supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

He sniffs and wipes his tears away with the back of his hand, regaining his composure. She catches Alexs elbow and holds her tightly, growling through clenched teeth. It seems to have been cauterized, her skin and flesh seeping together to form a shriveled seal. Her fingers fly through the list of names she has no memory of. Sanvers. Legends. What is it? Always thrown into the side of a building, crushing through to the interior and making the entire structure crumble. Jumping in head first has taken its toll. Hes draining her. They turn to them confused, and a gritty image of their hero appears on screen. And Jonn merges his mind with theirs, putting them down with gentle thoughts. Blood looks good on you, Supergirl. Kara greeted her kindly, regarding her as a stranger. and the shenanigans that lead to its first use. She sees right through them. And he used it against her.. She needed to be warned. But I dont want to control you, because that could ruin us. Shes not one to usually cry. Attending the funeral of the enemy you killed? His publicist put out a statement: "Alex is taking a short break from Hawaii Five-0 to receive supervised treatment for prescription pain medication due to a recent shoulder . Kate Kane. Then a knock at her door startles them. She hasnt been gone for very long and we have her location. Yeah, but how are we going to sneak around Leviathan? You beat Leviathan., Alex nods, then shakes her head. Alex catches her arm, holding her at her side. But in the case that she doesnt youll always have me., Kate nods, sniffing and wiping her mouth with her sleeve. Her voice is muffled from a burst of continuous static. My hope is that seeing you will trigger something in her memory. We were lucky he just gave us the warning to never show our faces again.. It slides open and she takes Lena in. She turns to her sister. Alex had checked on her afterward, and the two of them had gotten in a fight about Karas lack of remorse. Its gone. (I thought this was going to be shorter but then I had unexpected amounts of Winn Schott Feelings? The rush of the water hitting her body and hitting the tile seizes, her ears ringing from the sound. She screamed her name. She was at CatCo, and when her phone rang with an unknown caller ID, she excused herself to the balcony. The team hadnt received any word from Leviathan or Kara, but the tracker was always on screen of her location. No one speaks as Alex holds it out in front of her, the tattered fabric floating in front of them. Do you know who you are? Alex asks, now concerned that her sister might not know she has powers. But this she couldnt handle this. After an injury, series star Alex O'Loughlin developed an addiction problem to prescription meds. And that only came with a great amount of care. Lena is amazed at the vastness of the secret government agency, but Kara doesnt have the heart to tell her that shes been here before. His knuckles move to her nose, crushing it beneath his fingers and then to her mouth, splitting her lip and filling her mouth with blood. Why would I do that?, She tilts her head curiously. In secret, they also let them know that when they felt ready, the heroes would be prepared for whatever plan they came up with to rid Lex of his position. That she wasnt here with them. Hes watching me closely., Okay. Forcefully, he grabs the collar of her suit and brings the blade to her neck. Maybe its for the person she once was, or for how her presence has literally torn this man apart. She looks around the office, eyes falling on a purse that has dropped to the floor. It makes Kara ordinary, and she knows that the real Kara, the person she befriended years ago, is not the one sitting in front of her. He stands, stretching, and turns around and faces the cryogenic sleep chamber mounted against the wall. Lena is about to give up when she remembers she has a sister who is fully trained in magic, Luna Luthor. Whats the problem? It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. He contorts the material into a jagged spear, throwing it toward the Super. The Return By: LMXB. But they dont exist anymore, Alex says. Im alone. He drops to his knees beside her, unfolding her arms so they rest at her sides. You do. This plays out for almost an hour, her charging and desperately attempting to grow close enough to land a punch but always failing. Instantly, she is hit with a wave of chilling air, and it dawns on her what the vent is. Hes starting with Canada and Mexico, and from there hell move on to South America and overseas.. And they might succeed. In a driving motion, he slices down. The lies, the betrayal? Never stopping, never faulting. Batwoman. He places a hand on the glass above her face, the body of Supergirl, the soul of Kara Danvers, nestled inside in a deathly sleep. He slips out the door before she can ask anymore questions. Slowly, Kara approaches, pulling over a rolling stool and spinning it around to sit backwards. Alex takes Lena to the Tower alone after a heated debate with Kara about not letting her tag along. The thrill you get from finally being able to kill. Alex- Kelly starts, but Alex cuts her off. Oh, my God, Lena whispers, covering her mouth with her hand. Show yourself! she demands from the darkness. I started believing it myself. You dont think so? Theres a brief silence, just the whooshing sound, then her voice returns. Her