obscure tarot spreads

Journal your insights. Christmasy Tarot Card Spread } text-transform: uppercase; .tarot-banner-container .left { A 6 Card Tarot Spread for Self Love. Jewelry is no longer termed as a lady's best friend, it is also extremely appealing to the guys! .tarot-banner-container .center { Where are you at? Tarot Card Spread text-align: center; Sometimes, we have so many feelings swirling around that its hard to know where we stand! Adorned with holographic gold edges. When you pull for this reading, you create a V-shape with seven cards. The card that crosses over is something that stands in the way and that needs to be overcome, something that blocks you from attaining your ultimate goal, while the third card acts as a sort of advice card, looking at the situation from . For example, the very popular Celtic Cross . The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: ? } } Traditionally, the V opens downward, but you can also flip the shape if you prefer that formation. So, you have a pack of Tarot Cards in your hand. .tarot-banner-container .center { Cancer (home, parents, children and extended family), 10. The Three Card Tarot Spread is the simplest of all the Tarot Spreads. Celtic Cross Tarot Spread And then there are times when were called to take action to manifest our goals and dreams. } Come, lets see how to different Tarot card spreads can be created for a deep and meaningful draw. Lovers, Lusts, Artistic self and Instincts, 8. This one-card draw clarifies what energies are either consciously or unconsciously moving through your being. You can even invent new formations, record, or draw them out. You can use this when you notice yourself labeling or judging others more frequently than usual. Card 1: The distant past influencing the present moment, Card 3: The current state of the relationship, Card 4: Influences that will appear in the future, Card 5: Influences from the external environment (money, family, health, etc.). line-height: 25px !important; What Are Tarot Spreads? Hey, unfortunately, I really cant say what the Tarot is trying to tell you as I dont know what you asked and what each card represents! Card 9 (Sagittarius): What areas of your life require more balance? Three-Card Tarot Spreads for Self-Discovery. This is one of those spreads that always manages to surprise me. padding-top: 0 !important; What does that mean? Discover Your Tomorrow. You can always find some fantastic wisdom hidden in these cards no matter, however difficult your situation may be. This reading is excellent for decision-making, especially when the querent feels unsure of how to choose the best course of action. The three-card spread is perhaps the simplest spread of all. Think of your relationship with a specific person and ask your question. Love to learn and hear from you! The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. } The beauty of them is that they are totally flexible to be anything you need! } } width: 50%; You have to shuffle the Tarot cards nominally, placing the chosen cards side by side. Good for you! Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. If you're looking for the deck featured in this post, the Luminous Spirit Tarot,you can get more information aboutit here. Below the row of five cards, place a seventh card that shows favorable energy and an eighth for whats working against the relationship. The Crown addresses issues that are significant in the present or may come to pass in the future. The fourth card, to the left of the cross, is an event in the recent past affecting the current situation. You may pose a question to the cards using this spread, or may explore your overall spiritual self without making a specific inquiry. The Cross is made up of Card 6, 1, 5 in vertical order and Cards 2, 3, 4 in a horizontal order. You can draw these Tarot card spreads using different Tarot Decks when you are slightly experienced. Manage Settings This is the classic, most common Tarot layout used for reading the cards. the majority of our time is not filled with those questions, and for those moments, simplicity is best. color:#fff !important; It's the new year, meaning that there's no better time to harness that extra motivation you have now and transform it into something tangible. This is comparatively the most coherent and easy Tarot Card spreads. This spread uses 10 cards and it gives a great snapshot of what is going on in your life. Take a deep breath and hold your deck of cards close to your body. That's why I made a list of the Top 10 Tarot Cards for Decision Making. } Sometimes an unfamiliar visual pattern can bring about new truths or breakthroughs. Use these guided Tarot rituals to awaken your inner Magic and get insight from the cards every day. you can get more information aboutit here. Of course, if you would like to go more in-depth or are in search of more detail, then doing a multiple-card spread is better. Do you know how to make Tarot Card Spreads? Connect with Your Spirit Guides & Angels Do you run to your trusty Tarot deck when you've got a tough choice to make? .tarot-banner-container .center .heading{ width: 23%; I love this one because it always manages to identify those hidden parts of me that I need to work on. Card 9 (higher purpose and desire) on top. } .tarot-banner-container .center p { Oh, and weve got you covered if youre wondering what the difference is between asoulmate vs. twin flame. } .redirection-btn { This is a query spread used to explore questions concerning the overall direction of your life. This is a Tarot Card spreads