if zodiac signs were weapons

Scorpio, since youre known for your cool and calm attitude, people never expect you to care about anything. She's had pieces in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Woman's Day, Purple Clover, Bustle, and is a regular contributor toRavishlyandYourTango. Aries (March 21 - April 19) The ram represents Aries , and for a reason; Aries is fierce! Majors in the Ariean army go to battle wearing their Helm: a warriors helmet that, in addition to protecting ones head, also provides a polarized, panoramic view of the battlefield and alerts the wearer of any incoming attacks or problematic vitals. Taurus personalities are reliable and patient, though they can also be described as stubborn and uncompromising. Larger than life, Sagittarius's planetary ruler, Jupiter, often gifts this sign with excessive tendencies and an abundance of luck. Using the speed and weight of the charging horse combined with the position of the lance in the knight's arm, it was nearly unstoppable, especially against unmounted opponents. The shield was a defensive armament that helped to protect soldiers from their opponent's onslaughts. They also tend to be impulsive, so they probably wouldn't plan out a murder, and would use something around them like a baseball bat, a shot put, or a log that was right there on the hiking path. After they were done stabbing you, they'd start ripping you limb from limb, even if you were already dead. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. This Lion will always have the loudest roar! #zodiacsigns #zodiac # . Aries : March 21 - April 19. Scorpio: Goes on a hunt for the killer for murdering Aries. Although they're nervous and often overly critical, most of their concerns focus around bringing a sense of functional organization to their everyday life. Even more than that, Angel loves sharing her finds with anyone who is willing to listen, which makes Screen Rant the perfect place for her. The story behind this cosmic archetype tells the tale of twin brothers, Castor and Pollux. You are naturally outgoing and . Kind Leadership in Action with Mark Shapiro, 20 Quarantine Date Ideas to Make Life Feel Normal Again, If Your Long-Distance Friendships Are in Danger, Read This Survival Guide, Heartbroken? The Elders of House Aquarius are always unassumingly armed with their Barer: a devastating multi-weapon made of a series of connected rings fitted perfectly to the wearers dominant hand, making it a very quick draw. Taurus Earth sign renowned for stability, reliability and dependability. Capricorns are earth signstheyre grounded, ambitious, loyal, and strong. Will they charge in for a close fight that gives you a chance to take them down, or should you be prepared to dodge an unexpected and potentially hazardous throw? Bold and audacious, Leo's warmth remains unmovingthanks to its fixed nature. It can even uncover information surrounding our births. For this reason, an excellent example of Sagittarius is Bard, the man from Lake-town responsible for taking down Smaug with a single arrow. Aquarius would be so removed from the murderthat it might not even seem real to them. Zodiac Signs As Steven Universe Characters And Quotes. Cancer : June 21 - July 22. Pisces are known to be compassionate, wise, and intuitive, all characteristics that made King Thoden such a beloved leader. Geminis make perfect leaders because theyre careful about who they choose to surround themselves with. The weapon works both above and underwater, and as Cancrians abhor violence and value every life, they only use it when they absolutely must. A Taurus might use a smiley face pillow or a celebrity body pillowto suffocate the victim. The sword was considered the most crucial tool of the Middle Ages. For this reason, it was a bit of a menace, kidnapping maidens as a way to lure warriors into its lair, where it would kill and devour them. Sagittarius is a mutable, masculine fire sign, ruled by Jupiter and associated with the Ninth House of exploration, long-distance travel, philosophy, law, and spirituality. Sagittarius natives are optimistic, outgoing, generous, and philosophical in nature. Known as The Twins, Geminis everywhere set the standard when it comes to the importance of having a partner. #1. When a Taurus sets their mind to something, they want to get it done as quickly and painlessly as possible. When looking toward the heavens and examining the mythology of Scorpio, quite a tale unfolds. It would be effective, fast, and completely untraceable. Cancer: Manchester Terrier. GEMINI: The honeymoon phase has passed, and they still haven't bailed. Keep in mind that this is merely a broad explanation. The Knights of House Libra believe justice cannot be found without a proper trial, and so they defuse violent situations with Bind: a wispy white powder made from ground-up minerals found deep within Kytheras core. A sign's temperament is often defined by its planetary ruler, bringing through a passive, aggressive, conservative, receptive, or extroverted personality type. You'd want to be creative. The story behind this member of the zodiac takes us back to the days of Greek mythology, and how Zeus won the heart of the beautiful princess, Europa. