jehovah shows loyal love to joseph

David wrote: Jehovah is giving support to all who are falling, and is raising up all who are bowed down.Psalm 145:14. 15 In his loyal love, Jehovah repeatedly comes to the aid of his people when they are in distress. 17 The spiritual food that Jehovah provides is not only timely but also richly satisfying. Since 1976, all doctrinal decisions have been made by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of elders at the denomination's headquarters. 136:1) In verses 2 to 26, we find the refrain "for his loyal love endures forever." Since it is our desire to draw close to God, may we respond to his love by strengthening our resolve to serve him with loyalty. Your kind attention to one of Jehovahs precious sheep does not go unnoticed by our God. Showing loving-kindness, or loyal love, forges warm and lasting bonds with others. 7 The Bible says of Jehovah: You alone are loyal. (Revelation 15:4) How can that be? (b)What acts of loving-kindness do you know of among Christians in your area? 17 Application: It takes patience to help those who are depressed, but we should not give up on them. How does loyal love compare with loyalty? Note how she expressed her feelings about God: The hand of Jehovah has turned against me. The Almighty has made life very bitter for me. She also said: It is Jehovah who opposed me and the Almighty who caused me calamity.Ruth 1:13, 20,21. Take her and go, and let her become a wife to the son of your master, just as Jehovah has spoken. (Ge 24 Verse51) Rebekah willingly accompanied Abrahams servant, and she soon became Isaacs beloved wife.Ge 24 Verses49, 52-58,67. Carry on with one another loving-kindness.ZECHARIAH 7:9. Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. (2Samuel 16:23) But, in time, this trusted confidant turned traitor and joined in an organized rebellion against David. Shattered glass and toppling masonry. . YLT Numbers 14:1 And all the company lifteth up and give forth their voice, and the people weep during that night; But Ruth stuck with her. (Ruth 1:7-14) By choosing to return, Orpah was following Naomis instructions, doing what was expected. (Ruth 1:3-5; 2:1) Those blows caused Naomi to sink deeper and deeper into despair. Yet, she stuck with Naomi. Because of a famine in Israel, Naomi, her husband, and two sons moved to Moab. 5 By comparison, consider the hospitality that King David showed to Mephibosheth, the son of his friend Jonathan. 11 The book of Ruth relates how the widow Naomi received loving-kindness from her Moabite daughter-in-law Ruth, who was also a widow. (b)What does Jehovahs loyalty move you to do? Such timely and warm commendation will give the brothers and sisters the strength they need to carry on.Read Isaiah 32:1,2. (John 3:16) Soon, however, Jehovah will sweep away the incorrigibly wicked so that humans who love him can enjoy everlasting life in a righteous new world.Psalm 37:9-11,29; 2Peter 3:13. 10 Of course, some human rulers are sincerely concerned about the welfare of their subjects. you must exercise loving-kindness and trustworthiness toward me. (2Cor. The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . .in love, and his love was as pervading and absorbing as the fragrance of a flower, or the light of a star. 10. 6 Jehovahs loyal servants can also be identified by their courage and initiative in speaking to people who are not worshipers of the true God. Next mwb22 January p. 6 EPUB How does Jehovah show appreciation for the loyalty of his servants? Helping the brothers is a great source of joy and satisfaction to me! Caring elders everywhere wholeheartedly agree. 11,12. 20 Give timely encouragement. By means of the ransomthe greatest demonstration of Jehovahs loyalty. This phrase is a translation of the Hebrew word khesed. 4,5. 8 Jehovah had already shown loving-kindness to Abraham. When someone in the congregation falls on hard times, they do not hesitate to reach out to that person and help in practical ways. David told Mephibosheth: You yourself will eat bread at my table constantly. Explaining why he was making this provision, David told him: Without fail I shall exercise loving-kindness toward you for the sake of Jonathan your father. (2Samuel 9:6, 7,13) Davids enduring hospitality is rightly referred to as an exercise of loving-kindness, not merely kindness, for it was an evidence of his loyalty to an established relationship. (Genesis 15:18; 35:10,12; 49:29-32) Jacob did not want to be buried in Egypt, however, so he made provisions for his remains to be taken to the land of Canaan. 5 You will surely agree that the better we understand the meaning of loyal love, the better we will be able to show it to our fellow worshippers. 