companies that support the nra 2021

[108] Carol Leonnig, Katie Zezima, and Tom Hamburger, Inside the NRAs Finances: Deepening Debt, Increased Spending on Legal Feesand Cuts to Gun Training, Washington Post, June 14, 2019, (The annual report, together with state filings, shows that the NRA has run a deficit for the past three years). Today, Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 1927, NRA-backed constitutional carry legislation authored . [18] Testimony of Wayne LaPierre In RE: NRA Bankruptcy Trial, April 8, 2021, 78:2-17. Some even maligned Floyd himself. Its president, Wayne LaPierre, has acknowledged secretly taking the N.R.A. . Business executives across the United States are calling out efforts to restrict voting access. Organized by state and business type, they include sporting goods stores, legal services, security companies and insurance providers. Dear Texas NRA Member: All of your hard work and persistence has paid off! Our company provides discounted rooms to several large associations, including the NRA. . ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (ING): Has not issued a comment. [74] NRA Board Member Ted Nugent: Asian Culture Is Evil, Media Matters for America, March 16, 2020, Gun control activists are also calling out streaming services that offer NRATV. The company said it is reviewing its relationship with the NRA. A court filing indicated that by early 2021, the NRA had been reduced to 490 employees, down from the 770 it reported at the start of 2020 and just over half the recent high reported four years earlier. Q. A. I was told they could be subpoenaed and used.). [80] Ted Nugent, Facebook post, March 10, 2020, [65] NY AG Files Amended Complaint against NRA, LaPierre, and Others, NRA Watch, August 16, 2021, para. Indeed, in many ways the NRAs rhetoric and positions on gun rights seem ancillary, and primarily in service of keeping donations flowing and existing management in power. Therefore, it stands to reason that these are the same figures and that the figures reported in the Forms 990 can be compared against those in the consolidated financials. Q. Buffalo Wild Wings The entries included cost, dates, locations, and in some cases, passengers. Broadcaster Soledad O'Brien added: "The NRA gave you just under 14 million dollars, sir. Public reports estimate that, prior to a very public and messy separation, the NRA paid Ackerman more than $40 million in a single year for various media services, including the failed NRATV.54 The court previously dismissed significant portions of the NRAs case against Ackerman McQueen and individual Ackerman McQueen executives, although several contract-related claims remain.55 Ackerman has filed counterclaims against the NRA that levy several new and detailed allegations of wrongdoing at the NRA, with causes of action for breach of contract, fraud, defamation, and civil conspiracy all headed to trial.56 The case is of significant monetary value, with Ackerman stating that it is seeking over $50 million in damages from the NRA.57 The federal court in the Northern District of Texas overseeing the case has previously indicated a trial could be possible in late 2021, although the date could slip into 2022. All of these companies have so far declined to halt streaming of the gun lobby's. First of note is the straight-pull action, a design . The NRAs legal problems continue to drain the associations coffers, with the New York Attorney Generals Office indicating that the NRA has paid the Brewer [law] firm nearly $75 million in legal fees from March 2018 to December 2020. [19] Court Dismisses NRA Bankruptcy Case, NRA Watch, May 11, 2021 (what concerns the Court most though is the surreptitious manner in which Mr. LaPierre obtained and exercised authority to file bankruptcy for the NRA. [72] Public Health: Still Double Counting, NRA-ILA, December 21, 2020, Late Monday, insurance provider Lockton Affinity announced that it will no longer partner with the NRA on its Carry Guard insurance. A. I was told how to do the invoices. What's more, in 2018, gun control advocates were credited with helping the. According to ThinkProgress founder Judd Legum, Fedex has received thousands of complaints from customers about its relationship with the NRA, but hasn't responded to them. Medical Concierge Network: The companys founder told, Net Spend: A spokesperson for the company issued the following statement to This program has been under review.. A company spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment. Deposition and trial testimony also indicated that LaPierre received expensive benefits and perks from at least two NRA vendor.27 Most notably, LaPierre admitted that, starting in 2013, he began making annual weeklong trips to the Bahamas, where he stayed on one of two yachts owned by a Hollywood producer, who is a part