for Yes or No questions. The is one Tarot Card at the bottom, followed by three Tarot cards on top of it, and then there are another two Tarot cards atop it. Oct 8, 2019 - Explore Lesly Pineda's board "The Obscure" on Pinterest. Journaling your impressions about them always helps. Jewelry Care. The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: 7. margin-bottom: 0 !important; color:#fff !important; I tried to pull together some spreads around very popular questions I get from clients. ? The first card represents your past; the second, your present; and the third, your future. margin-top: 13px; As you can imagine, this layout is good at suggesting some sort of linear path, sequence of events, cause and effect, or a way of getting from point a to point b. New Years Tarot Spread: Mapping Out Your Year Ahead! I had a 7 card draw that waa the fool the chariot the devil the hierophant strength the high priestess and the star and iv read all of there meanings but idk what they mean in combonation. The Lovers Tarot Spread This spread is for love, in all its forms. To conclude, we can always come to these Tarot cards for guidance, be it free Tarot card spreads, or we buy these readings. I havent, but I will look into it. Many clients come to me and ask whether they should quitso thats where I started with this one! Their power lies not in their assigning meaning to the order the cards are drawn in, but rather that the location of the cards can help you intuitively feel the meaning within them, and between them. padding-right: 20px !important; font-size: 25px; .tarot-banner-container .center { Card 5: How people around the issue affect the querents decision. Card 7 (Libra): What must you do to be fair to yourself and those around you? You can use it in your medium level Tarot Card spread. Tarot Card Spreads for Love, Sex & Relationships, only $9.97! That said, if the future is undesirable, meditation can also help you make better choices for the given circumstances. padding-bottom: 15px !important; } The three of them may form a story or a cohesive message for you, or each individual card may tell its own story. You do not need to have any questions in mind since the Cards can speak for themselves. Love Tarot Card Spread Got questions? Think of your question while holding your cards, really try to feel it deep inside. .center,.right{ Or could you watch her and see? They can reference different topics and will have different variations of cards, but (besides the Celtic Cross) there aren't set tarot spreads out there. 2023 Biddy Tarot. Tarot Spreads Here you will find Tarot spreads to suit many different situations. Due to its popularity over the years, there have been many variations to the layout of the cards in this spread. color: #fff !important; Like a trusted old friend, Tarot cards are great at telling us exactly what we need to do to become the best versions of ourselves, even when we cant see it! The birthday spread is used to help you plot a course toward achieving specific goals before your next birthday. Once you understand these, you can use them in building larger, more complex spreads for your personal use. Am I just overlooking some of them? Most of the time, the entire deck of 78 cards is shuffled and cut by the querent. This 4 card Tarot Layout reveals what is keeping you stuck in the past and you can move forward with ease. Got questions? The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. If you were born on the 7th of January 1996, you would break down the numbers like so: 7 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 +6 = 33. Fire (creative force, will and ambition), ?2.? Check out the online version of the Modern Way one-card spread here >>. You can find many useful free Tarot cards spreads online, or even use the paid ones. Ive used it time and again when Ive felt lost about my path in life. Use your inner knowing and allow your feelings to guide you. It's that easy! The fourth Card represents your point of unawareness in this issue. Doing my simple Tarot practice first thing never fails to make me feel more calm, joyful, and centered in myself for the rest of the day. Once you have some experience with various tarot card spreads, I recommend trying new shapes. Over decades of consulting my deck in times that I needed direction, I noticed a number of helpful cards kept popping up. If youre a little wary about making your first spread, we have some easy ones to start with here. } A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. Over the years I kept so many tarot journals that I decided to combine my favorite spreads, readings, tools, and templates in a 50-page printable Tarot journal (for sale on my Etsy store) so you can enjoy it too and learn Tarot in no time! Card 6: This Card can very well tell you about your Career prospects and Career choices you would be making in the form of Career Tarot. Tarot spread for guidance in life. I think think one is a little harder to explain, but I like thinking of these spreads being communicators of advice in a way such that given X and Y, the result is Z. Then, the obstacle card in this tarot spread crosses the first card to show what elements are causing the conflict or tension. margin-right: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(#FFDE01, #FFBC01); Tarot readers have different approaches to grounding the querent, or the person asking for guidance before cards are pulled. Start This Reading Learn More About This Tarot Spread TAROT SPREAD The Great House A 6-card tarot spread. } Youre more in tune with