conjugate method for wrestlers

To induce the adaptation of hypertrophy, it is critical to focus on optimally loading, stimulating and fatiguing muscular groups; thus, we are not as concerned with overall movements (like in powerlifting). Zatsiorsky, V. M.Science and Practice of Strength Training. You're combining different methods to achieve your goals in a systematic approach, which is both efficient and effective, and it's also been proven to work. The Westside conjugate system is the best of two advanced training systems: the Soviet system, where several special exercises are used to advance the training of superior lifters and athletes, and the Bulgarian system, where near-max lifts are performed every workout. Hey Jason, Not sure if this makes a difference but I am curious. Special Exercise A: Choose 1 movement geared at building a primary mover from #1 (i.e., triceps, upper back, or shoulder). 2. Week 3: Squat, 5 Sets X 6 Reps. Week 4: Squat, 3 Sets X 5 Reps. From there, you could move into a strength block using 6/4/2 for example. Never Minimal. The program you select is the roadmap that leads you to your training goals. The young lifters believe its a new from of periodization. The similarities of the Westside conjugate system to the one devised by the Soviets at the Dynamo Club are obvious. Elite total throughout the time period from February 1973 to December 2009, this last time at 62 years old. Join our newsletter to get lots of free content in the form of videos, articles & guides. Finesse and break away speed, two traits prized by all athletes, but debatably no more than lacrosse. Using these varying tools as added resistance allows one to incorporate more variations into their training while simultaneously targeting specific weak-points. If no competition is near, you could go into another hypertrophy block. The conjugate training technique offers many benefits in terms of strength, which is the main goal of the program. Each week, you can increase the volume. With that in mind, right about now you should be asking yourself, What qualifies this guy (hey, my name is Jordan but everyone calls me J)as a knowledgeable Westside resource and why should I trust him?. Be prepared to work hard. A. S. Prilepin was instrumental in regulating the number of repetitions and sets at a particular intensity zone. Perform 4 sets of 15-20 reps with moderate to heavy loading. Muscular hypertrophy involves an increase in size of skeletal muscle through growth of component cells. Ill warn you though some of these sessions certainly arent exciting and will likely feel easy to you. Can you sleep, eat, and drink your way out of a bad training plan? Note: During the BFCM sales period all sales are final.Thus, no returns will accepted. One day per week is devoted to Dynamic Effort Squat training and it runs on a 3-week pendulum wave. Westside Barbell is a living laboratory for Louie where he can undergo constant athletic experiments to push the boundaries of what is possible. Todays workouts are given a modern twist based on old school fundamentals. How? He has also had an athlete produce a box jump of 63.5 inches which is still the current Westside Barbell gym record. Failure to do so can lead to lackluster max effort training caused by the body being in an unrecovered state. Over the last 40 years athletes ranging from Olympic wrestlers, UFC Fighters, Pro Boxers, Jiu-Jitsu athletes and Judo competitors have trained and consulted with Westside Barbell. Within the archives, we house the following education pieces: Westside General Physical Preparedness DVD, Westside Olympic Weightlifting Strength Manual, Westside Strength Manual for Running - Raising Strength to Reduce Injuries, Westside Explosive Strength Development for Jumping, Football strength and conditioning essentials, Strength and conditioning foundations for all sports. If it were that simple no one would need special exercises, machines, or systems of training. Easy choice; nobody wants to waste time. Louie Simmons Pardeshi S, et al. The conjugate method is a powerlifting training system that consists of variations on these exercises: squat deadlift bench press You do four training sessions each week, consisting of the. By completing each exercise in the correct order of importance. But we know this is not true.. All rights reserved. More specifically, as Westside is a powerlifting gym the upper/lower split can be more suitably defined as a Squat and Deadlift/Bench Press split. Build up your weaknesses and watch your strength skyrocket. What an experience! These workouts help increase strength and improve conditioning, based on unique demands members of the armed forces and LEOs are put under. The Soviets and Westside count only all-time records, which amounts to roughly 600 lifts a year, similar to contest max lifts. 