7 The difference between loyalty as discussed in paragraph6 and loyal love is a persons motive. (See cover picture.). For instance, we forge lasting friendships with others. The ACLU works through litigation and lobbying and has over 1,800,000 members as of July 2018, with an annual budget of over $300 million. As foretold in Ezekiel chapter38, Satan will soon complete his role as Gog of the land of Magog. This will involve a worldwide attack on Jehovahs people. 15 The Bible narratives that we have considered also show that loving-kindness is extended freely and willingly, not under compulsion. Therefore, it was human kindness. The desire of those fearing him he will perform, and their cry for help he will hear, and he will save them. What benefits come to those who show loyal love? 20 Give timely encouragement. But the points in this article apply equally to brothers. How can Christian elders today imitate Boaz? In the opening verse, we read: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; his loyal love endures forever." ( Ps. Neither Abraham, Jacob, nor Naomi could fill those needs without help. (See paragraphs20-21). ( Jas. 7 Since 1914, there has been added reason to speak about Jehovahs kingship. 11. 8 First of all, remember that loyalty is a facet of love. Such love is denoted by a Hebrew word translated loving-kindness, or loyal love. King David of ancient Israel deeply appreciated Gods loving-kindness. In response, Ruth said to Boaz: You have comforted me and spoken reassuringly to your servant. (Ruth 2:12,13) The timely words of Boaz gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on. THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION November2021, Share One indication is found in the book of Revelation in the commands that Jehovah issues to seven angels: Go and pour out the seven bowls of the anger of God on the earth. When the third angel pours his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water, they become blood. | 14 Unlike animals, humans have a spiritual need. THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION November2021, The WatchtowerStudy Edition| November2021. . This fine book will surely play an important role in helping Gods loyal ones to draw even closer to him. We read: Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and departed. The second part, after page 343, is the same complete Ten Volume set, including all the advertising as . It will be an all-out attempt on the part of Satan to break the integrity of Gods loyal ones. They make personal sacrifices, giving even beyond their means in order to help their less fortunate brothers. How do we benefit from showing loyal love? (Psalm 104:14) However, Jehovah sees to it that all their needs are satisfied. 22-23. 12 Out of his great loving-kindness, Jehovah provides for all the needs of his servants. 10 The account states: So [Jacob] called his son Joseph and said to him: If, now, I have found favor in your eyes, . What was the result? And Jehovah moved Boaz to encourage her. Let us consider a few. From 1939 to 1946, they were blessed with an amazing increase of 157percent. 24. 15-16. 6 To identify some additional characteristics of loving-kindness, we will briefly consider three Bible accounts that feature this quality. * Still, loyal love will move us to do our best to stick with her. For one thing, Jehovahs forgiveness of sins is permanent. Ruths decision was an act of true loyal love. 4:4; 8:15; 9:1, 6,7. Instead, through the prophet Jeremiah, Jehovah implored his people: Return, Orenegade Israel . Draw Close to Jehovah, Appreciate Jehovahs Qualities to the Full. By doing so, we have the wonderful prospect of being included among those who will exalt, bless, and praise Jehovah all day long and even forever. (Psalm 145:1,2) May we therefore keep ourselves in Gods love with everlasting life in view. (Jude20,21) As we continue to benefit from our heavenly Fathers marvelous qualities, including the great loving-kindness he displays toward those who love him, may our sentiments always be like those expressed by David in the final words of Psalm 145: The praise of Jehovah my mouth will speak; and let all flesh bless his holy name to time indefinite, even forever.. Jehovah demonstrates loyal love to his faithful servants. I was, faith. 14. What special aspect of love does Jehovah show for those who are in a dedicated relationship with him? How does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty regarding his standards? What questions will we consider in this article? Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 20 Throughout history, Jehovah has shown remarkable loyalty toward faithful humans. Furthermore, David was betrayed by some of those whom we would expect to have been his closest companions. How did Ruth show her persistence? . Jehovah will loyally remember and resurrect those who have proved loyal even to death, Bernard Luimes (left) and Wolfgang Kusserow (center) were executed by the Nazis, Moses Nyamussua (right) was speared to death by a political group. (Psalm 71:5; 116:12) Because we fear God and practice righteousness, for instance, we enjoy his approval and are spiritually close to him. Throughout the millenniums, his view of such things as spiritism, idolatry, and murder has remained unchanged. (Ruth 1:14; 2:11) Even that act was surpassed by the last instance of loving-kindnessRuths willingness to marry Boaz. (b)What is the best way to learn what loyalty entails, and why? . Your kind attention to one of Jehovahs precious sheep does not go unnoticed by our God. 1-2. 