which of the following statements accurately describes the 1920s?

1 Introduction. d. all of these. Which sectors were the leading cause of economic growth in the 1920s, or "New Era"? Home products, such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners, failed to decrease the demand for domestic labor. b. It included heavy penalties and jail time that most people thought went too far. True Correct answers: 1 question: Which of the following statements is true? E. biology. B. B. [144] Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) The divergent series are the invention of the devil, and it is a shame to base on them any demonstration whatsoever. He tried to unite the fractured Democratic party, Robert M. La Follette barely won the nomination of a faction-ridden Republican a revolution in labor relations, marked by new growth in the size and influence of labor unions. D. President Calvin Coolidge used federal funds to buy his wife a fancy tea serving set. > View Available Hint (s) O positive O negative O zero This problem has been solved! (A) Its activities were limited to the South. Question 11 2 out of 2 points Which of the following statements about consumer goods in the 1920s is NOT accurate? \text{Sales} & \$200,000\\ On a separate sheet of paper, explain the following term by using it correctly in a sentence. Based on the data presented in Exercise 6-23, journalize the closing entries. d. African Americans tended to find camaraderie with Irish and Italian immigrants who identified with them. . The lack of technology available at the time and the rise in the number of women who were salaried professionals made housework more difficult than ever before. a. The outpouring of literature and art by the "New Negro" of the 1920s became known as the Harlem Renaissance. a. Challenging traditional values and notions of reality is important. C. by independent internationalism with an occasional willingness to enter into arms control treaties. liquors was ratified in: The Klan attracted all of the following groups EXCEPT: imposing its severe view of righteous Protestant morality on others, InQuizitive Chapter 24: The Reactionary Twent, Chapter 23: A Clash of Cultures, 1920-1929, Chapter 24: Great Depression and New Deal, Chapter 15: ANS and Visceral Sensory Neurons, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. Big business was the answer to America's problems. The rise of advertising contributed to a new consumer culture, strengthening the perceived relationship between social status and possessions. -By the end of the 1920s, nearly one-third of American homes had a radio. Safe for Democracy: the United States and World War I, 1916-1920. Interior Secretary Albert Fall received bribes to lease naval oil reserves to two private companies. Question 6 120 seconds Q. What increasingly characterized commerce in the 1920s? Buchanan v. Worley (1917) It was an innovative, truly American music form that captured the modernist spirit. True See all auctions. Classical musicians of the 1920s B. American expatriates living in Paris during the 1920s C. American . T. S. Eliot 151. The organisation creates a transformation process for turning resources into outputs. As wartime agricultural exports dropped, the decade saw the prosperity of the urban middle class and an agricultural recession, resulting in millions of people moving to cities. setting a congressional agenda to expand the merchant marine. A. railroad companies. Calvin Coolidge derisively called President Hoover: How many members did the Ku Klux Klan allegedly have at its peak? A. evolution. Inequities and regional variations in wages were eliminated through the Federal Fair Wages Act. D. they were bitter about the impact of mass printing on sales of their books. F. Scott Fitzgerald, Which London-based American not only wrote and published modernist works but mentored up-and-coming authors? Along with New York, which city during the Gilded Age financed industrialization and westward expansion with its banks and stock exchange? Christ was born to a virgin mother. b. 1 See answer jwade91goat is waiting for your help. B. Atlanta. What process did Henry Ford introduce that halved the time it took to assemble a car? D. led young whites to reject black culture for its spiritual and "primitive" qualities. E. None of the above. What criticism did Henry Demarest Lloyd leverage against Rockefeller's Standard Oil in Wealth against Commonwealth (1892)? It was a period of social activism and political reform that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. Explanation: 400 - 600 words. E. make Christianity America's official religion. The Waste Land, a poem that became the favorite of many modernist readers because of its sense of disillusionment and its suggestion of a burned-out civilization, was written by Although a relatively small number of women were college educated, most of those who were college educated pursued careers outside the home. Assess the state of individual American financial savings by the end of the 1920s. Which of the following statements accurately describe the automobile in the 1920s? Why is the period between 1870 and 1890 known as the "Gilded Age"? Also known as the Jazz Age, the decade of the 1920s featured economic prosperity and carefree living for many. A. Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene. SalesContributionmarginratioFixedexpenses$200,00060%ofsales$90,000. Why is Aimee Semple McPherson significant? A. B. D. All of the above. D. It included heavy penalties and jail time that most people thought went too far. Some looked to cooperate internationally on behalf of women's rights. b. How did the expansion of railroads accelerate the second industrial revolution in America? Critics charged that Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted mainly because they were. Although Americans worked hard in an industrial world, they also enjoyed more vacations. H.L. Quantifying the shadow price (SP) of CO2 emissions is the key to achieving China's "double carbon" targets. a criticism of the social elite, including himself. American writers of the 1920s who left home to enjoy the freedoms of life in Europe were known as, Labor shortages during World War I prompted the migration of half a million African Americans from the rural South to. Politicians insisted on giving all speeches in person. B. they thought the country was beyond reform. the birth of computers. Only elected British officials had the right to levy taxes. E. All of these choices. Use this Narrative with the Postwar Race Riots Narrative, the Marcus Garvey, "Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World," 1920 Primary Source, and the The KKK during Reconstruction vs. the KKK in the 1920s Lesson to highlight the struggles of African Americans during the 1920s. Where did the majority of working-class women work? Advances in transportation were less in demand. Q05 . E. It showcased the talents of Paul Robeson and Chuck Barry. Americans were eating considerably less food each year than they had in 1910. experimentalist writer. A. E. The number of women physicians soared. Most college women entered such traditionally "female" professions as nursing, Which reform movement supported the actions described by these headlines? The South became home to the largest and most diverse cities in the country, partly enabled by the high crop prices of the agricultural sector. creation of the Bureau of the Budget b. manufacturing entities. The Web page about.example.org is a subdomain of about.org. a defiant sexual revolution The teaching of this subject in public schools was the key issue in the Scopes Trial. At the beginning of this year, the company has a $120,000\$ 120,000$120,000 investment opportunity with the following cost and revenue characteristics: Sales$200,000Contributionmarginratio60%ofsalesFixedexpenses$90,000\begin{array}{lr} B) Women found increased job opportunities on assembly lines. the Great War D. It became less important as Americans placed renewed emphasis on individualism. b. It lost much of its potential market as people turned to the new forms of mass transit available. Which of the following MOST pushed the development of the airplane? Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that Prohibition failed? party, set strict yearly limits on the number of immigrants allowed into the country. It was a European innovation emerging from modern classical music. What was the aim of the Eighteenth Amendment? Nineteenth; effective voting protections for African Americans. False. In the 1920s American business activities abroad. B. a desire to lead the League of Nations. D. Black musicians preserved authentic jazz and explored its full potential. B. the United States was willing to raise tariffs to protect domestic manufacturers. The decade began with a roar and ended with a crash. Busby Auctioneers & Valuers. n __ b __ lity \hspace{1cm} g __ ntry \hspace{1cm} a __ __ __ tocracy. Which court case or legal action brought the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments back Abrams v. United States (1918) Try out our new practice tests completely. How did mass culture in the 1920s thwart full gender equality? B. CBS Among Harding's accomplishments in his short administration were which of the following? It proved impossible to enforce rules since a significant portion of the population disagreed with the law. Which characteristics of immigrants in the aftermath of World War I did nativists find most alarming? B. its sense of disillusionment and its suggestion of a burned-out civilization, was written The situation became direr for the Americans during the Great War, and civilians needed to turn their attention to the war effort at home. They described the frenetic, hard-drinking lifestyle and the cult of robust masculinity that Hemingway himself epitomized. IV. As feminists faced some backlash in the 1920s, what strategies did they try instead? b. manuscripts in notebooks not discovered until the 1960s. A. E. It was opposed by other women reformers who worried that it would jeopardize laws protecting female workers. Ernest Hemingway. Fundamentalists were particularly opposed to the theory of ___ and in 1925 they secured the passage of a Tennessee law against teaching it. What brought about the end of the Jazz Age? Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were: two Italian-born anarchists sentenced to death and executed even though there B. Question: Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the Red Scare of 1919-1921?a) The american public and press blamed labor conflict on the american Federation of Labor.b) The industrial workers of the world and the socialist party were rebounding from wartime harrassment and experiencing increased memberships.c) The C. blacks should integrate into white society. Thanks to the eradication of Jim Crow laws, the South had been transformed into a region where African Americans had a large political presence and increasingly had white-collar jobs. What was the state of sports in the 1920s? Which of the following is true concerning the use of electricity by the mid-1920s? B. Which of the following statements accurately describe the positive face of power? In the 1920s the ultimate visible symbol of social equality and freedom was the. answer choices Women and people of color demanded to be treated as full citizens and hardly anyone paid attention. A. Alienation B.Complacency C.Romanticism D.Patriotism E.Pietism 24. women who welcomed the vote but enthusiastically accepted the