comfort concerns. Some parents cannot afford a lot of uniforms! 2. When schools dont require uniforms, it means that they would have to impose a general dress code that all students would have to abide by. This article is imperative in stopping the new uniform policy. 10 Reasons Why We Need the Holy Spirit in our 20 Reasons Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in School, 10 Ways Valentines Day Reinforces Heteronormativity, UFO Shot Down Over Lake Huron: 10 Reasons for Concern, 10 Reasons Why Americans Dont Save Enough for Retirement, 10 Reasons Why World Hijab Day is Celebrated Empowerment, Inclusion and Solidarity, 10 Reasons Why Cancel Culture Can Stifle Freedom of Speech and Expression, 10 Reasons Why the World Needs a Gender Neutral God, 10 reasons why people stay in toxic relationships or marriages, 10 Ways to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day and Spread Joy, Medical Reasons for Not Wearing Hijab: What You Need to Know, 10 Reasons Why I Deserve a Scholarship: A Personal Statement, 10 Shocking Truths about the Lethal Ecological Disaster in East Palestine, Ohio That the Government Doesnt Want You to Know. If students are forced to wear one type of cloth all year, they will become extremely uncomfortable, and learning will be severely hampered. Top 10 Biggest Regrets People Have Before They 10 Reasons Why Homework Benefits Students, 10 Controversial Topics That Divide Society Today. Should We, as Users, be Next? What you wear, why isnt the latest fashion evident in your wardrobe and the like are some of the things that a school uniform will just about break through. Your contribution will allow us to purchase equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs. Many families cannot afford to buy multiple sets of uniforms, especially if their children are growing quickly. Popular Adult Swim Cartoon Loses One of its Creators. This promotes socialization. This is because everyone is on the same level. At the same time, there is a preconceived notion or false idea that an institution where students wear uniforms must be a highly-coveted one, and that those who go there must receive top-quality education as opposed to other schools. I totally agree and stand by everything you said. Some may assume that school uniforms lessen a family's clothing expense. Deyoni Butler Apr 25, 2022 at 8:57 AM. Letting students wear what they want is the best option for schools because it allows students to express themselves how they want and it limits the money that parents have to spend for school or college. In addition, students complain that uniforms are uncomfortable and that they feel stifled while wearing them. Removes social barriers and bridges gaps Wearing a single standard of dress code takes away the pressure of what to wear, so students are less likely to focus their attention on how they look. Uniform policies have been adopted by over a hundred thousand public schools across the country. Another benefit of uniforms is that they can help to reduce bullying. The Association of Student Councils of the Harford County Regional Council voted unanimously against mandatory uniform requirements. Additionally, uniforms can be restrictive and prevent students from expressing their individuality. If you are looking where to buy In more traditional or conservative settings, students are usually expected to come to school in uniforms. And the presence of matching uniforms further highlights the fact that some children come to school with expensive watches and brand name shoes, while other students wear hand-me-downs. School districts could use the money they spend on uniforms to buy more books or supplies for students. Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms They affect self-image, and even attract bullying and violence. For every report citing decreased crime and bullying, or increased test scores and school pride, there is another report that has found these benefits to be exaggerated or simply non-existent. The ability to express oneself through clothing does not allow students to develop into personalities. Normal clothes are easier to find in your size. We are an established and reputable company, with over 10 years in the essay business. The average cost of back-to-school clothing is expected to be more than $235. Once youve gathered all the information you can, its time to make your case. After graduation when they head to the work world and have to wear collared shirts and long pants, they will be comfortable doing so. Public school students should not have to wear uniforms. Sense of Identity or Loss of Individuality? Students would be free to express their differences because everyone in the room would be dressed the same way. The reason for this is that uniforms make children believe they are not good enough or that they cannot perform well without them. Kyle Chichester Apr 22, 2022 at 11:06 AM. I agree with everything here, but at the same time picking out outfits is a lot of effort man. According to Inkwell, there are 14 common criticisms and praises for school uniforms. This is a very useful ability for teachers and if it means fewer children going missing it's of course a good thing. Uniforms at school have a greater impact on the childs self-esteem than other forms of clothing. Students can still be innovative and add a creative touch to their uniforms. 9. They take away our freedom. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! As a result, they become more focussed on learning. 1. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to require school uniforms in schools is up to the individual school or district. The cost, comfort, and uniqueness is what makes normal clothes so much better than uniforms. Another reason students should not wear uniform is because students parents might struggle for paying for uniform and and the . No one spoke of this to teachers, but it was a private conversation amongst ourselves. The feelings of insecurity and self-consciousness difficult to find something to wear dress shirts ties! Teenagers like herself of uniforms, many of them revealed correlation, rather causation. Buy multiple sets of uniforms just as for the next time i comment dialogue with your fellow and! This to teachers, parents, and celebrate conformity over individuality, making them mandatory schools... The Arqam Lite Plugin, you can, its time to make your case, Controversial! Reputable company, with over 10 years in the school department to them... 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