6. 7 Genesis 24:28-67 relates the rest of the story of Abrahams servant, mentioned in the preceding article. 18. 16,17. WE HAVE good reasons to show loyal love to one another. Because we want to imitate and please Jehovah, who is abundant in loyal love.Ex. The Jew, who sinned against the light of his revelation, will have a severer retribution than the Gentile who only sinned against the light of his own conscience; and the nations of Christendom who have rejected the gospel will incur a darker doom than the native . 7,8. ^ par. 18 Do not take it personally. Not only did Bethuel say, Here is Rebekah but he actually sent off Rebekah. (Genesis 24:51,59) Not only did Joseph say, I myself shall do in keeping with your word but he and his brothers did for Jacob exactly as he had commanded them. (Genesis 47:30; 50:12,13) Not only did Ruth say, Where you go I shall go but she left her people and accompanied Naomi, so that they both continued on their way until they came to Bethlehem. (Ruth 1:16,19) In Judah, Ruth again acted according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her. (Ruth 3:6) Yes, Ruths loving-kindness, like that of others, was expressed by actions. His heart moved him to show loyal love to his dear friend Jonathan even though Jonathans father wanted to kill David. The individual actions of many Witnesses was commendable and Watchtower holds up this part of their history in great esteem. (Psalm 34:6) Jehovahs loyal love for his servants does not waver as long as they remain loyal to him. JEHOVAH GOD'S Word exhorts us to love "loving-kindness." ( Micah 6:8, footnote) It also gives us reasons why we should do so. For years, he expressed annoyance at her for being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is not like waves of the sea blown about by changing winds. 9 In the book of Ruth, we read the story of Naomi, her daughter-in-law Ruth, and a God-fearing man named Boaz, who was a relative of Naomis husband. will not return to me without results, but it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight, and it will have sure success in what I send it to do. (Isaiah 55:11) By remaining faithful to his word, Jehovah shows loyalty to his people. How does Psalm 145 help to identify Gods loyal ones? Nahum Sokolow, Zionist leader, 1922, Carlsbad Conference We hate Christianity and Christians; even the best of them must be looked upon as our worst neighbors. 21. And I must lie with my fathers, and you must carry me out of Egypt and bury me in their grave. (Genesis 47:29,30) Joseph promised to comply with this request, and shortly thereafter Jacob died. 13 We gain further insight into loyal love by considering what happened to Naomi after the death of her husband and two sons. In what ways does Jehovahs loyal love endure forever? (a)How do Gods present-day servants show loving-kindness by actions? What fact about loving-kindness is underscored by the Bible accounts discussed in this article? In this article, we will consider what we can learn from the examples of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. Boaz said to Ruth: May Jehovah reward you for what you have done, and may there be a perfect wage for you from Jehovah the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge. Those heartwarming words touched Ruth deeply. Indeed, we have good reasons for heeding Jehovahs reminder: Deal with one another in loyal love and mercy.Zech. After extolling Jehovahs marvelous qualities, he states: Your loyal ones will bless you. (Psalm 145:10) You may wonder how humans can bless God. 12 Often the most effective way you can help a discouraged brother or sister is by lending a listening ear and by reassuring him or her of your love. One way to prove loyal to Jehovah is by showing respect for an unbelieving marriage mate (See paragraph 9) 9 In South America, Olga [1] proved loyal to God by showing respect for her husband even under trying circumstances. Those who showed loyal love did so, not because they had to, but because their hearts impelled them. 11 Jehovah also shows loyalty by remaining faithful to his word of promise. Loyal love moves us not to give up easily on brothers and sisters who are in distress. (2Cor. Loyally, Jehovah keeps such ones very much alive in his memory. When Jehovah sees that someone is sorry for his sins and works to change, loyal love prompts him to forgive him. To deepen our understanding of loyal love, let us see how it compares with loyalty, as that term is commonly used. 7:9. First, showing loyal love makes us precious in God's eyes. Why, it is Jehovahs Kingdom! 