or full stakeholder of multiple NRA vendors. In its Chapter 11 filing, the NRA spent millions on legal fees only to get. [98] Pierre Thomas and Pete Madden, Ex-NRA Insider Speaks Out: Gun Owners Should Be Horrified by what I saw, ABC News, September 7, 2020, I hope you all get an anal probe with a microchip in it because this is what weve become: sheep.77 The NRA also retweeted Donald Trumps tweet calling to LIBERATE VIRGINIA.78 When protesters at the state capitol in Michigan openly carried long guns and Confederate flags and called for Governor Gretchen Whitmer to be locked up over her administrations pandemic-related public health restrictions,79 longtime NRA board member Ted Nugent praised them as his bloodbrothers [sic].80, While the NRAs leaders praised armed demonstrations against measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, they leveled cartoonish and offensive accusations against those who protested for racial equity in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. The company has partnered with the NRA for years and hasn't commented on the Parkland shooting or its relationship with the gun group. 188, Q. ManageUrID, which allows people to control what personal information about them is accessible on the internet, hasn't commented on its partnership with the NRA. In a written decision issued on May 11, federal bankruptcy judge Harlin Hale dismissed the NRAs Chapter 11 filing for not being filed in good faith, holding that the NRA is using this bankruptcy case to address a regulatory enforcement problem, not a financial one.52 The judge also wrote, There are several aspects of this case that still trouble the Court, and said there were cringeworthy facts during this trial, something the NRAs counsel acknowledged. [105] National Rifle Association, 2019 IRS Form 990, Part I, Line 5, November 18, 2020, Spencer Platt/Getty Images News/Getty Images, Survivors of the Florida shooting have rallied together, previously offered discounts in partnership with the NRA, discounted rooms to several large associations, including the NRA, the company had no comment on its NRA connections, insurance and member benefits marketing and administration partner. While NRA leaders have spent decades leveraging the energy of extremists for its own ends, in the past year the NRA went to new lengths to embrace rising extremism and conspiracism: peddling COVID-19 misinformation, advancing false and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories, supporting armed demonstrations, and more. NRA leaders were forced to reveal in bankruptcy proceedings the depths of their mismanagement and incompetence, spent millions just to lose control of both the White House and Congress, and found themselves at odds with the public at every turn as they pushed an extremist agenda.1. The company's majority 9 member board voted to censure their CEO, then laughably claimed that "politics is not part of our business". Q. [30] Deposition of Wayne LaPierre, March 23, 2021, NRA Watch, 285-289, The board president admitting to shredding and burning documents after being told they could be subpoenaed and used., Ultimately a dismissal, with the judge finding the bankruptcy was not filed in good faith and that LaPierres efforts to hide the bankruptcy from the board were shocking., The complaint filed by New York attorney general Letitia James includes 18 separate causes of action that largely center around the alleged widespread mismanagement of the NRA as a charity, with CEO Wayne LaPierre as the ringleader of that activity. [24] Deposition designation of Gayle Sanford (played via video in court) In RE: NRA Bankruptcy Trial, April 8, 2021, 68:18 69:13. Since the Parkland shooting, corporations with financial ties to the NRA have been subjected to intense scrutiny. [99] NRA Wayne LaPierre Speech | 2020 Annual Meeting of Members, NRA, YouTube, October 26, 2020, [113] National Rifle Association, 2019 Consolidated Financial Statements, 6, March 11, 2020,; National Rifle Association, 2018 Annual Report, 9, March 13, 2019,$42,599,871 in 2017 and $28,439,529 in 2019). Those disclosures have revealed that, in response to the organizations financial problems, NRA leaders have targeted programs relating to safety, education, training, and hunting services. 