romans 8 commentary spurgeon

This poor man knows very little about law, and is quite unable to meet his cunning opponent. You drank it down like sweet wine, and you could not have too much of it." The first reason why the Christian never can be condemned is because CHRIST HATH DIED. In Hebrews 1:2 ., we are told that God has appointed Christ heir of all things. I know it is good for me that my faith, my love, my every grace should grow and increase, and that I should be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ my blessed Lord and Master." If the black thought then comes up, "Ah! It means, first of all, that Christ is now in the honourable position of an accepted one. I utter them not in the spirit of controversy, but the reverse. They record on the other hand of blood-thirsty Nero, that he became so because he was suckled by a woman of a ferocious, barbaric nature. There is no fear whatever that, by any accident or by mistake, Christ should miss the honor to which his Father hath ordained him, he must be with his Father where he is. Oh! Do not, therefore, fear death. Our text begins by the expression, "Whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate," and many senses have been given to this word "foreknow" though in this case one commends itself beyond every other. But it may be, beloved, that we groan because we are conscious of the littleness of our desire, and the narrowness of our faith. Why is this? We are co-heirs; if he be truly an heir, so are we; and if he be not, neither are we. Now, let us march with joyful footsteps onward to the other part of the inheritance. "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" 3. Bible > Romans > Chapter 8 > Verse 35 Library Free Downloads eBibles Romans 8:35 ", Then again, how zealous we should be for our Master! Speak the truth! He has, in fact, no right at all, except as he is taken in connection with his co-heir. It is clear then the prayers which are indited in us by the spirit of God are those which arise from our inmost soul. Some think that the fall was only felt by the affections, and that the intellect was unimpaired; this they argue from the wisdom of man, and the mighty discoveries he has made, such as the law of gravitation, the steam-engine, and the sciences. He sits at the right hand of God, and so must I. I must be crowned and reign with him for ever. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Romans 8:12-25. Go to the greatest stranger, and he shall help thee; go to thy brother, and he shall oft upbraid thee. He means that, if we were tempted by the love of life to deny Christ' we should be strengthened so that we should not deny him even to save our lives, for his people have been brave enough in this respect in all times. It is said that every strand of them would bear the entire onnage, and consequently, if every strand bears the full weight that will ever be put upon the whole, there is an absolute certainty of safety given to the whole when twisted together. She will retain evil, she will lose good. He will write the prayers which I ought to offer upon the tablets of my heart, and I shall see them there, and so I shall be taught how to plead. But next: why cannot we administer also to the blessed part of the glorious testament! Above all, commune much with Christ. Regulus returns to Rome; he stands up in the senate and conjures them never to make peace in Carthage, but ot his wife and children, and tells them that he is going back to Carthage, and of course the tell him that he need not keep faith with an enemy. You go to your bed, but your conscience is there, and it will not sleep. Read Joo 15:7 bible commentary from Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FREE on To atone for the sin of my soul there is the sorrow of his soul; if I poured out my soul in sin, he poured out his soul unto death, and he was numbered with the transgressors. They are well put together by that master of eloquence, Paul, and they were moreover, dictated by the Holy Spirit, who telleth man how to speak aright. Delivered on Sabbath Morning, October 18, 1857, by the. I wonder what the things present are with you, my dear hearers. "If thou be the Son of God." Whether you take it up or not, your murmuring will not lighten your afflictions. HYMNS FROM "OUR OWN HYMN BOOK" 537, 553, 297. Oh! Our nation is fast learning to forget God. The law of God says, "Thou shalt," and we have not done what it commands. 1. That is in opposition to their apparent confliction. Didst thou never hear the heart say, "I wish there were no God?" Even so did our Lord Jesus Christ. 13:1-14. When we know the matter of prayer, we yet fail to pray in a right manner. A shopmate asked, "What's the matter?" Not we shall have, but we have. Oh unhappy souls, that cannot call one of these your own! I fear that some of you, seeing ye have never come and put your trust in Christ, will have to say, when your time comes to die, what Wolsey is said to have declared, with only one word of alteration: Had I but served my God with half the zeal. You have no right to heaven in yourself; your right lieth in Christ. May not this electrify a man of joy, and make him dance for very mirth? We read of "the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood." In that light he makes the promise shine in all its truthfulness, certainty, sweetness, and suitability, so that we, poor trembling sons of men, dare take that word into our mouth which first came out of God's mouth, and then come with it as an argument, and plead it before the throne of the heavenly grace. I owe no man anything after the debt has been paid, whether by