Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. You think someone is going to outrun your bullet? In addition to firearms-related work, Josh enjoys working with animals and researching conservation projects in his home state of Michigan. What ever cal. I do not have much experience with guns in general and do not own a hand gun. I don't think a ATTACKER/HOME INVADER will know the difference between a 9mm or a 45cal to the HEAD, NECK or a double tap in the CHEST!! Aside from that, aren't they using the same bullet technology on .45 as they are on 9mm? Great article!! With boxes of 9mm Luger rounds being 30% to 40% cheaper than .45 ACP ammo, increased range time isnt going to break your budget. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The result was the 9x19mm Parabellum or 9mm Luger, developed in 1901. I'm pretty sure the .50 AE can kill the soul. A couple of things: 1. It has a capacity of 15+1 and it's a 45 ACP. At one time the 10mm was in consideration for the FBI. . I have to say I like them all from 22 to 500 Smith. If the wound channel is indeed the same, then the 45 is the inferior round in all regards except home defense. It offers a larger magazine capacity given a similarly sized firearm. I would have to say that for me I am more accurate with a .45 acp then a 9mm but that may be because the 1911 is a better fit for me and feels better balanced then a polymer 9mm. Different bullets, however, will perform differently when it comes to loss of speed. Again, velocity and mass both increase accuracy, but mass seems to get us there more quickly just as we see with penetration, while velocity appears to build energy more quickly. Well, lets take a look at these two rounds and pit them against one another. 1) by making bigger holes and 2) by making more holes. Many independent studies have been done about actual combat shooting accuracy. I have my shooting partner tell me which to shoot. I totally agree with the author. I (thankfully) also have an overactive amygdala response that kicks in to take over. My 2 primary guns are a Canik TP9SA 19 shot 9mm and a 7 shot Taurus TRACKER 357magnum. The domestic manufacture of war material was not remotely able to resupply the entire UK armed forces. I'm sure when you wrote your "9mm vs .45 ACP" article back in April 2017, your link labeled "canceled out in some states" did go to "smartgunlaws.org" where their information on gun laws was displayed. I keep ARX 118 grain ammo in my Glock 30 (10+1) which is 45ACP. Underwood ammo shows muzzle energy of 600-725 range for the 10mm and 1074-1125+ for 41. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst case escenario. Sentimental value does not are a round more lethal. And yes,if you arent skilled with a hand gun,dont carry until you are. He noted that the wall was splattered with not just blood, but flesh and bone. It fits an extended grip 14RD+1 so there's 51 RDs. Thanks for time well spent in putting this together, when we mix work with enjoyment we all benefit. In short, we ALL live for ever: the only question is WHERE? You're 100% right the big boy can handle a coyote and a wolf so why waist your time carrying something that cant protect you from the both of them?? Velocity and barrel length data for 9x19mm Parabellum, also known as 9mm Luger and so on. From Firearm Wiki: The Internet Gun Encyclopedia, Velocity by Barrel Length of Various Calibers, Firearms Chambered in 9mm (Palmetto State Armory), https://firearmwiki.com/index.php?title=9mm_Velocity_by_Barrel_Length&oldid=1702, About Firearm Wiki: The Internet Gun Encyclopedia. technology have helped the 9mm improve by leaps and bounds over the past 30 years. It appears that overall, the optimal barrel length for 9mm (for something like an AR-15 pistol build, SBR, or similar setup), is about 7 to 8 inches for maximum efficiency and handling, though going longer can still have benefits. A bear attack can happen very quickly. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I compete with them all. This cookie is used to keep track on user informations and reports it to Alexa analytics service. 9mm: FMJTC: 124: 396: 1200.38: SJSP: 125: 261: 970: As we can see from the charts above, the 9mm at double the pressure, translates to near double the amount of muzzle energy . Back in the day, there was a revolver chambered in .600 Nitro Express. just saying. He obviously said that the 9 will penetrate better then the .45 thats why the military adopted it and left the .45 in the past. The law enforcement and military need that exact type of round and the 9mm is the perfect gun for those situations. Velocity did of course increase further with longer barrels, but to a much smaller degree. I keep my 870 close by for those rats that might want to drop by uninvited Hello everyone, Whatever works for *YOU* is the best choice. When it happens your mind will likely go blank. Best advice ever. So muzzle energy is certainly real and a consideration; however, if hit in the eye with a .22LR versus hit in the arm with a 45 ACP means anything, worry about aiming over power. Proponents of the spray say that the spray is more effective, because you don't have to worry about getting out your gun and having the presence of mind to get on target in a few seconds. Not every confrontation is going to be 'range based'. The only advantage the mode 59 has is the rear sight to adjustable for both windage and elevation . The best bullet will fail, if shot placement is poor. LEOs average 20-30% hits in a gunfight. I can tell you from my experiences the hotter the ammo the more difference