14,789 were here. [14] Dave Workman, As Houston Convention Looms, 3 NRA Directors Leave; More to Follow?, Ammoland, August 10, 2021, $3.75 of the membership dues are designated for magazine subscription. From the onset of the bankruptcy trial, LaPierres private jet travel took center stage. The NRA did, however, invest quite seriously in the Georgia Senate runoff elections. In particular, his inability to answer questions posed to him during cross-examination prompted Judge Harlin Hale to repeatedly sustain objections and instruct LaPierre to answer the question asked. In what may be a pivotal moment for American gun law reform, the National Rifle Association has become the object of intense pushback from anti-gun activists and survivors of the Feb. 14 mass shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 dead. Senators Richard Burr and Roy Blunt followed Romney on the list of GOP lawmakers who received the highest amount of NRA contributions, with North Carolina's Burr receiving close to $7 million and Blunt of Missouri taking in over $4.5 million from the NRA. This NRA-endorsed member insurance company hasn't issued a statement concerning the mass shooting in Florida or its ties to the NRA. Powell opined, Clearly Chris Cox, our chief lobbyist, was not creating enough noise. [132] Fox & Friends, Fox News, September 21, 2020, [138] Jason Ouimet, After Lackluster Returns, Some Urge Democrats to Ditch Gun Control, Americas 1st Freedom, NRA, January 30, 2021, According to the New York Times, the NRA continues to lose ground in Congress, with the last remnants of its Democratic support vanishing and its still-high Republican support eroding slightly.139 In its attempt to keep lawmakers in check, the NRA brands legislators with letter grades, assessments that have become more stratified and polarized over time. He also said that for the NRA to survive, he took about $80 million out of the budget and took it down to the studs.110, LaPierres statement and the NRAs various disclosures from the previous several years made it clear that the groups leaders had left it in a precarious financial position. Yknow what? JOIN US FOR THE 152nd NRA ANNUAL MEETINGS & EXHIBITS IN INDIANAPOLIS, IN! Within two weeks of the declaration of a pandemic, reports emerged that the NRA was preparing layoffs and implementing a 20 percent pay cut for employees.102 By June 2020, we learned of the extent of those measures: the NRA had laid off or furloughed 200 staff members.103 One unnamed NRA official warned at the time that the layoffs and furloughs have further harmed both the NRAs legal capacity and political influence beyond what was already a troubling deterioration. A court filing indicated that by early 2021, the NRA had been reduced to 490 employees,104 down from the 770 it reported at the start of 2020105 and just over half the recent high reported four years earlier.106. Why is that? [114] The 2020 audit of the National Rifle Association of America filed with the North Carolina Secretary of State reported that the NRAs spending on Hunter Services dropped from $572,664 to $168,769, a decrease of 70.5 percent. A spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment. As the NRAs former number two recently put it in a tell-all book, Wayne LaPierre knew that when the NRA needed to raise money, it could depend on fear-mongering messaging, which LaPierre purportedly referred to as pouring gasoline on the fire.98This sort of rhetoric continued around the 2020 election. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms launched an initiative last year aimed at providing information to Second Amendment-loving Americans. [32] Testimony of Wayne LaPierre In RE: NRA Bankruptcy Trial, April 7, 2021, 128:12-25. The NRAs leadership blamed the pandemic, claiming that [l]ike every other business and nonprofit, we are forced to make tough choices in this new economic environment created by the pandemic.107 However, 2019, the last year for which there is a full public accounting of the NRAs financial state, was the fourth year in a row108 that the NRA had run a deficit.109 In January 2020, just two months before the start of the pandemic, Wayne LaPierre was recorded telling the NRA board of directors that the organization had taken about a $100 million hit in lost revenue and real cost to this association in 2018 and 2019, due to the various legal issues facing it. started their industry careers in entry-level positions. The NRA named the American Cellars Wine Club, Vinesse Wines' flagship location, as its official group. In its initial bankruptcy filings, the NRA disclosed that it had already dedicated more than $6 million for the bankruptcy before it even filed.122 Further, the New York Attorney Generals Office has alleged that the bankruptcy cost the NRA tens of millions of dollars in attorneys fees, payments to proposed restructuring officers, costs relating to special board meetings necessitated by the filing, and other expenses (emphasis added).123. the New York Attorney Generals Office has alleged that the bankruptcy cost the NRA tens of millions of dollars in attorneys fees, payments to proposed restructuring officers, costs relating to special board meetings necessitated by the filing, and other expenses. Activists are also calling out Apple for supporting NRA TV. [45] NY Attorney General Complaint against the NRA, NRA Watch, August 6, 2020, See more