myself, or by somebody else; and if Christ took our sin upon himself, and suffered for it, the sins for which he suffered are gone, plunged as in a shoreless sea, drowned in the Redeemer's blood. Then, I shall leave off these plebeian garments, and be robed as becomes my senatorial rank." The title of joint heir contains another mystery which I cannot withhold, although it must be judiciously handled Christ, as coheir, has (of his own free grace) so identified himself with what his rights as co-heir are not to be separated or viewed apart from ours. Though without sin, he was not without suffering. I do not wish for anything more than I have here, I am perfectly satisfied, so far as this goes, but I long to look upon my household, and to be once more in my own sweet home, and until I reach it, I shall not cease to groan." God is their Father, they are therefore God's heirs! Hast thou never said that, my heart? It is not the Spirit that groans, but we that groan; but as I have shown you, the Spirit excited the emotion which causes us to groan. Happy man, happy woman, who can truly say, "I am persuaded that God loves me. Do we say that he is love? May God help you, and help me, to groan all our days with that kind of groaning. He was happy enough in the bosom of his father's household, but idolatry crept into it, and when God called Abraham, he called him alone and blessed him out of Ur of the Chaldees, and said to him, "Go forth, Abraham!" it is a glorious truth. From the first, and now, and to the last, "he that hath wrought us to the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given to us the earnest of the Spirit." There are four things of which I shall speak this morning. Not only are they ceaselessly active, but they are active for a purpose. Then, beloved, I have reason to hope that thou hast been called of God, for it is a holy calling wherewith God doth call his people. He just repeated his master's name and office as many times as the other gentleman had titles. When we consider how many have died, your chaplain is very grateful to be alive, to be able to send forth his usual discourse from the press, and to be, as he hopes, half an inch nearer to his pulpit. The cross and Christ are nailed together by four nails, and they will never be disassociated in the experience of any Christian. "Roll ye away the stone," saith he, and it is done; and now, listen to him; he cries, "Lazarus, come forth!" O Christian, thou canst not be condemned, for Christ has paid the debt. Happy shall you and I be if, though covered with sin, though guilty and unclean, we nevertheless shall have faith to believe in the Christ that dies, a faith so strong, and confident that we shall dare to stand both now, and at the judgment-seat of Christ, and say, "Who is he that condemneth?" "No, I did not," you say; "I was a debtor." Here he is covered with the sweat and dust which he acquired by Adam's fall; there his brow shall be bright with the immortality which is conferred upon him by the resurrection of Christ. They are, as Paul puts it in his letter to the Ephesians, "predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his will. O friends, I sometimes feel a strange trembling when I stand upon this platform to speak to you, because the words that I utter are often so remarkably fulfilled of God as really to amaze me. And would you blush to sit side- by-side with him, and be made nothing of as he was? And he goes to Eli, and it is not till afterwards, perhaps, that he finds that Eli had nothing to do with the impression, but that the Lord had called him. Let us make sure that the foundation is laid, but let us not have continually to lay it again. Sinner! When a friend suggested that these "Notes" should be gathered together, and arranged in a small book, I felt it was quite possible that the Lord in His tenderness would continue to speak by them to some who needed consolation or encouragement. The text speaks of "our infirmities," or as many translators put it in the singular of "our infirmity." And the believer is to be the heir, I say, not merely of God's works, not simply of God's gifts, but of God himself. This sitting at the right hand of God, then, is to be viewed as the acceptance of the person of the surety, the reception of the representative, and therefore, the acceptance of our souls. Consider how many mercies you have received at his hands all your life long! Let any man hear and judge. Who can tell us what Christ's suffering really was? Again; how many a man is there who says, "I want such-and-such a luxury; I know the cause of God demands of me more than I give it, but I must have that luxury, that shilling shall go to myself, and not to God." The Necessity of the Spirit's Work Ezekiel 36:27 274. Therefore, our rights and our property extend to all things whatsoever they may be. Wait awhile; that weary head shall soon be girt with a crown. It is curious to see how some men are proud of being greater debtors than others. Many men cavil at election; the very word with some is a great bug ear; they no sooner hear it than they turn upon their heel indignantly. you might as well try to go to America in a paper boat!" I have known a surly man act in that way; but Christ never turns us away because we only come to him when others fail us. Delivered on Sabbath Evening, August 10, 1856, by the. All manner of evil things we commit in our thoughts; sin runs to riot in our spirit. PORTION OF SCRIPTURE READ BEFORE SERMON Romans 8:26-39 . But why is this? Lecture 1: A Chat about Commentaries. So that what seemed to be against him, even in temporal matters, was for him. Again he speaks, and