blue suit is a maroon, the red and blue mixing to give her a new color. More than friends. Her eyebrows raise and he chuckles nervously. She rips away, holding the reporter at arms length. No. They had replayed it, over and over again for the rest of the heroes, for the team, for anyone who could find something out of the ordinary about the frame or a reflection of someone forcing Kara to speak. I mean, theres plenty to do, and Im glad thats keeping me busy, but Im missing a-, Kate, theres someone whod like to see you, Luke announces, appearing in front of the office doors. Lena-, Has no competition. A camera on a tripod sits in front of her, trained on her face. I was watching the news footage of you guys, you were great!. But now that youve both given your truth, said your apologies, you can start on an even playing field. And they do. Kara had been counting the minutes she was suffering in the freezing prison. And there is this weight that lifts off her shoulders. Medics were doing everything they could to wake the slumbering hero. And that promise will remain unbroken. I dont know how to answer that question. Mon-El hums at her. Rama Khan grabs hold of her and waves a Kryptonite blade in front of her. For a moment, Kara thinks he just cut her throat. Ill check in on you later, all right?, Lena nods, and just as Kara is about to walk away she calls out to her. Theyve taken her underground, outskirts of the city., Jonn reads the coordinates and the figures spark a familiarity in his mind. Kara swallows, nodding. Besides, its Rama Khan. Kara walks slowly through the fog of the war. And then, there is a hint of realization. I dont Kara mumbles, her other hand coming to the side of her head. What can I say, Lex? But it hurts him. Hey, Kara. And the freeze-breath?, Kara nods and Luke gapes at her. Hey, have you guys seen the paper? James asks, walking up to the booth and sliding in with a fresh tray of drinks. Mon-El and Winn had come from the future to aid the team, and with Winns expertise, he had managed to track the IP address of Karas video and save it to the Towers hard drive. But it would be in vain if we go in guns blazing. Her sister only nods, arms now coming up and over her face. She turns on her heel, cape flourishing as she storms toward the balcony. Even when you had your memories, you didnt know me. If strangers were telling him that they were his wife, his best friend, his loved one? I didnt see you come up.. That would be her guess for how long shes been in here. How to start. Im a shell of the real Kara Danvers. Run into any troubles lately?. Meet me outside, please. She clicks off the last lamp and points at Jonn and Nia. Even if it is from my own men., Well, Ive got to be honest with you, Lex. So she stays sitting, watching sadly as this nice woman stumbles out of the room gasping for breath. While you werent exactly sure what would happen after you died in that sudden traffic accident, meeting God, and being offered the opportunity to reincarnate, definitely wasnt something you were expecting to happen. Send a team out while you stay here and try to jog Lenas memory. Shell be fine. Sadly, it wasnt long before the planet was blown up by Frieza; and you alone escaped to the uneventful little dirt-ball known as Earth. Ill do anything., Rama Khan watches her, then leans down in front of her face. Its your sister. She shivers uncontrollably, never being exposed to such freezing temperatures. Where are we?, L-Corp. Months. Legends. She turns to Jonn, already walking over to the call buttons. They watch as the heroes look around, unable to tell them their leader is in a dangerous predicament. They traced her tracker to where she was abandoned. No one would be able to protect them. A white room, tile on the floor and a drain in the center. Your Kryptonian DNA allows you to have powers under a yellow sun, the one on this planet. Kara hums, looking out at Gotham through the windows. Alex sighs into her, squeezing her back. They can protect the things Supergirl used to. So why Why am I still here? "Lena is in the infirmary. Its never really a meal, anyway. She opens the door to reveal her sister, who analyzes her from head to toe mysteriously. Rid the human race of the ability to hurt others. Maybe she did it. Her serum swishes inside, the crystal blue shining within the vial. Its been months since she was captured and Lex gave her his talking-to, but the faces of the people killed in her attempt to remain free still show themselves in her mind every day. How could I be so selfish?, Hey, dont beat yourself up, Kate consoles, knowing what this woman means to Kara. The girl sends her a mischievous glare and says A wise woman once told me I shouldnt be making conversation with a stranger much less tell them my name. she finishes in a teasing tone. Ive met so many people today, Ive lost track of everyone.. And she might have paid the price for it. Lena doesnt have any memory of who she is, and you guys are chumming it up downstairs like youre old friends.. Again. His smile lowers into a smirk. But now, with no suit or clothing to protect her, she is forced to live in the cold. Just why bother now? And I learned I had been manipulated by him. She wouldnt cry. A tear falls from her cheek and she stands, backing up from the bed. She wails and grits, her hands clamping around the leather fabric of Alexs suit. What happened today?. She could. I figured it needed to come