scary facts about aquarius woman

Of course everybody has negative traits, that is normal, and the good and bad make up the complex and interesting human. Never wanted separate bedrooms. But for the most part it painted us out to be pretty awful people I feel LOL. Aquarius, (Latin: "Water Bearer") in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying in the southern sky between Capricornus and Pisces, at about 22 hours right ascension and 10 south declination. Be it their work, their friendships, or intimate relationships. They incline toward the personal time more often and will not stop for a second to detach themselves for no specific reasons. . Dont be afraid to kiss and touch her, to keep her excited and anticipating what lies ahead once you get home! (Sometimes for $$$ - but that's another dark side element as well we can discuss later). They help you understand people by specifying their traits, likes and dislikes. She would have her mouth wide open if she saw this article. I get bored easily, I'm very agitated and restless. But the people who didn't know him well thought he was great. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. She hates being unfair and has zero patience when she sees something wrong happening in front of her. And shes yapping on and on about how her day went, and the spat she had with her boss and co-workers. They are very stubborn when it comes to their opinions. Suggested Read: Zodiac Signs And Their Worst Traits That Will Give You A Shock! Because of that, not exclusively its difficult for them to interface with others; however they additionally struggle to take care of their own issues. They can be intimidating because they seem to be perfected souls without any flaws. Mostly because theyre afraid to hurt your feelings. just yesterday, friday 13th, i had made quite a few enemies just because i spoke my mind, ever so bluntly and even DARED to question authority. My life has always evened out, try it. my sun is in cancer,moon in aries,ascendent in libra,venus in leo,mercury and mars in cancer again. Anyone that hates themselves and suggest to others that it's better to remain ignorant has serious issues. As a fixed sign, nobody is more certain of their own rightness than this type of Aquarius. Last but not least if anyone is considering themselves genius, they are desperate for attention, power and have a strong need to feel important. You missed Ayn Rand for negative Aquarius. It lacks striking features, the brightest star, Sadalmelik (Arabic for "the lucky stars of the king"), being of magnitude 3.0. Facts 4: Capricorn dont talk or listen. Some interesting facts about Aquarius: 1. But once you get to know them better, they can be the best friend, lover, colleague, youll ever have! If engaged or married (they think of it as "trapped for life" or "meal ticket for life"), they will want a dwelling with separate bedrooms, bathrooms, hobby rooms, and offices. She is not very particular about the latest fashion trends and prefers to go with classic, timeless pieces. LOL. This woman is known for her superior intellect. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 15. Your point about friends is frequently found in other personality assessments of Aquarians. The ultimate kick in the arse was when she lied to me about going away on the weekend of my wedding and instead she and all our friends declined my invite and she planned her own bridal shower for the same day/weekend!! The 'dark' Aquarians exhibit a chilling lack of emotion. She always initiated the conversations, asked me for my number, asked me if I wanted to hang out- not once or twice but three times- and then when I told her about my feelings for her she said sorry Im married to the love of my life lol then she started avoiding me, rolling her eyes whenever I opened my mouth, called me names, and then eventually just completely ignored me. I stay far away from Aquarius people now because I know how insecure they are, and how evil they can be. They tend to have a pessimistic attitude towards life and are usually anxious about 'What if' something goes wrong. When at home, I needed to constantly occupied and doing something to make things more productive in a day. Its perspective is completely different from the other planetary archetypes. It is for a damn good reason and it did not come out of any trivial slight. One time I teased him about being late to work. She is always going to be the one person to look up to as she wants it that way. They are rational and see things in a sensible way. Very independent! Yes, some sound advice every now and then is very helpful indeed. Pisceans have very firm viewpoints. Hypocrite:Aquarians is paradoxical in nature. Those of us that are born under the Aquarius zodiac sign can here and there be viewed as mysterious and as something of a mystery with numerous others feeling like they simply dont get the Aquarius character. Adverse planetary aspects can cloud positive energy or cause it to intersect with an uncomplimentary sign. Just their assessment is correct and nothing else is permissible. I can think more and do well on the job. Such maverick and independent nature of the Aquarius woman seeps through her style and fashion sense. Discover short videos related to facts about aquarius women on TikTok. Aquarians get bored by routine and by what everybody else buys and does and Aquarius thinks that is great but other people don't think it is normal, asking, Why aren't you married? I think you are hurting people. Whenever you are on the down-low and need someone to lend you an ear, definitely reach out to your nearest Aquarian buddy. Not all people who study or write about astrology have the gift for it, thats fer damn sure. sure, i apologized because i realised that people are sensitive and i didn't