fixing his eyes full on the Judge himself, he cries, "Who is he that condemneth?" Only let the gospel be preached, and there shall be an end of war; let it thoroughly pervade all ranks of society, and saturate the mind of nations, and there shall be no more lifting of the spears, they shall be used for pruning hooks; no bathing of swords in blood, for they shall be turned into the peaceful ploughshares of the soil; we shall then have no hosts encountering hosts; we shall have no millions slain for widows to deplore; but every man shall meet every other man, and call him "brother." In these days of daring infidelity, and awful treason against the Most High, I count it an unspeakable honour to be permitted to testify to the power of the old truths, and the pleasantness of the old paths, and the unfailing faithfulness of God in the fulfilment of each and all of His precious promises; and though my voice is less than a Whisper amid the roar and turmoil of conflicting opinions and blasphemous theories, I know that God can hear it, and that He will accept the loving tribute which my heart thus offers to Him. And there may be many differences between godly men, as there undoubtedly are; they may belong to different sects, they may hold very opposite opinions, but all godly men agree in this, that they love God. Life in the Spirit contrasted with life in the flesh. Where are your hearts, then? Well, I wonder what is "to come." Who can tell the fearful consequences to future generations if we now betray our trust. So the little volume is now ready, and I shall be a happy woman if God will use it to make music in any worn and weary heart. We know not how to mingle these sacred spices in the incense of prayer. O ye first-born whose names are written in heaven, I take my seat with you and join your rapturous adoration. 17. Then he gave the words I used, and continued, "It was a true description of myself. Our second point rises before us WHEREIN ARE BELIEVERS DEFICIENT? Fain would I picture the apostle as he appeared when he was uttering it. We have a work to do, as great as our forefathers, and, perhaps, far greater. It is true that God is great, but he cannot ask for more than divine righteousness, and in Christ I present that. "If children then heirs," says the apostle; therefore, whatever Christ has we have, and though we may be very poor and unknown, yet whatever belongs to Christ to us. Rest thou secure. When you sinned, you were not like the common people of the street, who know no better. It is not poured out on the ground; it is on the mercy-seat, it is on the throne; it speaks in the very ears of God, and it must of a surety prevail. The carnal mind is at all times enmity against God. But the great high priest of our profession, Jesus, the Son of God, hath taken his seat at the right hand of the majesty on high. I have called it, "A Carillon of Bells," because its one aim and object is to summon the Lord's people to bless and praise His Holy Name; and every note, from the highest to the lowest, is meant to peal forth the melody of "free grace and dying love." a. Do not expect to get thanked at last for doing much, for after all you have done, you will only have done what is your duty. It is our will now, but it was God's will when it was not our will, and it only became according to our will when we were converted, because God's grace had made us willing in the day of its power. Simply because it is depraved; and until he had entered a foul element until the body had begun to quiver with a kind of intoxication the fancy would not hold its carnival. God's great love for us is supremely demonstrated in Christ Jesus our Lord, who gave Himself for us on the cross. A groan then is a part of prayer which we owe to the Holy Ghost, and the same is true of all the prayer which wells up from the deep fountains of our inner life. I like this thought. If it sinks, I am lost; but it will not sink, for the Plot of the Galilean Lake is on board. "Oh," say you, "we never shall." Everything that is and is done, worketh out some great end and purpose. May God the Holy Spirit lead you to trust in "Christ that died"! Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was a preacher, theologian, and missionary to Native Americans. Then, what can it do? These are they who can now say, "Draw us, and we will run after thee.". First, he boldly defies anyone to charge the chosen of God with sin: "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect?" Did he not tell us this as an encouragement to believe that we shall receive all needful blessings? It is as when a man doth marry. In another place he calls himself the very chief of sinners; and yet it is this man who dares to ask the question, "Who is he that condemneth?" You had a share in his death. Now, the next word, "All things work together." How is this? Let us go on believing and repenting, as we have done; but let us not have to begin believing and begin repenting, let us go on to something beyond that stage of experience. Some say that this doctrine would send us to sleep; it never does, it wakes us up. It behoveth each of us, then, to comfort and establish our hearts upon this word "work." may seem too mean to pray about. Free-will may look very pretty in theory, but I never yet met any one who found it work well in practice. Yea, more, ye shall bring him to the house of prayer; ye shall make him sit constantly under the clearest preaching of the word, where he shall hear the doctrines of grace in all their purity, attended by a holy unction; but if that holy unction does not rest upon him, all shall be vain; he shall still come most regularly, but, like the pious door of the chapel, that turneth in and out, he shall still be the same; having an outside superficial religion, and his carnal mind shall still be at enmity against God. Is he a victor? "Yea rather," said the apostle; as if he would have it, that this is a still more powerful argument. William Nicoll Sermon Bible Commentary - Romans 8:28-30. There is nothing about death that the believer should construe it into a fear that it will separate him from the love of Christ. For human righteousness is only human; being human, it is finite; and, being finite, it falls short somewhere or other. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2. Have the manacles of justice been snapped, and am I delivered set free by him who is the great ransomer of spirits? We generally receive more comfort at the cross than we do at the empty sepulchre. If so, then am I called with the effectual calling, which is the work of God's grace, and is the sure sign of my predestination. We have believed in Jesus, and it is written, "as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believed on his name.". and he casts his eyes to heaven. If I did not know that I should win it, I might think that I would let discretion be the better part of my velour; but, being assured that Christ will be with me all through, I feel incited to war against all that is evil that I may overcome it in his strength. But anyhow, things present cannot separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Is there not any word of special commendation to this? Ye would, I am sure, at once confess, did ye know what the race is, that the indictment is proven, and that the world must unreservedly and truthfully exclaim, "guilty. Brethren, we are like warriors fighting for the victory; we share not as yet in the shout of them that triumph. To renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Here we must bow our heads. One of the reasons why many men kick against it is this, they are afraid it hurts them. If in your Bible you turn to 2 Timothy 1:9 , you will read these words "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling." Cataracts of trouble descend if you will, and you, ye floods of affliction, roll if so it be ordained, for God has written my name in the book of life. Who is he that condemneth." Sustained by distinguishing grace, a man learns to glory in tribulations also; and strengthened by electing love, he defies the hatred of the world and the trials of life. I know you have an a cross, or if you have not, I hope you will soon have one, for where there is no cross there is no Christ. Certainly no true child of God; he would not have it altered, even if he might. Measure me by the articles of the Church of England, and I will not stand second to any man under heaven's blue sky in preaching the gospel contained in them; for if there be an excellent epitome of the gospel, it is to be found in the articles of the Church of England. Jesus when he was on earth, had a baptism to be baptised with, and how was he straitened until it was accomplished! Take another passage. Would you have your Master's throne, but not his temptation in the wilderness? Why he is going fast onward in his mad career. We have love, which sweetens all the rest. He had been exceedingly mad against the disciples of Christ, and had persecuted them even unto strange cities. Psalms 73:26 . That is damnable doctrine. Spurgeon takes us back to the previous verses in the opening remarks of his sermon on Romans 8:37 Look attentively at the champion. Oh! Paul says, "Who can lay anything to my charge?" ", I do not seem to want to preach. Here, then, in the nick of time, as a very present help in time of trouble, comes in the Holy Spirit. "These," says he, "passed through great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb: ask them!" "Ah!" My Substitute has kept the law on my behalf. I am now dead to the law. The joint heirship reaches from the gloomy patina of deep affliction up to the bright ineffable splendor of the throne of bliss, nor can any man reverse the record. The sermons he preached touched the lives of thousands. Beloved, if you would be saved, you must be persuaded of this truth; and when you are persuaded of it, you will know the joy of it. But I feel a darkness coming down over my spirit, and in the darkness there is a fiendish voice that says, "But you have committed unknown sins, sins that nobody else knows, and there have been sins which you yourself did not know. He has written concerning the spirit of bondage, and the spirit of adoption, the infirmities of the flesh, and the helpings of the spirit; the waiting for the redemption of the body, and the groanings which cannot be uttered. If I could so read them the passage would certainly he very easy, and would very greatly alter my doctrinal views; but, as I do not find those words there, begging your pardon, I do not believe in them. III. "We have," says the text, not "we hope and trust sometimes we have," nor yet "possibly we may have," but "we have, we know we have, we are sure we have." Still the bond was not cancelled until the day when Christ rose from the dead; then did his Father, as it were, rend the bond in halves, and blot it out, so that thenceforward it ceases to have elfect. Yes; but I set over against that the fact that he always would have me. This glorious truth is most sweet when earth's honeyed words are taken away, and most lustrous when we no longer attempt to illuminate her with human language. It is true that you are a believer, but you have sinned often, for years, in all sorts of