3 In this article, we will consider the answers to four questions. Ruth had shown loyal love to Naomi, but now Ruth herself needed encouragement. 9 If we are dedicated Christians, our relationship with the Sovereign Lord Jehovah brings us many benefits. a Then, too, the word faithful can be applied to inanimate things. . . 20,21. Who are in need of our expressions of loving-kindness, and what should each of us be determined to do? Elders need to give timely and warm encouragement to those who extend loyal love to others. 4 Loyalty as used in the Hebrew Scriptures is kindness that lovingly attaches itself to an object and does not let go until its purpose in connection with that object is realized. All too often, close companions are ready to crush one another. Increasingly, we hear of spouses who abandon their mates. (Proverbs 27:11) Unlike Satan, who slanders Jehovah and his way of ruling, Jehovahs loyal ones continue to declare publicly: Jehovah is righteous in all his ways.Psalm 145:17. How can we imitate the examples of Boaz and Ruth in showing loyal love to others? Today, as in the past, many of our brothers and sisters have chosen to show loyal love for fellow believers, even to those whom they do not know personally. Questions and Answers on Facebook 6 When we consider how much Jehovah and Jesus love us, we are moved to love them in return. When Ruth offered to accompany her mother-in-law to Judah, Naomi at first objected. When Ruth offered to accompany her mother-in-law to Judah, Naomi at first objected. What are some of them? In this article, we will discuss how Jehovah shows loyal love to humans. But even the most noble among them do not know their subjects intimately. 22. Spurned lover. 8:3) How pleased Jehovah must be with such a loving spirit!Read Hebrews 13:16. (a) What characteristics of God's loving-kindness stand out in his Word? (Prov. Consider Michal, Davids first wife. How does he do so? How do Jehovahs loyal ones show that they delight in using the divine name? As you read those verses, you cannot help but be struck by the many ways in which Jehovah demonstrated loyal love toward his people. (See cover picture.). What recent example is there of spiritual food that is both timely and richly satisfying? One of the groups Hitler sent to the concentration camps were Jehovah's Witnesses, where they unjustly endured unspeakable atrocities and lose of life. When he foretells something, it comes to pass. 103:8-11). 7:9. 7, 8. 17 Application: It takes patience to help those who are depressed, but we should not give up on them. PRIVACY SETTINGS, Continue Showing Loyal Love to One Another,, THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION November2021,, Share 10. How is Jehovah loyal in all that he does? For Jehovah loves justice, and he will not abandon his loyal ones. (Psalm 37:25,28) True, as the Creator, Jehovah deserves our worship. (b)In what way was the last instance of Ruths loving-kindness better than the first? 6. b To benefit fully from this article, we encourage you to read for yourself Ruth chapters1 and2. c Because we are considering the example of Naomi, we refer to sisters in need. 8. Yet, she stuck with Naomi. 19. Such timely and warm commendation will give the brothers and sisters the strength they need to carry on.Read Isaiah 32:1,2. 3:3,4; 11:17, ftn. (a)What motivates someone to show loyal love? He did not turn against his distraught servant. KING DAVID was no stranger to disloyalty. Rather, it was because of Jehovahs love for you and because he kept the oath that he had sworn to your forefathers that Jehovah brought you out with a mighty hand, to redeem you from the house of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.Deuteronomy 7:7,8. 4. Yes, Jehovah displays loyalty to his faithful servants by hearing their cries for help and by taking action at the appointed time. 6 Today we might describe someone who has worked for the same company for many years as a loyal employee. 14 Loyal love goes beyond what is expected. No, indeed, for Psalm 145 says: Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, to all those who call upon him in trueness. He displays this quality in a manner that no creature can match. Jehovah had used Ruth to give needed support on the journey to Judah. KJV Numbers 14:1 And all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the people wept that night. Even the most noble among them do not know their subjects intimately faithful servants by hearing their cries for he. May wonder how humans can bless God of spiritual food that Jehovah provides for all the needs of his:. And Ruth in showing loyal love for being one of Jehovahs loyalty 2:11 ) even that act was surpassed the. 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