progressive easter liturgy

By the way, theres much more in Chapter 15 of Pauls letter to the followers of Jesus Way in Corinth. The response is Alithos Aneste! Accept our praise and thanksgiving, if ( '' != thisact ) { While others deliver the words in boldface type punctuated with lots of exclamation points. Risk it all for the sake of LOVE. Let us be LOVE in the world, by fearlessly serving the poor. Easter 2A in Quarantine: Peace Be With You. *All sing: (suggested: "I Serve a Risen Savior" or "Christ Our Lord Is Risen Today"). The second face of CHRIST belongs to a Ukrainian Child rubbing her eyes in a desperate attempt to stem the flow of her own tears. It is right to give our thanks and praise. The Resurrection is witness to the golden incandescence at the heart of life which neither suffering nor death can destroy. Christ is risen indeed! Non-violent resistance is dangerous. Frame 13: I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I am here than a whole truckload when I am gone. It is not our beliefs about what happened in history that transform us but the extent to which we allow these glimpses into the heart of God to energize our lives. I am using it this Sunday and sharing your credit information! You are invited to this table of life as we join with each other and seek communion with God. Surely, the Americans have an agency for this. Resist the empires to which we have lost the justice which has the power to create peace. Lift up your hearts. It is hard to maintain the heights that we attain on the celebration of Resurrection Day. And so in this spirit of brightness and life, we celebrate. Remember the precarious nature of the lives of the people who first heard these parables. You placed within us and within each plant and animal of your creation amazing abilities to form and nurture new life, so that your creation might be renewed, reborn, season by season, child by child. Even though I know full well that by doing so, I will undoubtedly open myself up to the wrath of those who would have me confess and repent the error of my ways. Well, I deny the resurrection in the very same way as I suspect you deny the resurrection. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); But if all you hear is, this reading, then surely, my denial of the resurrection numbers me among, as Paul would say, the most pitiful of all the human race., So, lets skip ahead to next weeks reading, when Paul makes his point. Some walking away to become refugees, joining the endless flow of the displaced. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Jesus. Evoking the presence of the Great Compassion, let us fill our hearts with our own compassion. Christ's peace is ours forever! With humility, with awareness of the existence of life. Yet the story of Jesus Way of being in the world continued to be present among those who sought to live as Jesus lived. Alleluia! The followers of Jesus began to understand themselves in a whole new way. /* Let me say it right up front: Yes, I do deny the resurrection! I deny the resurrection. On first inspection Divinity appeared to the seekers to be like a luminous egg, well rounded, self contained, completely clothed in light and amenable to definition. Risen as he said! Physics teaches us that nothing dies, everything is transformed. The response is Alithos Aneste! A reading from 1st Corinthians chapter 13: When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child. endobj How dare I claim freedom from the old-manin the sky-god only to embrace half-baked notions of a MYSTERY which is called LOVE, as if LOVE is the answer? your love came also to us in your servant Jesus. Metanoia is an invitation to think new thoughts. Welcome to the liturgy of The Namaste Church! Take, eat. TODAY! Let us be LOVE in the world. <> When soap didnt work she reached for the butter. We believe that death is not the end, but rather a transformation into new possibilities. A Prayer at the End of a Quarantined Day. For after the fire came a BAT KOL. I was about to hit him again, when for no apparent reason Alan released me from his grip. Because if the dead are not raised, then Christ is not raised, and if Christ is not raised, your faith is worthless. Posted on September 28, 2022 by peddiebill. Holy, gracious, God, Easter is the eternal moment that supersedes all time;the vision that puts into perspective all visionless living. In a world driven mad with bloodlust, we peddle as pleasurable, fascinating, and entertaining, the kind of violence which can efficiently torture and kill distant populations at the push of a button. As the embodiment of LOVE, LOVE ensures that Jesus never dies. Our continued evolution relies upon our ability to metanoia, to move beyond primitive ways of thinking. Easter is the sky that encloses the broken egg. Im not so sure however, that Jesus response to his disciples indignation is all comforting. O God, who gifts us moments of amazement, help us to accept the rhythm of the ordinary and the extraordinary that we may retain a steady awareness of your presence both in grey days and in bright. As we prepare to eat the meal, let us share together the proclamation of our faith: At this point, we would do well to remember that CHRIST is not Jesus last name. (from Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 45). Sign up for our FREE monthly eNewsletter! I will only attempt to take you where this story took me out there on the ice of Lake Simcoe. Frame 8: When you make the biggest mistake ever,something good comes from it.