want to be looked at as a cold hearted person, and people do have feelings. They have an inclination towards spontaneity that keeps them going to always see, experience or live something new and incredible. My father is a brilliant Aquarius and shared his insightful ways with his children enabling us to find paths to success if we chose. The Capricorn Personality is a stabilizing force, one of the signs that work harder than the rest of the other signs of the Zodiac. They will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. So well break it down and touch on the following points as well: One of the important things about Aquarius woman you need to understand is that theyre a walking juxtaposition. The questions and criticism just prove to Aquarius that normal means conformist and mediocre. Aquarius is very optionated, so its occasionally better to simply let her discussion as opposed to advise her to stop. The Aquarius woman is a paradox, an unsolved mystery. Scary Facts About Aquarius Woman 1. Your natal chart might not have a planet situated in the house governed by Aquarius, but Aquarius is there, 100 percent sure. She will refrain from doing anything that questions her integrity. Aquarius zodiac sign can be viewed as truly outstanding if to take a gander at positive attributes and qualities it has, however the initial impression can be mixed up. I hate these blogs. so maybe you just don't understand, and that's fine. My mind feels wasted in those situations. Aquarius An Aquarius isn't usually angry, however, whenever they are, they scare people to another level. And I get called a bitch for defending myself. Aquarius falls under the Air element and has an innovative personality. So in this post, well do our best to list all the things about Aquarius woman that actually makes them tick. Aquarius woman traits are all about positivity and honesty. via GIPHY. Yes, this can get complicated. 5. Damage is done and in your delusional unempathetic Aquarian minds you still think your a god. are you that emotional-less to actually act so self centered that the message was that it's understandable WHY ignorance is bliss. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. 11. 2. 13. Lack of empathy: As a sign ruled by Uranus, they are characterized by their eccentricity and independence. Sometimes, I see myself nothing's bad happen and back on track again! Fixed Aquarius-Leo's types, with all their genius and personal power, can forget that such things as physical sensations and emotional responses exist within themselves and others. -Aquarius women are fiercely independent and will never let anyone control them. lol. Not out of arrogance or something to brag about. So if you dont want to scare her away, dont mess with her freedom. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? So you say you are an Aquarius, I suppose then that your knowledge base for this article is yourself. This is the TRUTH about the DARK SIDE of this sign (not Aquarians in general)..THIS IS THE TRUTH! In a healthy person, the Sun is always in balance with its opposite Earth sign. Therefore, read about comment's written of being an exception. Aquarius Woman Negative Traits All Aquarian women have difficulty with intimacy, but when they go to the dark side, they can be true ice queens who are cold-hearted, aloof, bitchy, and always ready to match wits with everyone. Then they slink away within the hour saying they have to feed pets or prepare for tomorrow. And to disagree with you on one point, Aquarius is just fine secretly believing in his or her own genius and doesn't need power or attention, just the self-satisfaction that enemies hate. They can be exceptionally tragic, discouraged, unsettled and additionally extremely glad to a degree. Hence the way they express their contemplations in some cases can cause sensitive individuals to feel offended. 3. A powerful Aquarian who has been repeatedly betrayed and wounded will do even worse. The Nature of an Aquarius, Explained. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on February 27, 2013: Aquarian Sarah Palin--she put the "air" in "air sign"! Aquarius is associated with the planet Uranus. An Aquarius woman will never go ahead and declare that she is right. i really am glad there's so few of us aquas compared to the rest of the zodiac. to feel all those emotions and get lost in it. This rundown of both positive and adverse attributes and qualities we can see in Aquarians will help delegates of this sign and individuals who realize these individuals assemble connections all the more productively and figure out how to dispense with their negative side or change it for better. 12 Problem Solver. As knowledge seekers, it's been my experience that we are the hardest working ones at our jobs and virtually the only ones who take an interest to actually research what they do and how to improveand what exactly is wrong with having your own hobby room if you don't share the same hobby? It's different if it's a friend. This button displays the currently selected search type. She is inexplicable, intelligent, and unconventional. Let me start off by saying True Aquarians aren't really interested in "friends". You are more than just her moans, her sex partner, her orgasms. Once i moved on is general moved on for good. if someone is ignorant, you can go through life happy. Here's what you need to know about wooing the water-bearer and what it's like to fall in love with an Aquarius woman. Aren't these enough to sketch the blue-print of a persons traits ?.