between barrel lenghts especially the 5 & 10, were can i get a job like yours, just shooting. If interested perhaps we can exchange some info or thoughts, was really looking forward to reading this when I had time. I am good with it, plenty of muscle memory and everything flows easily. This is a valuable consideration to those who want one load across the board for their carry gun and duty rig. Equipped with a suppressor, they make ideal home defense weapons and they are less likely to over-penetrate. I went with the 45 Smith&Weston MP2 Shield that is good foe me. But to a victim or an attacker, what happens when an intruder gets hit by birdshot may be a lot different to 00. For compact or subcompact pistols I tend to favor 9mm due to recoil considerations in the smaller, lighter guns, and the magazine capacity limitations. The reality is that 30% is on the high side. The 9mm generally comes in loads of between 88-147 grain. Plus, I think the just plain weight of the 45 carries more "oomph". The LaserLyte is bore set low to compensate up to 300 yds. I hope this helps. U.S.A. -(Ammoland.com)- Ever since I first mentioned doing a .45 ACP muzzle velocity article, people have been asking me if I would do a follow-up with the 9x19mm. LockA locked padlock You are so lucky Benjamin. When I'm in the woods I use .45 cast. How about because one half of the world isn't ruled by a racist fascist psychopathic government that's completely ok with genocide. However neither caliber is magical, as some may believe. And full metal jacket 5.56 bullets are not more effective than 7.62 x 51 using full metal jacket from what I have read. 2. Saying you can stop an attacker faster with a 9mm than a 45 is absolute ignorance. As the mass of the projectile does not change, appreciatively, what is reduced is the velocity of the projectile. More misinformation about the 9mm vs 45. wrist. 3. I will always have a 1911, because it is my favorite gun to shoot. real world testing and experience trumps skewed charts charts and shooting blocks of jello which are nothing more than a STARTING POINT to give you an idea what a cartridge MAY BE capable of in a REAL WORLD situation. I am pretty much in agreement with the author, GET BOTH! I carry a Sig P320 Compact in .45 ACP (I mainly carry .45 ACP) and 357 SIG. Retract head from tuchus. And the one kept loaded in the bio-lock case bedside is the Colt's Government Issue, with 2 clips of Hornady Critical Defense alongside. The choice for anybody should be what they are comfortable with and accurate with. Anyone that has fired a gun indoors knows the value of a subsonic round and a suppressor. The one that works best for you is the best choice. It is waaay better than me using my own time, ammo and chrono buddy to get it done. A 9mm is generally cheaper, has less recoil and higher velocity than a .45 ACP. Velocity / Muzzle Energy Test Results. The whole point of a defensive firearm is to STOP an attacker as quickly as possible. First; opinions are like, well you know, the hole on your back side. A picture is worth a 1,000 wordsnewself-defense 9mm ammo opens up to create some nasty possible wound channels to stop attackers in their tracks. We'll send you the latest guides and training tips geared The __qca cookie is associated with Quantcast. Hum, didn't the 45 also get the benefit of those advancements? But really, the majority of gun deaths are either suicide or ignorance about how to properly operate the firearm , not malicious intent ! Get free updates when we add new tips, articles and more! Plus they have extended mags of many sizes Or back the other way, you can run 9mm NATO, +P adn all of that song and dance. Or is it just a complex but unimportant piece of data, meant for people who are seriously interested in (and can mentally tolerate) the complex physics of shooting? I may not always be there. One of the BAD things about FIREARMS in AMERICA is the DEMOCRATIC LIBERALS!! "the 9mm has evolved to the current power of the 45 acp" as if there have been no developments in the 45 acp and the 45 acp has stood still. And then some more. I am an American and although I am proud of America and her accomplishments, I surely would never discredit any of the Allies contributions to victory in either World War. Every caliber has its purpose. 5.7mm FN 30 Grain SS195LF Jacketed Hollow Point Average muzzle velocity: 2162 fps Average muzzle energy: 311 ft/lbs. And sure, you have to keep hitting which is much easier if they are close. I'll take the the bigger bullet. The 45 has more cons than it does pro's, specially with modern day guns. 9mm is a better beginners and plinkers gun and 45acp is more for someone experienced thats wants to lay the smack down. I'm not a big guy, 170 lb, I can easily carry 2 My highest capacity 45 is my home defense weapon. This really is a science, but I benefited from reading a lot before I purchased, whereas my son didn't. Not in California and some other states that stop you a 10 rounds mags. Honestly, they don't really rely on pistols its mostly a last resort type of weapon. .45 People talk about stopping power and knock down power. Bye, Vendetta? 