sankhya philosophy ppt

So it has a purely cognitive and a material function as welllike so many principles of Skhya. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. According to Skhya, the world as we see it is the effect of its fundamental causes, which are only known through their effects and in conjunction with a proper understanding of causation. This is the liberation of purua, in Skhya, normally called kaivalya (isolation). Senses/Instruments: The five senses and five instruments of expression are like ten doors of a building. As the immaterial soul, purua is not known through direct perception. Besides its own author, varaka, the Skhya-Krik itself names several ancient adherents of the school plus a standard work, the ai-Tantra (the book of sixty [topics]). Click here to review the details. Skhya thus looks like a full materialist account of the world, with the passive, unchanging principle of consciousness added almost as an afterthought. Indian philosophy -Vaisesika School of thought, Vedanta Philosophy - Metaphysics, Epistemology & Axiology. Purua enters into liberation, forever. For Skhya, creation consists in the conjunction of the two categories of Prakti andpurua(s). For the Vedanta schools, Brahman is the cause of this world. Rajas (dust) is the principle of change, energy and passion, while tamas (darkness) appears as inactivity, dullness, heaviness and despair. But that is purusha! This same process of arising and receding happens not only with the senses, but all of the evolutes of Prakriti. What does the mind sense? varakas work, the Skhya-Krik consists of 72 stanzas in the ry meter. %PDF-1.5 And although it is a lonely, uninterested spectator, a witness unable to act, it does like or dislike what it sees: it can suffer (this is, after all, the existential starting point for Skhya). Nyaya philosophy ppt Ayurmitra Dr.KSR Prasad. Prakti, or Nature, is comprised of three gua-s or qualities. [2] Also out of ahamkara arise the five elements (bhuta) and the five energy potentials (tanmatra). It is very first of the evolutes of Prakriti. Manas or instinctive mind - evolves from the sattva aspect of ahamkara. The Sankhya Philosophy (contd..) It is often described as the eleventh sense. Samkhya is one of the six perspectives or philosophies that in8uenced yurveda. In Samkhya, however, it is between the self (purusha) and matter, and the latter incorporates much of what Western thought would normally refer to as "mind". The two types of entities of Skhya are Prakti and purua-s, namely Nature and persons. Johnson Lynnette the Sankhya Philosophy Yes - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The depth of this analysis is the extent to which it grasps the structure of both the external and the internal world. Liberation is forestalled, on the Skhya account, because puruabecomes enamored with the beautiful woman, Prakti, and refuses to part ways with her. All things, and all subsequent tattwas or evolutes, are contained within Mulaprakriti, but in a subtle or unmanifest form. According to Skhya, causality is the external, objective counterpart of the intellectual process of inference. We've encountered a problem, please try again. is considered by several modern scholars as a version of Skhya. The following five considerations are used in an argument for the sat-krya-vda: (a) the nonexistent cannot produce anything (given the assumed definition of existence as the ability to have some effect); (b) when producing a specific thing, we always need a specific substance as material cause (such as the clay for a pot, or milk for curds); (c) otherwise everything (or at least anything) would come into being from anything; (d) the creative agent (the efficient cause) produces only what it can, not anything (a potter cannot make jewelry); (e) the effect is essentially identical with its material cause, and so it has many of its qualities (a pot is still clay, and thus consists of the primary attributes of clay). Sattva is additionally often used for entity, existence, essence and intelligence. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Download Free PDF Related Papers 2005 Unlike the (older) stras (aphorisms) of other systems, which are often cryptic and ambiguous, the Skhya-Krik is a clear composition that is well ordered and argued. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. Another problem was its atheistic nature: there is no creator god in this cosmology. But this is clearly not so. There are many possible reasons why an existent material object is not (or cannot be) perceived: it may be too far (or near), or it is too minute or subtle; there may be something that obstructs perception; it may be indistinguishable from other surrounding objects or the sensation produced by another object may be so strong as to overweigh it. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Intellect, ego and mind together constitute the anta-karaa (internal organ), or the material psyche, while the other indriya-s (powers) collectively are called the external organ. You can read the details below. Most of them are indeterminate perceptions.2. These ten indriyas are evolutes of mind. Samkhya is a dualistic philosophy, meaning that there is a clear distinction between matter and consciousnesschanging and unchanging. While all 6 philosophies are important, Sankhya philosophy develops the skeletal structure and lays the groundwork for Ayurveda and its principles. Valid knowledge (prama) is a definite and an unerring cognition of some object (arthaparicchitti) through the Modification of buddhi or the intellect which reflects the consiousness of the self in it. All Time. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. Actions. Tamas is the Dullness, Dark, stupid, ugly, and the sloth. The Indian Philosophy (Various Schools & Sankhya) Dr Kanchan Saxena The Sankhya Philosophy The Samkhya system advocates the ontological dualism of Prakriti and . Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. The two members of an inference are the liga, sign (the given or premise) and theligin, having the sign, i.e. A small scratch on the fender can send some owners into great angst, and they act quickly to repair the superficial damage. The sign body of a purua transmigrates: after the death of the gross body, the sign-body is reborn into another gross body according to past merit, and the purua continues to be a witness through its various bodies. SANKHYA There are no purely Samkhya schools existing today in Hinduism, but its influence is felt in Yoga and Vedanta schools of philosophy. The five energy potentials are new to us. It is binding potency of nature. It has attracted a commentary by Vijna Bhiku, the eminent Vedntist of the 16th century, entitledSkhya-Pravacana-Bhya or Commentary expounding Skhya. He also authored a small systematic treatise, the Skhya-Sra (The Essence of Skhya). There has no philosophical place for a creationst God in this system. SUBMITTED TO- The elements are ether (ka), air, fire, water and earth. ), where reference is made to the following ascending sequence:senses (indriyas) sense objects (elements) mind (manas) intellect (buddhi) great self (mahan atman) the unmanifest (avyakta) the Person (Purusha) Although the school of Samkhya as such was systematized by the legendary Kapila, and the Samkhya-sutra traditionally attributed to him, in its present form it is not his original work, but dates from the 15th century.Classical Samkhya is based on the Samkhyakarika of Ishvarakrishna, written sometime in the third to fifth century c.e. The standard example of the causal relationship is that of the potter making a pot from clay, where the cause par excellence is taken to be the clay. stream Theory of ExistenceThe Samkhya system is based on Satkaryavada. 50% (2) 50% found this document useful (2 votes) The Sankhya word in Sanskrit means 'number'. Indian Philosophy Nature is singular, but persons are numerous. It is stated in the last stanza that it is a condensation of the whole ai-Tantra, leaving out only stories and debates. The Samkhyan thesis of evolution has been widely adopted by other schools, usually witha strong theistic interpretation, in which God is both the source of consciousness and the material world. fp3A}z E~]'O_{'.: k)'>,S85izv;xS#8dNbMifX`~3E? The most significant divergence is perhaps the development of a theistic school of Orthodox Hindu philosophy, called Yoga, which absorbs the basic dualism of Skhya, but is theistic, and thus regards one purua as a special purua, called the Lord (vara). The origin of the name 'sarikhya' is shrouded in mystery. The system is predominantly intellectual and theoretical. It cannot be the locus of our whole emotional life (passions are explicitly said to reside in the intellect), but it must be considered the final source of our conscious feelings. Do not sell or share my personal information. She has always acted for thepurua, and as he is no longer interested in her (I have seen her), she stops forever (I have already been seen)the given subtle body gets dissolved into the root-Prakti. Perception, on the Skhya account, is a complex process: the senses (such as sight) cognize their respective objects (color and shape) through the physical organs (such as the eye). Only purusha is conscious. Briefly identify and discuss the anatomical and structural differences betwee No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Sankhya is thus the foundation for the Yoga described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras . Mahat is intuition, or cognition, but it is not consciousness. If this looks difficult: If this information is new to you, and looks difficult or confusing, please keep in mind that there are only a small number of principles on the charts above (about 25-30, depending on how you count them). Throughout this process of evolution purusha remains unchanged, a mere witness to prakrti's unceasing transformations. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. sankhya: Indian school of philosophy. They reveal no knowledge of the form or the name of the object. It is composed of three qualities (gunas) corresponding to creation, sustenance, and destruction. Cultivating such a perspective makes the process simple to see, though not necessarily easy to do. This is not to say that self-awareness training is as easy as learning to use a computer. Samkhya The word Samkhya means number. All physical events are considered to be manifestations of the evolution of Prakrti, or primal Nature (from which all physical bodies are derived). It is also realistic in its attitude towards the phenomenal world. Samsaara or bondage arises when the Purusha does not have the discriminate knowledge and so is misled as to its own identity, confusing itself with the physical body - which is actually an evolute of Prakriti. Therefore the solution offered by Skhya is arguably superior: it analyzes the fundamental metaphysical structure of the world and the human condition, and finds the ultimate source of suffering, thereby making it possible to fight it effectively. A fault of the sense-organs or an inattentive mind can also cause a failure of perception. 