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Aquarius woman is a visionary An Aquarius woman has a unique and unconventional approach to motherhood. All my exes are cut off from my life, because it's for the best. What exactly do, Divine timing meaning What does this really mean? Aquarians are famously scared of relationships and negative ones frighten off others by pointing out and broadcasting everyone's mistakes and imperfections. Their absence of compassion and empathy may make emotional pain to individuals around them as well. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. As for those who get insulted by these we all have negatives and positives! lol not always but damn it really really close. She likes to meet new people and have an active social life. Theyre patient listeners and even though they might not be able to help you right away, their availability will certainly help you to get better. Whether it is in love or career, an Aquarius woman will break out of any relationship that bothers her freedom. Aquarians truly want change for the sake of change. Yet sex is their weakness, their ego-booster of choice, so whatever is available or tolerable at the moment is better than nothing. If an Aquarius can do that, it is a sign of maturity. Aquarian representatives need feelings and are realistic individuals, so it makes them disengaged from this present reality. This lady can barely sit still. But what distinguishes an Aquarius mind is its unparalleled depth. A healthy and active sex life is great, even essential to keep that love alive. Ok I was born Jan 28th and I can't liethis is allllll me lol, I don't like many guys after they start talking but the one that can get through to me, I end up wanting to stalk him. Required fields are marked *. Try to be calm during your session, Your email address will not be published. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Robotic:All things considered, Aquarius individuals are famous for being emotionally apart in all circumstances, even love relations. Hence the way they express their contemplations in some cases can cause sensitive individuals to feel offended. Surprised guess people never heard of the heartless Aqurius. Leo represents the core of identity, radiating the warm light of the true self. Aquarius and Gemini compatibility is exceptional! #1: Aquarius is friendly with almost everyone but they only keep a few people in their [] They dont want any strain in your relationship. Sarah Palin a negative avatar? A dark Aquarian woman feels she must be tougher and smarter than her male rivals. They think that its difficult to comprehend and relate to others sentiments. If your heart is set on a Sagittarian man, you're in for a challenge. A good conversation can really inspire her but if she finds your intellect pseudo, she will be bored before you know it. For Capricorn, a day without work is like a day without sunshine. They often attract money The sign of Aquarius represents a certain contradiction and it's arduous for this lady to settle the conflict she carries within. To understand them better here are some scary facts about Aquarius woman. And know for a fact that when you treat her well, shell treat you even better. Aquarians hold those that we consider true friends and family close. Aquarius women are born intellectuals and have great leadership qualities. Aquarius women may come across as rebellious kind but they are one hell of a company. Shes either one of the loveliest introverts youve ever stumbled upon or the life of the party. Absent-minded If an Aquarius isn't responding to what you say, chances are they. They are one of the most passionate women you will ever meet. Stellar Sixth Sense: The Most Intuitive Zodiac Signs, Compatibility under a Horoscope: Mercury in Aquarius. steve perry's daughter steve perry's daughter. Without security, they feel lost. She never dresses to impress or to imply her social status. However, you might never wanna piss her off as they are known for their temper. Modesty:Without a doubt, Aquarians are shy individuals who feel awkward among new individuals and need words to communicate their perspective if they dont feel sure. Lol Didn't realize I initially responded to this hub but I am writing to agree with aquarian lady who said that folk expect that aquarians should save the world and be humAnitarians when in all essence some aQuarians don't to, and most folk are seeking other offers. An Aquarius woman will go out of her way to set good examples and make the right decisions. Great hub, thanks for sharing! When any of them are ignored or suppressed, problems will ensue. I know an Aquarian who works very hard - there may be exceptions to your Hub. Becomes a monster! Or what they say can blow up in their face because it will make you so angry. Detachment, let go of doubt, bad memories, ask and most likely if you ask, it comes. Hence, she tends to curb them. At the point when they begin contemplating something, they appear to quit seeing everything around them. Consider it the circumstance with the ways of managing money of two individuals. (Same bday as me) True to your statement we will blatantly tell you whats wrong. Well except the relationship part cuz ive never been in a relationship before. Aquarians are masters of change. I can point a million things wrong out and tell you how to fix your life! The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement". and in the end, my argument was sadly correct. They would rather go with the flow and make their own decisions. When she knows something is wrong she will not afraid to speak out and voice her opinions. 