disadvantages of state of emergency in nigeria

No. There is also the need to modernize the security agencies with training, intelligence sharing, advanced technology, logistics, motivation, and change of orientation. A State of Emergency Proclamation Enacted to Avert the Threat Against National Existence and Sovereignty: Whereas, it is the government's legal duty and moral responsibility to safeguard the existence and sovereignty of the nation from internal and external enemies; The states have now become the administrative units of the federal government. Security and development are also related in the sense that being a public good, the imperative to maintain security competes with other public goods such as education, health, and infrastructure for public funds. And even when these exist, some personnel get influenced by ethnic, religious, or communal sentiment and are easily swallowed by their personal interest to serve their people, rather than the nation. In Nigeria, there have been major national disasters in the last few years. Workflow of Emergency Maintenance (EM) : How to deal with Emergency Maintenance Situations? 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! The problem of Internal Land Conflicts: Land ownership disputes have frequently caused conflicts among Nigerians. He identified ethnoreligious conflict as a major source of insecurity in Nigeria. It is, however, subject to abuse. Nigeria is estimated to host over 70 percent of about 8 million illegal weapons in West Africa. 21. Nigeria runs a federal system a situation where the federating units are expected to enjoy autonomy. One of the general principles is that any decision about an emergency must be done in good faith. There ought to have been a time to determine a cause; time to close that case; and time to deliver judgment and pass sentences. Violence is being perpetrated in northern Nigeria by a group known as Boko Haram, which is fighting for a state-controlled by Sharia Law. In that case, foreign firms and entrepreneurs would decline to invest and this is particularly important in view of the efforts being made to create the desired atmosphere to attract foreign direct investment. During their schooling, many Nigerian graduates did not learn practical skills. Without a reliable road system, business suffers. Even if they have suspended operations for the time being, their actions have drastically reduced crude oil output in the country. In the latest violence, 53 people were killed and 13. A situation that often results in the reactions of the public to the excesses of the military regimes which governed Nigeria and has continued after the end of military regimes and created a sensitivity by those in government at public intrusion in matters of state. We recognize that some internal factors have been enhanced and strengthened by the presence of external forces, but, there is no doubt that, if the internal situations did not present themselves, the external forces would be unable to infiltrate. Quantitative data was obtained using . According to studies, the most effective approach to terrorism is effective security and dialogue with terrorists to tackle issues related to the source of terrorism, and the government must prioritize the benefits of the people. Todays parents utilize their political clout or influence to affect their childrens education. Nigeria is the largest black nation in the world, with a current population estimated to be over 200 million. The Nigeria insecurity situation can, and in many cases, actually halted business operations during the periods of violence and also caused the outright closure of many enterprises especially in the areas or zones where incidences of insecurity are rife and are on a daily occurrence, in a bid to protect lives of operators and business property. 200,000 students graduate from colleges each year, yet many struggles to find work and others resort to less-than-honorable ways of subsistence. The bomb explosions initiated by this group have been on the increase leading to enormous loss of life and property and a general atmosphere of fear and social tension in the country. This is an internationally recognised set of rules which set out limits to restrictions on rights during emergencies. The renowned Security expert said that for the Government to tackle insecurity, a key starting point should be to understand the causes of insecurity as well as to investigate their sources of social disorder and instability. They claim that, despite being the golden egg-laying chicken, their territory is severely undeveloped. 2 Adamawa - State Yola. Chris Aluta, GMD, Protection plus Services Limited made this assertion while speaking on the topic Security Challenges in Nigeria and the Implications for Business Activities and Sustainable Development said that Security, however, can be described as stability and continuity of livelihood (stable and steady income), predictability of daily life (knowing what to expect), protection from crime (feeling safe), and freedom from psychological harm (safety or protection from emotional stress which results from the assurance of knowing that one is wanted, accepted, loved and protected in ones community or neighborhood and by people around. Institutions remain weak with insufficiently protected property, rights, high corruption, and undue influence. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide7.xml.rels Following the military's truly outstanding performance after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, there were calls for active-duty troops to take a more robust - and even leading - role in disaster operations, to include law enforcement. A State of Emergency helps: Advantages and disadvantages of statelessness. They apply for jobs, but owing to a lack of credentials, they are not hired. However, good governance is a function of effective, visionary, transparent, trustworthy, and credible political leadership whose driving force is an improvement in the collective wellbeing of the citizens through well-conceived, effectively implemented economic policies and human development programs. He posited that there is a need to reorder priorities and to seek a better understanding of the underlying causes and dynamics of the insecurity in the country with the aim of providing effective conflict prevention and management strategies. In all parts of Nigeria, there exist ethnoreligious conflicts and these according to him, have emerged as a result of new and particularistic forms of political consciousness and identity often structured around ethnoreligious identities. The immediate factors which caused Nigerias insecurity situation are inexhaustible. Due to the escalating costs of education (school fees, enrolment fees, the cost of books and other materials), students and even their parents will not want to be held behind by any type of deficit or failure in any of the needed topics, and would thus go to any length to avoid being held back. The situation in Anambra State can be described as merely local or relatively isolated threats to law and order. (Trading Economics 2018). 49. 3. Those who advocate for one tribes supremacy over others should be warned and potentially sanctioned. All our endearing values and morals have been traded off for western values. In Nigeria, litter is strewn across the highways and streets. 1. In the first case, before the state of emergency was declared on 24 March and a lockdown of parts of the capital city-province Kinshasa was imposed, President Felix Tshisekedi had announced, on 18 March, measures to restrict the movement of people, including banning public gatherings, closing schools, restricting travel and closing public . Nigeria has lost large numbers of lives in the Northern region since 2009 to the insurgency of this infamous sect, Boko Haram which has been ravaging the northern region of the country. Your email address will not be published. This might result in delays in production, decrease in product quality, increase labor costs, etc. He mentioned the following as solutions to the issue of insecurity: Leadership development- It is viewed that Nigeria will have to develop visionary leadership, a leadership that is detribalized such that it has at leadership positions only people who are able to inculcate in their people or followers, the idea of common citizenship as the transcendent factor among all Nigerians, no matter the tribe, gender, religion, economic and social status. The state of insecurity in the country besides the issue of lack of regular electricity supply, which itself is a source of economic insecurity in the country is repelling investors. The general view is that peace and security are determined by good governance. As a means of surviving, many unemployed adolescents have turned to internet frauds. Loss of Socio-cultural and communal value system -The traditional value system of the Nigerian society like most African societies is characterized by such endearing features as collectivism, loyalty to authority and community, truthfulness, honesty, hard work, tolerance, love for others, Mutual harmony and co-existence, and identification of an individual with another (Other distinctive features of Nigerian traditional society are abhorrence for theft and high value for life. Conducive environment: some states lacks police infrastructures such as college, clinic and adequate resources to sustain the desired policing. As such, workers resign to run away from such areas and fresh people do not want to go there for employment. It is both a social and economic monster. This does not even take into account the country's . In this situation, a state of emergency can deepen the unitary structure. Published. This digital currency will promote financial inclusion, meaning those who are unbanked can get easier and safer access to money on their mobile phones. 3. Cases of corruption are not meant to be compromised at all, let alone adjourning them endlessly. Hmmmmmm true talk, may the Lord restore our country and guides our leaders to lead us well. In many cases, security personnel assigned to deal with given security situations lack the expertise and equipment to handle the situations in a way to prevents them from occurring. Porous Borders One major immediate factor which has enhanced insecurity in Nigeria is the porous frontiers of the country, where individual movements are largely untracked. The government is responsible for this discourse, which must be conducted in order to keep the country secure. There. 4 Anambra State - Awka. This perception stems from the perception of marginalization by a section of the people, government development policies, and political offices and this has become a primary source of disaffection and resentment. PK ! 11. These migrants which are mostly young men are some of the perpetrators of crime in the country. 13/05/2020. The argument for this is that such leaders will help to mold the contending ethnic and religious groups into harmony and help to remove the perceived mutual distrust among them. A situation where the country earns a great deal of revenue through oil sales but fails to use these earnings to meet the needs of its people and to develop infrastructure as well as the economy. Aluta pointed out that it is necessary to distinguish between different causes as each may require a different remedy. Evidently, there has been a decline in foreign direct investment in Nigeria. This will contribute to the countrys unity and build greater trust among all tribes. As the premeditated use or threat of use of violence by an individual or group to cause fear, destruction or death, especially against unarmed targets, property or infrastructure in a state, intended to compel those in authority to respond to the demands and expectations of the individual or group behind such violent acts which has cost 13.4 percent of the world gross domestic product. 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! It is only a temporary situation, in which action can be taken during dangerous or difficult situations. a. Nigerians must come to embrace the truth that, despite the fact that the country was founded by the British, we are all one people. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Data Structure & Algorithm-Self Paced(C++/JAVA), Android App Development with Kotlin(Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Differences between Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing, Software Engineering | Coupling and Cohesion, Functional vs Non Functional Requirements, Differences between Verification and Validation, Software Engineering | Classical Waterfall Model, Software Engineering | Requirements Engineering Process, Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Format, Software Engineering | Architectural Design, Difference between Alpha and Beta Testing, Software Engineering | Iterative Waterfall Model, Software Engineering | Introduction to Software Engineering, Difference between Spring and Spring Boot, Software Engineering | Quality Characteristics of a good SRS, Difference between High Level Design and Low Level Design, Class Diagram for Library Management System, Software Engineering | Requirements Elicitation, Software Engineering | Software Characteristics, Software Engineering | Seven Principles of software testing. Finally, dealing alone with the issues mentioned above will not appraise the root causes of insecurity. Abstract. The administration has also pledged an equitable transfer of wealth to the people, which should be implemented. Such that there is the temptation to lose sight of the fact that such a declaration can also arise due to natural disasters and calamity as provided for under section 305(3)(e). Recommended: How to buy land in Nigeria: Important documents you will need. Nigerians are tired of going to the polls on election day only to discover that their ballots havent been counted. The FCT Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has responded to several emergencies within the K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide3.xml.rels Some of the current conflicts in the country may be traced back to this forced union. The government is responsible for this discourse, which must be conducted in order to keep the country secure. In fact, it generally reduces lifespan of equipment. A state of emergency is not an aberration. Nigeria is one of the countries in the world with very high rural/urban drift. Unemployment is also one of the key causes of social vices in the country; even graduates have difficulty finding work. Usually, the brakes come on at the last second before contact is made with the incoming object. Nigeria was ranked 144th out of 177 countries on Transparency Internationals Corruption Perception Index in 2013, making it one of the most corrupt countries in the world. March 30, 2022. 2. 3 Akwa Ibom State - Uyo. I admit that things are bad but not as bad as we are made to believe here! For example, a person can be too high of a risk to be desirable to standard insurance providers. This effort will enhance the operational capabilities of the Nigerian security agencies by identifying avenues that would enable them to respond appropriately to internal security challenges and other threats. Several roads were closed due to the flooding. h. Finding a remedy to corruption has proven to be a dead end throughout the years. Many lives have been sacrificed as a result of land ownership disputes, and many more are likely to be lost until these concerns are resolved once and for all. j. It was during the presidency of Olusegun Obasanjo . In addition, the security situation remains serious in Nigeria. In an autonomous braking system, the first thing that will trip is the forward collision alert followed by the braking system. Uchenna Simeon does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Recommended: Best Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence. Thus, instead of being national watchdogs and defending national interest and values, and protecting people from harm by criminals, they soon become saboteurs of government effort by supporting and fuelling insecurity through either leaking vital security information or aiding and abetting criminals to acquire weapons or to escape the long arm of the law. New Jersey, and Connecticut and the 2005 hurricanes that ripped through the Southern states, exposed the vulnerabilities within our cities and in many private industries, including those covering the industrial, transportation and healthcare markets. 4. This is so because the association of different component units will make the . [2] The study has shown that at a speed of about 30 km/h, tricycle occupant is prone to. In Nigeria, the challenge is not so much about the insecurity of external sources, but rather that of internal sources. According to a source, the females were between the ages of 17 and 18. Fikayo Olowolagba. Summary. One can say that emergency is a dangerous situation that requires immediate and quick action. In addition, there should be a complete overhaul of the security institutions in the country to reflect international standards of best practices so as to pre-empt these security breaches. A particular feature of the current state of emergency is the unusually large number of persons that have been detained as a result of it: These include high civil servants, prominent business people, religious leaders, trade unionists and other civic leaders. As a result, the city declared a local state of emergency, advising residents to remain indoors, to stay off roads and sidewalks, and to stay away from rushing street waters and to avoid the Main Street bridge. Conflict of Perceptions between the Public and government Over the years, there has been a standing mismatch between public and government perceptions. When the Governor duly proclaims the existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the state caused by fire, flood, storm, epidemic, technological failure or accident, riot, drought, sudden and severe energy shortage, plant or animal infestation or disease, earthquake, explosion, terrorism, Everyones main priority is not to deal with such type of maintenance. Emergency maintenance does not increase lifetime of equipment. Recommended: Richest Musicians In Nigeria currently. The "petroleum-rich" Nigerian state, confronted by sociopolitical instability, high degree of corruption, mass hostility to the "public," and poor macroeconomic management, continue to display the attributes of a state in crisis (Akinola, 2008).Successive governments in Nigeria, like in many African states, lack the political will to initiate or sustain policy or structural . The Principle of Federal Character, which stipulates that all states are represented in the federal government, was included in the constitution to address this issue. In addition to the fact that areas pruned to insecurity will not be attractive for marketers from outside, there will be restrictions on mobility. . Our story is not as bleak as presented here. A paper presented by Director Panning Research and Forecasting, NEMA, to participants of the National War College Course 13, at the . Roads are in disrepair due to corruption and misappropriation of public monies Only 67 percent of paved roads and 33 percent of unpaved roads were in good or fair condition in 2011, according to the World Bank. Even though on face value, this will seem to be a positive development, I have reason to be cautious and fearful of another political disaster in the SW. Lastly, a state of emergency can be abused unless both the legislature and judiciary can assert their independence in practice, and rule of law is made the cardinal principle of governance. Diseases like HIV/AIDS have also been a major problem that has cost the government billions of dollars to address. Under emergency rule, the government enjoys wide powers which infringe on human rights and fundamental freedoms. In Nigeria, election tampering is not uncommon. These factors have been classified or grouped into external and internal factors. International monitors witnessed widespread vote box theft in 2007, and while the situation improved in 2011, ballot-rigging remained widespread. Also see: Why is Nigeria so corrupt? Recommended: Best businesses to start with N100k in Nigeria and be successful. The Yorubas have had a history of political racality, which is well known throughout Nigeria. Abrupt braking. The possibility of federal government taking over the affairs of the state explains why no state governor has ever requested the president to proclaim a state of emergency in their state. The Nigeria-South Africa Chamber of commerce webinar for January 2021 was held on 28th January 2021. They were too preoccupied with reading textbooks to understand how to apply what they had learned. This results in a rather abrupt stop which could shake up the cabin or give your passengers a bit of a fright. The menace of insecurity no doubt calls for a new approach that will be founded on credible intelligence gathering. In their pursuit, they have damaged oil pipelines and abducted oil employees. Factors hindering the development of Nigeria. But the countrys federal system is deeply flawed with power and resources inordinately in control of the central government. However, Nigeria in recent times has witnessed an unprecedented level of insecurity such as Boko Haram activities, banditry, kidnapping, Fulani-Herders-Farmers clashes that resulted in Ondo State issuance of Quit notice to Fulanis in the State. Furthermore, the country is not harnessing the latest technologies for productivity enhancements, as demonstrated by its low rates of ICT penetration. there is an occurrence or imminent danger of the occurrence of any disaster or natural calamity there is any danger which clearly constitutes a threat to the existence of Nigeria The last is when. ppt/slides/_rels/slide15.xml.rels As mentioned above, a lack of preparation can . Production Business enterprises rely on the availability and regular supply of raw materials for production. We contend that when there is widespread insecurity, it could affect business investment, the entire business organization, or some aspects of its operations which include production, marketing, finance, and human resource (H/R). Nigeria - a multiethnic nation of more than 160 million people - is also affected by a spate of conflicts over land, religion and oil. Workers incomes are no longer sufficient to purchase physical goods from marketplaces. Given the porous borders as well as the weak and security system, weapons come easily into Nigeria from other countries. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta is a good example (MEND). 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! Inflation is a significant issue in the country. Even though the country has been together for almost a century, it has failed to fully integrate. The consistent pattern of post damage responses to national security has been attributed to the dearth of pre-emptive intelligence among security personnel. All these variables of crimes and social maladies have made the Nigerian security environment to be complex. Nigeria reported the country's . Thus, the law is no longer acting as a deterrent. Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013, Abuja, Nigeria, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: NPC and ICF International. They prefer blanket references, with the consideration that the causes of insecurity are interwoven and contributory to one another. The federal government can use the power at its disposal to encroach on the powers vested in the states by the Nigerian constitution. In turn, it minimizes loss. This organization has filed a lawsuit against the government for control of money derived from the sale of crude oil produced in their territory. An inter-agency assessment mission fielded in Nigeria in May 2014 showed that between 2013 and 2014, in six states affected by the crisis (Adamawa, Borno, Bauchi, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe) the number of IDPs had . Recommended: Problems of the Nigerian educational system. It must also be done on the basis of an objective assessment of the situation. Non-governing citizens are also judged guilty, even though they are supposed to be free of corruption. There are over 3 million people internally displaced in Nigeria, forced to flee in their homes in the North-East by insurgency and conflict. In Nigeria, cases that bother on corruption and insecurity have most often been compromised. Unemployment: In Nigeria, unemployment is spreading like a virus. Insecurity affects the general human security of the people as the situation promotes fear, while at the same time limiting the peoples ability to work effectively. . Nigeria has a population of around 180 million people. 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