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Unfortunately, this blade becomes lost after Pharazn's death at the hands of the Valar. Taurus is a fixed, feminine earth sign ruled by Venus and associated with the Second House of money and value. While Gil-galad had little screen time before Rings of Power, audiences have since learned that these qualities perfectly describe the Elven High King. The history behind the mythology of this sign showcases its caring nature, bringing us back once more to the terror of the monster Typhon. The signs within each element all share universal characteristics. What better armament for Cancer than the all-important shield? These astrological signs are believed to have . The Rings of Power has stayed faithful to The Lord of the Rings by demonstrating the impact of various weapons on the storyline. It was owned by Durin I and was passed down to Durin VI before the Balrog killed him. Each Knight has her own preferred method of dispersing Bind, but often its as simple as blowing a fistful into someones face. Although they can be sweet and kind, they're also prone to mood swings and other selfish behavior. There's nothing more fitting for a Virgo than the medieval dagger. The traditional planetsMars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiterall serve more than one sign. It often comes out as a witty remark, a flippant hand gesture, and an overbooked schedule. The zodiacal belt is a heavenly body that extends to 8 degrees north or south of the ecliptic. And when lightning strikes, the volcanic nature of Virgo becomes electric! There are 12 different horoscope signs, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, traits, desires, and way of viewing the world. Aquarius is an air signeven though its zodiac symbol is the Water-Bearer.. Truly, you'll never know. They want to be first in everything and will often act before they truly have a chance to think things through. RELATED: 11 Quotes That PROVE It's ALWAYS A Bad Idea To Double-Cross A Pisces. They will say whatever comes to mind without restraint, and their symbol is the easily recognized archer. Hercules had orders from the gods to complete a series of tasks, which included defeating the sea monster, Hydra. The line of Durin, which audiences see some of in Rings of Power, possessed an heirloom called Durin's Axe. You never settle, and thats why you always live a thrilling life. Read The signs + weapons from the story Zodiac Signs by lifewitjo_ (Jo) with 354 reads. Today, Orion is most commonly known as a constellation. It allowed the wielder to cut through their opponents and move on. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Your secret weapon is your kind heart. Most of us are aware of the 12 signs of the zodiac and the symbols that represent them. It's also usually wrapped up in a moody presence. Capricorn the goat, Pisces the fish, Taurus the bull, and so on. As the first sign in the zodiac, ancient astrologers recognize that the Aries zodiac symbol needed a strong signifierand that explains the Ram. When sounded, the Chroniclers breath passes through thousands of intricate airways to emit a sound at a frequency that shuts down the nervous system of anyone who hears it, eventually causing bodies to fall over and seize. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Cancer: Selfless, Emotionally resilient, Magnetic personality, Leo: Creative, Committed, Natural leaders, Virgo: Incredibly smart, Determined, Fearless, Libra: Wise, Gracious, Peaceful, Artistic, Sagittarius: Cultural, Adventurous, Spiritual, Capricorn: Hardest working sign, High endurance, Relentless, Aries: "If you keep repeating yourself louder and louder, they won't realize you ran out of arguments", Taurus: "If they don't agree with you, they're wrong", Gemini: "Say it even if you aren't sure you mean it", Cancer: "If they really cared about you, they'd read your mind", Leo: "They're dumping you because they can't handle how much they love you", Virgo: "Go ahead, give your opinion even though they didn't ask for it", Libra: "It's not sh!t talking if you start with 'I love them, but"", Scorpio: "They're plotting against you. But there are some weapons that can effectively harness the water sign's caring energy. Now, Gemini's two personalities aren't a choice between chopping someone to bits in close quarters or tossing your arms at them from afar, but there are some similarities. But What If the Middle Ages Never Happened? No one wants to believe that they have the capabilities to be a murderer. : Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Out