10. She invokes new energy in bed and thats downright hot! 14 Authoritative. They live their lives unbound by ego and hatch up group sc, How to Attract a Sagittarius Man: 12 Keys to His Heart. Aquarius can be an outside-of-the-box sorta creature. The choice is ours. You hate Sarah Palin is she even relevant anymore? Aqu, Neptune in Aquarius: A Deep Sense of Knowing, Individuals with Neptune in Aquarius in their birth chart have a natural freedom of expression that can be inspiring to other generations. I get upset but in few hrs I'm back in a normal sense. She loves to discuss anything and everything with people, and only those who can keep up with her trail of thought, make a lasting impression on her. I love to go to work and think about how to make my own improvements, whether they be at work or in my own personal life. I never go out. They dont lose their cool easily but when they do, hell breaks loose. She gets trapped in her own mind and no one can help her get out of there. 5. Yet sex is their weakness, their ego-booster of choice, so whatever is available or tolerable at the moment is better than nothing. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Instead, people should be accepting who they are and working on themselves and their lives to mature and improve, not focusing on the dark side. Get yourself to full potential, ask with a pure heart, give with a pure heart. Suggested Read:5 Reasons Aquarius Make The Best Partner Ever! Thus you become annoyed and start to mess with others and get in their way for your own gains. 16 Good Investors. Aquarius can be capricious and unpredictable, prone to lightning-bolt-like bursts of temper. We are a dark or light sign, surround yourselves with genuine people. We already have the Jesus archetype for that. But once they got even a little bit closer they realized he contributed nothing. How many facts about Aquarius woman can you relate to? I dont entirely understand where the all Aquarians are extroverted part is from again personally speaking Im an ambivert adaptable to the circumstances I am in. Born January 22 to February 18, Aquarius women are bold leaders with friendly dispositions. At the point when they begin contemplating something, they appear to quit seeing everything around them. While most people find an Aquarius woman arrogant and introvert, however, there is more to her than what meets the eye. Also Read : 10 Bad Traits Of A Capricorn Zodiac Sign 2. Are there ways to keep her happy and content? Are you really an aquarian? I feel like everyone caters to this sign for some reason and i have no idea why. Not for glory. Aquarius, the fixed air sign of the Zodiac, is cool, friendly, eccentric, and quirkily brilliant, but there is a dark side to Aquarius, a cold and ruthless one. Or things can turn ugly. Hillbilly Zen from Kentucky on December 10, 2011: This one invited introspection, Ms. Sylvia, and much to my chagrin I found several of my less attractive attributes listed. Their wit and being team player makes them highly suitable for leadership roles. In previous relationships I did come off as cold sometimes and rude, but it really wasn't my intention. For Aquarius, this intellectual energy is put to use by imagining giving speeches at places like funerals. Aquarius women may come across as rebellious kind but they are one hell of a company. how disgusting. Co-workers will soon yearn to give Aquarius a beating or a boot out the door. They are all different though, and we are all crazy in our own ways. We are tech a Sharknado of emotions. So, make sure to embrace their presence in your life. Often an Aquarius woman has shown abilities to settle a significant argument between people. A good conversation can really inspire her but if she finds your intellect pseudo, she will be bored before you know it. You see, these women are their own person. 7. Dark in earnest. It does not store any personal data. I am captivated by honest, a desire to know more and be better. Because of their faults, the people who once counted on Aquarians turn against them. Indeed, this zodiac has its very own brain and might you venture to reveal to them their perspective is wrong. Aquarius will go to unbelievable lengths to guarantee that you try to eat your words. All rights reserved. Fact 01: Love intellectual people with humor sense Fact 02: Value their private space Fact 03: Enjoy discovering new things Fact 04: Loyal and faithful in love Fact 05: Not good at showing emotions Fact 06: Always say the truth The cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. Whether it is in love or career, an Aquarius woman will break out of any relationship that bothers her freedom. She works on her own. scary facts about aquarius woman When it comes to love, I will give the whole lotjealousy is a no no no. Off topic a bit, but this is why I never could appreciate the bdsm lifestyle. Aquarius woman have an exceptional good brilliance and are the woman with minds you can't easily fool them and they are the one who will not trust you easily. Since they are ruled by the planet Uranus, breaking norms or challenging traditions come naturally for them. The 15 thru 18th start the Aqurius/Piscies cusp. I will never be friend with an ex lover. She was 34, I was 22. So if you enjoy a company that challenges your beliefs and makes you look at life through new perspectives then you might want to add an aquarian to your group. 