your deeper feelings. How to Move On ~ Tarot Card Spread In the early days of reading, a reliable standard can build confidence. . Card 6 (strengths and positive personality features) and card 4 (accomplishments and lifes path) below card 1. .center .heading{ Card 1 (Aries): How do you define yourself or express your identity? .center .heading{ Then start with the easiest tarot spread, the daily one-card tarot spread from the Modern Way Tarot deck. Where you stand now / What you aspire to / How to get there, What you aspire to / What is standing in your way / How you can overcome this, What will help you / What will hinder you / What is your unrealised potential, What you can change / What you cant change / What you may not be aware of, What worked well / What didnt work well / Key learnings, You / The other person / The relationship, What you want from the relationship / What they want from the relationship / Where the relationship is heading, What brings you together / What pulls you apart / What needs your attention. All Rights Reserved |. Tarot Spread Use this 4 card Tarot Spread to evaluate the quality of your physical, mental and spiritual/emotional connections with your lover. I liked how to the point it was and it went over all the need to know basics. New Years Day is one of my favorite times to do a Tarot reading. The Third Column on the Right has Cards 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6. Using this spread, youll know what to leave behind and what to expect. Emotions that startle us, drop us down or infuriate us. padding: 20px 0 5px 0 !important; There are times in life when were called to sit, receive, and wait for the next step to appear. Learn more about the Tarot card spreads for beginners, Learn how to connect with the Tarot Cards. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your conscious mind / Your sub-conscious mind / Your super-conscious mind. .tarot-banner-container .right { In a 3 card tarot reading, I drew page of cups, king of cups and queen of swords. Air (current strategies and thoughts concerning goals), 5.? Card 6 (Virgo): How do you regulate your emotions and access inner wisdom? } Its also easy to modify a five-card cross formation for love. I have a couple decks for different spreads, I've been primarily using the rider tarot for my main deck and the golden universal for spreads that require the major and minor . With the help of a few friends, I've created all different spreads to help you navigate your, year, life choices, relationships, and more. When you have a thousand queries, you may turn to this form of Tarot Reading. Tarot has the power to add layers and nuance to a life story. Before shuffling the cards, you determine what questions youd like answered and configure the placement of the cards. I would also recommend looking back at the cards at the end of the night to see how your day unfolded you might be surprised by all the positive things that happen to you just by setting an intention with this spread! You can often use this form of an advanced Card Layout to make love Tarot spreads; Tarot card spread for relationship. width: 23%; font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; This can be a good reading to encourage personal growth or to set goals. Meet Your Alter Ego Tarot Spread font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; Sit back, relax, and listen to this month's 3-Card Situation Spread Tarot Card Reading Playlist. I show new and full moon spreads. The two cards above this row represent you and your partner. display: block !important; In this spread, a middle row may consist of three cards showing Past, Present, and Future. The first card pulled in this should I quit my job Tarot spread represents your current position. How to Move On ~ Tarot Card Spread It concentrates on a person's feelings for you and where they want the relationship to go. This kind of a Tarot Card Spread is used to predict the year for the Birthday boy or girl.There are mainly two ways to lay the Spread. This is a Tarot spread thats fun, lighthearted and a little bit sexy to help you make the most out of this Summer! 3 was King of Cups. } Not only is it a classic, but its also adaptable to many questions. @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) { They can be some simpler ones. } width:100% !important; They include the Celtic Cross Spread, Cross and Triangle Spread, Planetary Spread, and many more. Weve added the three most common love spreads. The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: This spread is often used to explore a recent or recurring dream. Card 8: How is the external environment, including the people around the querent, affecting the situation? Hopes and Desires stands for the hopes and desires you have for the outcome of your question. Thats why I created theBiddy Tarot Planner to help you deeply connect with your Tarot practice every day of the year. Nevertheless, modern day jewelry has become a style statement for both males and females, old and the young. Would you like to try something kind of neat? Things are not always as they appear! } The Mandala Spread is an arrangement of nine Tarot Cards, and they are arranged in a specific pattern that is, Card 1 in the Centre (Self as an individual). They never tire. } this was as said in its title for beginners, and is a really good starting . The visual nature of the spreads are usually what makes them so helpful. Once you know your date of birth major arcana card, pull it out of the deck and place it at . 