3943, 102109, 250253 and Shikan Murakami in Asiatische Studien 53, pp.645665, who give insightful analyses of the problem in the classical schools.). Topics traditionally emphasized by Kapila, Isvarakrishna, and later writers are the theory of causation, the metaphysical duality of conscious souls (purushas) and non-conscious nature (prakriti), the evolution of the world ou of prakriti, the concept of liberation (kaivalya), and the theory of knowledge.While many people believe that it was always an atheistic school of thought, in fact Samkhya passed through both theistic and atheistic stages of development as Gupta explains: "In the classical Skhya both dualism and atheism are visible in clear and vivid forms. The answer emerging, first in Vcaspati Mira and then more elaborately in Vijna Bhiku, involves the innovation of the theory of reflection: as the image in the mirror has no effect on the object reflected and the mirror remains unchanged, but the image can be seen so the unchanging purua can reflect the external world, and the material psyche can react to this reflection. Is this an account of the origin of the cosmos, or of a single being? There is cognition of the object, but no discriminative recognition.For example, a babys initial experience is full of impression. This is the earliest available Samkhya text. 300 C.E.) It is also frequently mentioned in the Mahabharata and Yogavasishta.Sankhya also has a strong cognitive theory built into it; curiously, while consciousness/spirit is considered to be radically different from any physical entities, the mind (manas), ego (ahamkara) and intellect (buddhi) are all considered to be manifestations of Prakrti (physical entity). The character of this evolution (parima) is somewhat vague. The idea of senses operating without mind infusing them seems rather silly, in fact. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. (1) Sometimes it is a synonym for the second tattva, calledmla-prakti (root-nature), avyakta (the unmanifest) or pradhna (the principal). The name of the first gua, sattva, means sat-ness, where the participle sat means being, existent, real, proper, good. This destroys the purpose of evolution, thus stopping Prakrti from evolving for Purusha.Samkhyan cosmology describes how life emerges in the universe; the relationship between Purusha and Prakriti is crucial to Patanjali's yoga system. Perhaps the sages meant that the mind senses thoughts. The Indian tradition conceives of causality differently from the recent European tradition, where it is typically regarded as a relation between events. Prakriti was undis-turbed. I want to impress on your mind that we are bound to listen to him as the great father of philosophy. 1")W>xU Kzd+]OXYTc"G+.Hk4_x(~p3{V7Y!CvuNj\TV/yW=Xx s+Gn` } M.Ed 2nd Semister Year 2014-2015 Prakriti Prakriti is comprised of three qualities Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva. By far the most important and also longest commentary is the Yukti-dpik, Light on the arguments written perhaps by Rjan or Rjna around 700 C.E. According to the Indian tradition, the first masters of Skhya are Kapila and his disciple suri. One of the reasons for this may be the extreme popularity of another commentary, Vcaspati Miras Skhya-Tattva-Kaumud, or Moonlight of the Principles of Skhya, (circa 980 C.E.). The standard simile in the early Skhya tradition explains that as milk (an unconscious substance) starts to flow in order to nurture the calf, Praktiflows to nurture purua. Because of that, it is probably more correct to understand the Samkhyan theory of creation in terms of an evolution or unfolding rather than an emanation. It functions partly to make a unified picture from sense data, provided by the senses, and partly to translate the commands from the intellect to actual, separate actions of the organs. LoGHcC%mCivJwJ#tLzM)lL?rdm;x2 U!OdE9'Nzgl &[;/@K:TF[_L?T'$ea&W3Ey'nq 61iVVtd|(|s7lr~"hg$~Xh&NEXs(M`]BD j|X[u`7!FxA=.&!s8[b,bE{Fk4!xC7E$>LJ-v|!sIzTRK^ipwZ}Y>\n~"#0&*G|\3>n/7KCAL9&K[17b. Here we have a parallel with the Chinese Yin-Yang cosmology and the emergence of the universe through the manifestation of the polar opposites of Yin and Yang from the originally unmanifest Tao. Prakriti is the second, the material principle of Samkhya.Two ultimate realities accounts for all experiencesPurush (Spirit)Prakrati (Matter)As a logical principle and serve as a the source out of which everything evolveEvolution of matter from its cosmic cause as a processes of unfolding, a projection of potentialities into realitiesSomething cannot come out of nothing. Hence, there must be a plurality of distinct purua-s. (2) If there were only one purua, everyone would act simultaneously alike, for the purua is the supervisor of the body. Rajas, the name of the second gua, means atmosphere, mist, and dust. Another putative ancient master of Skhya, Pacaikha, seems to be more historical, and may have been the author of the original ai-Tantra. Ishwara (Creationist God) The original school of Samkhya as founded by Sage Kapila. Such textual evidence confirms that by the beginning of our era, Indian common opinion considered Skhya as very ancient. This last argument is utilized to determine the basic attributes of the imperceptible metaphysical causes of the empirical world: the substrate must have the same fundamental attributes and abilities as the manifest world. Its function is sakalpaarranging (literally fitting together) or coordinating the indriya-s. Samkhya, also Sankhya, (Sanskrit: , IAST: Skhya - Enumeration) is one of the six schools of classical Indian philosophy. The name of the third gua, tamas, means darkness. Dr Kanchan Saxena. Parinama denotes that the effect is a real transformation of the cause. Happens not only with the senses, but its influence is felt in and... 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