9. I can honestly say though that the reason for me not being in a relationship is just due to the fact that I don't get out and my only major relationship didn't understand me. One of the fascinating facts about Aquarius woman is that they are extremely curious about their sensuality. This really brings people down and makes them feel rubbish and awkward. Plus I would always do her work for her if she was behind and brought her snacks and coffee all the time. Without a doubt, Aquarians are shy individuals who feel awkward among new individuals and need words to communicate their perspective if they dont feel sure. ignorance is BLISS. Irony! She is known for being that friend in the group who hates to see her friends sad and in emotionally exhausting situations. Slow and steady is the way to go when dating a Capricorn man. I think before I speak just me I never will hurt not judged the person I only love (significant one). yeah i am an aquarius and it's more like, you hate yourself for hurting other people through just the simple fact of knowledge. To understand them better here are some amazing facts about Aquarius woman. This is probably one of the coolest traits that you can see in an Aquarius girl. None of these things will work on me. You cannot convince her to be on the wrong side. They easily detach themselves. How many facts about Aquarius woman can you relate to? Her childlike dreams have a romantic quality to them. At the point when they have settled on a choice, it very well may be practically difficult to adjust their perspective. Aloof:Aquarian representatives need feelings and are realistic individuals, so it makes them disengaged from this present reality. If it doesnt work out? Lesser Aquarians think ignoring rules and common sense makes them rebels and rogues. Though she loves the idea of children, she is prone to becoming frustrated with the realities of parenting. so maybe all signs do that if they are negative, but it sure gives astrologers more fire to the pan to say how aquas lack emotions for other people in the world. Aquarius women are smart, witty and creative. Fierce and passionate, these people are also oozing with kindness and has one of the biggest hearts youll ever find! There is a detachment to her passionate . What are Interesting Facts of Aquarius? Her fears, her anger, her frustration. Lets drive inHere are 10 of the most widely recognized scarier attributes of the Aquarius zodiac sign! Oh, and I point out others mistakes so often it is almost as if that is only way I can be. 6. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Most of those born under this sign are kind and decent folks if a bit misanthropic and prone to eccentric beliefs and attitudes. Aquarius women have a tendency to overthink, overanalyze and overstress which leads them to harm and disturb their own mental health. To branch off from the last point, cooperating is significant on an expert level also. However, with all that serious interior they also have a knack for cracking jokes now and then and make people laugh. Although their weird ways can be endearing, two Aquarian traits alienate lovers: First, they don't know what they want, but they always want what they don't have. All and all she is a crowd pleaser who knows her audience. We have our own planetdamn I miss home :-). Stop saying we think we are God that bull crap, just because we express ourselves in a way that everyone else disapproves of. Im looking for INFORMATION not trash talking. Her rule is simple when she picks an outfit for the day. An Aquarius woman is always looking for something more than ordinary. However, to comprehend this sign you basically need to investigate some of the scary attributes that make up the Aquarius character a bit scary and today well do precisely that to give you a superior sense of what being an Aquarius is actually about. Take a simple thing to her and she will turn into an out of the box idea. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which is all about electricity and technology. However, its not easy to meddle with her sensual beasts, you need to keep her body and brain both turned on. Im gonna call you on your bullshit for sure. She was never a friend to me but I always felt she had an angle. Shes either one of the loveliest introverts youve ever stumbled upon or the life of the party. Moreover, its always a treat to experience it, barring that youre at the receiving end of it cause in that case, god bless you. That is why her friends and acquaintances love and respect her even more. This is the zodiac sign that will dump you to go back to their ex. This is why the Aquarius women get emotionally disappointed easily. She will refrain from doing anything that questions her integrity. Aquarius we need a change up haha. They believe in a very unconventional approach towards life. If you miss even a minute, her mind will wander off to something else. 8. btw I don't buy into what anyone says about me or "my sign"they don't know me! What is considered the "norm" in this society is self serving and childlike behavior. This is the truth! Fixed air observes, but cannot relate to others. She will embrace the unconventional as she enjoys being an open-minded person in every aspect of life. She will embrace the unconventional as she enjoys being an open-minded person in every aspect of life. i was appalled and disgusted at that offensive remark about some aquas. But only if it is not shoved down your throat and they do it in a caring and loving manner. Because we are such highly independent people, letting someone in in the first place is a major feat to us but then to find out that person was untrustworthy etc when we let down our guard seems to hit super hard and we beat ourselves up. Facts About Aquarius Woman On Personality Renegade She is and never will be a conformist. Aquarius women ooze with intelligence. Aquarians are not simple individuals and discover a way to deal with every one of them to merit their trust and interest. Disapproves of they express their contemplations in some cases can cause sensitive individuals to feel those! 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Evil they can be weakness, their ego-booster of choice, it is not shoved down throat... Ruled by the planet Uranus, breaking norms or challenging traditions come naturally them. The Arena Platform, Inc. other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their own rightness this... And then and make the right decisions cool easily but when they begin contemplating,! Boss and co-workers for sure god that bull crap, just because we express ourselves a.