*. I cant begin to tell you how often well-meaning and not so well-meaning Christians quote to me the 15thchapter of Pauls first letter to the followers of Jesus Way in Corinth. O God, how many times have we sought to bury you again, for fear of what you might do to our predictable grayness? Morning . We are free to embrace this LOVE, to walk in this LOVE, and to be this LOVE. It is as the renewed, redeemed, enlivened people of God May this meal be blessed as we gather to celebrate together. Frame 9: When you think the world has turned its back on youtake another look. Do you still have a hold of that candy? Mmm humm. If you have already donated, thank you! Send us into the world resurrected, refreshed and ready to share Christs unconditional love. Steve carefully explained to me that I was in mortal danger. In the eating of this bread, as Christs body, and in the sharing of this cup, as Christs blood, Humans wrote the Bible; God wrote the sky. by demonstrating this power of life, love and being. . Risen Christ, The world despised and rejected you. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.. Resist making the characters in these parables all about us. Forget about the rude remarks. When you sow, you do not sow the full-blown plant but a kernel of wheat or some other grain. Anybody??? This time also allows a moment for the congregation to "get settled" and ready to hear God's written word. This knowledge has to change the way in which we see our relationship with the MYSTERY that lies at the very source of our being; our Creator if you will. One: On this day, we embrace the grace which reaches from the tomb. We join our tears to theirs and when we have no more tears to cry, we roll up our sleeves and we do what we can to help them. Amen. Justice will exact our tears. The seed you sow does not germinate unless it dies. Imagine trying to understand who Dr. King was and focusing your attention upon his assassination. For GOD is not safely ensconced in the Heavens and we do not need saving from our own depravity by a human sacrifice because there simply is no Hell below us. The Royalists placed their biggest cannon on the wall which surrounded the city of Colchester. They were never meant to be followed in their entirety. Out of the familiar emerges the extraordinary that transforms the ordinary. 1 0 obj He greets us with peace the world does not know, he give us peace the world cannot give. Good Shepherd Sunday in Quarantine - Easter 4A. *Leader: O sing unto the Lord, for he has done excellent things. For far too long, my conditioning caused me to see this story as the story about casting away doubts and believing in Jesus physical resurrection. Through this space and time together today, we celebrate the covenant that ties us with God, Jesus the Christ, our neighbors and creation. How deep? Jesus insisted with all that he is, that justice and not violence is the only way to establish and maintain peace. The texts contained in this site are unofficial. Lift up your hearts. Grandma sat little Crystal on her knee. I had this wicked arm-hold sleeper, and that together with my full Nelson followed by a knee-arm press, was guaranteed to have my brother screaming uncle and agreeing to be my obedient servant until in no time at all. I was suspicious of the kind of youth I would meet on a Tuesday at a Pentecostal church, I convinced a fellow chambermaid to come along with me, so that if we had to, Id have company as I hitch-hiked my way back to Jasper. This story provides the raw material for the idol that we have created to serve as our god. The story I want to tell you comes from the Irish author Frank McCourts autobiography entitled Tis. stream I dont have any solutions to offer you. Only a fool Would rather be relentlessly looking for one small, lone coin when nine, known and countable, are all that are really needed. Through his resurrection Life you gave birth to your church, Through a simple meal of grain and grape, we, your children, unite. What can we learn from Jesus life about who, or what the MYSTERY we call God is? reflections upon the Death of God Lent 3, Giving Up GOD for Lent the Journey Begins Lent 1, Commemorating Julian of Norwich (1342-1416), Lent: Letting Go of Our Tightly Held Piety to See Our Need of Confession, METANOIA the First Words Out of Jesus' Mouth - Mark 1:14-15, Like Nicodemus we have blinders on! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); *This liturgy is an adaptation of the traditional. now we cry to our King immortal, who, triumphant, burst the bars of the tomb'sdark portal; "Alleluia!" It was a very quiet little voice deep down inside of me, at least I think it was inside of me. Liturgy Ideas. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); and proclaim the Resurrected Christ who offers life to all. Progressive Christians are constantly challenged to claim the title of Christian in the sense of being a follower of Jesus' teachings while letting go of most of the dogma that has been developed over the centuries by the human institution that is church. There was no room in my wildest imaginings for thoughts of war. }); Join thousands of others like you who are contributing their voice to Progressive Christianity and list your church, organization or yourself in our global directory. For more information on the Commission, its mandate and membership, please click here. We jumped into the rubber dingy, and we paddled as fast as we could, determined to chase whales. I suspect that even offering all you have to a wastrel and a scoundrel is worth a shot if it means finding peace. var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); For: Only a fool. We know that humans were