outside spending by National Rifle Assn. 217-219, [33] Mike Spies, How the Head of the N.R.A. Judge Hale wrote, What concerns the court most though is the surreptitious manner in which Mr. LaPierre obtained and exercised authority to file bankruptcy for the NRA. The NRA also faces a donor class action lawsuit brought in federal court in Tennessee by prominent NRA donor David DellAquila.58 The case is still in its early stages procedurally, but DellAquila alleges that NRA donors were defrauded because NRA funds were spent on items that were not in furtherance of the NRAs mission.59. Due in large part to scandal, legal bills, and extremism, the NRAs declining influence in the policy and electoral sphere was on full display in the past year. Getty The logo of the National Rifle Association is seen at an outdoor sports trade show on February 10, 2017. i Campaign finance totals for the current election cycle were released by the FEC on February 01, 2023 and by the IRS on April 03, 2019, lobbying data was released by the Senate Office of Public Records on March 19, 2019, outside . into bankruptcy, and its lobbying apparatus is badly diminished as the organization has lost, in Mr. LaPierre's own. The uproar has once again presented companies affiliated with the NRA, and its powerful pro-gun lobby, with a question: to cut ties, or to continue a relationship with a large but controversial group? Its also been that long since the survivors of that shooting started speaking out, galvanizing a gun-control movement that hasnt stopped growing since. The National Rifle Association proudly announces the 2020 National Corporate Sponsors of the Friends of NRA program. Another NRA-endorsed candidate who has espoused QAnon beliefs, Lauren Boebert, has been featured in NRA publications for years,94 including earlier this year when one called her a brave, Glock-toting woman who is unstoppable.95 In addition, at least five NRA board members have shared QAnon-related content online.96. 0.00%. FNBO has informed us of its intention not to renew the NRA co-branded card program when its agreement with the NRA expires. The Association will seek court approval to reincorporate the Association in the State of Texas - home to more than 400,000 NRA members and site of the 2021 NRA Annual Meeting in Houston. Monterey Gourment Foods - Tiny company. A company spokesperson did not return a request for comment. The NRA Publications Division announced last year that Dennis Reese, CEO/owner of Springfield Armory, would be the 2021 Golden Bullseye Awards Pioneer recipient. Also signing were large advertising and media firms, such as Conde Nast, Group Nine Media, Havas, Interpublic, Omnicom, and Publicis, no surprise given the messaging on guns that we so often see. Several companies have decided to stop offering discounts to NRA members after the Florida shooting. Visa, meanwhile, said in a statement this week that its co-branded cards do not represent an endorsement by Visa of that cause or organization.. But since the shooting, some companies have begun to jump ship. Of those senators, 16 have received more than $1 million. According to the attorney general, LaPierre effectively dominates and controls the NRA Board as a whole through his control of business, patronage and special payment opportunities for board members, and his public allegations to the NRA membership of a criminal conspiracy against board members and officers who question his activities.. [56] Court Allows Ackerman Case to Go Forward against NRA, NRA Watch, August 16, 2021, Aside from the now familiar allegations of cronyism and corruption, the NRA was forced to cancel its annual meeting and exhibits in Nashville last year. Powell recalls that in early 2017, he met with Steve Bannon at the White House, where Bannon asked him What do I need to do for you guys? Powell responded, Number one, we need money. The organizations longtime chief financial officer, Woody Phillips, was a key component of the bankruptcy trialdespite not saying much of substance. [3] Trial testimony of Owen Mills In RE: NRA Bankruptcy Trial, April 20, 2021, 21:4. ManageUrID, which aims to prevent personal information from being spread online, offers unspecified savings to NRA members. The Hyatt Regency hotel in Dallas will host NRA events during the groups annual convention in May. ", Roku: "We are an open platform for streaming and allow publishers to reach a TV audience," a spokesperson said in a statement to. Direct Long Term Care: Has not issued a comment. [17]Id. [26] Deposition designation of Gayle Sanford (played via video in court), In RE: NRA Bankruptcy Trial, April 8, 2021, 74:10 75:17 (Q. Through NetSpend, gun rights supporters can buy prepaid NRA-branded Visa debit cards. While there has been a trickle of information about extravagant spending at the NRA in past years to the