of 7 billion people in the worldI only need you: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Zodiac Signs Quotes, Zodiac Personality Quotes, Zodiac Memes Quotes, Zodiac Traits Quotes, Aries Traits Quotes, Taurus Traits Quotes, Gemini Traits Quotes, Cancer Traits Quotes, Leo Traits Quotes, Virgo Traits Quotes, Libra Traits Quotes, Scorpio Traits Quotes, Sagittarius Traits Quotes, Capricorn Traits Quotes, Aquarius Traits Quotes, Pisces T. Your email address will not be published. What Are the 12 Zodiac Symbols? Cancers are by far the most emotional zodiac sign. It had the potential to stick in its target and pull the knight from his saddle, throw the knight backwards off his horse from the strength of the impact, orsimply shatter on impact. Your selflessness makes you special and unique. The Barrow-blades were claimed by Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin after their adventure with the Barrow-wight. Pisces would only murder someone as a mercy killing. Virgos are loyal, hardworking, and practical, just like the Bagginses, who are some of the best Hobbits in The Lord of the Rings. This represents the sun setting over Earth, and the duality of night and day. Youre competitive, loyal and smart, and you never let people bulldoze you. Just like a bull, a Taurus dominates every challenge put in its way. . To honor this act of love, Taurus received a place amongst the stars. But your secret weapon is your passion. He had knowledge of healing, hunting, and the arts. Aries, with your passion and independence, youre a trailblazer. Why buy two items when you could buy one that fulfills two tasks? While the sun and moon are assigned only to Leo and Cancer. He was respected by the godsespecially for his ability to cure ailments. Sagittarius are natural philosophers and are always looking to explore the mysteries of the universe. Your changeable nature makes you exciting, fun, sweet, bitter, hostile you contain multitudes. Some Ministers carry several vials of poison to dip their Thorns in, sometimes to paralyze and sometimes to kill. The ability to wield or create zodiac weapons. So, here is your secret weapon, based on your zodiac sign. Gemini is a mutable, masculine air sign, ruled by Mercury and associated with the Third House of local community, short-distance travel, siblings, and communication. Gemini: Sets the trap for catching the killer Cancer: Is hiding upstairs with Pisces. Artist Damon Hellandbrand Transformed All 12 Zodiac Signs Into Scary Monsters. Fey, fickle Gemini. Login. Each of the Zodiac Signs has its own unique characteristics and corresponding elements that are integral to their understanding. You dont just persevere but you dominate. It is divided into twelve equal divisions or signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Vi ~ Sorry about my lazy excuse for a chapter after not updating for so long \_(-)_/, The Signs When Listening to Music (Alone). However, daggers were also used to complete everyday tasks, making them an essential piece of equipment for times of conflict and peace. Leo: Greece. After all, nothing gets by the Virgin. Aries's masculine nature is forthright with vigor, a trait further amplified by its planetary ruler, Mars. Capricorn is a cardinal, feminine earth sign, ruled by Saturn and associated with the Tenth House of career, reputation, and goals. Read Weapons from the story The Zodiac Signs by xxEternalLove1xx (.Megan.) Much like Gemini's dual personalities,axes force you to just wait and see what happens. There are six feminine signs and six masculine signs. Much like a Taurus, the flanged mace is all about getting things done. Finally, mutable signs are the editors of the zodiac, the ones who round out the finished product with fluidity. Aquarius being so innovative would probably come up with a murder app. When Gandalf returned Thoden to his right mind, he knew that the feel of Herugrim in his hand would remind him what it meant to be a king. They make natural empaths, with an ability to tap into the emotions of people around them. Unfortunately, as they were making their escape, Helle fell from the Ram into the sea and perished. Aries Aries Dates Mar 21-Apr 19 Aries Traits Eager, dynamic, quick and competitive Taurus Taurus Dates Apr 20-May 20 Taurus Traits Strong, dependable, sensual and creative Gemini Gemini Dates May 21-Jun 20 Gemini Traits In an act of kindness, he decided to take the place of Prometheus, who was enduring daily torture as a form of punishment. They suffer to see injustice in the world and will always feel the impulse to act in unfair times. Water signs are seen as shy, reserved, and sensitive, but also intuitive and in-tune with their feelings. While an Aries might learn from Morgoth's fate to stay on the side of good, Grond would still be a good fit. A Gemini would be calm and collected when they committed murder, so they might do something long range such