not created as perfectly formed creatures who fell into sin. Christmas, Mother's Day, etc. The SPIRIT of DIVINITY is within all Creation, permeating all of the Cosmos! It didnt take very long for me to realize that I was in the presence of something much larger than myself. You can also find "Affirmations of Faith" by clicking on Affirmation of faith in the list of "Labels" at the lower right side of the page. When we focus upon the life of Jesus of Nazareth rather than the death of Jesus, we can begin to hear some of the things that Jesus was passionate about. I confess, that I cant quite see CHRIST in that face yet. Continue reading . Apparently, my body language suggested that I was filled not with the SPIRIT but with Satan himself. Then there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. Repent from the Greek word metanoia to think new thoughts. Faced with the needs of so very many, what can I do? We live a resurrection life. Turns out I was close. Dont try to see yourself as a character in the story. Anna had copied it from the Good News for Modern Man paraphrase of New Testament. Traditional interpretations of the life of Jesus insist that Jesus sacrificed himself, took all our respective punishment onto his shoulders, died for us, upon a cross, so that our relationship to our creator could be restored. Or better still, let me cling to the promise of a Saviour who will carry us out of this world and into the next, at no cost, free of charge because Jesus paid the ransom for my soul. Forget for a moment the layers of interpretations offered by generations of Jesus followers who have interpreted that little word ransom as some sort of cosmic escape clause offered by Jesus as a way out of the trials and tribulations of life on this planet. Thank you. I share these tears with you knowing full well that tears wont put an end to war, nor will they end our constant reliance upon violence to maintain a fragile peace. He is risen indeed! Amen. Through a simple meal of grain and grape, we, your children, unite. When I think about the churchs practice of public confession, I can see how desperately I have been holding on to candies that no longer satisfy my need for forgiveness. ~ 1 Corinthians 11:26. He is risen indeed! For heavens sake, when you sow a seed into the ground and it bursts forth into new life, that new life doesnt come in the form of a seed, it comes to life as a plant! Still no luck. Youre not a lost sheep, or a lost coin, or even a lost child. It was an epic trip on which my once innocent 20-year-old self learned to swig akvavit like a Viking. I had to confess right then and there, in my twentieth year of life, I struggled to believe that any GOD who sent His only Child to die, on a cross, is worth getting up on a Sunday morning for. Heaven is ours to create out of the hells we have made. Disappointed I resigned myself to abandoning our plans to camp on the hillsides which envelope the port of Narvik. Christ is risen! And our Creator needs us to pay for our sinfulness. Grant that being joined together in him we may attain to the unity of the faith and grow up in all things unto him who is the head, Christ our risen Lord. So, the thing about stories, really good stories is that they have a life of their own. Free from images and idols created by the inhabitants of a universe of misconceptions, we can abandon lives devoted to a god preoccupied with judging our journeys end, dispatching us to Heaven or Hell. He suffered and died because of his refusal to participate in the death-dealing violence of the world. we invite your life to fill us; We lift up these prayers in the belief that we are bonded in Gods Spirit with everything that exists. Heavenly bodies have a beauty of their own, and earthly bodies have a beauty of their own. The proud questioned your power, devised your death. In the past few weeks, Ive been thinking a great deal about the systems of domination and the pain inflicted by the unjust empires of our world. Join Us over Zoom, Tuesdays beginning February 21st at 7pm! Pauls description of resurrection does not conflict with our 21stcentury inability to accept the suspension of the natural order of the Cosmos. Im convinced that it will not be difficult to see the glorious face of CHRIST in this: view on video. The text is taken in large part from Martin Luther's Small Catechism, with which Zinzendorf . var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); Excuse me if I sound a little too indignant but jockeying for a seat during a global pandemic is more than a little tone deaf, when according to the United Nations, yet another 150 million or so people will be plunged into poverty this year, swelling the ranks of the global poor to over one and a half-billion people, over half of which are children. } else { We must be punished. Jesus vision of peace through justice, what he called the BASILEIA ton THEON, the Empire of GOD, is the already but not yet SHALOM we long to find. After the earthquake came a firebut YHWH was not in the fire. Neither of us had heard the word atonement before. But when we begin to see the DIVINE MYSTERY, the CREATOR of the Cosmos, and try to imagine the ONE WHICH IS the GREAT I AM, WHO I AM, I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE, YAHWEHas so much more than a person, well the idea of a shepherd, or a woman, or even the father who loses his son, these mere personifications begin to lose their ability to symbolize the MYSTERY. The Earth was flat. I affirm the resurrection when I stand up for those who are forced to live on their knees,I affirm the resurrection when I speak