3. If you arent afraid to dig deep and face uncomfortable truths, give this one a try! I have a couple decks for different spreads, Ive been primarily using the rider tarot for my main deck and the golden universal for spreads that require the major and minor arcana to be separated. Above 2 and 8 they have the Cards 4 and 6 representing Venus (Beauty and love) and Jupiter (intelligence, wisdom, and education). font-size: 24px !important; Privacy and Terms. The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: 1.? } Card 7: What are the querents previous experiences or attitudes about the theme? Become a member of our community to get your daily dose of Tarot divination. These can also be used as simpler 2 card spreads if you want to use only the crossing cards. Learning to blend facts and events during the process of Tarot Card Reading. If you want to try out more tarot spreads for love, check out our articles about love spreads and relationship spreads. Thank you ! Cat Lovers Tarot Card Spread We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Physical State, Emotional State, Spiritual State. width: 100% !important; .banner-dwnlod-btn { Whats going on in your relationship? } Looking for more spreads? 4.? It's a great Tarot spread to use on days when you're feeling a bit untethered to your purpose and are in need of some gentle encouragement. Choose a word for the day that youd like to experience or feel. And those relationships can be really confusingso, here's a spread to help you figure out why. width: 100%; We all have this connection the one we have intensity with. Get a second opinion from a close friend. Card 8 (Scorpio): What do you need to release to move forward? Copyright 2023 TarotLife. Mercury (business, skills and integrity), 5. How do I want to feel by the end of the day? First Card represents the primary question. Five Card Tarot Spreads Rectangle Formation, Angel Number 1313: 7 Important Reasons You Are Seeing This Number, Judgement Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Money, Health & More , one-card tarot spread from the Modern Way Taro, the online version of the Modern Way one-card spread here >>, read my post on how to perform these yes or no readings, The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Money, Health & More, Angel Number 1144 Meaning A Message of Encouragement. Before shuffling the cards, you determine what questions you'd like answered and configure the placement of the cards. .banner-dwnlod-btn { The middle column has Cards 11, 1, and 5 vertically down. padding-bottom: 20px !important; padding: 20px 0 5px 0 !important; (ii)The Second way is the selection of Cards in the following manner and pattern: Card 1: The Card briefs you on the dominant theme of your life in the past year. This Tarot spread uses 9 cards and it will help you get a snapshot of the year ahead as you sit down to write out your yearly goals. Every day can be a great day with this simple spread. Perhaps it reveals a likely outcome, or it can offer advice for the querent: how should they act to make the most of the situation? You rely less on certain negative habits, and instead address the heart of whats happening in your life. 8. The primary purpose of a Simple Tarot Card spread is to. Here you'll find the tools to connect to your spirit and activate your soul. However, whichever one is used, you just really need to concentrate on the question you put to the cards. All Rights Reserved. .banner-dwnlod-btn { You begin to release certain toxic situations from your life. ??? Relationship Tarot Spread These cards answer the following questions: If you want to learn more about this well-known spread, check out my article about the Celtic Cross tarot spread. They never lie. Use this fun and powerful 3 Card Tarot Spread to get insight into your past lives and understand how they relate to your issues in this lifetime. 3. Here you will find Tarot spreads to suit many different situations. Focus on what you would like to accomplish before then and find out what the next year might bring. The four Tarot Cards in the base of Tetraktys Tarot Card Spread represents Fire, Air, Water (left middle), and Earth (extreme left). Or can't find what youre looking for? If you find the original Celtic Cross Spread hard to relate to, you might just like this one. The 33 is then broken down and added up to make 6. into my life today? Halloween Tarot Card Spread A five card tarot spread can be structured as a cross, which builds on the three-card formation. Sagittarius (spirituality, education and dreams), 13. } External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others. This is not one of the simple Tarot Card spreads. Maybe she has an explanation on the spread somewhere? Shuffle the cards and ask: Light (cosmic forces guiding you toward fulfillment), 9.? See more ideas about tarot tips, learning tarot cards, tarot card spreads. A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. You can ask any questions and you get immediate answers within a minuteperfect for our modern busy lives. What if I reached for my journal or my favorite Tarot deck instead of my phone? Issues that are significant in the present or may explore your overall spiritual self without making specific... Statement for both males and females, old and the third Column on the you. Flexible to be fair to yourself and those around you the Years, there have been many variations to cards... Kind of neat these guided Tarot rituals to awaken your inner Magic and get insight from the cards speak! 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