out of storage. Deep in the basement of the DEO, Lex sits at his desk in his lab, going over papers and files and documents and recipes. It hurt her team to have to watch it again, and it scared the heroes that came to help to see Supergirl in that much pain. Alex lets herself smile, kissing her girlfriend before bringing her back into the team to tell them the plan. Her body had weathered the force and pressure of the water too many times and for too long. That Lena gestures behind her. Oh, but I want to do this, Supergirl. On a trip to the mall, Ren and Santana get caught in a robbery. Um, L-Corp? She was near the end of her hour with the AC on full blast, and she huddles into the corner of the room tightly. The family, immediate and extended, made their way to the alien bar where they had spent so many a karaoke night. They stitched her wounds and set her broken bones. But the only thing out of the ordinary was Kara being beaten and bloodied. Brainy works his way through the air, hitting pressure points to knock them out. Her eyes sting as she nods. Not really. It goes on for too long, and when it finally shuts off, she lays on the heated ground in misery. To Alex, and Jonn, and Nia, and Lena. Kara freezes. She didnt want to kill those men. Who she is. Which inclined me to take a peek at the security footage in Ms. Luthors office, where I found this.. I dont know. Imagine your surprise then, when you emerged to find yourself now living on the same planet as Batman, Superman, and the rest of the DC Pantheon. She squeezed her tightly and roughly, shaking her so she would wake up. Kate hovers over Lenas chair as she looks over the monitors tracking Karas location. Shes not going to prove it to you, Luke., Kara glances at Kate. Steam rises around the streams of pressure, boiling water spilling from the sky. But thank you for trying.. Betrayed. Its a long story, Kara says, returning to the table with Alexs glass. So she basks in the feeling of peace she has with this Lena. I got it, and you deserve it more than me!. We were. Supergirl Fanfic Creative writing inspired by the Supergirl tv show. Soon enough. He squats down in front of her, tugging on the end of the spear and make her help. You dont know what that means to me.. You should visit more often., Kara smiles, looking over her shoulder. Lena starts taking an interest in the puzzle that is Kara. This entire time hes been avoiding holding her gaze. I thought youd have more fight in you.. Patient confidentiality, she retorts smugly. Alex had dropped to her knees and began to dig her out of her sandy grave. No one would be able to defeat Leviathan then., Be a hero? Flash. Top priority now is getting Kara back, Alex starts. Kate brings a hand to her mouth, thinking. The blonde then leans over one hand covering one side of her mouth as if anyone around is close enough to hear her Dont worry I wont tell. she replies with a wink. Okay, so we go and get her. Who knew that your childhood fantasies would become a reality when you reincarnated as powerful Saiyan reborn on the Planet Vegeta. So far, I feel like Im living my life in slow motion. She slowly walks over to it, maintaining balance, and drops to her knees to examine it. Nothing is stopping you from doing that., Supergirl is. Just kidding., He stares at her, more confused. A chance to reinvent yourself and your future. The little vent above her turns on, and the hope she has left is put into the belief that it will be AC coming out of the unit to cool her. She presses, eyes shutting as she tries to think but nothing surfaces. Did you find something?, He keeps reading, eyes widening and smile forming when he understands the text. I cant remember what for,a lie, but you turned to me and said the worst part about me being with you was having to look at me and see no love in my eyes. He feels another tear fall, but he doesnt wipe it away. Now, they both know its not the end of their tussle, its the start of a new beginning. Supergirl, if youre listening, we need your help.. But she lies still. So I was a little bummed to find no new Sanvers Valentines Day fic here when I checked on the 14th. Inbetween the lights, several mystics appear, eyes cold and ancient. Strength, flight, heat vision, freeze-fucking-breath!. He holds it up for her to see. His tears fall now, dropping onto her suit and cutting clean lines through the red. Hes brought some equipment from the ship he seems to think might help. Her skin burns and veins ache, and she looks up as Rama Khan marches over to her. The world doesnt need a single Supergirl protecting it when it has a Martian Manhunter. So many people have done this today. Kara, its me. Yeah, I saw. She shouts in agony, and Kara doesnt hesitate in crawling on top of her. "Is she injured?" Kara tilts her head. The blood-covered hero lays peacefully on her bed of rubble, eyes closed dreamily. No, nothings wrong. Our father, Kate lets them have a silent moment, then speaks up. Shes beaten him before. Plus, theres nothing wrong with wanting, because want doesnt mean it will come true. The addiction became bad enough that O'Loughlin had to miss filming. Cadmus, she whimpers, fighting harder against him. He looks up at her, eyes leveling. It worked. Her face suddenly becomes skewed and she leans forward, concerned. Do you remember us? Kate asks, voice hopeful. All of Flight 237s passengers were transported to shore and checked out by the EMT's for any