benefit of CEO Wayne LaPierrefrom the contemplated purchase of a Dallas mansion to hundreds of thousands of dollars of expensive designer suitscourtroom battles over the past year publicly spilled new and damning details. But if you arent preparing to defend your property when everything goes wrong, youre really just stockpiling for somebody else.69, You dont need a firearm until you need a firearm, then you REALLY need a firearm. [96] Cydney Hargis, NRAs Endorsement of High-Profile QAnon Candidates Is Not Its First Brush with the Conspiracy Theory, Media Matters for America, September 15, 2020, Friends of NRA is a 100% volunteer-driven fundraising program of Learn More. [130] National Rifle Assn,, Google "NRA corruption" and 1.2 million entries appear and gun-owner chat. Q. In addition to reportedly running the NRA's ads, YouTube's streaming service is yet another carrier of NRA TV. Email Us. ", Jemele Hill, a contributing writer for The Atlantic, tweeted in response to Romney: "Grief does not overwhelm the soul nearly as much as $13M from the NRA overwhelms your bank account. This story is presented by the. MedFlight Freedom: Has not issued a comment. .css-gk9meg{display:block;font-family:Lausanne,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;padding-top:0.25rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-gk9meg:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.15;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 73.75rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}Republican Senators Form Wingnut Xylophone, How to Line Your Pockets While Reshaping the Court, SCOTUS Ponders Whether to Dub Loans Unforgiven, Effort to Recall N.O. Amazon Amazon, along with Apple and Google, has come under fire for supporting NRA TV. For Phillips, the contract was a $360,000-a-year postemployment consulting contract.39 Recently departed CFO Craig Spray testified that while the NRA paid Phillips over $600,000 in 2019, Phillips did not provide any services to the NRAs Treasury Department that year.40 The revelation that LaPierre actually tried to convince Phillips to stay on as CFO and that the NRA provided him such a generous postemployment contract severely undermines the NRAs central argument at trial that it had righted its own ship internally.41. ffering their thoughts and prayers to the victims, The NRA money donated to Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, ue to appear at an NRA meeting in Houston, Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion, Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia) $341,738., Broadcaster Soledad O'Brien added: "The NRA gave you just under 14 million dollars, sir. NRA leaders openly admitted this, including board member Bob Barr, who said the bankruptcy has nothing to do with the NRAs financial position. Medical Concierge Network's founder, Greg Nassief, told ThinkProgress the company had no comment on its NRA connections, only that it had similar ties "with several entities across all sorts of categories.". [133] Danny Hakim, N.R.A. [15] Others include Pete Brownell, Esther Schneider, Timothy Knight, Sean Maloney, Julie Golob, Richard Childress, Craig Morgan, Dan Boren, and Duane Liptak. 83 (The plaintiffs allege that the NRA Foundation used solicited funds for alternative purposes including: (1) transferring approximately $80 million from the NRA Foundation (a tax-deductible charitable organization) to the NRA (a 501(c)(4) organization), which then used those funds for the alternative purposes described above; (2) paying $425,000 per year for nine years to the Speedway Childrens Charity, a non-profit organization not related to the NRAs core mission; and (3) paying at least $125,000 to Youth for Tomorrow, a non-profit organization not related to the NRAs core mission, which included LaPierres wife, Susan, on its board for five years). In a since-deleted video at one such protest, NRA board member Anthony Colandro encouraged others to attend the rally and claimed the virus was a bunch of bullshit and a media virus. He added, We are being spoon-fed socialism every day and 8.5 million people are just bending over and taking it. After a gunman took 17 lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida earlier this month, a long list of companies has decided to cut ties with the National Rifle Association (NRA). Goya Foods - The CEO Robert Unanue is the lone good guy. One NRA publication lamented the loss, writing, After the 2016 election, gun owners had a president, a U.S. House of Representatives and a U.S. Senate that respected their elementary rights. [68] Willes Lee (@WillesLee), You dont need a firearm until you need a firearm, then you REALLY need a firearm. In May NRA-branded Visa debit cards, 78:2-17 host NRA events during the groups ANNUAL in... 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