way." "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". Expect not, O Christian, that all things will work together to make thee rich; it is just possible they may all work to make thee poor. If that is not the meaning of the text I do not understand the English language. Here the heir of heaven is unknown; he is in disguise, full often clad in the habiliments of poverty, but there his princely character shall be discerned and acknowledged, he shall be waited upon by angels, and shall share in the admiration which the universe shall pour upon the glorified Redeemer. The words of the Scriptures are words of infinite wisdom, and if reason cannot see the ground of a statement of revelation, it is bound, most reverently, to believe it, since we are well assured, even should it be above our reason, that it cannot be contrary thereunto. "We know it. Did he not say, "In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world?" Therefore it is that we groan. then I must love him," and he was quickened in that selfsame hour. O come, thou condemned one, self-condemned, and turn thine eye this way, for one look will save. For which of these works do ye hate God? He is evermore transforming the chosen, removing that defilement of sin, and moulding them after the perfect model of his Son, Jesus Christ, the second Adam, who is the firstborn amongst the "many brethren.". There is enough in that one truth to include all that is excellent in the others, and to answer all the accusations that may be brought against you. O my beloved, do not ask the question. Is he not very God of very God, Jehovah's only begotten Son, Most High and glorious, though he bowed himself to the grave and became the Servant of servants, yet God over all, blessed for ever. Mark that Paul does not say that all this could ever happen; but that, if it could, the person concerned would be like apiece of ground which brought forth nothing but thorns and briers. Weigh the riches of Christ in scales and his treasures in balances and then think to count the treasures which belong to the saints. He might have sent you to hell; but you are here. Such prayers will rise within us when the mind is far too troubled to let us speak. He goes into the tent of King Pyrrhus with the intention to put him to death, because he is the enemy of his country; he slays the wrong man; Pyrrhus orders him to be taken captive. We fall into such heaviness of spirit, and entanglement of thought, that the one remedy of prayer, which we have always found to be unfailing, appears to be taken from us. So shall we when his Father shall say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." I repeat it again, any one of them is all-sufficient. When he had kept all his Master's law he was but an unprofitable servant; he had done no more than he ought to have done; he had no surplus, no balance. "Thou art my father," then our spirit concludes that we are sons, for thus it argues, "I feel to thee as a child feeleth to its parent, and it could not be that I should have the feeling of a son if I had not the rights of a son if I were not a child thou wouldst never have given to me that filial affection which no dares to call thee "Father.". I wish you now to observe that we are linked with the creation. If one says, "I was christened, and confirmed," answer him by saying, "Christ has died." Christ, to the uttermost, has satisfied divine justice; the debt is paid, the hand-writing is nailed to the cross, the receipt is given, and we are debtors to God's justice no longer. When he is about to favour an individual he casts the shadow of hopeful expectation over his soul. 8. Would you refuse to go with him to the garden of his agony? And, once more, we are persuaded of the love of God to all who are in Christ. But our Lord has told us that greater works than his own shall we do, because he is gone to his Father; and these greater works we do. The death of Christ gives us a full salvation. As God, by his own right, the Lord Jesus is possessor of all things, since he made and supports all things; but as Jesus, the mediator, the federal head of the covenant of grace, he hath no rights apart from his people. Should another say, "I was baptized an adult," let your confidence remain the same: "Christ has died." When at any time then the Holy Spirit comforts you sheds a sweet calm over your disturbed spirit; when at any period he instructs you, opens to you a mystery you did not understand before; when at some special period he inspires you with an unwonted affection, an unusual faith in Christ; when you experience a hatred of sin, a faith in Jesus, a death to the world, and a life to God, these are the works of the Spirit. I defy you to exhaust that topic, though you should think about it all the days of the next week, nay, though you should muse upon it till eternity commences with your soul. Yet one more remark before we leave this point. The mother received that letter about an hour before she heard the news that her son was dead, and the parents write to tell me what a balm it was to their spirits that God's providence should bring their boy in here just before he was to meet his God. A lack of depth in the inner life accounts for most of the doctrinal error in the church. Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. The alternative of this bond, if not paid, was, that we should be sold for ever under sin, and should endure the penalty of our transgressions in unquenchable fire. It is an oft-repeated truth, and one which, perhaps, has almost lost its meaning from being so oft repeated, that this is the very crisis. 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