injuries. Twice a week, she is given half a loaf of bread, washing it down with whatever water she can manage to catch before it slips down the drain. A man named John. This woman in front of her, shes a shell. What about Lex? I am Mon-El., He nods and watches her. The DEO, Supergirl. The Return By: LMXB. Become best friends again. She watches helplessly as her blue creation disappears from the vial and injects into her, giving a warm rush to her head. I plan on returning the favor., He laughs excitedly. Slowly, Alex turns to Nia. Kara, Alex moans, touching her sisters face fearfully. Life goes on. When it is done, I will release you. He pauses, stepping closer to her. Everyone in the room sees it, and they all hold their breaths. Ill wait for you outside.. Can you do that for me?. We could use some of their resources, Nia says. Heat vision, x-ray vision, freeze breath, flight. Rama Khan wraps a thick arm around her and hauls her to her feet, squeezing her tightly and wringing out more blood. I cant forgive her for that., Kate throws up her hands. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Thank you, Alex. I mean, it makes sense. Alex, no! she wheezes, her voice raw from her screams of pain. Just testing you. Ive just been feeling kinda lonely after the crisis. On the other hand, if we go in and save her we could get killed and there would be no one to stop them. Do you know who I am?. Sister.. Im assuming its little Dreamer. Doors are kicked open, metal screeches on metal, and all at once her door bursts with a heavy booted foot. The team has settled on staying out of the spotlight and sticking to their human identities since then. And we just keep saying shell be fine? Alex nods, needing more. And it wasn't because Lena is a Luthor. He ponders this for a moment, thinking over everything shes witnessed and went through today. But, those plans and their lives change forever when Lena unknowingly finds herself in the arms and bed of her biggest secret admirer: her familys number one enemy. Her eyes close as a wave of nausea washes over her. And after charging under yellow sun lamps for a few hours, things might get dangerous. Hearing Karas voice, how broken she was, the wounds on her face, it had taken too much out of him. Im actually doing an article on your dad. But youre not the type of person to make things easy, I can promise you that.. A zip-up jacket and a pair of leggings, along with some sneakers. But you were never one to play fair.. She had moved back to Seattle to continue her pervious career as a doctor. Her eyes open in narrow slits as she squints at him. Mon-El cant hide his wince, his look of desperation. Ill be waiting for you outside the DEO. He sits on the couch, then slowly looks into the cameras lens. She pauses, smirking as she turns around to the door. Let her answer. After the Legacy's Of SuperGirl (Kara Zor-El/ Danvers), The Arrow (Oliver Queen), The Flash (Barry Allen), Criminals and Vigilantes Known as The Legends and These teams. My fifth and final contribution to this year's @femslashreviewfest It is time for my third Supergirl fic rec post [see first one here and second one (Supercorp) here].Considering that Alex and Astra did not have a lot of screen time together . She tells her everything. You will, though. Alex strokes her hair soothingly. He pushes her into the room and to her surprise, she finds it extremely clean. Lena watches her a moment, a few tears leaking from her eyes. Alex immediately begins shooting beams of electricty from her gun, stunning them into unconsiousness. They stand in silence for a few seconds, taking each other in. Well, it seems that you two have done your fair share of betrayal and lies. The anchor speaks frantically, eyes pleading with the screen. She looks up at the hero, concern written on her face. "It is our job to take risks. But they all put on a brave face. We cant transfer the red sun-, Trust me, Alex. Leviathan. Alex and her team had been brainstorming possible events or reasons as to how this had happened to her. Kara brings her back to the DEO, setting her in the infirmary before alerting Alex. Kara nods helplessly, and before she has time to flinch, he brutally hurls his fist into her right eye. She didnt tell me who she was for three years. The heroes were outnumbered, and there wasnt anything they could do about it. Safety. An hour of being thrown around like a rag doll is exhausting on her, and the time she spent ripping through the soldiers didnt do much to preserve her energy. This couldnt get any worse. The Supergirl they are with now is not the same one the started with. Flew, Luke whispers, not understanding. Please, dont. Ill be fine. Supergirl (TV 2015) (31) The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (24) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. What do you want from me? She is met with silence. Im an alien, I came from Krypton, I can fly. He waits to see if she will, if her mind will connect the imaginary dots to him, but her eyes remain looking. Alright. It feels strange going through the phone. Bring them all.. In which Alex finds Maggie doing laundry at 1am in the morning. No longer AC. I wouldve liked it to be open casket, however. Which makes her weak, weaker than a regular human being, even. Thats. She hasnt moved in over an hour, and they didnt know whether to find comfort in that fact or not. 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