1 : # Ruby program for conjugate () method in Matrix # Initialize a number num1 = 1.7 # Function used num = num1.conjugate . Their rotation of exercises was space-age at the time, which was 1965 to the early 1970s. Strongman Method: Improves posture, grip, and core endurance. 2023 Westside Barbell. His reply, everything helps my deadlift. It sounded vague, but Vince was using the conjugate system, although it was unnamed. As a result, he is known as probably the strongest arm . Using a format made popular byLouie Simmons(Westside Barbell) Ive structured the program to fit the needs of a combat sports athlete or anyone that wants to train like one. Special Exercise B: Vertical Pull Variation: Perform a total of 20-30 reps of weighted vertical pull-up variation. The MMA program has a three-day split. This is known as the Main Move and must be the first exercise of the day. Fifteen members who have a total lifting record over 2500 pounds and seven over 2600 pound total. HURRY. Aerobic work is imperative for facilitating recovery so dont worry about losing your gains with some light jogging or walking. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. In addition, I have made a U.S.P.F. If I wanted to continue to make progress, I had to get stronger and I had to get smarter, much smarter. Are coaches good to have? Master the Deadlift FREE! We avoid using tertiary references. The powerlifting section of the club will provide you programming following the exact principles we have used to break multiple world records. So, without further adieu, here is a clear and concise bit by the man who created perhaps the most effective multi-year strength training system in history: When lifters repeatedly use the same simple method of training to raise their strength level, they will eventually stall. is defined as lifting a maximal load against maximal resistance, and should be used to bring forth the greatest strength increments, (Zatsiorksy). Yes, many. This program readies the hips for the change of direction, acceleration, and radical deceleration. The aerobic system produces more molecules of ATP per molecule of substrate. Viru, Atko. The Conjugate System is the new "Hot" word when it comes to training, It was in 1983 when I broke my lower back for the second time. Neutral Grip Chest to Bar Pull-ups: 4 x 6-10. Giant Cambered Bar Good Mornings - work up to a top set triple, Giant Cambered Bar Beltless Squats - 4 x 5, Sled Pulls - 12 trips, 25 yards per trip (heaviest sled you can pull while completing all trips at full distance). The remainder of your workout will consist of accessory training for volume. Rest 60 seconds between sets. According to a small 2020 study, 10 women who did the conjugate method were able to lower their systolic blood pressure. Louie has published over 300 training articles, authored eight books, and produced ten highly respected training videos. To vary your exercises, you can also use: The conjugate method also allows you to identify and work on building strength in your weaker areas. One had to be well chosen for such a rigorous regiment of training. This article provides a complete guide to workout. Target the appropriate muscle groups (listed below) but focus on your individual weaknesses. Having your training days appropriately scheduled and your exercises properly organized and selected will quickly have you on the path to strength training success. This training schedule keeps our max effort training days strategically spaced apart to ensure adequate recovery is possible between max effort training days. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Over the last 40 years athletes ranging from Olympic wrestlers, UFC Fighters, Pro Boxers, Jiu-Jitsu athletes and Judo competitors have trained and consulted with Westside Barbell. It was not created for optimal fat loss or to improve general health. Science has proven that training at a 90% or above for 3 weeks will cause physical and mental fatigue. The training I was doing at the time was influenced by everyone mentioned above. We have never released how they would train using our methods, until now. Each week, youll have two dynamic effort sessions that activate your fast-twitch muscle fibers to build explosive power. I struggle to lock out squats, I'm weak off the floor for deadlift, and I tend to lose tightness on bench. As I am sure you know, Westsides methods are anything but common knowledge. Louie has been writing about this system for over 30 years. Science of Sports Training. No. 4) Accessory Work:As I said before, the accessory work for Dynamic Effort and Maximal Effort is more or less exactly the same. Variations can be slight and should closely resemble the move you are attempting to replicate. Even with all of your commitments outside of the gym, your workouts are very important