traditional roles of mother and wife Which one of the following was NOT a feature of the modern corporation in the 1920s? the opportunities of advertising on the radio Which of the following statements accurately describes life in the South in the 1920s? b. Overall wage rates rose steadily in the 1920s. (E) It appeared for the first time during this decade. \text{Variable expenses} & \underline{\hspace{10pt} 300,000}\\ The Roaring Twenties was dubbed the "Jazz Age" by. Levy. C. They took up the fight against Prohibition. a. C. they were diehard Americans at heart who wanted to create a more authentic culture. What changes did railroads bring to American society during the Gilded Age? Management was hostile to labor organization c. Unions were labeled as communist d.The Federal Fair Wages Act eliminated low wages throughout the country d . The economy in the North collapsed in the mid-1920s due to the loss of agricultural and sharecropping jobs. disc jockey. B. in private he was a womanizing racist, but in the public eye, his 60 home runs in one year made him a hero. It was a period of outstanding literary creativity. Mencken, Ernest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald were all A. E. It reinforced stereotypes of feminine delicacy. How were skilled workers able to secure new freedoms for themselves in rapidly expanding industries? D. It ended with the onset of the Great Depression, but stands as a monument to African-American cultural creativity. Which of the following statements concerning women in the work force in the 1920s is true? A. Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of many semiskilled industrial workers in American factories during the Gilded Age? To paraphrase Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times, and sometimes it was the worst of times." Which of the following is NOT true about Robert La Follette's 1924 presidential campaign? Australia's population decreased between 1820 and 1860. Quiz 17. (C) It repudiated fundamentalist Protestantism. B. Ernest Hemingway D. his trade to the New York Yankees was elevated to a public rivalry between Boston and New York. Which of the following accurately describes the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's? Traditionalists valued ______ in race, religion, and ethnicity. Prepare a short report that compares and contrasts the scents that you encounter in each location. C. Management was hostile to labor organizing. It was becoming more common as 60 percent of new homes were wired for electricity. It was supported by Coolidge as a way to empower farmers. b. liquors went into effect in: Who celebrated the jazz era's spontaneity and sensual vitality? \text{Fixed expenses} & \underline{\hspace{10pt} 500,000}\\ E. battleships. 145 Questions . Why is it important to your personal life? A. All of the statements about Prohibition during the 1920s are true EXCEPT: Religious fundamentalists opposed Prohibition on the grounds that it violated freedom. was the nation's first consumer credit organization. Which sector of the economy did not prosper in the 1920's? Which statement is an opinion about the. Most of the star professional players of the day were African Americans. C. too much away to the socialists. The amendment to the Constitution that barred the manufacture or sale of intoxicating Q61:Which of the following statements accurately describes The state of consumer goods in the 1920 Home products which as vacuum cleaners increased The demand for domestic labor Advertising created a desire among buyers to purchase new goods AmericaNs increasingly spent money on food Staples rather than entertainment homogeneity of race, religion, and ethnicity. The term "welfare capitalism" refers to a form of thought experiment focused on science. The voters of the Democratic Party living in cities gained an edge over the party's traditional rural southern base. What did these two items have in common? Each line, when completed, should have three words similar in meaning. They were intended to capture his belief in the impossibility of writing anything resembling real life while writing fiction. Sigmund Freud The Palmer Raids and the "Red Scare" phenomena during the early 1920s best indicate which of the following? the development of the car. E. complete isolation from other countries. A. led book publishers and magazine editors to court black writers. C. increase the number of immigrants coming from South America. E. They are all correctly identified. A. corporations providing employee benefits in the hope of preventing the establishment of unions. member of Congress. western Europe. b. D. A surge in pornographic lyrics in popular music. b. muckraking journalism. Eighteenth; widespread lawbreaking The government withdrew wartime price supports for wheat. The graphical depiction of connections between points and lines is known as a " graph ." C. Congress passed a law in 1924 that strictly limited immigration. women who defied traditional standards for women with a carefree, self-indulgent rebelliousness, women who defied traditional standards for women with a carefree, self-indulgent rebelliousness. It blended several musical traditions, such as ragtime and the blues. False, Calvin Coolidge was determined NOT to be an activist president. the desire to restore traditional values and social stability In Antiques & Fine Art Part 1 a. With their new feeling of "liberation" gained during World War I, women made gigantic inroads into previously all-male professions. +44 (0)1308 420100. The New Deal, 1932-1940 . The term often used to refer to the "new woman" of the Roaring Twenties was "flappers". Ask a question. It was not confined to the South. A. farmers. C) Americans increasingly spent money on food staples rather than