45 bullets weigh a ton In a ammo can! lb Muzzle Velocity ft/sec. But what can you expect when it comes to 9mm ballistics velocity, energy, etc.? He probably also thought that a .22 LR will bounce around inside the rib cage. Hi Howard, I am NO EXPERT! In my opinion 185 grain .45 Auto hollow points are a better pistol round than any 9 millimeter Luger out there. He wrote: The FBI and many police departments are going back to the 9mm for one reason and one reason only its easier to qualify with a 9mm. Thanks. This, unfortunately takes time to accomplish. I would prefer to ha ve more rounds just in case. Even within AR-15s, muzzle velocity might be very different from gun to gun. Also loud as hell - enough to alert everyone in the house and even if you miss, the intruder is less likely to stick around to hear the mechanics of a pump signaling a second shot is on the way whether they're armed with a piece or a crowbar, unless they intend to harm you, rather than just steal your stuff. I've never been in a gunfight, but I have been terrified out of my mind once, many years ago, when someone did come after me with a gun, and I couldn't get my knees to stop shaking. I used .45 ACP and full load .44 Mag in competition. Maybe for law enforcement but not personal defense situation. Basically, I believe with smaller bores you need to make use of their speeds and get a temporary wound cavity that matters (to make up for its smaller permanent wound cavity). "Subsonic is slow for a bullet" lol. Josh surely has the skills to know that the results of this test on recoil and accuracy are more important than VELO only. With that being said it all lies on personal preference. Thank You! So, here is the STRAIGHT skinny on the 9x19mm v .45ACP debate. Their (the West) role was not insignificant, but a matter for boasting -- oh, please. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". RIFLE BALLISTICS. One thing I see a lot of people point to as proof that the 9mm is nearly identical to the .45 ACP in performance is the FBI testing protocol. That's a reasonable assumption, but it's not the only possibility. Brandon Harville, There is a link to a notorious anti-gun organization in your article. It also delivers additional felt recoil and comes with slightly higher recoil velocity. While not typically considered a hunting round by any means, the 9mm is effective for varmints and even deer hunting with a suitable bullet. However, that damage is effectively wasted since the cartridges were designed so that they worked as ball ammo. The velocity of the bullet is a more important determinant of muzzle energy. Both kills, but one kills instantly, the other allows for return fire from your attacker. That said, I'm splitting hairs, because I can handle both well enough, and I would feel well armed with either. 9mm is the way to-go. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". For instance, Hornady uses a 24 barrel to test and record muzzle velocities for their 223 ammo. It's also recommended that you practise with a spray before you hit bear country, so you know how the spray works and how to spray effectively. for Grizzly. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Sit down, you sound dumb. I own both calibers with two semi autos chambered for each. Here it is for those of us who have long since forgotten: KE = 0.5 m v2 where m = mass of object v = speed of object Firing 12 rounds my 9 mm wouldn't penetrate it or do catastrophic damage to it. This stat can also apply to shotgun ammunition, including birdshot and slugs, making it a consistent way to compare ammunition. According to areport released in 2014 by the FBI, the 9mm was preferred in the field because of the following: Considering all of the advantages of the 9mm, why would anyone want to use the .45 ACP? The Ruger LC380 is her favorite. Kind of like when they took away the man stoppin 308 cal m14 and gave them a stinking 223 varmint round to fight a war with in nam. More penetration does not mean more deadly. (btw; I cast, coat and load 40, 41 & 45 Colt). Its a good compromise between the 9 and the 45. Maybe target practice? Watch ballistics videos. Although higher velocity projectiles always generate more kinetic energy they clearly do not produce deeper penetration, and when the velocities reach the levels common to today's magnums, the increases in velocity result in significantly reduced penetration. Have a nice last couple decades on this planet. You sound highly inexperienced. When you said buy both at the end I was thinking .45 for carry and 9mm for backup. 3. Hornady has an XTP +P 135gr that is an excellent design. Advancements only apply to 9mm, apparently. A key advantage, as stated, is the 45's shallower penetration for home defense. If you are using ap rounds in a home defense scenario and your shot goes through a wall and hits your neighbor, good luck justifying it in court. I'll be shooting faster when I'm more confident that I can hit the target (the closer the distance; the bigger the target; the easier to handle, more accurate the gun). A different pocket holster might cure this, but so would a larger gun, with the benefit of longer barrel. If cost is no issue then .45 is probably best. I would probably carry the gun inside the waist. They are equally comfortable to carry and to shoot. Go out and shoot some pumpkins, you will see the massive difference between 45 and 9mm. You may need to spray again so a larger can is a better bet if you can afford it. My plan is to magazine dump the pistol towards the threat, en route to my Colt M4, then lay down a wall of suppressive fire until the police respond to my alarm. In fact, since the world began, only 3 people have been:- I don't care what you carry, it being a 22lr or 50AE, just make sure you carry something. The Banshee (as well as MP5, and a few others) use a mechanical delay that siphons off a fair bit of that recoil energy . Americas oldest Second Amendment News outlet. He hits the nail perfectly on the head. 9mm Sig Sauer 124 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Average muzzle velocity: 1151 fps Average muzzle energy: 365 ft/lbs. :), Here's an old lady's take on it: the best gun/caliber is what YOU shoot best. I also have rhe Rock Island 9mm/22 TCM & an AR 45 pistol. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I was watching COPS and some ACCIDENTALLY shot a 45 at a motel, it went across a 100 foot (or so) Court yard through the Flimsy motel doors Hit a man standing up and the bullet fell into the man's POCKET!! Over penetration should not be an issue. In the real world a single hit with a .45 will stop him." And yes, I know memes are meant to be funny - its just that, unfortunately, the rest of the world can occasionally get a little weary of US flag waving (not saying its your fault; besides, were expecting Americas return as the worlds good guy after January. Ballistic coefficient is a measurement of a projectiles ability to resist air drag. When i saw people who were actually shot with it and survived I opted for the 40 S&W. It's human nature. Enjoyed the reasoned comments. My "bedroom" gun (the one I keep ready for home defense situation) is a 1911 Gov. This stands in contrast to the results from my .45 ACP test, which was relatively unaffected. Like clipped on the front of your backpack harness or belt, in a manner where it can quickly be retrieved and used. They couldn't even handle 40 S&Was. Amount: 1000 Round Case. But if the FBI and cops have reverted to 9mm, I'm comfortable with it too. Furthermore, the 9mm is more practical for the average shooter looking to spend time on the range. Engagements where distance and volume of fire are important, 9mm has the advantage. I'm removing that link since it looks like it was redirected. The report indicated that the new powders and more advanced bullet designs used in current 9mm defensive loads allowed for the caliber to deliver almost similar performance to other calibers, like the .45 ACP, and .40 S&W. With bigger bores, you need only worry about the reliability of your hollow point expanding (after going through material) and going 1012 inches or so in the body to avoid over/under-penetration. Where do I stand on the 9mm vs .45ACP debate? The subcompact 9mm, is an ideal carry gun but it's lighter weight makes recoil control difficult. The 9mm was developed by Georg Luger in 1901, who based it upon his earlier 7.6521mm Parabellum. Will still have a long-range, full length rifle or carbine slung over my shoulder tooWhy compromise when it comes down to multiple enemies wanting you dead or wanting to taste your brain? At Self-Defense ranges for a pistol, 50 fps will provide no positives or negatives. The faster bullet will move an artery out of the way where a slower bullet like .45 will take the artery out . ), 9mm (379 ft. 45ACP. Good day, Karl. -- Ask countless military and police and they will tell you 9mm is not always enough. If you want to make a mess, the sig elite 230 g is a show stopper. The punishing recoil of 10mm loads also causes more wear and tear on the handgun itself, requiring parts to be replaced more frequently than with a 9mm handgun. Golden saber .65 I am ex military and I have seen way to many hiccups with autos and semi autos. Despite all the impressive "science" deployed to reinforce the assertion that higher speed projectiles are more capable of inflicting the deep penetration and impact-effect required to reliably anchor heavy game, one finds that these assertions simply do not withstand common sense, repeatable penetration testing. Calibre has very little to do with it. Praised for being compact and easier to handle than its .45 ACP counterpart, the 9mm has become one of the most popular rounds in the world. Look, ultimately both rounds have very similar energy. This way, I can make sure that he'll have some peace when I'm trying to fire some rounds on a practice target. The answer is 40SW. or 38 & 45 both. 50%? I would like to add that the FBI test comparisons that are referred to are only half the test. I hand load so my loads are tailored for each gun. Glock 43 9mm is my every day carry, IWB. : If you seek peace, prepare for war. This was the motto of its original manufacturer Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken. Thats likely more distance than youll need for self-defense. I have a Sig 1911 Ultra Compact .45 and a Sig P938 9mm. If youre shooting a hollow point at a soft target, the extra ~100 feet per second from a carbine will give you a slightly different wound channel than firing the same ammo from a shorter-barreled pistol. You effin ROCK! Hello. No speed loaders, just six more rounds in the bullet loops on the holster. Unfortunately I sense America is way beyond that point. I would recon my 5 or close to 6 inch barrel Walther p 22 loaded with them with rapid shots would do okay . In fact, if one conducts these tests, one finds that there is nothing that can be observed which supports the assertion that the faster one drives non-expanding solids the deeper they penetrate.What is apparent from testing is that penetration stops increasing at impact speeds above about 1250-1300 fps. Ill stick with my slower freight train that will knock a person flat down, even on a sloppy hit, lol. Scenario: Armed burglar breaks in and is standing in the area in which your child/roommate's facilities is now based behind him. On.45 as they are close, they make ideal home defense wasted since cartridges... Ill stick with my slower freight train that will knock a person flat down, even on a sloppy,... 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