to you and are a vital part of your mental health. Perform specific accessory movements for a maximum of 3 weeks and then switch to a different move. Within this program, you will get programming four days a week, as well as a video explanations of what to expect from each block of training. Additionally, while I understand the majority of gyms dont supply this type of equipment, a good set of bands are not only relatively cheap but are a fantastic investment. Work up to a 1RM, 1) Wide Stance Below Parallel Box Squat: 12 x 2 @ 75% 1RM, 1) Close Grip Bench Press: 9 x 3 @ 50% 1RM, 1) Rack Pull from Pin 1. The use of accommodating resistance such as bands, chains, weight releasers, and different specialty bars is one of the key components to Westsides success. V-Handle Lat Pulldowns: 4 x 12-15. His training was a combination of regular squats, box squats, old Westside style (meaning Culver City, CA, style), rack squats, and good mornings, which contributed to his success. The absolute best advice I can provide you with is: Find what you suck at and do it over and over again; once youve perfected it, find another weakness and repeat the process again. Starzynaki, T.; Sozanski, H.Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for all Sports. Now that Ive gotten my disclaimer out of the way, Im excited to present to you Are there great coaches out there? Specific movements should be used for a maximum of 1-3 weeks. This is known as the Main Move and must be the first exercise of the day. Rotate special exercises weekly or biweekly. Expect your heart rate to be between 150 to 160 during sets and come down to 130 during rest intervals. The MMA program has a three-day split. This program is designed to keep an athlete fully prepared throughout the year for competition. Conditioning is best developed through fast paced . Those who have researched and investigated Louies methods are likely aware that he makes available numerous articles and products specifically geared towards explaining The Westside system. Strength training and blood pressure in normotensive women: The effects of the conjugate method. Note: During the BFCM sales period all sales are final.Thus, no returns will accepted. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All Rights Reserved 2023 syattfitness-C. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The goal is to reach a 1- to 3-repetition maximum. "For intensifying muscular system work in specific regime, the Conjugate Method is used; it foresees specific exercises with additional external resistance. This is known as the Main Move and must be the first exercise of the day. To meet your fitness goals, follow a healthy eating plan that ensures you get enough calories. It may not be an all-time record, but it is the most you are capable of on that day, week after week. Accessory exercises occur immediately after the main movement and will make up around 80% of the overall volume each training day. 1. All workouts will include four to six exercises. Maybe they think the push button starters on some new cars are also new, but all cars had a starter button in the 1940s. Dove - I wouldn't recommend that. Would you change anything about it? While you may be tempted to push yourself to your limits, its important to listen to your body and take a step back if you experience pain, fatigue, or any type of illness. Jump Variation: Perform a different variation every other week (i.e.. Special Exercise A: Pick an area of weakness in the lower body and perform 100 total reps. Special Exercise B: Pick an area of weakness different than #3 and perform 100 total reps. This is a game of input/output. I thought there had to be a better way. Find movements you suck at and do them until youre proficient. Attack your accessory work as hard and eavy as possible. Certainly. The basic principle to Westside is Do whatever makes you stronger, the openness and encouragement to experiment and switch exercises inherent in true westside style programming allows you to find the best movements for your lifting and use them effectively in a system that allows you to control intensity and volume in a way that they build on The wide variety of special exercises will perfect form. Goblet Squats: 40-30-20-10 as fast as possible with a heavy. If possible, track your HRV to determine your training ability. Like the scholar who must utilize many sources of information to achieve a higher level of knowledge, the lifter must incorporate new and more difficult exercises to raise their standards. This is just like the Bulgarian training with the exception of the number of lifts. Three lifts at 90% and above are advised. Then take this free gift. 1995. To fully maximize these benefits, you must consistently follow the correct structure of the training sessions. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Look at our Web site and compare our lifts to those of other gyms: 89 Elites, 14 who squat over 1000 and 4 over 1100; 30 who bench over 700 pounds and 4 over 800 pounds; 15 who deadlift over 800 pounds and 6 over 2500 pounds; 4 with a total over 2600 and 1 with a 2700-pound total. With unlimited access, you can take advantage of our exercise index, which is filled with videos of how to perform specialized exercises that we reference in the workouts. All Rights Reserved. Bouts of 60 seconds to 90 seconds. When we perform DE upper, we will always bench against accommodating resistance. Changing up exercises allows you to constantly challenge yourself and work your body in different ways. Find exercises you suck at and do them until youve perfected it. GPP / conditioning work will always be performed at the end of a workout and serves as a means to improve an athlete's conditioning and overall wellness. Here is the Conjugate Method Standard Template training schedule: This training schedule keeps our max effort training days strategically spaced apart to ensure adequate recovery is possible between max effort training days. I started to buy books such as the. The main exercise you choose will depend on the training day. I had totaled my first Elite U.S.P.F. Daniel Bubnis, MS, NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS. With this programming, our primary objective is to increase absolute strength as well as strength endurance in the patterns most commonly executed while decreasing the risk of injury. Conjugate periodization is a plan for multilateral, long-term athletic development. Avoid overtraining, which can cause you to feel run down and may even lead to burnout. Always Optimal. We have never released how they would train using our methods, until now. While these things are of great importance, it is outrageous to claim the program you follow doesn't matter. You want to organize the training day to ensure you get the most out of it. Westsides training schedule can be further broken down into two distinct categories based on two of the three principal methods of training: The Maximal Effort Method and The Dynamic Effort Method. This may come as shock to many, but the logic is pretty simple: spend the bulk of your time working on improving your limitations and your classic lifts will improve. What I took from the Soviets was the sequence of wave loading. The aerobic system is the most metabolically adaptable energy system in that it can produce ATP from multiple energy sources. I still see training that is actually too "perfect" for wrestlers. Dynamic effort lower will focus on box squats, while dynamic effort upper will focus on speed bench. Finally, with unlimited access, you gain the ability to have your questions answered by the Conjugate Club staff as well as Louie Simmons himself. I would adjust things for a 2 or 4 day a week program and make other adjustments based on the wrestler's goals. If it's max effort lower, it can be any squat, deadlift, or good morning variation you choose. Take full recovery of 2-3 minutes between heavy sets. This programming focuses on what we do with NFL and high level amateur football players to develop the strength to overpower the individual match up. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. No rest between sets. So its no surprise that our system is the perfect fit for optimal training of a Rugby athlete. Seriously, take it. *Perform different variations for your special exercise work than you performed on Day 3. Perform 20-30 minutes of light cyclical work (can use the same measure as cardiac output, but this time your heart rate should NOT exceed 130). It could be explosive strength, commonly known as the dynamic method. Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky has been credited with the pendulum wave . Dynamic effort training days are done back to back, considering the training demand they place on the body is less extreme than max effort. Plain and simple: Westside trains for strength. Work up to a 1RM, 1) Conventional Stance Parallel Box Squat vs. Bands: 12 x 2 @ 80% 1RM, 1) Conventional Stance Parallel Box Squat vs. Bands: 12 x 2 @ 85% 1RM, DBell Press Variations(incline/flat/standing), 45 Degree Back Extension/Reverse Hyperextension, Pushup Variations (close grip, clap pushups), Tricep Specific Movements (extensions/press downs), Glute Ham Raise/Hamstring Curl Variations, All Rowing Movements (cable/d-bell/barbell), Lat Specific Movements (lat pull down/chins), Shoulder Specific Movements (rear delt/front/side raises), and 13 men totaling 2500+lbs, 7 men totaling 2600+lbs, 2 men totaling 2700+lbs and 2 men totaling 2800+lbs, Take as much rest as you need between attempts (3-5 minutes should be plenty). 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