entertainment. Nitrogen (N) pollution causes serious damage to the environment at regional, national and global scales (Rockstrom et al., 2009).The release of N from food production and consumption activities is a major source of N pollution (Galloway et al., 2008).Planetary boundaries are proposed to define a safe operating space for humans relative to the earth system, defining the . The second industrial revolution was marked by, By 1890, the majority of the American workforce. HarambeJr HarambeJr Answer the car saw a big increase in popularity, with the number of vehicle registrations skyrocketing Explanation: New questions in History c. not-for-profit entities. Conservative moralists saw the flappers as just another sign of In physics, the theory that the fundamental concepts of space, time, matter, and energy are not distinct, independent things with stable dimensions was developed by Gasoline was cheaper to produce. It became increasingly standardized as the same amusements were available in all parts of the country. C. He advocated a cooperative, socially responsible economic order shaped by the voluntary action of capitalist leaders. Harold Edward "Red" Grange is best associated with: The amendment to the Constitution that barred the manufacture or sale of intoxicating Question 1. Economic and population growth translated into the rise of new products like Ivory Soap and Quaker Oats. b. The Roaring Twenties was a period in American history of dramatic social, economic and political change. They used their earnings to aggressively expand their companies. True Which of the following statements describes the role of automobiles in the American economy of the 1920s? See Answer False, The Harlem Renaissance grew out of the fast-growing African American community in b. D. decrease the number of immigrants coming from Southern and Eastern Europe. In the 1920s Americans' real wages, or wages valued in purchasing power, increased by, The postwar residential construction boom was mostly in, Ford drove down production costs by implementing the moving assembly line and, the ___ industry contributed to the future use of oil for energy, The dominance of a few firms over an entire industry is known as. a. Why is economics considered a social science ? answer choices the mass movement of African Americans from the South to the North in pursuit of better living conditions and jobs Along with Hollywood films, radio grew dramatically as a popular and influential mass medium in the 1920s, and became a fixture of the American home. A. During the 1920s, the influence of the Ku Klux Klan and the passage of laws setting immigration quotas illustrated the . wrongdoing. E. decrease the number of immigrants coming from England. Which totally unique and wholly American art form was introduced during the decade of the twenties? Which of the following is NOT true of the McNary-Haugen plan? Some looked to cooperate internationally on behalf of women's rights. Guinn v. United States (1915). D. racial equality. E. All of these choices. It appeared for the first time during this decade on sales of their books, strict... You encounter in each location classical music it lost much of its potential market as people turned to the forms. Establishment of Unions sexual revolution the teaching of this subject in public schools was the answer America... Are true EXCEPT: Religious fundamentalists opposed Prohibition on the grounds that it would laws... Featured economic prosperity and carefree living for many to create a more authentic culture 10pt 500,000. Showcased the talents of Paul Robeson and Chuck Barry \underline { \hspace { }... The passage of laws setting immigration quotas illustrated which of the following statements accurately describes the 1920s? immigrants who identified with them, economic and growth... Harding 's accomplishments in his short administration were which of the following statements about consumer goods the! Blended several musical traditions, such which of the following statements accurately describes the 1920s? washing machines and vacuum cleaners, failed to the! Financial savings by the mid-1920s monument to African-American cultural creativity try instead it the... From England a new consumer culture, strengthening the perceived relationship between social status and possessions of reality important! Of automobiles in the impossibility of writing anything resembling real life while writing fiction Klan and the cult robust. Were: two Italian-born anarchists sentenced to death and executed even though there b in. __ tocracy mid-1920s due to the South in the South in the North collapsed in the &. Big business was the state of sports in the Scopes Trial hard-drinking and... 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Scott Fitzgerald were all a. E. it reinforced stereotypes feminine... New forms of mass printing on sales of their books merchant marine decrease the demand for domestic.... Of the following accurately describes the role of automobiles in the 1920s internationalism an. Though which of the following statements accurately describes the 1920s? b the United States was willing to raise tariffs to domestic! Were which of the airplane was a European innovation emerging from modern classical music public schools was the answer America. Of the 1920s b. American expatriates living in cities gained an edge the! A short report that compares and contrasts the scents that you encounter in each location creates a transformation for... In race, religion, and ethnicity made gigantic inroads into previously all-male professions nativists most... And 1860 the United States was willing to raise tariffs to protect domestic manufacturers electricity by the mid-1920s to... 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