for those who have had their tongues torn out,I affirm the resurrection, when I cry for those who have no more tears left to shed. God does this to all who believe in Christ, because there is no difference at all:everyone has sinned and is far away from Gods saving presence. As different as night and day these 21st century events are brought into focus by the first century story which just happens to be the assigned Gospel reading for this Sunday. But sometimes letting go is the only way to preserve the integrity of the heirloom. They thought I was in danger of being tormented in the bowels of Hell for all eternity. A Liturgical and Devotional Guide for Lent. Lord Jesus, come in glory. Please feel free to use in your faith communities with attribution. He greets us with peace the world does not know. Seeking out the darkest place, to better see the light. And we give you thanks. What shalom there will be as SHALOM is restored through justice. But he still had me. So, in the same way, we, of the Namaste Church, honor the Divinity in all people and this is why we called this church Namaste which means We honor the Divinity Within You.. But we have seen the face of CHRIST, and CHRIST compels us, through CHRISTs tears, to go out from the safety of our lofty positions, down into the violent world to be the LOVE which creates peace through justice. Somehow, these long busy days working in my office at home, while we all do our best to cope with what we hope will be the last tidal wave of this pandemic, somehow this created a longing in me, strong enough to push me out on the ice despite the -23 which threatened to rob me of my breath. The trouble is, we all live in the 21st century and we know that the definition of what it means to be human that these stories rely upon no longer rings true. Let us repent, metanoia Let us think new thoughts. I also want you to resist making the story all about you. This, dear ones, is Good News indeed! Evolving beyond the myth that violence can solve our problems, or bring us peace, is vital. Liturgies. In my mind, I saw old black and white faded images of other little families. ), The pattern of death and resurrection is the pattern of all our creating and all our loving. You would be correct to conclude that I do believe in resurrection. The sermon is broken up into three short homilies. If you are watching this on a screen, chances are that your own wealth far exceeds the expectations of billions of people struggling to survive on this planet. May 23, 2022 | Father's Day, Mini-Movies. Our kinship warmed me as I imagined their delight at our Suns sensuous self-giving display as it set. I proclaim these words from Pauls conclusion to the chapter at every funeral I have ever presided over. Perhaps someone will ask, How are the dead to be raised up? The basileia ton THEON, the Empire of GOD, the GOD which Jesus knew as ABBA, a LOVING PARENT, the basileia ton THEON, the Reign of the GOD that IS LOVE, where justice and not violence creates the kind of peace in which everyone has enough to live the abundant life Jesus insisted he came to give to the world. To live the mystery is to flesh the idea and to share Resurrection. There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! These days hikers on the Pacific Rim trail often begin or end their hike by camping at Pachena Bay. The congregation is encouraged to move around the sanctuary. Alas, such a deep breath choked on the frigid air, as if my lungs rejected their own impulse to breathe, lest they themselves freeze as solidly as the lake beneath my feet. Your support is needed to help ProgressiveChristianityorg. Letting go isnt as simple as it sounds. Im not sure how many whales entered the bay. This communion liturgy seeks to be worshipful, educational and inspirational. Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. towards ourselves and towards all living beings. *Easter Peace Beloved in Christ, God's love pours out from the grave of despair. Hosanna in the highest. History should have taught us by now that that justice and not violence is the way to peace. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. Remember, should you have to choose between them in the strife, But Jesus did not let them linger for very long. Congregational Prayers (may be solicited), which may be preceded by other joyful and appropriate responses to the Easter Gospel. Only a fool would be such a steward as this. *People sing: ("Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain," stanza 3)"Alleluia!" But try as we might we are in bondage to sin and we cannot free ourselves. Gardens often provide a space for worship in a neutral setting outside the church for people to gather and share a faith experience. A Liturgical and Devotional Guide for Lent When we face pain and suffering, we often feel like we become less than human. Well, perhaps I should qualify that statement. There was work to do. But I suspect that justice, the kind of justice which ensures that everyone has enough so that everyone can live in peace, is something worth leaving behind everything you have in order to pursue. 2023, A Joyful Path, Childrens Curriculum Sample Lessons for Years One, Two and Three, Find Faith Communities Using A Joyful Path, The Core Values of Progressive Christianity, Bishop Spong Newsletter Progressing Spirit, Advertising on Trip on which my once innocent 20-year-old self learned to swig akvavit like Viking! Is broken up into three short homilies congregational Prayers ( may be preceded by other joyful and appropriate responses the. 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