as a slow poisoning. Libra season also kicks off the Autumn Equinox, when the days and nights are equal in length. RELATED: Facts About The Capricorn Zodiac Sign That Describe These Down-To-Earth, Ambitious People Perfectly. A Taurus never ever gives up no matter what. Lastly, the mutable signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces. In every tale a lesson, and in my mind, a zodia Look no further for redirection, as Scorpio can be the spark for cabalistic transformation! Aquarius is a fixed, masculine air signruled by Saturn and Uranus. No sign understands the importance of balance, light against dark, and right vs. wrong quite like a Libra does. The zodiac is made up of twelve constellations and signs, dividing the sky into twelve sections. Thank you for subscribing to ENTITY. Worries, worries, and more worries: Aquarius, Cancer, Leo, Act like that problem doesn't exist: Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Try to overcome it but struggles: Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Overcome it; easy as pie: Capricorn, Libra, Taurus, Zodiac Signs Quotes, Zodiac Personality Quotes, Zodiac Memes Quotes, Zodiac Traits Quotes, Aries Traits Quotes, Taurus Traits Quotes, Gemini Traits Quotes, Cancer Traits Quotes, Leo Traits Quotes, Virgo Traits Quotes, Libra Traits Quotes, Scorpio Traits Quotes, Sagittarius Traits Quotes, Capricorn Traits Quo, Aries: You put up a tough front but are actually soft inside, Taurus: You can manage everything very adequately on your own, Gemini: You enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but not too much, Cancer: You act like parents to your friends and loved ones, Leo: You survive every storm with style and good humor, Virgo: No one can be as understanding and sincere as you are, Libra: You often say "yes" when you should be saying "no", Scorpio: You have the most intense and dramatic personal relationship, Out of 7 billion people in the world.. you think I need you? These characters offer condensed information, so astrologers could easily convey data through the use of glyphs. In Greek mythology, Orion was a great hunter. It was found and claimed by Balin when he returned to re-establish Khazad-dm, but after his death, it was lost yet again. However, their emotional and pessimistic nature can cause them to be easily led down the wrong path. Here, well go into more detail. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is tasked with the karmic duties of time, lessons, and authority. A skilled Lionheart never wastes the energy stored in the Swath, and instead uses its burning blade for just the few seconds it takes to strike down an enemy or object. People always relyon you for a helping hand, and your generosity makes you a better person. The pain was excruciating for him. No matter how angry they were they wouldn't want the person to suffer, so the murder would have to be fast. As the most hardworking sign, your secret weapon is your willpower. This sign is also great at multitasking but needs to be careful not to take on too much at once. Home; NB88 IFC. Expressed as the Ram, Aries can be counted on to headbutt its way through anything! The constellation itself outlines the shape of Scales, adding weight to the theme of balancethis member of the zodiac upholds. Surprisingly, Aquarius is highly empathetic, but shielded by a cold front. Below is the Game of Thrones. Saturn can bring out a restrained or traditional personality type who values structure and order. Your love is limitless, and its why youre always loved by all. Aries: a knife, lots of stab wounds, especially ones in the face- most likely a rage kill. While this zodiac sign is often successful due to the sheer force of their will, they have a tendency to rush into things too quickly and create an even worse situation for themselves. scorpio, aquarius, virgo. It affects how your zodiac sign interacts with others, approaches life, and forms relationships. The twelfth house is perhaps the most misunderstood area of a birth chart, as it rules the unseen, the subconscious, and secrets. Sadly, Castor died in battle, leaving his brother completely distraught. He came upon a prince, Ganymede, who was breathtakingly handsome. Use your secret weapon to fight any battle. After all, Cancer isn't known as the Crab for nothing! It considers the wobble of the Earth on its axisand pays more attention to the movement of our constellations versus the fixed nature of our sun. While Cancer signs tend to be nurturing and compassionate, the mythology behind it carries a violent story. If made with the right materials, it could easily block a fatal blow or fend off a disastrous maneuver. . Virgo, youre known for being an organized and diligent worker. Gemini's intelligent duality is expressed as the Twins, implying that Gemini's mercurial mind considers all perspectives. 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